


08-01-2015, 08:12 PM
Forgot that Cy just became a dad. Don't have the heart to do that to his kids so he'll be the last character I'm reactivating for a little while other than my planned pups. :3

Out-of-Character Name: Keno
Age: 22

Character's Name: Cypress
Character Age: 3 Years
Season of Birth: Autumn
Adult Height: 32"
Appearance Description:

The second born of the lovely Éowyn and Birch is none of than this young knigh. Sequoyah grew to be taller than even his father, standing at thirty-two inches in height and weighing in at one hundred and twenty-two pounds. This medium-sized wolf bears an appearance that is more stocky and well built for his intend path in life. He will carry himself with a sure step, head held high and eyes alert. His coat, though healthy, will have more of a rough edge to it, giving him a more rugged appearance.

The more defined muscles upon Cypress can be noted, as well as broad shoulders. His paws are slightly larger than average, and his eyes bear an almond shape upon his face. His facial features are sharper and more chiseled than his father’s own. His chest is larger than average, efforts gained through training as both a fighter and messenger. At first glance he has a more serious demeanor than Birch as well, however once he is comfortable around another wolf he will act just as goofy and pup-like as his father.

Sequoyah bears a base coat that is light -- a little strange when first looking at his parents; The boy carries over coloration from other family members. Warm gray covers a good deal of his lower half and his face whereas darker gray covers his top end and stretches down his front legs where it ends at silver paws. His back paws are dark gra, unlike the rest of the warm gray that covers the rest of the legs. Silver graces the end of his muzzle, splashes across his chest, and marks either brow. His eyes are a mixture of those of his parents however with the right being a golden yellow and the left being lighter shade of purple. His nose is black and his inner ears are warm gray.

Skills: Already Set

Proof of Purchases:

-1st Character Slot [In Use By Allen Walker]
-2nd Character Slot [In Use By Arietta Lore]
-3rd Character Slot [In Use By Félicien Ambroise Desgroire]
-4th Character Slot [In Use By Hypnos Olympus]
-5th Character Slot [In Use By Marina Agatsuma]
-6th Character Slot [In Use By Shrike Destruction]
-7th Character Slot [In Use By Sunniva Jarvela]
-8th Character Slot [In Use By Thanatos Adravendi]
-9th Character Slot [In Use By Cypress]
-10th Character Slot [In Use By Kar Savvil]

All other charactesr were set inactive.


08-02-2015, 11:15 AM