
I just can't wait to be king!

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
08-04-2015, 12:22 AM

Her feet led the young wolf to the South more often then not these days. Of course it had nothing to do with the fact that Arcus lived in the area. There hadn't been any storms for a while and she missed the presence - both the metaphorical and actual of her closest friend. It was strange to realize she hadn't made any real friends desire her sunny disposition and constant exploring. It seemed those she ran into where temporary entertainments, nothing as real and necessary as Arcus. Of course, nothing could ever compare to what Arcus had come to mean her, nor the little girly feelings that had started to surface for the first time in her life in regards to him, but she was eager to make other friends. She lived for company, exploring, sunny thoughts and feelings.

Perhaps that was why she only skirted around the area that housed her friend - her worry at the new feelings forming and the wise to add a few friends to her collection, now that Arcus was so much more then just a friend. He was a best friend, a confident and the source of odd feelings. She moved through a land new to her now, her steps light and energetic as her head moved back forth, craning up and glancing down as she explored this new place. Her over sized blue feather bounced about, flicking her cheek and then her shoulder as she moved. A brilliant, speckled bird letting out a cry as it wheeled in the sky above.



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

08-04-2015, 12:39 AM

Since his friend had returned to him his days had grown much brighter. He no longer wanted to mope about in front of his den all day or grudgingly do stuff with his family. That cheerfulness and hyperness he had held as a pup had creeped back into his daily personality and it made it hard for him to keep still. He hardly left Arivae's side these days, but today he did with a kind of mission in mind. He wanted to find a little gift for her! Some flowers maybe or a shiny rock. Just a little something to surprise her with really. His quest brought him out of the Fiori borders and into the nearby areas.

He made his way through the pale trees of this unusual forest since he was sure that somewhere so strange was bound to have something interesting to bring home to his friend. Just as he paused his steps to peek around the base of one of the larger trees, bird song caught his attention and he lifted his head to see a little bird wheeling around in the sky. Well, it could be a normal sized bird. Everything seemed small to him. He glanced back down toward the ground and his dual-toned gaze landed on a girl that was almost blueish colored like himself with neat white markings. But what really caught his eye was the blue feather that was bouncing with each step she took. Something like that would make an awesome gift! Eager to see if she could maybe help him in his quest, he padded toward her, his gray striped tail wagging slowly behind him. "Hello there!"


Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
08-04-2015, 01:16 AM

It seemed today she would not have to go in search of a friend, instead one would come in search of her. As she moved through the territory a stranger would call out to her. Perhaps that explained her birds cry, a warning of the approaching behemoth. She grinned easily at him, bright eyes looking up at him as he came closer taking in the multi - toned eyes of the boy, the bright shine within that told her he shared her sunny disposition. His face was an interesting mixture of dark blues and silvers and she couldn't help but think that and silver feather would perfectly accommodate his shades and mentally grinned at the idea, it seemed she couldn't help but match up wolves with their perfect feathers, if they wanted it or not. "Well hello there Mr blue" she called out to him, turning to him squarely in front of her and taking a step in his direction through he was covering the ground between them easily himself.

When he was at a distance to talk comfortable she would speak again "We almost match" she teased him playfully, moving a step closer to him so there was little room between them, utterly fearless beside the mountainous creature. She seemed totally unafraid , or perhaps nieve of the potential dangerous a strange wolf might offer. She lifted a paw, not quite touching him but putting it to where she could compare it to his front leg "we almost match... Perhaps if I lightened up a little in the sun we would be the same" she said, laughing easily as she looked up at the stranger, already comfortable with her new friend and likely highlighting her total innocence in assuming so much so quickly of a total stranger in a new land.



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

08-04-2015, 01:45 AM

He was glad that the stranger didn't mind him intruding on whatever it was she was doing. In fact, she looked just as happy to talk to him as he was her. He was actually a little surprised by how forward she was and how easily she stepped into his personal space. Tib didn't mind at all. He had never felt threatened or awkward by other wolves. Perhaps his obvious size advantage to almost everyone else was to thank for that, but he was happy to let her get close to him. He grinned and chuckled at her greeting for him. Mr Blue. He liked the sound of that.

She held up her leg to his and he would look down to see the comparison of their colorings. She was right, if he was a few shades darker or her a few shades lighter then they would practically be twins in the color department. Actually, the stripe down her back and tail was even similar to his, hers just covered her shoulders more and wasn't quite as solid as his own. If he didn't know better he'd think they were at least cousins or something. "I think you're right!" he responded with a chuckle, his voice a low rumble as usual. "I'm Tiburtius. Who're you, color twin?"

Speak Thought Others

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
08-04-2015, 02:13 AM

He would take to her easily, chuckling at her light words and she beamed back at him, brillient blue eyes to multi - coloured shimmers of red and green. Yes, she definitely considered him a friend already, and we'll on their way to becoming besties. It was funny, for one that made friends so easily to have no others as perminant and dear to her as Arcus. The new boy would glance down as she compared their colours and seemed to be in agreement with her assessment. In fact, she almost wouldn't be surprised if he had a touch of destruction in him - she found members of her wide spread family every where she looked. The problem was, she got her colouration from her father's side and not her mother's - that she could thank her Facial patterns, something Mr Blue didn't share. Her father, unlike her mother, was a stranger to these lands and as far as either of them knew, none of his family had followed him here, so she doubted their similar toned coats actually came from a shared leniage.

"I'm Shaye Destruction" she gave her full name, just in case their was any shared blood in them - it was always fun to find new family members. "That's a pretty long name you've gone, mind if I shorten it to Mr Blue?" She asked, only half joking as she beamed up at him, tilting her face to the side so her feather flopped over one eye and she had to blow it away from her face with a lazy gust of air.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

08-04-2015, 02:24 AM

He smiled happily when she shared her name. It was a lovely name and he thought it fit her very well. He was pretty sure she wasn't the first Destruction he had met, but it did confirm that they weren't family. Well, that is unless another half of her lineage was Armada and she didn't go by that name... but he highly doubted it. He was actually pretty glad to meet someone that he wasn't related to for once! Besides Arivae pretty much everyone he knew was family in some way or another. Besides, he was always in need of new friends. She asked about calling him Mr. Blue instead and he couldn't help the deep chuckle that passed his lips at the idea. "That's fine by me. Most wolves call me Tib, but Mr. Blue is kind of catchy too."

Tib chuckled a little bit at the thought again and thought to himself that he was glad that they had become such fast friends. That would make his request even easier. "You see, Shaye, I'm actually out here on a mission of sorts. I have a best friend, Arivae, and I want to find a present for her. When I saw the pretty feather you have there I wondered if maybe you could help me find something for her? I mean, you obviously have an eye for pretty things and since you're a girl and all maybe you'll have a better idea of what she might like." He looked at her hopefully, his tail still wagging slowly behind him.


Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
08-04-2015, 02:34 AM
Mr Blue laughed easily, a catchy trait that had her grinning up at him with just as much enthusiasm. There was no doubt in her mind that the pair word get along fantasticly, and he seemed about her age too. "Perfect" she said happily, as he agreed to the new nickname. Tib could work occasionally but she could imagine mostly calling him Mr Blue, it suited him and added a bit of flair, and it was unique to him and her, as was right to wolves on their way to becoming best friends. She probably aught to find out more about him before she labeled him so, but to her it didn't matter. His past, lineage or pack meant nothing to it all centered on the personality and how he reacted to her bright nature and so far everything was going perfectly.

He would start to speak, addressing her by name as he explained why he was out here. She tilted her head and listened with ease. She couldn't help but laugh at his explanation that as a girl she might have a better idea. After all, it might even be true - every new wolf she saw she immediately decided which feather would suit them best. "I'd happily help you. Perhaps you could explain a little about her nature and her colouration so I can better find something?" She asked, falling easily to the task ands she thought at presents best friends might give each other. She though immediately and inevitably of Arcus, who had received his feather with much joy and and gratification, of the storm he had shared with her in return. Without even realizing she had pulled herself off her hunches and started walking, a slow and absent minded pace that the larger wolf could have matched in his sleep and she worked through options in her mind.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

08-04-2015, 02:53 AM

He immediately grinned happily when she agreed to help him. Thank goodness! Who knew how long he would be out here searching without her help? Although he didn't want them to find whatever he would give Arivae too quickly. He wanted to get to know Shaye a little bit too. She asked about Arivae's coloration and nature and he started thinking about ways to describe his closest friend. Shaye began to wander off and Tib didn't think too much of it, he just started following along beside her with slow, lengthy steps.

"Hmmm, well, she's mostly black all over with little white markings over and under her eyes and on the tips of her ears. And there's a "V" shaped white marking across her shoulders too. She's much smaller than me and kind of dainty really, but very pretty. She has bright blue eyes too." Thinking about her made him smile. "She's very sweet and caring and just fun to be around. This one time she was playing in a snow drift and I snuck up on her and jumped into the snow, but since I'm so big the snow scattered everywhere." He chuckled at the memory and grinned down at this slightly smaller new friend. Suddenly a realization dawned on him and he gasped. How could he have forgotten! "Arivae's last name is Destruction! I completely forgot! I guess I never really call her by her last name so I didn't think about it. That's where I had heard that name before!"

Speak Thought Others

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
08-04-2015, 03:13 AM

He fell easily into place beside her, matching her pace if not her shorter stride. The pair would start to walk through the unclaimed territory, although their attention was more to their thoughts and conversation then it was to the actual land or their surroundings. Dainty, little, black with hints of silver. Perhaps she should find matching shaded silver feathers bur of different size, one to match a little lady and the other to the behemoth. She giggled softly - the beauty and the beast? But Mr Blue was far too pretty to be described and such. He would continue to describe her, clearly he thought highly of her and she wriggled happily, it was just like she thought of Arcus! When he mentioned she was a Destruction, Shaye laughed. “My extended family is so huge I don't even know half their names let alone have met them, but that's amazing. Maybe we should meet some time, it would be nice to know more family” she said easily, her thoughts now amused that she was finding a potential cousin a gift for Tib to give her.

She smiled again as she wondered what Arcus would think of her handing out more feathers, perhaps, that was more of of a special thing between the two of them. Feathers wasn't the only option however, she thought about her well decorated father and decided a little silver ribbon would be the best for a dainty pretty black and white girl. Thing was,they weren't going to just stumble across a feather. She would have to ask her bird, who was far better at finding shiny things. She whistled and he glided down to her, landing on Mr Blues wider shoulder rather then her. She looked to the small, and brilliantly blue form of the Treeswallow "Think you can help us find something shiny and silver, perhaps a ribbon?" She asked him and he shuffled his weight from claw to claw, as through thinking about the request, before crying out once and opening his large wings and taking off again, soaring out of sight. she grinned and shrugged, assuming that was a yes. He got grumpy sometimes when he wasn't with his lady counterpart - Arcus's new companion bird, but he was still good company, and a friend. "We could still look around ourselves, see if we find something different" she suggested easily to Mr Blue.



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

08-05-2015, 12:10 AM

Tiburtius nodded in understanding when Shaye talked about how big her family was. "I know how that is. I've heard all kinds of stories from my mother about all this family I have, but I've only met a few of them. But I'm sure Arivae would love to meet you!" He grinned excitedly at the thought, imagining the three of them on some sort of adventure. Arivae was so playful and friendly that he was sure he would have no problem convincing her to come play with him and one of her many relatives.

Suddenly he was pulled out of his thoughts by Shaye making a whistle noise and a moment later he was slightly startled by a bird landing on his shoulder. He blinked with surprise and twisted his head back to look at the bird, recognizing it as the one he had seen just before meeting Shaye. It was apparently a friend of hers in some way since she asked it to find some kind of shiny silver thing for them. A ribbon! That would be nice. Arivae was always sprucing up her den so a ribbon would look so nice there or maybe she could wear it. Who knew? The bird took off after a few moments and he chuckled as he grinned at his new friend.

He nodded eagerly at her suggestion and let his dual-toned gaze scan the area around them again. "Thanks for helping me with this, Shaye. It's really nice of you and your bird friend there. Arivae just came back from a trip to try and find her parents and she means a lot to me so I want her to have some kind of welcome back gift, you know?"

Speak Thought Others

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
08-05-2015, 02:03 AM

Mr Blue would mention something about his own family and the size of it, and she couldn't help but grin. So she wouldn't be the only one with a wide spread family of cousin's and all else spread out every which way, half of she didn't even know existed but in idea. It would also seem that this one friend would lean to another, one with blood relation to her, and she nodded eagerly at the idea through she said nothing more to it. She could also easily imagine the three of them off on adventures and having fun, and maybe she could drag Arcus along!

Tib also took well to the small bird landing on his shoulder, he seemed surprised he did noting aggressive and didn't seem too put out. The pair where still walking through the territory, keeping an eye out for anything that might stand out as a gift to his friend and her relative. “Fair enough, I hope we can find her something nice and special then” she said happily in agreement. She was scanning the area and shifting her head about but couldn't see anything shinny that stood out. She glanced up to see her bird companion was well out of sight and could only hope his aerial surveillance would give him the advantage needed. Shimmering tones of blue would catch her attention and realized they where coming up to a spring and she changed direction to head more directly towards it. It was really pretty, the water seemed to shine. “Wanna go for a swim?” she asked, uncertain if that was too much of a detour from his mission or if he would be okay with it.



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

08-05-2015, 02:14 AM

Tiburtius followed alongside Shaye, thinking nothing of her changing their path a bit here and there. He was too distracted by his search to really even notice the spring ahead of them till she mentioned something about it. His ears perked with intrest and he looked at the water that was now in their path. "Sure!" he replied certainly without much hesitation. He wasn't in a huge hurry or anything and he certainly liked going for swims. Part of him still missed the cold of the north and even this mild Spring weather felt warm to him with his thick slate-blue coat.

A challenging grin spread across his lips as he suddenly looked to his new friend. "Last one in is a rotten egg!" he taunted with a laugh before bounding forward to the water's edge. He launched himself forward on strong legs, sailing forward several feet before splashing down again in the water and causing a wave of water all around him. The water wasn't terribly deep, at least not where he was, so the water only barely came up past his stomach, but he still appreciated the cool liquid surrounding him. He chuckled and turned to find Shaye with his eyes again, looking to see if he had won his impromptu contest.


Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
08-08-2015, 03:09 PM

Mr Blue's response was immediate and enthusiastic and she would grin at him happily. She knew he had come out here for a quest of his own making but he certainly didn't seem daunted to be side tracked, through perhaps it helped that Mr Bird was on the case. Next thing she knew he was throwing a challenge her way and she squealed in surprise, already leaping forward herself, eager to take on a challenge. It was totally unfair of course, he got not only a head start but his long legs sailed him over and into the water. She ran anyway, undaunted and unwilling to give up so easily, she ran until she reached the surface, then she launched herself into the water, not hesitating for a second or checking its temperature before she was immersed fully.

He had, naturally, won with ease, but laughed anyway, and thrust her paws through the water in an attempt to splash him, ducking herself in case he retaliated, plunging her head fully into the water as she dived and circled about him before coming up gasping for air between her laughter.



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

08-09-2015, 03:30 PM

Well he had definitely won the race, but Shaye still won in catching him off guard with a quick splash of water. The water hit his face as soon as he turned toward her. He sputtered and shook his head to get the water off his face, but he was still laughing with her all the same. This mission to find Arivae a gift had taken a turn, but it was definitely a fun turn! It wasn't very often that he got to meet someone new and he could certainly see Shaye being a good friend. After all, she had dropped everything to help him on his search on top of having some fun with him too. He grinned as he looked down through the water and watched her swimming around him.

While he was watching his new friend, something shiny caught his attention down in the water. His ears perked and he tried to look at it more closely through the surface of the water. When Shaye popped back up to gasp for air she splashed him a little bit again, catching his attention. He shook his head off again and grinned at her before looking back down through the water and finding the shiney rock again. "I wonder what that is," he mused before taking a deep breath and then popping his head under the water. When he came back up he had a rock carefully held between his front teeth. "What do you think?" he mumbled around it. It was small, maybe two inches long or so, but it was silver colored kinda sparkly. There was a hole through the middle of it too so maybe if her bird friend found a ribbon after all he could make it into a necklace!

Speak Thought Others

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
08-31-2015, 06:06 PM

She caught a case of the giggles as she watched her new friend splutter and shake out his head. Her paddling was a little erratic as she struggled to keep her head out of the water and shake with laughter at the same time. She cooled down after a moment, an easy grin taking place on her face. It was easy to be happy in the presence of her new friend, and she was so glad she had run into him. Tib's attention was caught by something and she swam closer to his side to get a better look. He was spying some colored rock on the lake bed and she tried to squint through the water to see it better.

Tib dived down and a moment later surfaced with it between his teeth. “It's a pretty rock, it could be a good gift?” she offered, beaming up at him. Even a break to have fun could be fruitful it seemed, and perhaps here in this he had found the gift he was looking for. She glanced up at the skies, wondering if Little Feather would return with some ribbon.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.