
White Hot Chocolate



08-30-2014, 12:19 PM (This post was last modified: 08-30-2014, 12:19 PM by Haruka.)

She had needed a little break from the commotion that was Bevroren, with all the drama that was seeming to unfold there. Yet another high rank had left them, and more and more wolves seemed to be wandering away from their grasps. Perhaps she needed to go out and try to recruit some members, although her lack of trust for the general population was not in her favour. So, some air was needed, carrying her to a land that was not too far from where she called home. She missed her brother dearly, and for once in her life she was craving someone to talk to. Letting out a soft sigh, the dame folded herself upon her rump and sat on the cool ground, her head turning to look pack at the pack lands behind here. It was all too much at times, it was nice to get away to just do nothing at all. Or so she thought... Loneliness was not a feeling that she often was plagued by, nor did she ever care for it too much. She usually strove for being alone, sticking to hiding herself in the shadows. But today, there was something different about today. Perhaps she had been called out here for a reason, just as her paws had led her to Bevroren for a reason. Haruka seemed to have a calling that dragged her here, and her brown eyes scanned the horizon to see all she could. Maybe this was a good thing, she just hoped that she didn't have to wait too long.



5 Years
08-30-2014, 12:46 PM

Gnawing hunger had made the woman more lucid than she might have been otherwise. Her body seemed to move of it's own accord, making it's own choices while she lay curled up within her splintered mind. Where was she headed, and why? She might find out, sooner or later. The white fox-demon was still following her, but he did not feel like such a threat just then. Had something changed? Raisa refused to look over her shoulder to where he trailed her some twenty yards back, wondering whether he would disappear if she did not give him to gratification of existing. So far it had not worked. Stone pillars and sparse trees lined the slopes she traversed, growing more and more common as she descended into the valley below. She was... waiting for something. Something was going to happen in this valley. It wasn't until a small grey bundle burst from cover a length in front of her that she realized what her body had wanted. It took off after the rabbit like a shot, in a wild and reckless abandon. She careened into a tree trunk and jarred her shoulder, but the pain seemed distant. She twisted an ankle on a small fragment of rock, and the pain lanced up her limb but she blustered on. With a lunge that sent her sprawling head over rump, she clasped the rabbit in her jaws and locked down with a satisfying crunch. Or was that the sound her skull made when bashed against a stone. She came up panting, bleeding from her shoulder and from a gash above her eye. The blood stung when it dripped into her eye and her head was pounding, her vision blurry, but she had meat. Sweet, warm meat. She wouldn't know if it was worth it or not, and she tucked into the meal mindlessly, completely unaware that her downhill excursion had landed her practically on top of another small creature.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!



08-30-2014, 01:39 PM

She had caught the quick movement of the female as she crashed after a rabbit, after all she wasn't too quiet about it anyways. With mild horror she watched as the female seemed to destroy herself trying to run after that gray creature, battering her body for such a simple meal. And then with wide eyes, Haruka scrambled backwards to avoid being landed on. The stranger didn't even seem to notice her as she tucked into the meal. The smaller dame swallowed hard, a bit nervous around this seemingly feral wolf. "Hello there." She called softly, trying to grab her attention. Maybe this is why Haruka was called here, to look after this girl that couldn't do it herself. She was all cut up, they needed to be cleaned out if they were to heal properly. "Will you let me clean your wounds miss?" The fox-coloured female kept her words low and soft, treating her almost like a pup. It was obvious that she needed to have someone help her, and the small girl was here to do just that. But she couldn't do anything unless this stranger allowed her too, Haruka was honestly slightly frightened. She could be turned on in a moment, this feral girl was holding all the cards at the moment.



5 Years
08-30-2014, 06:37 PM

Over the throbbing sound of blood in her ears, Raisa almost didn't hear the voice. She had torn the skin back from the rodent and began emptying it's chest cavity before looking up and finding she was not alone. With a snarl she bounded backwards, but fell hard she she tried to put pressure on the ankle she had twisted. Her snarl became a yelp, and then a whimper. Her meal was so far away now. When the other wolf spoke again Raisa's ears twitched but she would not speak, even if she had remembered how to. In that feral state she couldn't do much of anything, truth be told. To either alloy or deny the woman's request she would have to have some notion as to what she had asked. At the moment, that was escaping her. She could only sit there and stare at her ankle and whimper, close her eyes and wonder what had happened. She didn't understand, she didn't understand anything... It was all so jumbled and foggy. She would not look back at the stranger, wondering if maybe she was a demon too, like the small fox. She did not seem him just then, and did not look for him either. To ignore something was to make it go away. That alone seemed certainty.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!