
I was looking for a breath of Life.


08-08-2015, 07:20 PM

A silent hush hung in the air of the eastern water front, the only noise that touched the atmosphere was the gentle pitter patter of the frozen spring rain that washed over the still half frozen earth. The rapids were elevated, the mixture of rain and the bitter wind that gripped at it had the waves rolling in an almost angry fashion. This was enough to keep all souls at bay, small animals awakening and birds returning from their southern haven all expecting spring warmth were all nestled tightly in their trees and the larger game and animals curled tightly, attempting the retain what body warmth they had.

Yet, the midnight figure that sat in silence at the water's edge, seemingly fascinated in the patterns of the swirling water only let the slightest tremble run across her lithe body. Weary travel painted across her delicate and bony facial features, but there was little time for rest. One's security in life was in which the life they chose, and whispers amoung the trees had led Saint to the Abaven's borders and she intended on securing her life on these borders. While she would have preferred the life of that being alone, she had little worth to herself, what use would her desire to work be to herself? No, sometimes a sacrifice in the form of slight companionship which she would find in a pack was worth the purpose, and the drive to work. Otherwise, she might as well consider herself an enemy in her own head, past memories and words would flit in and out and slowly tear away at her sanity, and that simply would not be.

Standing, her limber legs led her into a stretch that shook her whole body into awakening, and while her heart rate began to escalate, and anxiety seeped through her veins, a gambler's face stayed upon her. Nervous actions would get her no where near where she wanted to be, and a cool façade would be best served in this moment. With a sharp intake of breath, she tilted her head back and with her exquisite sing-song voice, a howl rang across the lands, calling for a leader. This was not be to her first allegiance somewhere, but Saint intended for it to be her last.

"It's a melody."



7 Years
Extra large

08-09-2015, 08:29 PM (This post was last modified: 08-09-2015, 08:30 PM by Lark.)
Lark was a year old now. By all rights, he was an adult, though he felt far younger than he would ever let on. It seemed though that having his parents leave Abaven, if only for awhile, had forced him to grow up a bit. He would rather have them home, along with the rest of his siblings, though he was still grateful that some had stayed.

While patrolling the borders was something that was a responsibility of his, he didn't exactly answer to wolves that called. But why not, he figured? It couldn't do much harm. The massive boy moved across the plains, aiming toward the borders near the rapids, where the call had echoed from. It wasn't the most pleasant of days, with the cool spring rain beating down in a steady fashion on the earth, but that would not deter him. His young face, still clearly clinging to remnants of a youth that was in such recent past, was a picture of determination. It was void of childish curiosity; his eyebrows were drawn together tightly as he made his way to the stranger, finally spotting her and quickening his pace.

There was little time for pleasantries, as far as he was concerned. "What do you want here?" the yearling would ask plainly, his head tilting to the side as he examined her with narrowed eyes. Perhaps she might not take him seriously, for he was clearly a boy still despite being more than a head taller than her, but he was as dedicated to defending Abaven as his elders. "And what's your name?"


08-10-2015, 09:13 AM

Patience had never been an issue of hers, she probably could have rested on the banks of the rapids for days waiting for an answer to her call. It was so peaceful in that moment, that her vivid eyes closed and she listened intently to the world around her. The life she had grown accustomed to, was to change with this one decision, but the life of a rogue, the life she had lived for some time now was not one of peace, safety, nor was it made for those who could stay idle no more. Boredom had started to seep into her veins and she often had found herself pacing in angst. Yes… this was the best decision she was to make, or at least she had hoped so.

It did not take long before paw and nail pounding on the soil crept into her senses, the rain held his scent at bay for awhile, but as he approached it became clearer. Yet, she kept her eyes closed, until a youthful voice touched her ears which pricked in his direction as he spoke. Such… urgency tickled at his tone, and while some may have become offended, she simply opened her eyes and gazed upon his young face with a polite, soft look.

“My name is Saint, I have traveled quite far and in doing so, I came across a rumor of a pack that took their members to quite a high standard and relished in a good work ethic. If this is true… I have come to offer my allegiance and service to this pack.”

The words flowed smoothly and she left her gaze unwavering on the wolf before her, her words soft and at an even rhythm. It did not surprise her that a youngster would be the one to initially greet her, border patrol was something many packs seriously and while she made no assumptions, there certainly had to be reason he was assigned the position and therefore he deserved as much respect as any member that would have came to greet her.

"It's a melody."



7 Years
Extra large

08-13-2015, 08:12 PM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2015, 08:12 PM by Lark.)
It always struck him as strange when someone new joined Abaven, or even when they asked about joining. How had they found out about this pack? How could they even be trusted? He did, however, understand that Abaven might be appealing to others and so it was not necessarily surprising, just.. weird and uncomfortable. His nose wrinkled as he regarded this woman, assessing her quietly. She seemed quite harmless, soft and gentle, reminding him a bit of his mother.

Her words brought a surge of pride to his chest, despite his wariness. "That is true," the boy would acknowledge, his head lifting as he took a slow breath. What more could he say? Their members had always been held to high standards and pushed to do their best. "I think you've made a good choice. There is no better place than Abaven." And while he didn't have the power to accept her, no; he could tell that she seemed serious about her proposal and he could only hope she would be driven enough to succeed here. Hopefully Allen would see her potential as he was certain his father would.

After examining her for another quiet moment, he would tip his head to the sky, calling for Allen once again. Once his call was finished, a strong and proud song, he would let his head lower again. "My name is Lark Destruction, by the way. My dad's the alpha here, but he put someone else in charge for now while he's gone."