
''Cause you were all yellow

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
08-10-2015, 05:58 PM

Shaye had traveled far and wide, she had even been to the other side of Alacritis! The land her father had come from, he had seen so much and yet, she realized there was one place she was yet to visit. This was a place Motif once had frequented almost daily as she strive to build up her skills as a warrior. Shaye hadn't seen the appeal, she had been too interested in healing and Rhythm and pretty much anything Rhythm loved. Well, maybe that explained Shaye's new found interest in this place. Rhythm had begun to love fighting as well, so clearly there must be something thrilling and amazing about it.

With her usual fearlessly she strolled casually onto the fighting field, as through she couldn't for a moment think that this could be a bad idea for an untrained young female. She was yet to encounter anything terrifying in her life, and viewed the world with such a sunny deposition that surely everyone she met could only be a potential new friend. She scuffed a paw against the earth as she looked about, uncertain what she was suppose to do here. Did she howl? Did she listen for someone else to howl? How on earth did one go about getting a fighting companion here?



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



6 Years
08-10-2015, 06:32 PM
Voltage was addicted, it was decided. He didn't know why, perhaps it was the adrenaline. It was a great way for him to burn off excess energy, and it kept his mind at ease knowing he was building his skills to defend his children and family from dangers. Which was exactly why he was trotting back onto these battle fields that was oh so far from home, to work on those skills. He had decided to take it easier than he had before his children were born, and he only came here every so often rather than constantly. He stepped along, feeling the adrenaline continue. This place just set fire to his veins! It was then that he spotted a young female, his head tilting slightly as she so innocently wandered through the battlefield. This...was strange. But then again, the most innocent could be the most deadly. Who knew! She might just have all the skills of a battle sargent, and so good that she never got a scar in her young life. Who knew. So he trotted towards her, his signature grin upon his lips. "Hello there! Are you looking for a spar?" He asked happily, standing a few feet away from her.

"Burn Baby Burn"

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
08-10-2015, 06:39 PM

Her wondering's wouldn't last for long as a make, a few years older then her, showed up. She turned her attention to him when he spoke, and gasped, squealing with delight. “Your beautiful!” she told him, then clapped a paw over her mouth before any other crazy words could slip out. She easily giggled at herself however, trying to reel in the laughter so she could explain herself. “I'm sorry, its just your coloration is so perfect. You would need a gold-red Macaw feather to suit your coat, nothing else would do. It would even match that tattoo perfectly!” she pointed out excitedly, swinging her head so he could get a goof view of her own feather. A brilliant blue Macaw had left this one behind.

She coughed, knowing she was well of track. “My mamma and My Aunt like to come here, I wanted to find out why. I haven't ever sparred before, but I would love to spar with you!” she said excitedly, facing him head on, no longer trying to display her feather, she would crouch low to the ground, her butt springing up and she wiggled it excitedly. She looked like a cat about to tackle a mouse, and she looked at him, clearly expecting him to make the first strike.



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



6 Years
08-10-2015, 07:02 PM
The young thing would turn to him and completely and absolutely catch him off guard. His eyes would grow wide as his smirk faded, tilting his head. Beautiful? That was…an odd one. Though he had had several comments on his coloration, he had never really gotten this big of a reaction before. He blinked once, twice before a laugh bubbled from him. "Ive never been called beautiful so…energetically" he said with a laugh, looking towards her beautiful little feather. "That…reminds me of my brother's.." he said softly, his brows furrowing slightly before he shook his head.

When she explained that she wanted to learn and then quite quickly bowed down in what he could only guess was meant to be playful, he couldnt help but smile. No, he couldnt…probably spar her right now, no. Not untill she knew how to properly hold a stance. "Do you know your defenses?" He asked then, taking a step towards her.  He would circle her then so he could come up to her side. "Because one little…push" He would lift a paw then to push at her side, hopefully toppling her over. "Not very good when youre trying to get your teeth into someone."

"Burn Baby Burn"

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
08-10-2015, 07:11 PM

The stranger took her words well,surprised, but laughing it off easily and she beamed up at him, already liking him, already considering him a friend. He said something reminded him of his brothers, she wasn't sure if she meant the feather, or if he meant her outward way of speaking, she didn't think too much of it, didn't connect the dots. He didn't really comment much else about her feather or strange way, instead he would bring up more about spars, and she pulled her head up from her playful stance and tilted her head at him as he spoke. He moved closer, and she was still mostly in her playful position except for the head raised to asses him. She watched him as much as she could as he circled her, wondering what kind of strange attack this was.

She squealed as a paw touched her side, knocking her off balance – not that she had had much of one to begin with, and she sprawled onto the ground. She bounced back onto her feet immediately, shaking out her coat. “Okay, so defenses first, then teeth into someone” she agreed, grinning up at him. How had her Auntie done it in that fight she had witnessed between her and Kyrst? Hmm. Feet out, right? Tail up? she moved her body into the stances as she thought of them, but, oh, this was no good. “What defenses are there, Mr..?” she looked up at him for guidance, he seemed to know what he was talking about.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



6 Years
08-10-2015, 09:48 PM
Voltage couldn't help the tender smile that spread across his lips as she tried her hardest in her stance. She obviously hadn't had any fight training, since defenses were naturally the first to learn. A wolf could naturally bite and rip, but the finesse of battle was the defenses, the counters, those had to be taught and trained. He shook his head just slightly then, moving to step infront of her again. "What's your name?" He asked gently, trying to be polite. It would be good to know her name before he went all teacher mode. "Mine is Voltage Elementas." He dipped his head to her then before he cleared his throat, looking at her. "First, its obvious you haven't...been in a spar before. So you really shouldn't be here. Don't want a big bad scary wolf coming along and you wont be able to defend yourself." He'd smile softly then before he took a step back, shifting his stance just slightly. He rolled his shoulders out before clearing his throat. "First and foremost, you need balance. Balance comes from your legs and your core muscles. You need to always be sure your balance is strong, because if you get flipped over it could be the end, they could reach your soft belly or other vitals." He looked at her then, his eyes soft but his face grim before he slowly smiled. "Now, your limbs should be shoulder width and hip width apart. You should grip at the ground with your toes and nails and bend your knees. I generally like to put more than half my weight on my hind legs, because that gives me the option to spring. Your hind limbs are much stronger than your front legs, so if you keep most of your weight on them, your balance will be much better and you'll have more control over your movements."

"Burn Baby Burn"

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
08-10-2015, 10:28 PM
She looked up at the older wolf, happily and easily pleased as she waited to see what advice be might drop. He didn't seem to hesitate for a moment before dropping the first advice about her stance where he had knocked her over. It made her think that he was happy to teach and she was eager to soak in anything he had to say. Well, that had been all that had been on her mind until he turned around and asked gor her nane, and gave her his own. "I'm Shaye Destruction" she said, before giving way to excitement. "Elementas!" She cried, realising instantly who this must be. "Arcus is my bestest friend ever!" She squealed proudly, looking him up and down now for any hint of Arcus in him. He took to her easily, seemed like someone she could trust right off the bat like Arcus had been.

Until she was distracted yet again by something else, Voltage's next words. "If such a wolf exists I a'nt ever met one. Everyone I meet becomes my friend " she said, explaining her very simplistic view of life. She was worried his words meant to send her away but he easily jumped into training and she realized it had just been a warning. She fell silent, eyes upon him, and listened. The key point was balance and how to achieve this. She remembered how steady rhythm had looked in her spar and nodded eagerly. She shifted her body as he spoke, mimicking the poses he mentioned. She spread out her paws, dug claws into earth, bent her knees, and shifted slightly more then half her weight into her hind legs. She had moved her eyes to the ground as she did this but she raised them again to look at voltage, waiting for his judgement snd advice.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



6 Years
08-10-2015, 11:16 PM
Voltage was oddly caught off guard when Shaye said his brother's name. He blinked over widened stormy eyes but quickly pushed it away. They could discuss it after this training session. He wondered if she was the cause for his sudden change in attitude. But then again, was it...really sudden? He doubted it. With a gentle sigh he'd look over at her. But his mind continued to stay on Arcus, and their parting. It pained him to even think about it, to think that this girl was his brother's "bestest friend" and yet...he had said such things. With a heavy sigh he would try to focus, clenching his jaws just slightly. Focus, Volty, Focus. Arcus can wait. So he smiled softly, feeling himself relax as she tried her very best to set her balance probably, and he was rather proud. Nodding his head, he'd smile to her. "Good! Now for balance you can either use your tail to help keep balance, or you can tuck your tail to protect it. It's pretty instinctual when to use it for balance, but you always want it to be tucked when its anywhere near your opponents jaws. You don't want to lose your tail, Shaye." He said delicately, smiling softly. He'd then step forward to nudge under her neck slightly. "This and your under belly must always be protected. In your neck are two very vital parts of you. One is your trechea that allows you to breathe, and the other is a main artery that pumps blood through your body. You do not want these cut or crushed, I swear." He said softly but gravely. Fighting could be very dangerous. "In practice spars or fun spars, wolves wont be going for your neck but you should always defend it reguardless. Lower your head and tuck your chin. You should also push your shoulders up and forward to bunch all that extra skin along the top of your neck." He would step away then to show her, pushing his shoulders forward and tucking his chin. "And for your underbelly, if you have your weight on your knees you should already be lower to the ground, but you want to make sure its out of reach. Low ground is often better than highground in spars."  

"Burn Baby Burn"

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
08-11-2015, 12:12 AM
Voltage didn't say anything when she told him she and Arcus where best friends. Perhaps he already knew, or perhaps it had something to do with the distance Arcus had spoken between himself and his siblings. She had thought he might have found some solice in the knowledge of how important a storm was in the greater scene of things, but perhaps it hadn't changed anything for him. It made her a little sad to think about and she couldn't help but wonder if the best friend code meant she shouldn't be mingling with a brother he didn't like. Her brow furrowed, but in the end it just went against her nature not to adore any new wolf she met, to turn down knowledge and friendship. She sighed and soothed away her concerns, Arcus was hers, her bestest friend in the whole wide world, learning fighting from his brother wasn't going to change that.

Voltage would continue to teach her and she gasped in outright suprise at his suggestion she didn't want to lose her tail. How was that even an option? "But I love my tail" she said in confusion, unable to fathom such bodily harm. "I know a little bit about that, I've been learning to heal for some months now from my auntie, she thinks I'm getting really good" she said proudly, but she didn't want to seem like she was getting off topic so she nodded and said "neck and belly must be protected" to show she had been listening. Her bright, trustful eyes where upon him, soaking in everything he said, she loved to learn and would prove to be a quick study, or do everything she could to make herself a quick study. To follow his words she lowered her head, tucked in her chin, and raised her shoulders, bunching the skin around her neck. Her feet where still in the balanced stance he had talked about earlier. It wasn't too strange to her since she had seen rhythm in, she just hadn't remembered all of it or understood it at the time. "Really? I didn't know that. Well, not the I knew anything about sparring" she pointed out, in response to his comment aboht low ground being preferred.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



6 Years
08-11-2015, 01:15 AM
Voltage would chuckle softly as she exclaimed her love for her tail, and he couldn't help but grin. She was quite the innocent little thing, wasn't she? He almost felt bad teaching her such an art, but if it meant keeping such purity alive and well. Besides, he was having fun. He would beam as she said she enjoyed healing and was rather good at it. "Perfect! With a healer's knowledge and a fighter's bite you have an advantage over those that don't know what lie beneath the skin. It's a great thing, to know both sides, because as a healer you will better know how to handle a battle wound, and as a fighter you'll know how to inflict one." He said with a grin, nodding his head. "You have quite the head on your shoulders, young one. Keep working that brain out, and you'll be the smartest thing in all the land by the time you're my age." He said then before clearing his throat as she slipped the defenses he just explained into her stance. Pride washed over him as he analyzed her stance and couldn't see much wrong. "Well, highground can be great in wars or raids, when you need to surprise your opponent. But most spars are right in the thick of it, and for smaller wolves getting low can allow you more power in your legs, and to get under certain defenses to reach those vitals. It is an advantage to be smaller, because you are quicker and can get to better places. It depends on the fight and the fighter, really." He didn't want to lead her down the wrong path, didn't want her to always go for the lowground and get squashed. But she was flighty. "Use your speed, it will be your best friend. Work on your agility over your power and you'll bite them and get away before they even know what you're doing." He said with a laugh before he took a step towards her. He lowered his head to look her in the eye, smiling softly. "Now, the small details. To protect those pretty eyes of yours you're going to want to narrow them. This will help you see better as well if there's dust kicked up in the air. Curl your lips to create loose skin along your face to protect the rest of it. Your ears should always be pressed against your skull, to keep them from getting bitten as well! Then your hackles and your fur should be on end. You will want to be poofy, so someone has to get through all the fur and possibly miss your skin." He hummed then, thinking. "Just go through the song! Head and shoulders, knees and toes. Eyes, ears, mouth and....fur." He laughed then, grinning brightly. Oh this was fun! He hadn't been a teacher in quiet some time.

"Burn Baby Burn"

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
08-11-2015, 01:30 AM
He seemed pretty happy to learn how she had spent her life so far learning to be a healer, that it would give her the edge on the battlefield. She beamed at that, thinking the perhaps the was how rhythm had picked it up so quickly. Well, that and of course the Fact that rhythm was just the most amazing wolf in the world. She snorted at voltages next words. She already Arcus was far wiser then she was, he understood things and people better then she did. Still, perhaps she had a more academically smart brain, one good for learning. She had taken to healing pretty quick and with rhythms dedication knew she was learning fast. Fighting was different, but it also felt right. It ran in her veins, motif had been a natural born fighter before she had given it up.

She tried to soak in everything voltage was explaining to her, she knew they had barely even started, he was giving her a feel for the defends but she hadn't put them to the test yet, and they hadn't even touched the subject of actually fighting another wolf, showing her how to move and fight. She wasn't totally sure she would be good at that part. The defence made sense after voltage explained them to her, they made sense from a healers point of view. She could only hope fighting came as naturally to her, but it was something she was yet to put to the test.

Voltage stepped closer to her, and she narrowed her eyes at his command. She was still holding the defensive stand, adding to it each time he spoke but not undoing a single thing. She wondered how long she could hold it for, with her legs stretched and claws dug into the earth - all that felt comfortable, but tucking her chin and rolling her shoulders, narrowing her eyes... She couldn't imagine holding all that for as long. She curled her lips, folded her ears and raised her hackles. It was a lot to remember! Holding every single detail in position now, and keeping it there reminded her of what she had to do, if he had just spoke it and she had just nodded then jt would have made it harder. Doing it, that's what helped commit it to memory. Clearly she wasn't the only one thinking about memory as he gave her a song to memorize and she laughed easily with him, "Head and shoulders, knees and toes. Eyes, ears, mouth and fur!" She sang back. She giggled again "this is fun. I'm really glad I met you Mr voltage. So these are my defence I'm suppose to do, before I do the teeth - biting part. Now you can't just knock me over!" She pointed out. She wanted to suggest a real match now, but he was the teach and he knew what he was talkng about, she would wait to see what he wanted to do next.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.