



2 Years
08-16-2015, 07:41 AM
This was quickly becoming one of his usual haunts. The red male was always scouting for his next opponent, only stopping to give his body time to rest between fights so that he could be close to one hundred percent during his next battle. The tang the earth held from the many fights that had taken place here enticed him, excited him, this would be where he earned a pack should he take one for himself. This was practice for anything bigger that happened in the future - a glimpse into the future. The man had plans for himself, plans that included not simple leadership, but true power. It would take time, effort, but he was surprisingly dedicated. Why? Because the red brute wanted to roll in his accomplishments before he died and actually have something to be proud of.

And so he was here on the battlefield again. Lifting his head he would howl for an opponent, and then wait for someone to be brave enough to answer to the call and arrive. Shadows of his defenses were set, his tail out behind him and red eyes narrowed despite the obvious delight within. His toes dug into the ground providing traction if someone were to surprise him, but still he would doubt that someone would have the audacity to give him that sort of thrill.



4 Years
Extra large
08-16-2015, 10:42 AM (This post was last modified: 08-16-2015, 11:07 AM by Karabela.)

How long had it been since she'd last settled in one spot long enough to have a little fun?  Way to long.  Karabela's keen golden eyes scouted the battlefield in search of a potential opponent she could sink  her teeth into.  She wasn't sure why it never occurred to her before.  To release some tension… some pain.  It's what her mother… and Aksel would've wanted.  

Taking a deep breath she pushed the grief from her mind.  It had been hanging like a weight around her neck for far to long and having that hanging over her in battle was a death sentence.  Not today!  Raba forced herself to smile.  She was going to have a good time dammit.  

It didn't take long for something to catch her eye.  A bright red and black male a short ways off.  Taller than most but still shorter than her by about three inches.  All in all a fairly even match… she wondered how well his blood would show up on his pelt.  

Raba approached him, not bothering to hide presence as she moved to stop in front of him, seeking to leave about 10 feet or so between them to start off this match unless he wanted to move to adjust it.  "I'll take you on."  She grinned, there was no need really to ask what he was doing here.  Whether he wanted a fight or not he was on the battlefield and he was getting one.

Defenses set in practiced precision as her head and tail moved to align with her spine, her chin tucking slightly to help guard her throat as her neck scrunched back and shoulders rolled forward pushing fur and fat over her vitals.  Hackles raised and her legs spread equidistant apart, her weight shifting evenly over them and bending slightly to lower her center of gravity.  Ivory toes spread wide as her claws bit into the earth.  Ears pinned tight to her head, eyes narrowing as her brow wrinkled in a snarl.  Time to do this!

Karabela kicked off the ground in an attempt to close the distance between herself and the red boy as the brazen femme sought to charge him directly head on.  What could she say she'd always been a bit of a bruiser, much to her mother's dismay.  Raba's upper body would lift, her weight shifting across her back legs, her tail fanning out wide for added stability, as she attempted to lift both her front legs off the ground.  She sought to wrap her left forelimb around the right side and back of the base of Vivek's neck, right in front of his shoulders.  She aimed to wrap her right forepaw behind Vivek's left foreleg, just below the elbow in a bid to pull the limb back towards her to unbalance the male.  At the same time she attempted to wrap her fore limbs around the male she also tried to slam the exact center of her chest into the base of his neck where it connected to his chest.  She hoped to cause bruising as well as knock the air from the males lungs, hoping the combination of her pulling limbs and pushing chest might bring her attack to fruition.

Also in conjunction with her other attacks her head would tip down just a bit more, having already been tipped for her defenses, as her jaws splayed wide in an effort to bite the man's face.  She sought to angle her head slightly to her own left so that her upper fangs would land just above his right eye and her lower fangs seeking to hook under the corner of his right-sided jaw.  She wanted to get a firm hold and also tear deep into flesh in hopes that the bleeding wound over his right eye might run into the eye and temporarily blind the male.

Karabela vs Vivek for Spar (Rd. 1/2?)

ooc: Edited to add the rounds, change observed by Tea
[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king

The Judge


09-05-2015, 08:07 AM
And the winner is...

KARABELA! Due to Vivek not posting in the allotted time the fight has been defaulted in Karabela's favor. Vivik must now give up by either submitting, fleeing or passing out.