
tiptoe higher



3 Years
08-06-2015, 08:22 AM" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:550px; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top; border-radius: 25px; background-color:#0c0909">
He needed to get himself back into the swing of things. Just because he was a loner now, didn't mean he couldn't take care of himself. He needed to keep track of eating and drinking, which came pretty natural to him...but cleaning and often keeping up with his fighting skill, those were things he'd sway on. Which was ironic, because today he decided to do both of those things. After washing in a nearby lake and drying off, Ixionn had decided it'd be nice to stretch his muscles and spar again. But he'd probably fail, considering it had been awhile since his last spar.

The large boy arrived at an open area in which gave him and his anonymous opponent plenty of room to spar in, without running into a tree or something. He glanced over his shoulder slowly, eyeing anything that lie behind him, before letting out a sigh and seating himself. Hopefully this spar would be friendly, and nothing serious like a force claim. He was completely out of practice, and he was sure he'd get an elephant of an opponent. Large, dangerous...eck. Either way, whether he won or lost, he'd be okay. Besides...a small spar won't kill him. Ixionn groaned and threw his head up, summoning anyone who would be interested in a spar with him.

"Burn Baby Burn"



10 Years
Extra large
08-06-2015, 09:48 AM
The call that rang out, from quite a distance away, was a battle cry - but of a particular type. Not a true fight, but a practice one, something he had done many times before but admittedly not since coming to Alacritis. Curious at the possibility of a spar, he redirected himself toward the cry, his pace quickening as he sought to approach.

It only slowed when the awful stench of the field hit him like a ton of bricks. This place smelled of death and blood, and while he was not terrified of such things, they weren't exactly pleasant. The brute's nose would wrinkle, his posture stiffening defensively as he crept closer. Only when a male came into view, who he assumed was the one who had called, did he slow his pace.  "You wish to fight?" came his heavily accented voice, his eyes gleaming with curiosity as he closed the distance between them slightly. This man was smaller than himself, though certainly not small by any means. He looked like a good opponent indeed.



3 Years
08-08-2015, 04:29 AM" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:550px; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top; border-radius: 25px; background-color:#0c0909">
Ixionn wasn't alone for long. When the foreign aroma hit him, he whipped his head around, only to see a massive stranger. He was mostly made up of grey tones, but shades of maroon were also topped along his ears, legs, tail, etc. But the most interesting part about this stranger was his tusks, that seemed to stretch downward from the lower jaw. Ixionn's throat swelled, and he felt his muscles grow stiff. It was only until the man spoke to him, in a strong, foreign accent, did he relax.

"I do indeed," He responded, attempting to equal out their height difference by raising his head, but it hardly worked. Ixionn snorted and stood to his paws. He'd start readying himself, but the stranger was welcome to make the first move. "and you, my friend, may start this fight." He finished, sending the man a weak smile before stepping back and beginning to slide into his defense posture. First things first. He bent his knees, distributing weight to each of his four paws in order to maintain balance where he stood. His head and his tail moved to align with his spine, however, his tail was ready to shoot downward at any moment.

The man tucked his chin to protect his throat, rolling his shoulders to bunch the fur around the neck and blade area. It was only then that he outstretched his toes into the dirt, tightened his abdomen, widened his stance just a bit more, pinned his ears to his head, and rose his hackles. Narrowing his eyes toward the multicolored stranger, he nodded slowly, signaling to him that he may start whenever he was ready.

"Burn Baby Burn"



10 Years
Extra large
08-08-2015, 09:48 PM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2015, 09:53 PM by Áki.)
It wasn't at all difficult to note that the other was a bit surprised at his presence - not because it was unexpected, but because he was a bit intimidating. It didn't come as a surprise to him, not in the least. He would keep his ground as his future opponent sized him up, his head tilting as he gazed at him and assessed him in return. "Thank you. My name is Áki, by the way," he would introduce himself, feeling as though it would be quite impolite to start a fight without even let the other man know who he was. May luck be with me, Horagalles, he would say silently to himself before beginning to shift into a more defensive position.

Keeping the distance of no more than half a dozen feet between them, he would instinctively bow his head closer to the ground and align it with his spine, his back straightening as he did so. His limbs would shift, his weight settling equally across his body, as they bent slightly so that if the other man chosen to initiate an attack he wouldn't be sent sprawling across the earth. Likewise, he found his toes spreading, claws biting into the soil for some semblance of traction. His bushy tail would unfurl from where it lay curled against his hocks, standing straight behind him to aid in his balance. His eyes would narrow, closing around his crimson stare, as his full attention fell on Ixionn. His normally friendly gaze grew more determined and fierce, and though his ears pulled back to press against his skull, and his jaws parted slightly as his lips twitched to reveal the smallest of snarls, there was no honest malice in his expression; only plain determination and a desire for a fair, friendly fight.

Once he figured Ixionn was as prepared as he would get, he would begin to rush forward, aiming to come from head on -- with his head angled very slightly to his own right. His movements would be quick as he tried to direct his parted jaws to Ixionn's left shoulder, opening them wider. The exact spot he intended to grab on to the flesh directly in the crook of his neck, between his shoulder blade and neck, hoping that once his bite landed he would begin to push most of his weight down into the bite. He intended to send Ixionn sprawling from the force of his greater weight, and leave him vulnerable for the next attack.

Round 1 of 3 (let me know if you'd rather do 2!) for Spar

(edited with permission from Eve)



3 Years
08-09-2015, 08:12 PM" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:550px; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top; border-radius: 25px; background-color:#0c0909">
The man had kindly introduced himself, which Ixionn hadn't thought of before. But it was too late to reply now. Before he knew it, Aki was rushing toward him head on. Ixionn's lips curled back into a slow snarl, letting out a startled gasp as the massive man clasped his jaws around the area between his shoulders and neck. Before he could react the large, multicolored beast lowered all his weight into the bite, and Ixionn felt almost helpless for a moment as Aki dug into his neck. But after thinking for the few seconds he could, the man decided on a counterattack.

While being pushed downward, Ixionn had become closer and closer to Aki's left foreleg. To be specific, down near the elbow joint. A sensitive area in which he had learned about as a young child. But from where he was positioned, he could not strike from the inside of his leg, only the outside. Ah, unfortunately. It would have worked out much better.

Nevertheless, while still being held by the neck, Ixionn lurched forward from his crouched position, angling his jaws to the left in attempt to wrap them around Aki's upper left forelimb. Around the elbow joint, that was his goal. At this point, if he were to get his jaws around the limb, he would attempt to bite down and shift his hindquarters to the right. This way, he could aim to push the man while still attached to his leg, hopefully forcing him to release his neck in the process.

round 1 of 3 for spar!

"Burn Baby Burn"



10 Years
Extra large
08-12-2015, 08:13 PM
Though fighting was not necessarily his specialty, it was a necessity in this world. It seemed to him that life was hardly worth living if one was able to - or worse, not willing to - defend themselves or those they cared about. He knew he needed the practice, and so he would dive head-first into the fight without hesitation.

Ixionn seemed surprised at his sudden attack. Perhaps he was a bit less skilled than he had anticipated? Either way, he would not falter. As his jaws fell down on the area of his right shoulderblade and neck, he ensured his legs were still spread to keep his weight spread evenly between his limbs. His claws continued to grip the soil as he maintained his spread toes. His tail would remain even with his back, spread behind him, aiding in his balance. He kept his shoulders rolled forward, trying to scrunch his scruff up around his neck so that he could keep his vitals more protected in the case of a counterattack. And while his bite was firm, and he was putting a large amount of weight onto the other man's body, he was not intending to hurt him.. not much, at least.

His successful bite had sent Ixionn closer to the ground. He felt his opponent's jaws strike the upper portion of his left foreleg. The pain surged through him, though he was greeted by a pleasant rush of adrenaline that all but masked the pain from the moderate bite. The pressure was great enough to force him to buckle slightly from the bite, and he released his hold on Ixionn's scruff just slightly. Readjusting his weight to account for the pressure on his front left him, he would attempt to swing his hindquarters to his own right to hope he would angle himself away from the majority of Ixionn's body, knowing the closer he was to him, the more likely it would be that he faced a more serious attack. He attempted to keep his head low to the ground as he would aim to retract his jaws from Ixionn's neck, this time aiming to not grab hold of the crook between the right side of his neck and shoulderblade, but to thrust his head forward and aim to push his backwards with all of his weight.

(Sorry this took so long! Feel free to default me if I went past the time limit, not sure if I did xD Up to you!)

Round 2 of 3

Head Judges


10-05-2015, 12:12 AM
And the winner is...

AKI! Due to Ixionn not posting in the allotted time the fight has been defaulted in Aki's favor. Ixionn must now give up by either submitting, fleeing or passing out.