
two packs of cigarettes a day



4 Years
08-15-2015, 08:54 PM
For Káti only for now. - A translation for any Russian words can be found by hovering over them.

A stillness hung around the morning dew, the sun ascending to its throne in the peak of the sky as a constant cycle that had fallen to routine. It was like any other day to the nomad and fallen princess. It was supposed to be like any other day, but in truth it wasn’t actually, because she had an inch in her paws that she needed to scratch and scrape at. She had pushed herself up from her makeshift den in the forest of enormous and ancient trees of oak to examine her surroundings further. She would hum a familiar Russian tune to herself, soothing her inner soul as her ocean spotted paws carried her across the lands towards a strange site she had only heard about.

Natalia held her breath for a brief second, emerald orbs focusing on the landmark that separated her from the potential dangers of the packs beyond. She knew what it was like to be in a pack, and she had never been a fan of it.  The tigress would approach it, but she would not take a step onto the strange bridge to the northern continent. It was not her place to do so. She let out a soft sigh, trouble stirring in her eyes as she pondered the idea of what was beyond. She had no interest in crossing, but the curiosity and need to know what went on across the water border was strong inside of her.

She didn’t look down on the other wolves; they had a right to pick how they wanted to live their lives. Instead, she felt distaste, and wondered how someone could possibly be happy with the life a pack provided. She cursed to herself slightly, reminding herself of an old saying her mother used to scold her with. Some habits died hard. "Там это тяжелая жизнь для каждого серебряной ложкой. Там это прикосновение серого для каждого оттенка синего. Это путь, который я вижу жизнь. Если бы не было ничего плохого, то не было бы ничего прямо." The soft melody was barely audible to the air around her, but it did manage to cling for a second before she fell silent once more.

Káti 1


1 Year
08-22-2015, 07:41 PM

Káti stirred lightly in his makeshift den before rolling back over, ears twitching as he tried to get back to sleep. It was too early to be up! Shifting to his feet he stretched knowing full well he wasn't going to be able to get back to sleep with the sun shining right in his face. Crawling out he shook the dew from his coat and yawned. Time for a morning stroll. Káti had taken to wandering all over Southern Alacritia to get his mind of the abscence of his mother and forward to his future. To be honest he had no real plan, he was simply going with the flow.

Káti paused though as he came to the Bifrost. The sand glittered in the morning light in a wide variety of colors as it stretched out connecting to another land in the north. He had to admit he was curious about what lay across the bridge but… it was a fair distance away and part of him was nervous that if he were to cross something might happen to wash the sand bridge away. That would be just his luck. Turquoise eyes fixed in on the indigo shape moving a ways away. Was that Natalia?

Curious Káti skittered down the bank as he moved toward her. "Miss Natalia? What are you doing this far north?" He spoke quietly, a little intimidated by the older woman.
