
found my way back home

Oberon I


3 Years
08-31-2014, 11:32 AM

It had been a long while since Oberon's paws had touched the soil of the lands he'd been born in. He had been a yearling when he'd left, and now the male was easily approaching three years of age. He was in the prime of his life, and his muscular body was a far cry from the scrawny figure that Oberon had been when he'd been younger. The son of Jupiter didn't look much like his mother, but something of her could be seen in the oranges that dappled his figure, far more watered down than anything his sisters bore on their pelts. Speaking of them... Gira and Ana, where were they? Had they too left their family behind, or were they somewhere nearby?

For the first time in a year, there was a possibility that Oberon might run into his family. He knew nothing of their current status, of where his mother was or whether or not she ruled still ruled a pack. In Oberon's thoughts, of course, Jupiter would always be a ruling planet, dominating the sky (and the world around her). Even if she didn't have a pack at her paws, Jupiter was still a Sol.

There was a vague sense of familiarity to these Northern expanses, Oberon found himself thinking. He could hardly remember ever being here before, but it had been a long while at any rate. Maybe he had visited these lands before. Ears twitching absently, Oberon sunk back on his haunches, black and peach tail wrapping around his paws easily. With his coloration, he was difficult to miss against the surrounding area - black and orange didn't exactly blend in anywhere. But Oberon could take care of himself if push came to shove, and it didn't exactly look like there was anyone else out here.


Athena I


9 Years
09-10-2014, 09:54 AM

The northern lands of Alacritis fascinated her. Most of the year everything in the north seemed to be frozen in time, trapped in an endless cycle of snow and ice. Of all the places she had traveled, the north was what kept calling her back. Maybe it was because this was where she had been born and raised, but either way this was her home. She didn't stray from her pack lands very often without reason, but every once in a while, like today, she felt the need to roam and explore, just to see if anything had changed since the last time she had been out here, to see if her thought of the north as frozen was true.

Silver paws carried her at a comfortable pace along the large, solitary wall that cut through the landscape, stepping over the various rocks that dotted the area around the crumbling form. She caught a new scent on the breeze and it pulled her attention away from the landscape and tugged her gaze toward a form up ahead in the distance. Her pace slowed a tad, but she was always interested in meeting new wolves and hearing new stories so she didn't deter her path at all. Instead she padded toward him till she came to a stop a handful of feet away. Her split-tone ruby and emerald gaze settled on him curiously as she said, "Interesting choice of resting spot. There's certainly better views nearby." A slight smile touched her muzzle and she added "I'm Athena," before settling on her haunches as well. She was never one to see others as strangers or even as threats unless she had prior reason or they gave her a reason to think so.


Oberon I


3 Years
10-14-2014, 08:42 PM

Oberon noted the approach of the stranger, though he hoped vaguely that she would continue on her way. Still, the wolf's purple gaze flicked across the strange female's form, examining the strange adornments on her legs with curious eyes. "Oberon Illiadis," He stated simply in response to her introduction, the words falling easily from a maw.

For a moment, he fell silent, tail curling easily around his paws as he examined Athena curiously. His body was relaxed, but he was ready to react if she proved to be a threat. "Deja vu," He elaborated slightly as to why he was there, turning his gaze out across the frozen expanses. Even as he examined their surroundings, however, his attention was still partially focused on the other, alert and ready for her to make any sort of action. "I think I've been here before." More talking to himself than to Athena, Oberon's words were thoughtful, and less cold than they were typically.

With that spoken, Oberon again glanced towards Athena, nostrils flaring slightly as he took in her scent - it was almost familiar, but he couldn't for the life of him figure out why.

Walk "Talk" Think