
Bells of War



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-23-2015, 03:23 AM

She'd arrive as quickly as she could. Though she'd never been here before, she followed Arian's directions and made it in due haste. She had to be quick, and with her long limbs and powerful physique, she had made it alot quicker then she thought. She wished Jack safe travels before she had left, hoping that the man despite his visionary handicap, would make it safely to Abaven. What Arian had told them was maddening, Avalon's fur had remained bristled despite the wind rushing past her body as she ran across the lands. Her breath came in quick short bursts, had been a long time since she ran as fast as she did, but at least she was here. Once she reached the border, she would be respectful and not cross it despite the two packs being close allies. She stood a few feet from the border, head tilting back as she called for Leo, or whomever else had power. She hoped they would return with her to aid them in this endeavor, to show that it was not polite to do to others what had been done to Sonticus. Her cry was filled with urgency, and she hoped she wasn't kept waiting long. Her home was in the balance, and she wanted to get back as quickly as possible. So there she would wait, taking a seat to catch her breath as she scanned beyond the borders for any signs of approach.

"Talk" "You" Think


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9 Years
Athena I
08-23-2015, 06:59 PM (This post was last modified: 08-23-2015, 07:03 PM by Leo.)

Most calls from the border were friendly or searching, but he hadn't heard one with the urgency that this one did. His head snapped up toward the sound and he listened to the voice. It wasn't one he recognized, but he wasn't going to keep whoever it was waiting. Anyone with that sort of tone to their voice must need him pretty urgently. He abandoned what he was doing immediately and ran toward the border. He wasn't the fastest wolf, his build more suited for being a warrior than a runner, but he wasn't too shabby either. He arrived within a few moments and his sapphire gaze landed on the woman that awaited him.

He didn't recognize her as he slowed to a stop a few feet from where she stood, but a quick sniff told him she was from his sister's pack. "I'm Leo, sovereign here in Fiori," he told her quickly, his voice the slightest bit breathless from his rush here. "You're from Sonticus? What's happened? Is Arian okay?" Of course he would jump to the worst conclusions, but he tried to hold himself back and let the woman explain herself before he burst out with more questions.

"Talk" "You" Think



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-23-2015, 07:24 PM

The girl continued to peer across the border, looking for signs of any sort of arrival. Thank god she wasn't left waiting long! Almost immediately, a form of which she'd never seen came lumbering from within the pack, Arian's brother she guessed, since that's who she said was alpha here. To confirm this, the stranger gave his name as he approached, and she would dip her head in a hasty greeting. She wasn't one to be impolite, but the matter at hand was extremely important and urgent. His questions were quick, obvious concern for Arian in his eyes. By this time, she managed to catch her breath so she could talk calmly instead of seemingly scared, though she was a bit frightened about the possible events to come, she was stronger then that. She was tired with showing fear to the world.

"I am Avalon, one of Arian's cabinet members, and Arian is fine...for the moment." She sighed, wondering how this had all panned out. Sure, they were all furious that Imperium had disrespected them the way they did...but what did they expect to happen? To waltz into Sonticus borders and not expect any repercussions? No, lately with Arian's mind seemingly changing was expected. Those who had noticed were furious...though she still wondered why and how, Imperium had been left to wander around their home unchallenged. Avalon herself had been out on a hunting trip in another territory as well as refreshing the markers, but someone should have been there...and now it had come to this. "Sonticus had some unwelcome trespassers recently, all from Imperium...according to Arian, it was Valentine and some others I didn't recognize, and they desecrated our lands! They came in and performed a deed so vile, especially with children around by "fooling around" in our home." Emphasis was put on the phrase "fooling around" as anger returned to her gaze, "And now Arian has sent me to seek out Fiori's aid." She stared Leo eye to eye, fire burning in her eyes laced with a hint of fear, but this was her task. And despite her fear at a potential siege, it was her duty to her pack. "Arian wishes for the aid of her brother. She fears Imperium will come back and disrespect us and desecrate our lands or steal our home as if they are entitled. She wants to wage war against them. Will you help us?"

"Talk" "You" Think


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!