
to set a watchman



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
08-23-2015, 11:10 PM (This post was last modified: 08-23-2015, 11:12 PM by Tealah.)
OOC: No Imperium wolves please. Thank you!

Cascade couldn't resist - whether it was the urge to replay in her head the 'crime' of trespassing onto Sonticus lands, or to recall every detail of her moments there with Valentine... or both... but she found herself returning to the north alone to lay on her back far outside Sonticus borders. Not to reenact the act outright, no, she wasn't stupid enough to assume Sonticus wouldn't have discovered their scents and increased their vigilence, but to just... watch the cloud and to daydream. Not the usual pastime of the generally practical, if playful, female, she was nonetheless dreamy-eyed and full of thought today.

It was her heat cycle messing with her hormones and her emotions, she knew. She didn't think she'd gotten pregnant from her illicit encounter with Valentine, judging by the vastly different way she felt when she had been pregnant with Vana, Angel, and Phim - so full of energy and vivaciousness, a distinct contrast to her distraction and drowsiness now - which was both a relief and a disappointment. The conflicting feelings from that thought were uncomfortable and disconcerting, and so she'd been quite deliberately pushing the thoughts away in favor of other, less serious matters. Slowly her eyes drifted nearly shut, leaving a mere sliver of white peeking from beneath her eyelids as her eyes rolled up sleepily. Maybe she should hunt something on her way back to Imperium... when she did go back... later... maybe after a nap.
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



6 Years
08-24-2015, 01:21 AM
Split down the middle, his entertainment for the night previous had gone away. Not that it was much entertainment. With Liar, you couldn't tell whether or not something was amusing with that forever blank stare. The north was still too cold for him, at least it would be once the winter came. He didn't want to stick around to find out if he could survive in it. In which - Liar probably could, but he didn't feel like staying. He came across the scent of a woman however, shifting his weight to the left side as he turned his body in the pines. It was a rather curious woman, smelling of another pack of course he wouldn't be left alone. Though, he expected it. Loners could've been in the scarce. A flick of his tail and he would stand what seemed to be a meager three feet from her.

"Tired?" He would say out loud in his monotoned voice. Emotionless eyes gazing at the female. He wouldn't understand the meaning of disturbing her peace if anything at all. Even if she got mad, Liar's long fuse had a bomb attached at the end and there weren't many things that could make it blow unless it happened to be something precious to him. At the moment, there wasn't anything precious to him to keep. It was a brand new land and a brand new life.

to set a watchman with Cascade

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
08-24-2015, 02:45 AM (This post was last modified: 08-24-2015, 02:46 AM by Sin.)
I'm insane, I am smart

All it takes, is a spark, to ignite my bad intentions

He left Sonticus lands to get away from the moaning and groaning of what had transpired recently. Arian was throwing a fit over some trespassers, but...he didn't care. He wasn't staying long, and in fact, he felt like Arian thought him some sort of tool. He had been promised something, and almost as soon as he'd arrived after giving his word of helping raid a rival pack of Sonticus' she seemed to have changed her mind and gone back on her word. He kept quiet though, continuing to play along with her little game. There was a reason he didn't trust others or have friends, and despite her words at trying to gain his trust...she had failed. But she couldn't possibly know that. He did know that she feared him, which was quite amusing to the man. He could see it in her eyes everytime they crossed paths, could hear it in her voice the uncertainty that surrounded her.

Making his way back to the pines where he always felt at home, he debated his next move....he knew Sonticus was on the verge of a siege against Imperium, the ones who trespassed. And he would debate whether or not he would sit back and watch Sonticus meet their doom, or join them and fight for nothing that would benefit him. Decisions decisions...he had nothing to gain from it, and frankly, he wasn't sure he even wanted to help a traitor. He snorted at the thought, if they thought they could do it, he was sure they could. Now that he thought about it, he didn't feel like risking his family being taken as prisoners...but his decision wasn't final as of yet. And it would seem almost as if on cue, the scent of one so familiar already would wash over him. A smirk grew on pallid lips as he trotted towards it, eager to chat with the woman he'd grown so fond of. The squabble that Arian had with Imperium was not his squabble.

He soon spied the familiar woman, lying back against the cool ground. But nearby, an unfamiliar male approaching her as well. Narrowing his eyes at the man, he slowed his pace until he was a few feet to Cascade's left. Tail twitched and his ears tilted forward at the new man. He had never seen him before, but unless he caused trouble he wouldn't mind him really. Casting his attention towards Cascade, he rumbled a bit of laughter at her positioning. "Too hot back home, I assume?"

And do what I do best to your heart

Don't be fooled, I was raised by the wolves




7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
08-24-2015, 11:38 AM (This post was last modified: 08-24-2015, 05:50 PM by Tealah.)
Tired? Cas tilted her gaze down, her half-closed eyes two colorful slits as she brought the speaker into focus. Well, hello company. She vaguely remembered seeing him, somewhere, though lethargy led her to... not really care to try to dredge up a memory. "Nope," she replied with equanimity, sarcasm buried beneath layers of relaxed contemplation, "I'm just napping because it's fun. It's my thing." Otherwise she didn't move, trusting in her reflexes to throw him off if he went for her exposed belly. She was enjoying the warmth of the sun on her underside, the cooler temperature all-around in the north making the sun's rays actually pleasant rather than sweltering, and she was loath to move unless she had to. Being far less attached to her personal pride than many a wolf might have been, it didn't bother her in the slightest that the male might see her pseudo-submissive appearance as marking her as an inferior, because she genuinely didn't care what he thought anyway.

A second, more familiar voice brought her head lolling to the left to peer lazily at the second male, and she yawned widely. "Is that you, Sin Armada?" she questioned playfully - clearly it was, how many other white-coated males wandered around with blood painted all over them? Her nose quivered a moment and she smirked. "You stink like a pack, Sin, have you been slumming with Sonticus?" The male reeked of the same pack scent that was all over the ship she and Valen and Birna had reconnoitered - when had he joined that particular pack, why would he have joined that pack, and more importantly, would he recognize her scent as having been part of the pairing that had violated their home, or had they even discovered that yet? Cascade showed no shame whatsoever even thinking that they might have discovered the smell of sex in that small, out of the way corner of their ship, but continued to smirk at the male with slitted eyes, because she felt no shame in it, but only a gleeful sort of amusement.
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



6 Years
08-26-2015, 01:18 AM
Liar wouldn't get it at first, he supposed that he didn't need to get it. He really didn't feel like attacking a pack wolf for no reason. He highly considered the fact that she only held slight interest for him. That and the fact he was a loner made it to the point where he was rock bottom on the food chain so doing something with himself was the best choice. Being inside a pack was not one of those choices however. As another showed his face, Liar would find himself staring. His blank gaze holding no expression just locking on those amber eyes.

"Napping can be fun I suppose." Liar would mumble in his monotoned voice. It seemed there was a bit of connection between these two. Something he had no interest in. However he did smell the two males he met the other night on this one. He must have been the master and related to the other master. Interesting as he was with those marking, the AWD wolf himself took on the coloring of a dog for some reason or the other. "You could tell me more about this Sonticus and your pack?" he questioned for a moment.

to set a watchman with Cascade & Sin

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
08-31-2015, 03:38 AM

He laughed a bit at her response, so she recognized him? He felt honored. The woman was one hard to forget, not that he wanted to, however, for she was always quite the amusing one. At least he knew that if he ever wanted to keep boredom at bay, she would be the go to gal. He nodded as she peered at him, "Who else would it be?" A rhetorical question of course. The beast sat down where he had stopped, no fear of Cascade jumping him nor attacking him. He respected her, liked her attitude and admired the ever present playful sarcasm she held. Whether she reciprocated the respect or not wasn't his concern at the moment. He eyed the male that stood idly by, though it seemed the strange guy was...glaring at him? How funny.

One ear followed Cascade's direction at her question, head turning to glance at her with a light smirk on his face. So she'd scented it? Not surprising...he'd been there only a couple of weeks, but it was coming to an end. "Don't worry, it was only temporary...Arian was paranoid about Yfir raiding them, so she sought my help and we were to strike a deal." He looked up at the sky for a second with irritation as he recalled the events. "But of course, her mind changed. So I am departing Sonticus for a greater purpose." He glanced back at her, a sly smile and a knowing twinkle in his eye. "You and Valentine did not go unnoticed, you should have seen how riled up the pack got about it. However, I found it highly amusing. Congratulations for getting beneath a paranoid wolf's skin." His throat rumbled with laughter when he heard the stranger speak again. Ah yes, how could he be so rude? He'd almost forgotten he was there.

Turning to face the stranger with a humored expression, he would respond. "Sonticus is not worth your time. If you didn't hear already, it's a small pack who have bees for brains and get offended and riled up over the slightest things. Their President is one of the most paranoid little girls I've ever met...frankly, I'm not quite sure what to think of them. Certainly not worth my time nor effort any longer." He stared at the male with a challenging gaze. If this stranger carried dislike for him, then Sin would not waver and appear like stone. Though should the male choose to insult, Sin would gladly remind the strangely marked male who the dominant one was.

"Listen to my talk" 'and know my thoughts.'



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
09-02-2015, 09:37 PM
Cas' muzzle quirked in a crooked grin at the oddly-marked male's slow words. Man wasn't much for wit was he? She was starting to wonder if he was a little slow in the head. But it was Sin's words that drew a guffaw from her, and she stretched slightly to settle in more comfortably on her back as she stared at him in amusement. "Oh, is that so?" she purred. She hadn't really expected that they would go completely unnoticed. "I can't say that I was very impressed by your ability to guard a border, Sin. A bit disappointing really." The tip of her tongue slipped from from between her teeth in a teasing expression as he turned his words to the other male, and she was quick to butt in on his words sharply. "Besides, the goal wasn't to get under Arian's skin. It was just a bit of a lark. A game to see if anyone in Sonticus was willing to do more than hide in their dens if they were invaded. Turns out... no one came out of hiding... not even you, Sin." She flipped a hindpaw lazily, staring at him with half-lidded eyes. She didn't bother to explain Imperium to Liar; didn't actions speak louder than words? And he did come across as quite slow... maybe he'd make a good slave if she got up the energy to actually claim him, but she wasn't going to go out of her way to lure someone like that into actually joining the pack, was she? Valentine would lament the misuse of resources on a less than useful member, surely.
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



6 Years
09-04-2015, 07:03 AM
It seemed there was a small history between these two. Liar broke his gaze as soon as he got the information he had wanted, however the lady it seemed was ignoring him rather curiously. Didn't matter to him all the bickering they were going through. He was never one to understand those kind of quarrels. Though if it was borders they were talking about, Cascade was on the stronger sides of things. It also meant she was well off on her own. So then, Sonticus was weak, he would go speak with them soon to see for himself. Imperium..... well that went without saying when he looked at Cascade.

"Seems like I've intruded." his green eyes moved around for a moment. He wasn't intimidated by either. Nor did he care about Sin entirely, he was interesting, strong by the looks of it. Liar wouldn't take a single note to even try to hate the other. They hadn't done anything to him as of yet. "Those who hide should be hunted out like rabbits, hiding gets you nowhere." so wasn't dumb as he looked. Though his voice still held no tone, as did his gaze. No way of telling what he was thinking, or even trying to do for that matter.

to set a watchman with Cascade & Sin

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
09-23-2015, 06:00 PM
He would scoff at her words, tail flicking as he raised a brow. Didn't she get it? He didn't care and had his own things to do. "I wouldn't underestimate me, if I were you dear. As I said before, it was at the point where I didn't care what happened. I certainly wasn't going to stop you all on her behalf. Not after she lied to me." besides, he had his own plans for her in the future... Arian wouldn't go unscathed from her little trickery. She had messed with the wrong wolf.

Attention turned to the other male, his words and lack of emotions drawing curiosity from the devil. "You're right. That's what Sonticus is, I'm quite ashamed and embarrassed for being tied to them...but it's all a part of a ploy. One I'm sure you'd be interested to know, Cascade." Ah, but he wouldn't give her any details then. She would find out soon enough. Looking back at the other man, he was mildly curious about him. "Where are my manners." He glanced at Cas for a moment, then back at Liar. "You've heard already, but I am Sin. My surname is Hellstrom, by the way. Not Armada. And you are?"