
stay happy there



10 Years
Extra large
08-16-2015, 12:13 PM (This post was last modified: 08-16-2015, 02:08 PM by Áki.)
The heavy scent of a pack that lined the borders here was wildly unappealing. There was nothing alluring about the false ownership that these wolves had laid upon lands that were not rightfully there's - not by his standards, at least. The earth was free for all, and yet the customs of wolves had shaped things differently. If not for Valentine, he would not have come here at all. His nostrils flared as he tasted the scents that lingered here. The border was clearly marked, and though his body begged him to either cross, or leave this place entirely, he would linger for now.

Valentine had easily captured his interest, and though he felt no real envy for the man, he was impressed by his power and apparent prestige. He had built a name for himself, from nothing, and had gained the trust and power over nearly two dozen wolves. It was nothing he could relate to, not in the slightest, and it aroused an intense curiosity in him thay he wanted to sate.

He would linger near the borders for some time, pacing near the Knolls as his crimson stare scouted the horizon. Finally, once he could wait no longer, he would tip his tusks muzzle to the sky and let loose a call for Imperium's leader.

"Talk" "You" Think



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
08-19-2015, 08:58 PM

His head snapped up as the call rang out. Aki? No way! Mister Nomad was at his borders? Huh. Well, who'da thunk it. With a spring in his step Valentine set out for his caller. Curiosity bumped up his pace from its usual mosey to a brisk, enthused jog. He rather liked this man, this feral oddity,  who called on him now. Aki embodied the untamable things he longed to possess.

Cresting the final knoll that separated him from his caller, Valentine once again fell into a lazy mosey. His eagerness was unusual for him and he not only noticed it, but felt the need to rein it in. It wasn't a mystery to him; on the surface there was a lot to like about Aki and the way the rogue presented himself hinted at a personality worth getting to know.

"Aki," he rumbled warmly, "It's a pleasure to see you again. Welcome to Imperium." He hadn't expected to see this particular man anywhere near Imperium ever - or any pack for that matter - and his curiosity was evident as he queried, "What brings you by? Don't tell me," his tone took on a jesting edge, "you're having a change of heart."


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



10 Years
Extra large
09-03-2015, 01:46 PM
In a way, he felt compelled to be a social creature.. as all wolves did. Though instead of craving the life of a pack, of stability and structure, he instead longed for the freedom that being a rogue provided him. And yet still.. something was very interesting about the idea of the life Valentine had built for himself here. The brute was patient as he stood at the edge of Imperium's border, his crimson gaze sweeping across the claimed lands with interest. Only when he saw Valentine coming to answer his call did he find himself grinning, pleased that he was staying true to his offer to take him on a tour.

He made no effort to contain his happiness at their reunion, and he felt his tail flicking contentedly where it lay behind him. "And a greater pleasure to see you," he'd return the greeting with ease, flashing a grin at him. "I do have to say, nice choice in territory." Certainly these knolls held good prey, and plenty of places for wolves to make their dens?

The beast would snort at Valentine's question, though his expression was amused rather than dismissive. "You wish," he would retort to his comment about him having a change of heart. He could not imagine living under the rule of another, even if that man was someone as charming as Valentine. The thought didn't sit well with him, but he laughed regardless and shook his head. "I was hoping for a glimpse into your life, I suppose."



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
09-05-2015, 05:21 PM

"I do have to say, nice choice in territory." At last, recognition! He'd put a lot of thought into the lands he'd chosen. All three were perfectly suited for maintaining a pack on their own and together they created a hunting range that any pack, even the most careless, would be hard-pressed to deplete of resources. "It's a nice place to call home."

"You wish." Indeed he did! Aki's size and manner suggested he would be a valuable asset. It was a shame, really, a true waste, that such a man couldn't be wooed to Imperium. While he wanted to test this man and join him to the ranks, he was fairly certain openly trying to sway the man would only close him off to the idea further. No, if he wanted Aki to join he was just going to have to let the man come around to the idea on his own.

Aki's final statement caused Valentine's expression to brighten. "Ah, yes!" Imperium was his pride and joy. He would happily show Aki around. "Well...what aspect of pack life - or alpha life - are you most curious about?"


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



10 Years
Extra large
09-23-2015, 09:20 PM (This post was last modified: 09-23-2015, 09:20 PM by Áki.)
Perhaps if he were the leader of some pack, he might choose somewhere different, though these lands were respectable. He preferred more mountainous terrain himself, though such lands were much less hospitable than these, it seemed. Either way, it was difficult to imagine being confined within borders.. it was definitely not his style, though he respected Valentine's life - and status - quite a bit.

What, though, was he most interested in here? Musing over the question carefully, a thoughtful expression would etch itself onto his weathered features. He was interested in the wolves that Valentine ruled over, but to ask to see them all seemed a bit silly. Even if he met a few, it wouldn't tell him much about leading a pack..  though upon further reflection, he figured it would tell him an awful lot actually to know who valued Valentine as a leader, and who he valued as pack members. Though he'd met him twice now, he didn't know him very well. Did he value strength above compassion? Independence over community? These questions floated around in his head as he studied Valentine, his gaze drifting to enjoy the lands that spread behind him.

"Show me where you sleep," he offered after a moment, grinning toothily at his new friend. His heavy voice was thick with amusement and undeniable playfulness . "I want to see how Kings sleep. Certainly better than I do." Surely he had a den, perhaps a large one? And he had no doubt that a leader like Valentine would be short of attention from the ladies... or the men, and he would be surprised if he only had a den suitable for one. Hell, maybe he even had a mate and children. He didn't have the faintest clue. All he knew was that it was surely better than the makeshift dens he usually conjured up, and he was curious at getting a better look through the lands anyway.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
09-27-2015, 05:09 PM

Valentine had considered all sorts of possible answers to his question, but the request Aki put towards him took him by surprise. Where he slept, eh? Well, that had potential for interest things. Returning Aki's grin, the brute chuckled to himself before replying to the rogue's statements. "Oh, I doubt I do. I do a lot of patrolling so I have a couple of temporary places around the packlands, but not one I retreat to every night." He was rather fond of his tractor, but it wasn't the most comfortable of places. His den under the boulder in the Knolls had been quite cozy. "I'll show you my favorite sleeping places though."

Tossing one last grin in Aki's direction, he took off in the direction of the Range. After a few beats of silence he decided to actually play tour guide and tell Aki a bit about the place they were going. "There are relics here, a huge wooden and stone structure and many metal things." Unafraid that this man wouldn't be able to keep up (a rogue his height was an oddity), he amped up his pace to a ground-eating lope. "The wooden structure is drafty and the wood is rotted in many places, but there are many interesting things inside. I don't think I've examined everything in it yet. The metal things, they remind me of skeletons in some ways, are smaller, but still the size of boulders."

"Ah, there they are." In the distance the silhouette of the barn rose high up over the Range, its alien-like features contrasting with the natural world around it. The trees around it challenged it in size and while that was an impressive feat, nothing could quite take away from the strangeness of the relic.


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



10 Years
Extra large
10-01-2015, 09:29 PM
He couldn't help but wonder if Valentine was always so willing to let wolves into his home. Though Áki could match Valentine's strength, he was certain of that, he knew that Valentine had the upper paw here. Not that he had even the slightest intention of being troublesome, he'd sooner leave than cause any sort of conflict - but Valentine had nothing to fear in letting a single stranger into his home, no matter who he was.    
He regarded the other brute quietly, his grin remaining as he accepted his suggestion. He was liking this man more and more by the minute. He was confident, but not in a flashy sort of way; he felt his tail beginning to wag more rapidly behind him. "You didn't lie when you said you were a wanderer at heart, did you?" He knew pack life didn't have to be terrible, though it wasn't something that he was interested in.. and yet Valentine most certainly was. He seemed willing to show him the few places he slept, and he would nod and gladly turn to follow alongside him.

"Relics," he would repeat the word in his own heavy northern accent. Aki's deep voice was brimming with interest, and he would hang his tusked muzzle to the earth, nostrils flaring as he tasted the scents that surrounding him here. His gait was relaxed and his steps fluid as he moved near Valentine's side, interested in particular in the structure he mentioned. There was no doubting that his eyes did stray quite a bit from his surroundings, focusing sporadically on Valentine next to him. It'd been awhile since he'd found someone who impressed him so thoroughly, and he was content to relish in the newfound interest unabashedly.

A thoughtful murmur left his lips as he moved quietly with Valentine, closer to the barn. It was nothing like he'd ever seen before, though he'd seen some vaguely similar structures.. things made of wood and stone, things that seemed to come from entirely beyond this world. "Shall we explore further, then?" Valentine admitted he hadn't explored everything in there yet. He flashed him a questioning look as they approached the barn's entrance, finally taking the final step and slipping into the shadows, his eyes widening as they adjusted to the slight darkness here. This place was strange, with metal things here and there.. there was quite a bit to explore. "Seems like a safe place to hide from the elements," he would admit with a nod. Perhaps not perfect, but a solid shelter that many could share if necessary.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
10-15-2015, 08:15 PM

No, silly man! Of course he hadn't lied. Valentine chuckled. "No, I didn't. Finding a balance between pack life and wandering was a challenge, but I think I finally found it." Okay that...was kind of a lie? A tiny bit of one? A half truth, maybe. He felt like he'd found good middle ground and he was, for the most part, satisfied with it all, but every once in a while it did chafe at him.

"Relics." Valentine cast a smirk in Aki's direction just in time to find the rogue's eyes on him. For a second the King's eyes lingered - was he reading into it too much? - and then his gaze darted back to the barn and he marched on, stifling whatever feelings had sprouted before they could take root. Was he smitten? Perhaps a little. How many strangers would he allow onto Imperium soil for a look around?

Aki's voice rang out again just as they reached the shadow of the barn. The tusked brute stepped forward and Valentine, content to let him take the lead, lingered outside for a few seconds longer, his gaze studying the form in front of him. He didn't know what to make of Aki, wasn't sure what his intentions were. Was it a genuine interest in packlife that drew him in, or something more?

Slipping through the door, Valentine came alongside Aki's left side. "Seems like a safe place to hide from the elements." He nodded, then, "In most cases I'd say so, although I do wonder sometimes, when the wind is really blowing, if it'll be the last storm the structure sees."


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



10 Years
Extra large
10-21-2015, 09:41 PM
Was Áki hard to figure out? No, not necessarily; though his independence was ingrained in him so deeply that it wouldn't be a lie to claim he was inherently selfish, he was quite easy to understand.. for the few that knew him well. He was motivated by the possibility of freedom, of exploration and newness. All he cared to do was to live life to its fullest, in whatever way he pleased, with no inhibitions.

"Good for you," he would say, his words quite genuine, not at all sarcastic. "As long as it works for you, that's all that matters." He'd never been taught to care what others thought, or to do as was expected of him - the only two opinions he might take seriously were those of Sabine and Sunniva, and even that was questionable.

He'd taken the lead in entering the barn, though his crimson stare would snap back to Valentine briefly before he turned to explore the structure a bit more. His posture was relaxed, and a slight smile tugged at his lips. "Or a good place to hide from someone," he would muse, forcing a pensive look to his features for a long moment. "Or with someone." There was a playful, teasing tone to his voice, and he would turn and lean to nudge Valentine's shoulder playfully. There was no doubt that the brute was interested in Valentine, he fascinated him - how he was so similar, and yet so different at the same time - and the prospect of hiding in here was something that was not so terrible. "So long as you stay on your toes when a storm hits, it seems like a decent enough shelter..."

His attention shifted upwards, gazing at the rafters overhead, examining the strange creation. Finally he would turn to eye the metal thing that sat here, looking quite dangerous and foreign - and he would circle around it, sniffing at the abandoned tractor with a slight frown. "This thing, however.. definitely looks dangerous.."



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
10-24-2015, 10:14 PM

Slowly the brute's gaze roved over the relics that dotted the inside of the barn. While the artifacts - at least those on the surface - were all familiar to him, Valentine tried to take it all in as if it were new to him. What was Aki seeing? Or rather, what had he, Valentine, seen when he'd first laid eyes on this place? He'd been in the barn enough that the awe had worn off and with each visit to this place the barn had grown more and more mundane in his eyes; each visit, each memory, pushing down the amazement he'd once felt.

"Or a good place to hide from someone." The look that accompanied these words gave the King pause. Fleetingly he wondered just what that said about Aki, about his possible enemies, and then the tusked brute spoke again. "Or with someone." Chuckling, Valentine pushed back as Aki bumped his shoulder. What Aki didn't know was that Valentine had "hidden" with someone in here before and really, that just made it funnier. Bragging just a little he shot Aki a sly look before commenting, "Indeed it is."

Valentine mmhm'ed when Aki stated that all in all the barn made a pretty good shelter. It really did. Sure, it was flawed, but so were the dens that might cave in or flood during a heavy rain. If necessary the whole pack could hunker down inside the structure; there was more than enough space to hold them all. Of course, should the thing finally fall down, the whole pack could be wiped out in one go, so there was that.

Following Aki's lead Valentine zeroed in the big metal relic. He stopped once he was in front of what he assumed was the front. Not that any of the thing made sense or looked like a face. Really, he considered it the front because it just happened looked less like a butt than the other end. "It does, doesn't it? I've often wondered what it is; why it's here; how it got here. And I'm afraid time hasn't gotten me any closer to an answer either. Imperium's had this land for awhile now and I still haven't the slightest idea."


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



10 Years
Extra large
10-30-2015, 07:40 PM
It was interested to see remnants of some kind of civilization here. Something had lived here once, that much he could tell. What had lived here, he had no idea. The lands this far South of the land of his childhood were much more temperature, and softer creatures could live here comfortably. He'd never really seen things like this in the lands of his youth.. perhaps some structures like this, but considerably more dilapidated and unrecognizable than this one.

He basked in the curious look that Valentine flashed him. If anyone found him mysterious, he would've laughed; he was more simple than his peers realized, most of the time. He just did what he wanted, when he wanted, and with who he wanted. He had no interest in power, in hiding secrets, in finding an advantage over others - though he supposed Valentine had to be wary of these things. He was in a seat of power, and letting a stranger into his home was forcing him to be quite vulnerable - though Áki showed no signs he ought to be worried. His posture was relaxed, void of even the slight wariness he'd held on to when he first arrived on Imperium's borders, and his gait was carefree as he wandered through the barn.

He'd return the sly grin with one of his own, pulling away despite the sudden plea of his body to not. The attraction he felt toward Valentine had been obvious since he'd met him - it'd be so long since he had actually met someone like him. Alacritia was full of wolves that were soft and weak, except for maybe Kallisto, the blind woman he'd befriended. He felt vaguely envious toward the power Valentine held, and though he didn't want to share in that power, he was attracted to it.

"Perhaps some relic from the gods," he would comment wistfully. He didn't care if Valentine didn't share in his sentiments, if he believed in gods at all - but it didn't hurt anything to mention it nonetheless. His tail would flick as he made his way around the thing, obviously pleased with his company, aiming to let it to brush against Valentine's hind flank.  If he pulled away, so be it; but it didn't hurt to try to initiate more contact.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-01-2015, 04:03 PM

The tractor was in a state of disrepair. While it was largely protected from the elements time had not been kind to it. Its tires had long since gone flat and it now sat on its rims in the dusty, brittle hay. What was left of its tires were shriveled and heavily cracked, and they reminded Valentine of a riverbed scorched in the sun. A heavy layer of dust and grit blanketed the contraption. In some places it was so thick that its 'skin' looked gray instead of green.

Stepping up onto one of the rusty, yellow rims with his front paws  Valentine stretched out his neck and attempted to brush his nose against the glass of one of the tractor's windows. This relic was a lot like the one outside that he treasured, but, protected as this one was from the elements, this one was in far better condition. Through the glass he could see that the plush leathery nest inside still looked relatively plush and leathery, and when compared to the nest inside the relic outside, looked downright luxurious. The one he sat on while keeping an eye on the border was worn thin and bits of metal poked through in places. Those bits of metal made sitting a minor adventure. Staring at the seat, Valentine was tempted to see if he could get inside and rip that thing off. If he could put it in the relic outside that would make his lookout tower a bit more comfortable.

Aki offered a possible explanation for the old metal contraption and Valentine shrugged as his gaze sought out the rafters thoughtfully. He didn't really think there were such things as gods, but it was as good an explanation as any. "Perhaps so." Aki's tail brushed against his thigh as the rogue passed by and the gentle touch immediately captured Valentine's full attention. His gaze came down from the rafters to lock on Aki's retreating form. Dropping back down to the ground, the brute aimed a teasing, retaliatory snap at the rogue's tail in the hopes of playfully snagging the tip of it. He didn't seek a grip on it, rather, the kind of light touch that the simple act of walking away could be enough to grant it freedom.


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



10 Years
Extra large
11-06-2015, 10:48 AM
Áki had always been an affectionate man, to some extent; he had too much love in his heart to not give it freely. And yet the wolves in Alacritia were so much different than the ones he had grown up with. They were riddled with anxieties and fears - they lived in the past, in the tangled web of politics and obligations they wove for themselves. They were not free, not many of them, but Valentine - despite his obvious position as ruler over these wolves, and his duty to them - he was different. He had felt more out of touch with his surroundings, with his gods than he was used to, but suddenly he felt alive; the barn and the metal structure in front of him breathed life into him and he found himself grinning suddenly.

He watched as Valentine drew himself up on the structure, gaze trailing along the slight arch of his back as he stretched upward. But he was moving again a moment later, flicking his tail and aiming to let the tip graze along Valentine's thigh. The worst case scenario would be that he would move away - or maybe try to bite his tail off for being flirtatious after being invited into his home - but instead he turned to nip at his tail. He had no issue with the contact - their bodies were for being used, for being enjoyed, and though Valentine was a new acquaintance to him he had no qualms with getting to know him in other ways, though he didn't want to overstep his boundaries.  

"Tell me, Valentine,"  he would begin after a moment of thought.  "You rule Imperium alone, do you not? Do you have no mate? The wolves you rule must throw themselves at the feet of such a handsome King." There was an air of jest and more flirtatiousness in his tone; the idea of giving into the power of another wolf was absolutely absurd to him, but it seemed commonplace here.  It wasn't mere conversation, either, but a... less-than-subtle way to see how Valentine responded to his interest.




13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-10-2015, 10:33 PM

A part of him had feared rejection for his bold move; that he had somehow been misreading the rogue and imagining interest that wasn't there. Up until now everything had been subtle; every touch, every look, had been a tiny test. Instead of piddling along and playing the game one painstakingly slow move at a time, he'd decided to skip a few tiny steps and be a bit more bold.

His boldness earned him a mouthful of fur as he succeeded in gently grasping the tip of Aki's tail. The rogue's movements away from him succeeding in pulling what was captured loose. The corners of his lips rose in a playful smirk as he regarded the man. There was a lot to like about Aki. He embodied the things Valentine craved; the freedom, the wanderlust; he was what Valentine had nearly given up to be King. Of course it didn't hurt any that he was also very handsome.

Valentine's smirk would morph a little into a more thoughtful expression as it became clear that there was something on Aki's mind, but as soon as the words left his mouth the King's smirk returned in full. "I rule alone," he confirmed, "and I have no mate." He decided to be honest, "Nor do I want one. Monogamy's not really my style." Speculatively he eyed Aki. "What about you, Aki? Surely you must catch the eye of all you come across. You must have a mate."


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



10 Years
Extra large
11-12-2015, 09:25 AM (This post was last modified: 11-12-2015, 09:26 AM by Áki.)
Áki was not a fan of conflict. Life was meant to be enjoyed, not for.. worrying and arguments. Luckily, he didn't offend Valentine, though he hadn't expected he would. And if he had, he would have simply left.. though he was grateful Valentine seemed to be enjoying his company as much as Áki was.

He answered his questions with ease, eliciting a quite pleased grin - his hopes had been confirmed. "Nor is it my style,"  he'd return with a mischievous chuckle. "I have too much love in my heart to only give it to one individual."  Valentine had been honest, and so would he; he realized he sounded like a bit too sensitive, but it was true. "And the idea of settling down sounds horrendous to me. I would sooner love a thousand wolves just once, than just one a million times over."  His wandering ways didn't strike him was causing fleeting loves.. but love that could persist through the span of time and distance, for all eternity. Perhaps his thought was a bit romantic, but he figured Valentine had let a stranger into his home; shouldn't he repay the favor with some honesty?

God, Sabine would be taunting him now if she heard him. Maybe Alacritia was making him soft.. or just more apt to voice the sentiments he'd always had. The more innocent thoughts faded as he eyed Valentine then, his eyes roving over him unabashedly - without the former wariness he'd had before. "As long as no one will come for my head for doing..." he moved slowly toward Valentine then, his nose pressing to the crook of is throat and neck, tasting his scent as his nose buried into his fur. "...this..."  he was eager to feel more of him, and let his jaws part sightly to nip at the sensitive flesh there as his tusks grazed his skin gently. If Valentine was uninterested, he would quickly know it, and he waited for a reaction. "...then I will gladly proceed."  



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-15-2015, 05:08 PM

It appeared they shared more than just a love of wandering. Aki summed up his feelings on monogamy well; well enough, in fact, that Valentine felt he could be talking about him too. It was a relief, honestly, to hear these words from the rogue; to know that if their interest turned from something casual to something serious their expectations for such a relationship were similar. He did not have to tread so carefully around the subjects of sex, love or monogamy. Learning this while their interest in one another was still in its infancy was freeing.

He caught Aki's gaze as it swept over him; noting the interest with which he was studied. At this point he had stolen more than a few glances in the rogue's direction. Enough, really, to have a general appreciation for the man's good looks. But not enough to really appreciate his finer features. "As long as no one will come for my head for doing..." Aki said as he stepped closer. It was Valentine's turn to run an unabashedly appreciative gaze over his rogue counterpart. He let his personal space be invaded and welcomed the gentle touch that soon followed. The feel of teeth at his throat and how potentially precarious a position he was placing himself in sent fingers of electricity racing up his neck.

His skin prickled under Aki's touch and the King let out a low and appreciative chuckle. After tipping his head to the side Valentine then reached out in the hopes of gently brushing his lips along Aki's jawline. It was his turn to breathe deeply; to commit Aki's cologne to memory and flood his senses with the rogue's heady musk. He sought to trace the curve of Aki's jaw before pulling back slightly. "Please do," he murmured.


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



10 Years
Extra large
12-05-2015, 05:05 PM
There was no shame at all in loving. But being a slave to love.. that was something else entirely. To sacrifice ones own happiness for love was just as detestable. But he had too much love to keep it locked inside - and he wasn't afraid of sharing it with those who consented. And it had been far too long since he had enjoyed the touch of another, to resist it now.

He was not at all opposed to violence, but he had no ill intentions right now. He truly liked Valentine as a friend, and though he had the other man in quite a vulnerable position, harming him was the last thing on his mind. He was content to let his teeth trail along the underside of Valentine's throat, tongue lashing at his flesh. A soft chuckle was offered at Valentine's words of approval, the low sound rumbling and vibrating against the other man's neck.

"You don't have to ask me twice,"  he rumbled with a grin against his flesh, feeling his skin crawl at Valentine's touch. With that, he was content to continue without abandon - knowing fully well that Valentine knew what he wanted and that this was of mutual interest - moving to press more vigorously against him, wanting to learn and to know every inch of his body.

- fade to black -




13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
12-07-2015, 07:32 PM

A low rumble escaped his lips as Aki continued to tease the skin along his throat. Craving more he leaned into the man's touch causing wave after wave of gooseflesh to rise up with each caress. With fervent need he pressed closer and sought to gain a more intimate understanding of his friend. All else was forgotten; the world narrowing down until there was nothing but the present and no one but him and Aki.

-fade to and from black-

Contentedly Valentine rolled over onto his back to gaze up at the rafters high over head. He breathed in deeply to quell the ache in his lungs; once again tasting Aki's cologne as he did so. "Mmmm," he rumbled thoughtfully. "Can't say I've ever given a tour quite like this one before." For a moment he watched the dust swirling around a crack in the roof before his gaze lazily moved down to seek out Aki's.


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.