
In order for this to work



4 Years
10-22-2014, 10:28 PM

Arian stepped onto the battlefield with a shiver down her spine. She had thought she would never need to return to this place in her life, right where she stood. Was where Isardis had taken her uncle's life. Reminding her of the flailing red form of the adravendi's form made her want to have a panic attack but no that wasn't why she was here. She and Ixionn were here on a mission, to try and recruit members. Surely there had to be some loners who wanted to come along. They needed the members otherwise they'd probably disband due to being unstable.
She raised her head in a howl, stopping her shaking as the cripple then sat down onto her haunches to wait. Nervously watching the area just in-case something dangerous also showed up. After all, she would protect Ixionn with her life so it was something she had made a habit of. Her tail twitched as she gave out a long sigh and waited patiently.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



10-28-2014, 12:12 AM
Ermine paws traversed across the landscape of the new terrain. A land filled with unfamiliar countenances and places she'd not seen before in all her life. Yet it was the tales of her elder brothers lady friends' brother having left his birth pack that had given her the courage she needed to seek an adventure on her own. But the distance she had traveled had harried her. She knew she'd lost some weight and might look on the tired side. But the life of a rogue she thought would do that to one. And thus she found herself coming to a halt and listening to the howl.

She gave it not a moments more thought as she sprung into action, running toward the wolf who had given off the howl. If it were a recruitment, she needed a place to go and something to do for others and not just herself. Perhaps she was being too hasty for she did not know the one who beckoned. That however meant little to the yearling, though the next season she would be two years of age. Back home she'd trained a bit towards hunting, but hunting on ones own did not oft result in any large or frequent success of taking down prey.

When she came upon the caller, she greeted her, "Hello, I, Massacre du Cheval heard your call." She only hoped she was not just by the name her parents had given to her before she'd ever even been able to hear or to see.



3 Years
10-28-2014, 06:18 AM
His paw was all healed up...thank the stars. It had been a little sore since he began to walk and run on it. But now it seemed completely repaired. Now he could begin training with Quelt...whenever that was. But what concerned him most, even more than any of his wounds, was the fact that his own father was leaving his own pack. The one he formed, the one he worked so hard for. It was surprising enough that he passed the crown on to he was leaving his family? What was going on? Little did Ixionn know that Quelt and Irune had parted way---so there was just this big space of puzzlement that he couldn't quite understand. Arian probably understood. Everyone else probably understood. Maybe he just wasn't at the age of getting everything, or realizing what was going around. Some crazy whirlwind, aye.
A smooth howl from his friend slithered into his ears. It was faint---far away. But it was welcoming. Ixionn guessed it was time to go help Arian recruit. Why else had she traveled so far, to such an open area? The boy yawned and turned to his sleeping companion. Lately, Ixionn had refused to let Drago go with him on any of the trips. Now looked like it'd be a good time. The masked boy lowered his head and nudged the blue iguana gently, rocking him awake. He sighed and looked up at him with a questionable look. Without an answer, Ixionn grabbed him, placed him onto his back, and took off toward the Battlefield where both his queen and another stranger waited.
Once he arrived, he halted in the embrace of arising dust that came directly from his paws. Then, he twirled around a bit and fell over like a newborn fawn. It was so nice to run again...limping around on three legs for weeks was too much of a bore. So much energy had built up inside of him, and he couldn't wait to waste it all by running through the mines over and over again. ---Drago clung to his back frantically and panted as if he was a dog, his body sinking into the tangled orange fur of the boy. He groaned and attempted to speak, but the heir-in-training instantly shushed him. Then, he stood up and trotted over to Arian's side, sitting beside her and grinning wildly to the stranger.
"Morning, miss Arian!" He said cheerfully, tail thumping happily against the earth as he turned his eyes to her. Then, he turned back to the stranger, before offering her a kind and happy greeting. "To you too, m'lady! Good morning, good morning! Who might you be...?" Of course he hadn't made it in time to hear her introduce herself to Arian. Probably because off Drago's complaining. Pshpsh. Ixionn leaned in and waited for her to speak, while his eyes danced across her form, especially her eyes. They were pretty.



4 Years
10-29-2014, 05:18 PM

Arian watched as a young girl approached her. Arian smiled and accepted the name gracefully, she would never judge anyone on appearance or names. For example look at her face, many men probably wouldn't find her attractive anymore. Ixionn would soon arrive though, not giving her enough time to respond. But she was glad that the young soon to be heir was here. It made it a bit easier on her.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ixionn this is massacre. My name is Arian and I'm the alphess of isokan. Have you come to join our pack?" She asked things that was obvious as to why she was here. They needed the members so even if one wolf showed up Arian was happy as a bee. Her tail wagged back and forth as she grinned at the others.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



10-31-2014, 10:14 PM
Violet gaze turned toward the latest arrival to the scene. She caught sight of something strange. Something clinging to the male. Perhaps some sort of companion, quite rare where she hailed from. But before she could say anything, the she-wolf she'd introduced herself to, or at least given her name to, spoke.

Her gaze flickered back to the she-wolf and she nodded. "It is a pleasure to meet you both as well. I would hear more about your pack, but I have indeed come to join your pack, if I may?" She'd come from so far away and while she'd been following after Noel, she'd felt a pull. Maybe she was imagining things, but she didn't think so.

"I've traveled quite a ways. The brother of my brothers betrothed came this way. But the signs have led me here, to you and not him. Thus I belong where you both do and I would learn more if I may."



4 Years
11-02-2014, 05:00 PM

It was funny how the gods were helping her with this. She had her doubts at first, but now it just seemed like everything was going her way. A small smile growing on her face as she prevented her tail from wagging with her will. Of course she would tell Massacre about Isokan, and seeing as she was so young she would start as a buds. "It'd be a pleasure Massacre, you'll start as a Buds until you turn two years of age. What is your specialty you'd like to train in?" she asked before shifting a little.
"Isokan is a pack of strength, we are close together and everyone is family no matter what, no one gets left behind. Wolves train to better their specific skill, but still try to be well rounded. And where one wolf has a weakness another will try to cover it up. We do not want wolves to join just for the sake of leaving, and those who are under our wing will always have our protection and compassion." Of course there were exceptions but that was about it. As she came forward she pressed her snout against Massacre's shoulder. "Welcome to my family. "

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.