
Distantly Related, Closer Than You Know



9 Years
08-25-2015, 09:55 PM
Kavdaya Of The Nomads

Kavdaya stopped as her nose picked up the barely noticeable scent border around the vast plains ahead of her. Gazing off into them, she could see a few patches of woodland, with a few hills. Something about the scents here was familiar. But they weren’t Nomads. Not Nomads, but still familiar. She bent her head and took a deep sniff. Two adults, a male and a female, and four younger wolves. The adult female was the one who smelled so familiar. Like family. She stepped back, head cocking. It wasn’t a pack, but the border she smelled was like that of a pack. Was this a home base, then? She didn’t want to step over that faint boundary, in case it was a pack that was lax on scent marking their borders, or liked a low profile.

But damned, was she ever curious. So she turned and followed that faint borderline, deciding to see what lay inside from a respectful distance. She could see several good herbs in there, and her paws itched at the temptation. She shook out her snowy white coat, flicking her tail in indecision. So tempting, but no, she wasn’t going to risk her hide, even for herbs. She found a stream trickling through and stopped, lowering her head for a long drink, though her ears kept up a constant swiveling routine, straining for any sounds from within.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: C87vX2z.png]



7 Years
Athena I

08-31-2015, 12:07 PM

Zuriel let a sigh pass her lips as she made her way across the plains, her mismatched blue gaze taking in the area. She wasn't consciously searching for herbs, but of course when she spotted some in the distance she was quick to change her path to head toward them. She never turned down an opportunity to add to her stock after all. Besides, it was something to do at least and that was something she was in short supply of these days. Her family had finally gotten rid of the illness they had been passing around for a while now, except for Tornach, he seemed to be catching it in spurts still, but they needed much less tending now either way. Her younger siblings were now old enough to watch out for themselves for the most part so they no longer needed babysitters. That really only left collecting herbs and trying her best to learn more about them as her only pass time.

She had a sinking feeling that she had reached the point that she could no longer learn any more about healing on her own. Her grandmother had given her a great base of knowledge and she had been able to pick up a few things here and there, but for the most part her knowledge was from observation and trial and error. But she wanted to know more. She had tossed around the idea of maybe trying to find a pack with some decent healers to learn from, but she knew how upset her parents would be if she left. Besides, who would look after their health if she wasn't here?

As she stopped in front of a patch of herbs to inspect them a stranger's scent caught her attention. Her ears perked and she lifted her gaze, easily spotting the bright white woman at the edge of the plains. Her brows pulled together with confusion and uncertainty. From this distance she looked so much like her grandmother... but Zuriel knew that was impossible. Right? She slowly began to edge closer to the woman and as she shortened the distance between them she noticed that the blue of this woman's eyes wasn't the bure sapphire that Erani had held. There was also a curious violet marking between her eyes. Zuriel also realized her scent wasn't the same as Erani's, which really should have been the first give away, but for a moment her similar appearance had caught Zuriel off guard.

"Um... hello," Zuriel said in greeting once she was maybe a few feet from the stranger. She suddenly realized she had been staring and felt like she might be taken as rude. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to stare, you just remind me of someone. I'm Zuriel."

"Talk" "You" Think



9 Years
08-31-2015, 05:39 PM
Kavdaya Of The Nomads

Kavdaya spotted the stranger as she looked up from the water, and straightened politely, giving the monotone shaded young female her full attention with what might have been an achingly familiar manner; calm eyes sweeping the female’s form in an automatic check for health before actually taking in her appearance,. Apart from those eyes not sharing the exact same deep sapphire as Erani’s, Kavdaya was also a full six inches shorter. But there was the resemblance in build. Kavdaya looked over the younger wolf carefully, noting that she was young, perhaps on the cusp of turning two. And she smelled like a healer. She carried no mark upon her brow, but then again, Nomads only received their first mark when they turned two, signifying that they were half way trained, and ready to leave the pack to continue learning on their own, or could continue their training in more advanced healing methods among the Nomads.

The younger wolf seemed to be staring a bit, before seemingly realizing her manners as she greeted Kavdaya. The apology was answered with a gentle smile as Kavday’s tail waved slowly behind her. So she wasn’t the only one finding familiarities in a smell? The girl had a familiar build, too, around the edges. “I’m Kavdaya of the Nomads.” A dip of the head was given, an automatic gesture that brought one’s mark to better view had the other wolves not seen it by then. Her eyes lifted, tracking to the stand of plants she had seen earlier. Oh. Woundwort. A good one with many, many good uses.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: C87vX2z.png]



7 Years
Athena I

09-19-2015, 11:56 PM

Zuriel returned the dip of her head once Kavdaya had introduced herself. She was immediately curious about her title as a Nomad. "It's nice to meet you, Kavdaya." Zur noticed that the pale woman was obviously distracted by something and Zuriel followed her gaze to look over her shoulder. Her two-toned gaze landed on a plant that she wasn't entirely familiar with, but she knew it was an herb of some kind... Wood-something maybe? It It was obvious, both in the woman's heavily herb-infused scent and her fixation on this plant that this woman was a healer... Instantly Zuriel's craving for knowledge kicked in. It took all of her self control to not jump up and down like a child and beg to know what that plant was and what it did.

Instead she turned her gaze back toward the woman with a curious tilt of her head. "Were you wanting some of that? Cause you're more than welcome to it. I know with all of us here it can kind of seem like a pack sometimes, but it's just my family." She gave her a friendly smile and turned to make her way over toward the Wood-something plant, assuming that Kavdaya would follow her. "I'm guessing you're pretty familiar with this then? Could you tell me more about it?"

"Talk" "You" Think