
green light go

Oberon I


3 Years
08-31-2014, 12:05 PM

The brute found himself wandering the north, his paws carrying him surely across the terrain. Nothing about this could throw him off. He was home once more, which meant that he was in control now more than ever. The past year and a half had done him well, teaching him how to rule supreme over his emotions and his body language, and strengthening him physically as well. It was a testimony to the fact that Oberon had essentially been walking since he left Alacritia that he was even considering settling down for a while up here. His limbs had long since passed aching, and become stronger for the fact that he had kept going all those months ago, but Oberon was in fact a little tired at the moment.

And so, the male was resting in the small col, enjoying the cooler air of the northern summer. With his ebony fur, he definitely preferred the northern hemisphere thus far. At least for the duration of the summer, which was winding to a close, it would be nice to get a brief respite from the heat by wandering up here. He would not complain of any discomfort, in all honesty, but the simple fact of the matter was that he was largely black and summer was rarely kind to those darker furred wolves.

It was strange to think about that - Oberon's father had been pure white and his mother orange, so where had Oberon claimed his black fur from? Ah well. It didn't matter anymore, and it was as likely as not that no one would even remember Oberon's father. Marvel had never made much of an impression on the world around him, if Oberon was entirely honest (which he typically was). Jupiter, on the other paw... Well, there was a lot that Oberon could say about his mother. It had been more than a year since he had seen her last, but still Oberon thought of her regularly, along with his sisters. He missed them, even if he had missed little else about Alacritia.




2 Years
08-31-2014, 12:53 PM

Lost, in her own little imagination. Where was she to go? Their was little left going for her in the North, and she felt rather vulnerable. Indarra quickly fell apart, disbanding into nothing more then a figment of our own imagination. Though, S'alkrie knew it was within reason. Isardis was going to fight for his own life and even if he did succeed, what better way to live the rest of his years in peace? The girl would sigh, strolling casually across the dusty floors though really not paying any attention at all. She had no destination to go, no duty to with hold. So that was it, she would simply make her way each day with no reason or cause for her existence. Though it would seem boredom clung to her like a flee. Her steps where light and delicate, like a ballet dancer, she would carry on her travels for a little while longer, soon growing tired. Summer was the worst season for the placid babe by far, the golden rays of the sunshine giving her irritation and making her feel uncomfortable in her own skin. Her crown would dip towards the floor, velvet nose barely skimming the ground beneath her. She would become nearer and nearer to the brute ahead of her, though she would not realise. S'alkrie was paying little attention, and before she knew it her fragile structure would bump into his resting form, almost knocking herself over. Her nose had planted in his forward by mistake, though before she realised she fled, hiding behind a rock just about big enough to cover her where abouts. " Im... Im sorry sir, i didnt see you there." her voice was just a murmur, soft and quiet. She would peak around to see if he was ok, or if he would retaliate in any way. " Im S'alkrie" Albinism made her feel weak around this time of year, and she always found herself bumping into objects or trying to stay within the darkness.

OOC: I hope you dont mind the slight pp!

image by Emily, Permission to use

Oberon I


3 Years
08-31-2014, 08:48 PM

Oberon, like the stranger, had been rather distracted, his thoughts and attention turned inwards. And so he was in for a rude awakening when something bounced off of his form - a small, dainty white wolf. Oberon's gaze would lock on the other as it fled, his thoughts forming one name. Artemis, he would whisper her name internally, on his paws on an instant even as he realized that it was not his childhood companion. No, this creature was something else - an albino, perhaps? White, and her eyes were pink, not Artemis' heterochromatic gaze. Oberon felt almost disappointed, though he was also faintly amused by the other's desperate antics as she fled behind a rock only slightly larger than herself. Not much cover, though better than anything Oberon had found to hide himself behind, he supposed.

Her words spilled from behind the rock as she peered nervously around it, seeming afraid of his next actions. Easily, Oberon settled back on his paws, the tension vanishing from his muscles as he thumped his tail against the earth; all an attempt to look less threatening or intimidating. "Oberon Illiadis." He introduced himself in response to her name, the next words rolling easily from his tongue with barely any pause. "It's all right. I was only startled." His voice carried further than hers, as he wasn't exactly cowering or afraid. No, Oberon's words and voice were strong, though mostly empty of inflection. He had tried to gentle his tone slightly, but it was not entirely in his nature to be gentle.

The male examined S'alkrie curiously, nostrils flaring as he scented the air for any scents of blood, any sign of an injury, really. "Are you all right?" He questioned simply, a hint of concern leaking into his words as he pricked black ears towards her to see what her response would be.
