
Koval Family


08-31-2014, 06:14 AM

With another potential Old Ebony boom starting I have decided to try put Isi's family up for adoption again. They're not related to the Xanilov family, they weren't any sort of royalty or nobility or as pretty as any of them but they can still have a little bit of love right?

Fyodor Koval and Taisiya Durov were rather quiet members of Ebony, they were nothing special just kept their heads down and got on with things. Equally when it came to the rebellion they kept their mouths shut, choosing no side really in the matter. Of course in the long run obviously they showed loyalty to the new leaders in order to keep their home. Their children were born after the rebellion and so have no experience of it all themselves other than whatever they have heard from the pack.

Isi obviously couldn't have cared less, though the opinions of her siblings will be up to whoever adopts them. I would love for at least one of them to have been against the Xanilov family, listening to all of the rumours and believing them having ambition to try rise through the ranks of Old Ebony. I imagine they've probably travelled here due to worry about their sister, she is after all hardly the most responsible of wolves. I'd like as well for her siblings to be at least a bit more serious than she is though still close as a family.

Names and appearances are already selected though obviously you have full range with personality keeping in mind what I've said above. In terms of sizes their father is 34 inches and their mother is 26 inches so they're not likely to be huge wolves.

So, take a look at them they are listed below with their lineart, click the lineart for a bigger image to see the markings clearer. I want the players to be active with them, so if you fall inactive with them (without good reason) they may be put up for adoption again.



Whether he likes it or not will be called Rikky by Isi

Gift here



Whether he likes it or not will be called Arty by Isi

Gift here



Whether she likes it or not will be called Lily by Isi

Gift here

<b>Views on Xanilov Family:</b>
<b>RP Sample:</b>



4 Years
09-03-2014, 05:12 AM
Name: Rurik Koval (Also called Rikky by Isi which he loves)

Appearance: Rurik stands at a solid 28 inches and is rather sleek but muscular in build. He sports a wonderful charcoal grey pelt with a dark brown ridge along the top of his neck to the beginning of his back. Upon his devilish face there is more dark brown fur to be found beginning at the forefront top of his muzzle to where both of his eyes are. Graced with the blessing of snow white stockings that make up the fur of his fore and hind paws he certainly gives off the looks of a uncertain handsome beauty. Eyes almost matching the color of a darkening sun he always wears a silent bound smirk upon his maw.
With this Rurik was built for running but that doesn't mean he isn't also built to fight.

Personality: There are a few words to describe Rurik's personality but some are more apparent than others,

Rurik is never shy and won't back down from a fight with anyone no matter their size, this may lead him to future trouble with those who don't handle it well when another stands up to them when they wish to be the dominate one.

This can very well describe him, his loyalty to his family is never ending and unwavering. Harming his family means you are ready to put your life on the line because he will hunt you down to the ends of Alacritis until you have learned what it means to harm his loved ones. He will also be loyal to those who have earned his complete trust and harming those who have will also earn you a spot on the list of who he will hunt down.

This is another means of loyalty to describe him but when it comes to family particularly when it involves his sisters, he would do anything to keep them safe. His brother Arty and his sisters Isidora and Liliya both mean the world to him and all he wants is for them to never come to harm from another wolf. Not if he has anything to say about it that is.

This side of him is only shown to family and very few others. He wants his brother and sisters to know they can come to him if they need someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on. Rurik doesn't like seeing his family down and does what he can to show them that he can be a good brother to them. Despite not liking that Isidora gets herself into trouble there isn't much he can do but be there for her when she needs him.

There are many more things that can describe this family oriented brother in the Koval line but that which describes him best is his sense of bravery and loyalty as well as being protective and caring about his loved ones.

Plans: Up for anything that involves Isidora and family which can be practically anything so long as he gets to have interaction with them even if its not always a friendly interaction with them. Also up for other plots with him as well for getting him out there in the world of Alacritis will help flesh him out a bit more.

RP Sample:

The morning was slowly rising and as usual Rurik was the first one up. He was always the one who goes to sleep last and the is the first to rise well most of the time. This was turning out to be a somewhat peaceful moment getting to be with his brother Arty as well as his sisters Isidora and Liliya. There was a small smile that pierced Rurik's inky lips as he began to stand up and stretch with a rather loud yawn escaping from his maw. Orange eyes scanning over the landscape before him, making sure that nothing would disturb his family as they slept.

Slowly the sun was beginning to lift up more and more and Rurik felt the warmth of its rays begin to slowly bathe his charcoal grey pelt barely kissing the dark brown spots that were of his face and neck. Finally deciding to sit down and let his tail curl around covering his snow white paws the brute watched the sun continue to come out more, to greet him and the rest of the world. Rurik was quiet as he slowly turned himself around to face Arty and the others as he spoke in his rather usual serious but caring tone of voice ?good morning, may the sun wake you from your peaceful dreams for our day begins again? however he couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.

Family meant more to him than anything else and seeing them rest peacefully was more than enough to bring a calm and relaxed smile to his face. Once more his orange eyes would look over the landscape as the brute was still on alert. Nothing was going to get past him as long as he was awake to deal with it while those who rested couldn't. Nothing was going to harm them so long as he was there to stand watch like the loving protective brother he is.

Side note: Thank you for taking the time to read my app for Rurik and best of luck to everyone else applying for these three wonderful Kovals :)
-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-