
Braggarts and Thieves



3 Years
Dire wolf
08-15-2015, 05:00 PM
OOC: This thread is the very first Diamáchi Event! -CHEERS- Yayyy! So, this is how it's gonna work...

This will be a story telling competition. The Diamáchi are very focused on making a name for themselves of course, but also in general oral history. Members who chose to attend will each have the chance in their post to tell a story. Feel free to talk about something that actually happened to your character, lie and create a fantastic exaggeration of sorts (at the risk of being called out and teased by your peers of course), or even tell separate tale all together, unrelated to your character in any sense. In the case of the final option, with the exception of Native American myths which typically title their characters 'Bear' or 'Eagle' or some such, it would probably be best to change the names. No copy-paste! You must tell the story in your own words.

Once everyone has told their tale, they will each be judged like a game of apples to apples. Please choose your favorite story and PM Mithras with your vote! I will not be voting, to keep things fair! The story with the most votes will earn themselves a table of that character done by yours truly! (Or another willing artist of your choice!)

There is no minimum word count. Go crazy! This is mostly a thread to bring the players of the Diamáchi together! Please note that all characters should be at least familiar with everyone else, having met before and conversed from time to time. If you have any questions or concerns, please ask your fellow players what they would prefer!

Mithras was just about sick and tired of trying to track down each member of the Diamáchi separately. Curse and bless them for being wanderers, because they were damn hard to find. He stoop atop the rocky outcrop and look to the horizon, scanning it for any sign of motion. Behind him a setting sun was painting the sky in vivid citrine hues, rubys, pale pinks and lavenders. Puffball clouds floated lazily in a warm spring breeze, and if we wasn't so frustrated it might have be a glorious evening! Finally, the celestial giant tipped his head back and let out a summoning howl. He knew not everyone would heed him, because after all, why should they? He wasn't necessarily a new guy but he certainly didn't have any pull with them. Beyond that, some of them were probably just too friggen' far away! He sighed and frowned, praying that someone would come out of the woodwork.

He had an idea. It was probably crazy, a bit farfetched, but it was better than something. He looked down between his paws at the strange tooth that sat there. It looked and smelled like a rock but it was clearly some sort of... tooth, probably, or a claw. Except it was so much bigger than anything he'd ever seen before and he prayed again to anyone who might be listening that whatever lost it didn't come looking for it again. He'd found it in a pile of scree at the base of the ridge. It had fascinated him, why wouldn't it intrigue someone else? At any rate, he hoped it would entice his friends to play a little game, because he was way too bored to keep on aimlessly wandering.

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!



1 Year
08-15-2015, 05:27 PM
Tally hadn't wandered too awfully far from Mithras after she stumbled upon him again. She was always wandering, sometimes aimlessly, the others with a strange purpose that only she understood. Ever since she were old enough to leave the watchful eyes of the adults she spread her pawprints as far and wide as her bravery would allow her, which incidentally was not too far and not that wide. She had times when she played with Wraith, and when he refused to play with her she ventured off towards the west where her other friend lived. She spoke of him often, but never in a very realistic way. As she grew older the stories of her and her friend started to slow, perhaps due to her thinking it was bothering others, rather than her growing up and realizing it wasn't true. And in a way she knew, somehow. He was imaginary, but that didn't change anything. He was still her friend. She had just began to walk in the direction she knew he always stayed when she heard Mithras call. For a moment she stood there, staring at the distance with her eyes narrowed, more so curious than commanded. She could have easily just ignored him, more so because she grew up in a clan that didn't believe in strict orders or those that could command others, she grew up knowing that she was an individual and she could make her own thoughts and her own decisions.

So she decided, with every ounce of her pure heart, that she wouldn't go meet with her imagination today. No, she'd go see what the galaxy wolf wanted. With a grin she'd turn, bounding towards her oddly colored friend. Her paws moved quickly through the territories she knew, her mind a wonder with the possibilities. What did Mithras want? Surely it had to be something fun if he were calling all the clan together. She wondered if Wraith would be there, he lived and breathed for the clan, right? Surely he would be there. She slowed to a trott when she spotted her rather obvious friend, a gentle grin upon her lips. "Hello Mithras, what's going on today?" She was excited, her tail swishing behind her as she grinned up at her friend, not catching the odd rock at his feet.

"Burn Baby Burn"

Káti 1


1 Year
08-15-2015, 06:52 PM

Káti was resting peacefully beneath an oak tree, letting the soft evening breeze caress his fur. He'd been active most of the day, wandering and gathering herbs and felt that by now he'd earned a decent break. Ears flicked back at the sound of a summoning howl. The boy opened his cerulean eyes and turned his head toward the call, quietly analyzing it. He did not recognize the voice and it didn't seem to be too terribly stressed. The location seemed to be a land he had not yet had the pleasure of exploring and goodness he'd rested enough!

Káti took to his feet and loped through the terra into the Fossil Ridge. He had yet to really explore this land and as he skittered through the dark, fallen away earth he peered at the strange chunks of bones that were littering the place. Hmm… ok, it was a little weird out here. Káti stopped and stood there, debating what to do before a shift in the breeze brought a familiar scent. Vitality! Had she gone to investigate the call as well?

Turning a bend Káti immediately frizzed up at the giant, brightly colored wolf. Whoa… he was even crazier looking than Natalia, a wolf he really only knew in passing. Eyes quickly settled on Vitality as he scampered over to her. "Hi Tally… do you, uh… know him?"



08-15-2015, 07:23 PM

She wasn't far from the boy's call, immediately interested in his plans for this evening, calling everyone to the fossil ridge. It wouldn't take her long but it seemed she wasn't the first to arrive. She would gently pad to the small group of wolves that had gathered so far, looking to Vitality and a boy she had probably only seen from a distance clinging to her side.

Her silver eyes would look at the girl, giving her a friendly grin and a nod in greeting. Then turning her gaze to her friend, Mithras with a glance down to his paws to see what was in his possession.

"Found yourself a trinket, have you?"

She asked with a raise to her brow. Waiting for others to arrive if they pleased, she was eager to find out what fun they could have this evening. She knew it would be a perfect night.

Walk "Talk"



4 Years
08-16-2015, 02:19 PM
Yay stories! - A translation for any Russian words can be found by hovering over them.

Natalia had been content with her wandering day, having explored farther reaches of the continent and even stopped by the strange bridge once more, though she still did not dare to cross it. She had settled down to focus on the stars, analyze them and point out the constellations as she had always done before she settled down for the night, after her final meal, before she heard a call rise through the trees that surrounded her. It was faint, but the tone was familiar and it sounded of Mithras. The sound came from the same direction as some of the stars better known to the world. She would use Ursa Minor and Aquila as her guide to the locale of the meeting, never wavering in her step.

The tigress’ blue form would arrive, looking around to see who had gathered around to see what the young man’s call was about. It had been curiosity alone that interrupted her ritual in favor of finding out what the younger man was up to. “Greetings моя семья. Молодые Митра, why have you called?” Her thick Russian accent hinted at curiosity as she took a seat towards the side of the group, close to no one in particular. She had been a member of the Diamáchi for quite some time but part of her still felt out of place, not that it was anyone else’s fault. She was the one who tended to remain silent, though that was simply for former Tsar Princess’s nature.

Talon I


4 Years
08-17-2015, 05:34 PM
For the first time in his life, as far as he could remember, Talon felt.. at peace. To say he felt like he had a home wouldn't be right, for the Diamáchi had no real home or lands that they called their own. And yet he knew he had a group to depend on, that he could call if he needed, and that thought alone had made existence that much easier. There was no more aimless, confusing wandering in sight for them, though he still felt like he might see Kangi around every bend and curve of the land. The ghosts of his past still haunted him. The last year with the Diamáchi had ailed so many of his pains, both the physical and the emotional ones, and yet as though he had a long journey to go until he was whole again.

The way of life that the Diamáchi had adapted seemed perfectly in tune with his own. Talon had grown accustomed to surviving on his own.. it was a meager life, but one he had no qualms with whatsoever. He was thankful that Mithras had invited him to the group, grateful he had given him a chance despite how frail and weak he had been, and he had no idea how to return the favor except by growing strong and remaining with the Diamáchi.

Most were mere acquaintances to him. He knew their names and their faces, but he was apt to be shy and withdrawn even still. It'd taken him months to get truly well again, and now he was beginning to come out of his shell - if only very slightly. Still, he felt an undeniable excitement bubble up within his chest when he heard Mithras' call. Not all of the Diamáchi were overly social, and he was accustomed to spending many days on his own without word from anyone. This, though, he was certain would bring them all together.

He would travel as quickly to the gathering as possible, which was limited by his speed, given that he only had three legs.. and yet he tended to stray close to Mithras' scent and it did not take him long to make the journey. As he approached the few that had arrived already, a shy smile would paint itself on his boyish features. None of them were new faces to him, yet his attention fell mostly on Mithras and he would hop over to him, offering a humble nod of greeting.   "Hi Mithras,"    he would say quietly, his gaze searching the others, his expression wavering between happy and anxious. "And the rest of you, too."



6 Years
08-20-2015, 07:43 AM (This post was last modified: 08-20-2015, 07:52 AM by Irie.)
Irie Diamáchi

fossil ridge

Her ears perked up at the sound of a familiar call, and a slow grin spread on her face. She wasn't in a hurry; she loped slowly towards the call - curiosity prickling her, but there were no pressing issues, and this was no pressing issue itself. If it were, the call would be... quite different from what it had been. As she arrived, she could see she was not one of the first - that was alright, perfectly alright. Her eyes fell first on the large wolf that dominated the meeting, and then her eyes fell on Talon. A smile tugged at her lips, and she bounced over to the wolf, poking his ear in greeting with her nose before sitting back near him. True, she didn't really know him, but that held no say whatsoever - he was Diamáchi; he had proven himself Diamáchi, and Mithras had vouched for him. He had been with the Diamáchi for months, now, and she figured it was time that he got to know some of his family, and begin to know the affection that was abundant between them. Well, at least, affection from her. Anyone who knew her - Tally, Mithras, Lyre, those she had taught... well, they knew.

Her attention then turned to her sister, and she beat her tail, grinning as blue eyes sought grey eyes for just a second. Then her gaze was gone, and she was craning her head to look at the giant.... tooth Mithras had. Oh, her paws just itched to get a hold of it, but she held herself still: she would look it over later. She had seen similar things in her four years of life, but never one so big. It was absolutely fascinating.




2 Years
08-20-2015, 08:30 AM
Wraith Diamachi
Though he adored his siblings, doted on Tally especially, Wraith was still an adolescent and prone to the same moodiness of all adolescents as they sought to find their place in the world, and so he had been wandering more or less alone the last couple weeks. The call that touched his ears and raised his head had come at a good time though, with the sturdy yearling ready to return to his family. The voice... that was Mithras, who Lyre had brought into the group some time ago. The oddly colored older male had proven to fit in with the Diamachi as though born to him, though Wraith still found himself wary of him at times. He'd proven to be Diamachi to the core, but...

Shaking himself to release some of the sudden tension, the red eyed wolf turned to lope in the direction of the call. There'd been a note, not of command, but of playful invitation and it piqued his interest. More, it would likely pique the interest of quite a few of the Diamachi who had made their way close enough to hear him, and it was more than past time for Wraith to make himself known among his kin again.

Pausing as he came upon the group, his fiery gaze scanning them until he found the softer form of his sister, and his expression softened. Good, Tally had made it here. Wraith closed the distance between them and sought to press the side of his cheek to hers before sitting himself next to her. A suspicious glance was cast over her shoulders to Kati, the male Tally had been dragging around lately, before the disgruntled yearling turned his attention silently to Mithras with a brow raised questioningly.



3 Years
Dire wolf
08-21-2015, 08:36 PM

Mithras almost couldn't believe himself as members of the clan poured forth from the surrounding lands. All manner of shapes, sizes, colors, and to him they could be called kin. A smile broke out across his mottled lips, and he fiddled with the tooth at his paws, shifting it this way and that so as not to just stare them all down like a creep while they approached. Tally reached him first, chipper as usual, and his tail thumped against the earth. He opened his mouth to answer her, but a new fellow spoke before he got the chance. Mithras could only assume he knew Tally as well, seeing as he addressed her, and if he was alright by Tally he was alright by him. Mith gave him a warm smile and a nod, a silent greeting. Lyre was hot on his heels, speaking of the tooth he had pinned under his paw. "Might have," he wheedled, not wanting to give away anything before the time was right. Nat would ask why he called, and he gave her a wink but nothing more. Talos would get a broad smile and a greeting all his own. It seemed that Irie and Wraith would be the last of them, and only then did Mithras clear his throat and stand.

He looked them over with a smile of pride and familiarity, even for those he hadn't spoken to or even spent all that much time with. It didn't matter to him, they were Diamáchi, and he was one of them. "I'm bored," he said in a bored tone, feigning disinterest and looking to the horizon as if he were unaware that calling them away from their business could in fact be called 'annoying.' He laughed before any of them had the chance to misread what he thought was humor, because the thought that any of them might actually get mad at him was unsettling. "So! I came up with a game, of sorts. A competition really." He pushed forward the tooth. It was perhaps three inches long and gently curving. The inside edge was lightly serrated, and it gave ever indication of being a rock and a tooth all at once (LINK). He was fascinated, and if he didn't need some sort of encouragement he'd take the trophy as his own.

He looked up at them all once more, and began to speak again. "Since stumbling upon you guys I've heard a lot of great stories. You put the bards of my homeland to shame, honestly, but I want to know who's the best. So! It'll go like this. Everyone who wants to play will tell a story, and the winner gets this! I found it in the scree below, and personally its one of the coolest things I've ever seen. You win, its yours." He feigned a waver, as if uncertain about something. "Unless, that is, you're too afraid whoever it belongs to might come back after it." He gave another wink and looked out over the crowd, trying to gauge their reactions. He hoped no one would be upset, but he hadn't exactly tacked a note of urgency to his call. And anyways, they all needed to spend more time together anyways! It'd be fun... Right?!

"Talk" "You" Think

OOC: Okay, so here's how this will work. I assume it will take a hot minute for some of you to come up with your stories, so unless anyone objects, I say we ignore posting order from the initial 'showing up' posts. Cool? Cool. Again, stories must be WRITTEN IN YOUR OWN WORDS (no copyright infringement and no copy-paste, ya rascals) and there is NO LENGTH REQUIREMENT. The story can be a truthful bit of your characters history, for example, or a less than truthful boast! A funny story, sad story, glad story, mad story. Red fish, blue fish, etc. OR! If could have nothing at all to do with your character, maybe a legend passed down through the clan about a hero of old, or a story their mother told them when they were children? Really, go nuts! Can't wait to see what you guys come up with. Once everyone has responded, please send one vote to Mithras for who your favorite was. The winner IRL will get a table of their Diamachi made by yours truly!

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!

Káti 1


1 Year
08-23-2015, 05:23 PM

Káti watched as the other Diamachi filed in, feeling much more secure with them around though he wasn't terribly frightened of the large, strangely colored man.  After all Tally didn't seem bothered by him so he couldn't be that bad.  Wraith entered and shot him a glance and Káti, unnerved, quickly looked away.  The other boy intimidated him.

The boy's ears would perk up as Mithras mentioned a game.  Ohhh a story telling contest?  Káti eyed the strange tooth curiously then looked back up to Mithras as he finished speaking.  He fidgeted for a moment before speaking up.  "Oh, well… I have a story I could tell. It's one my mom used to tell me when I was small."  Saying the word 'mom' made him finch in sorrow just a bit.  Not knowing where she was or what had happened still made his stomach knot.  "It's the story of how bears lost their tails.  A long, long time ago Bear had a long and luxurious tail, the most gorgeous tail of all the forest creatures!  He was very proud of his tail and would often flaunt it in front of the other creatures.  Well this didn't sit to well with Fox who was jealous of Bear's tail and felt that his own was just as beautiful if not more so.

One frosty morning in late, late fall Fox was out hunting when he spied a man fishing through a hole in the lake ice.  The man had dozed off and next to him was a string of a dozen fish!  Grinning fox snuck up next to the man and grabbed the string of fish, bolting away with his stolen prize.  The man awoke and gave chase but crafty Fox was able to outwit him and get away.  Frustrated the man gathered up his things and left.  Fox laughed as he watched the man go before his eyes fell on the now abandoned fishing hole.  He had an idea.

That same morning Bear awoke and went for his usual morning walk around the lake.  Today would be the final hunt for food before he would begin hibernation.  As he walked to the lake he caught the scent of fish and followed it to find Fox sitting at a hole in the ice with a dozen fish!  Bear's mouth watered as he spoke, 'My Fox, that is a lot of fish.  How did you manage to catch them all?'   Fox smiled and replied, "Why bear it's so easy I just dip my tail into the water through this hole in the ice and I wiggle it from time to time until a fish bites it then I just pull it out.  Why Bear… with your beautiful tail I'm sure you'd be able to catch even more fish than me!  I think I've caught plenty for myself you're welcome to use my fishing hole.'

Bear beamed at Fox's praise of his tail.  Why yes, surely he could catch more than Fox and what a delicious meal they would be right before hibernation.  "Thank you Fox, I think I'll give it a try."   Fox gathered up his fish and left as Bear sat down to fish, he stuck his tail far into the water.  He wiggled it and waited.  Then wiggled it and waited some more.  And then some more.  Poor Bear waited from morning til evening but not one fish would bite his tail!  'That darn Fox' he muttered.  'I see now I've been tricked.'  As Bear went to stand he realized he couldn't move!  He'd been waiting there so long that the ice had frozen over the hole and his tail was stuck!  Oh no!  Bear pulled and pulled until SNAP!    His tail broke as he tore himself free.  His beautiful tail was gone!  Somewhere not far off Fox was giggling at his trick.  It's always dangerous to blindly believe what someone tells you.  And that is why bears now have short tails."  

Káti grinned, hoping the others liked his story.  It was his favorite bedtime story and he'd often ask his mother to tell it over and over…  Káti's grin faltered and he looked away as he felt tears welling up in his eyes. He missed her.




1 Year
08-27-2015, 02:45 AM

[ooc notes: pretend Aloysius has always been here xD]

Leaning in and hogging up most of the space surrounding the galaxy male, oohs and ahhs slipped from his eloquent lips. The artefact - some sort of ancient tooth - amazed the yearling dearly. As a hoarder himself, he just wanted it. It was his, it had to be, it would be. However, another boy would share his story - a tale about bears once having tails. Oh, he had to do better than that in order to receive the trophy, and he had the most detailed, ripe and authentic fable exchanged to him as a child. Storytelling was his style, yeah! He could do this!

"Me! Me! Me! My turn!" he softly cried out in a pitchy voice, squirming and writhing impatiently upon his haunches. Once the silence had died down and he was certain everyone was listening, he briefly cleared his throat before taking a long inhale to begin his symphony of words. "You guys seen crows? Them black birds that squawk at you all day? Well, there were tonnes of them back in my old home; they filled every tree to the brim like they were a huge empire that had dominated the land. But compared to other birds, they're pretty plain aren't they? Well, when I was a wee puppy, I decided to ask one of these birds why their feathers are boring...and I did! A long, long, long, looooooong time ago, crows were the most beautiful birds of them all. Every sparkling hue dappled their feathers, always glimmering in the sunshine. A rainbow they were like, each crow unique and different in the magnificent shades upon them. They stood proud and tall, meticulously prized and famed all across the continent. Creatures from far and wide came to marvel at their spectacular display, yearning for a precious feather or two. They paraded and flaunted day and night, showing off and ensuring everyone knew who was the most alluring species of them all. And when they asked, everyone replied, 'You, oh wonderful crows! There is no other pelt or fur quite like yours!'

As you can tell, they were quite vain critters, and all the other birds were jealous. They thought it was unfair that crows had such flawless and striking plumage, and every time they politely asked the crows for a few feathers, they sneered at them. 'These feathers are ours! Leave the real kings of the birds alone! We have no business with peasants like you!'

So the sparrows, still rather dull-coloured, called together a meeting with the other birds. 'Something needs to be done about the crows,' they explained sternly.

'They never share!' Various birds called out, raising the volume of the chirpy gathering. 'They're too vain! Egotists, they are! They only care about themselves!'

'Quite right, friends,' the sparrows grimly agreed. 'They need to be taught a lesson. Any ideas?'

Until dawn, the birds devised the perfect plan to get their revenge on the crows. They approached the crows' heavenly tree, bowing solemnly in respect though inwardly snickering at the thought of their vengeance. 'Oh, gracious crows! We adore your dazzling feathers! Unfortunately, we have found another bird who bares such impressive feathers like yours!'

Easily angered and challenged, the crows demanded rudely. According to them, no-one was better. This new rival had to be eliminated. 'Where is he? Where is this bird?'

'Oh, we'd hate to keep you in wait, dear crows. We remain certain that you are the true bird monarchs.' The other birds led them to a small, dark cave. 'In here; he's quite large, mind you.'

And what do you think they did? They went inside, whilst the others outside found it difficult to hold in their laughter. Within moments, the crows returned, their feathers coated in soot, dust and mud. They were so concerned about their feathers that they forgot all about raging at the others that they had been lied to. 'Our feathers!' they shrieked in dismay, flapping in agony. It was the loudest tantrum the other birds had ever heard. 'We are ruined, spoiled!'

'Quick!' one crow called to the rest of his kin. 'There is a lake nearby! We must cleanse ourselves of this horrid mess!' They didn't even apologise! Legend says that there was a chance that the dirt may have been erased if they had identified their wrong doings. But nope! They didn't!

The water made it worse. The muck had become permanent on their feathers, covering and staining every inch of their rainbow possession until they were as ordinary as every other bird. In fact, they were less than ordinary, frowned and shamed upon as the seasons went on. Despite having learnt their lesson, they never got their breathtaking plumage back. It's only an old memory, a story, a sacred longing for them to one day rise to the glory that they had once held for many seasons. So they scattered, and now they peck and caw obnoxiously at anyone their eyes find. Now, they are jealous, just like the other birds had once been. They're determined to steal the colour away from every other animal, but don't worry, they're nothing to be afraid of. I guess it's great to be proud of your accomplishments, but try not to rub it into other wolves' faces - that's just annoying - or else you'll end up like the crows." And with a grin, he brought his woven story to an end. Okay, maybe he did exaggerate and dramatise the tale, though it was enjoyable telling it. The story itself scared him as a pup, afraid to lie to his gang's leader though as his mind matured, he ended up breaking the loyalty between himself and fellow thieves. Ah, but who cared? He had a new life, and it was only the beginning.

"Speech" "French"