
Brush The Dust Off My Sword



7 Years
08-31-2015, 11:23 PM (This post was last modified: 09-01-2015, 01:05 AM by Surreal.)

She needed to do something to shake off the extra energy that soaking in the stream and patrolling didn’t soothe. Thus, here she stood, mismatched gaze sweeping the rolling landscape with its torn, bloodstained ground. A silent snarl pulled her jowls up, unsheathing well cared for white canines. She needed to shake the dust off of her active skills, anyways; despite constantly training her children in moves, and performing mild spars with them, she hadn’t been in a real fight for a while. This wouldn’t be a real fight, but she wouldn’t be accused of holding her blows, either. She had brought Regulus along, and he stood at the edge of the flat space she had chosen, waiting to see what his mother could show him that he might learn better through observation.

Surreal circled the space before settling at the near center, settling into a light defensive stance, tail and head falling level with her shoulders and spine. The rest would come in action as soon as she had an opponent. She sent out a long, summoning howl, calling for a dance partner as her toes spread, claws digging into the ground. She flicked a glance to her vibrant son, receiving a smile in return as both sets of eyes scanned the surroundings for whomever might answer the call. High above, Battlesong wheeled on the thermals, seemingly an unrelated creature to either of the wolves on the ground; in reality, she was an early warning system who would announce an arrival even before Surreal or her son might hear or see them.

-:: Surreal vs ??? for Spar ::-
Round 0/0




Extra Notes: I'd like for this to be a quick, three round spar, if possible. The time limit default will apply to this spar, and I will default if my opponent goes over the time limit. Whomever answers, make sure you will be able to post within the three day limit <3



6 Years
09-01-2015, 07:02 PM
The battlefield seemed to have put the beast at some sort of ease. Though here he needed to sharpen his senses. The blank stare that male held caught caught the female in the end of her call having been here previously. The cream colored male moving over, emotionless green eyes noting that of the other male with her. Must have been for extra protection afterwards. Not that he could find himself to care about that. If she wanted a spar, she could have one. He was called a demon in his youth for a reason. Taught to never hold back in a spar, you fought like you wouldn't be able to wake up the next morning.

"Liar Walker, at your service ma'm." he would allowed her the first move. As cruel as he could be he was a gentleman in his own like. Liar would then begin to set up his defenses. His lips curled back to show off his sharp canine's. Pulling his ears to pin to the back of his head, his weight evenly distributed on all four of his legs. Tail leveling with his spine and toes splaying out with his claws digging into the dirt for traction. His hackle's raised hair on the ends of his back and rump raising. Liar would tuck his head mildly down to his chest, and his shoulders rolled inward. Eyes narrowed and locked onto the female as he made sure his scruff was pulled forward to protect his vitals.

0/3 for Spar

Brush dust off my sword with Surreal

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.



7 Years
09-03-2015, 07:07 PM (This post was last modified: 09-03-2015, 07:17 PM by Surreal.)

Battlesong gave a high-pitched alert as her keen eyes spotted the exotically marked male. Surreal glanced up then turned to face him as he approached, her mismatched eyes looking him over, noting his markings with some curiosity, as she sought to put a distance of ten feet between them. His introduction, however, brought her ears up. She remembered Arian’s son mentioning relations to Walkers. Was this a relative? She remained silent, however. Despite his manners, something about this fellow had her hackles itching. Like beauty, manners could often only be skin deep. She nodded, instead, offering “Surreal Adravendi.” Before she moved immediately into the fight.

She kicked off even as her surname left her jaws, and she sought to swiftly close the distance between them, tail and head flowing level with her spine, shoulders rolling forward over the base of her neck as she tucked her chin to guard her throat and scrunched her neck back toward her shoulders, scruff rolling up into a protective layer of fat, flesh and fur over the vertebrae. Her hackles rose to add an extra bit of padding from the base of her skull to the base of her tail, as her ears flattened to his head, her face pulled into a wrinkly snarl, and her eyes narrowed to protective slits. Her jaws parted slightly, finishing off her facial defenses. Her paws fell in a balanced spread, toes stretching apart for added balance and her claws biting into the ground for traction. Her abdomen tensed, her elbows and hocks bending slightly to lower her center of gravity as she sought to come at Liar from the front.

At the last possible moment, she sought to duck slightly  to Liar’s left, her own right, wishing to drive the point of her left shoulder into the center of his chest, aiming for the point where neck became breast, hoping to drive the wind out of his chest and stagger her similarly sized opponent with what momentum and force she had gathered in her charge. Simultaneously, her head sought to snake around toward the left side of his head, her jaws aiming to latch onto Liar’s left side face, lower canines seeking a hold under his left jawline, while her upper canines sought a grip above his left eye. Lastly, she sought to snap her left front paw upward and forward, seeking to snag his left front leg around the wrist and drag his left leg from underneath his as her other three legs received her weight to maintain her balance, claws digging into the ground to keep a grip on the turf.

The adrenaline was already thrumming through her veins. She felt great!

-:: Surreal vs Liar for Spar ::-
Round 1/3




Extra Notes: Yikes! Just squeaked by! You didn't state a distance or an angle, so I went with ten feet, if that's okay. I didn't manage to get a hold of you to ask how far he was from her, unfortunately! Any questions, feel free to ask <3 *Edited to fix a coding error because I can't stand when my table looks wonky. Overseen by Evelyn <3



6 Years
09-04-2015, 04:35 AM
Suddenly it would click in Liar, and his senses would come alive. Hackle’s raised and a devilish grin grew upon his face. Showing off vicious white canine’s his eyes narrowed on the woman. Ears pinning to the back of his head. His paws dug into the terrain evenly distributing his weight. His knees bent slightly and his tail settling on his spine level. As Surreal kicked off, he was instantly alive. Dipping to his own left towards her right her shoulder would miss his chest and collide with his shoulder. Painfully letting out a growl he had managed to move her bite and it missed it’s mark. Snapping near his left side. As her left foot came to hook across his own the proximity allowed him to attempt a counter. Aiming to let the lock happen, however to grasp his own left around hers and trip her(Injury pending on counter). Redistributing his weight on his three other paws his abdomen muscles tightened. Body aiming to tilt to the left he’d start his attack.

Liar’s jaws opened, thrusting his body forward his upper jaw aimed for just the top of her mid back. The male’s lower jaw aiming for just where the ribcage was on her body. His shoulders rolled inward ignoring the pain in his left shoulder. Toes splayed out into the terrain and nails digging into the dirt his tail acted as a rudder to keep himself balanced. Eyes still locked on the opponent he aimed to cause as much pain as possible to her side. Liar’s weight stayed centered on his front, his left and right back legs keeping him standing as his right paw stayed off to the side in case his left leg became unuseable.

1/3 for Spar

Provided visual of attempt Feel free to pm Liar if you have questions Bri ^^ Hope the little picture helps.

Brush dust off my sword with Surreal

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.



7 Years
09-04-2015, 06:28 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Surreal caught the grin on her opponent’s face and felt her already curled lips twitch, a mental ‘ew’ floating through her mind just before impact. Liar had dipped to his left, her right. Oddly, though this move should have ended in their chests crashing together, only her left shoulder would collide, and somehow strike only his left shoulder. With her momentum, the bruising that bloomed on her left shoulder at the point felt like it might be in the range of severe. Still, her adrenaline fueled her, rolling a soothing balm over the pain for the time being. Her bite for his face caught only air, while her attempt to snag his left front leg with her own left foreleg was successful, though his counter attempt to trip her was ultimately unsuccessful due to none of her weight being in that leg.

Surreal sought to pivot her hind end to her right as Liar surged forward, seeking to bring them to a rough L shape, her chest facing his left shoulder, hind legs squaring just under her hips to fuel her following attempt to lunge forward into Liar’s left outer shoulder with her central chest with as much force as she could gather in such close quarters, seeking to knock him off balance as she sought to drag his left foreleg toward herself and take away one pillar of balance and traction. His jaws missed their mark due to her movements, snapping shut on air, though she did feel a few tufts of hair pull free from the skin, leaving a slightly inflamed sensation behind, and perhaps a few drops of blood, but little else. She sought to aim her jaws for the back of his neck, towards the upper half, wishing to gain a firm hold on the male’s scruff with which she could use to gain some control over her exotically marked opponent.

All the while, her defenses remained in action; her face was wrinkled into a silent scowl, eyes narrowed to protective slits, her ears laid flat to her skull, and her hackles standing on end from the base of her cranium to the base of her tail. Her weight remained balanced on her right front and both hind legs, her abdomen tensed, tail acting as a rudder, toes splayed for an added measure of balance, while her claws sank into the ground for further traction. Elbows and hocks remained slightly bent, both for a lowered center of gravity and to keep the joints loose for quick movement. Her shoulders were rolled forward over the base of her neck, while she scrunched her neck back against her shoulders, scruff rolled into a defensive barrier of fat and fur.

All the while, she remained silent, falling back on old techniques passed down from both her mother and her uncle. It didn’t mean her heart wasn’t hammering in her ears, but it was a lot easier to think when she wasn’t snarling. To be honest, she was having fun.

-:: Surreal vs Liar for Spar ::-
Round 2/3




Extra Notes:



6 Years
09-07-2015, 06:00 AM

Liar was quick, alert to all of his senses. His ears still pinned to the back of his head, nostrils flared in the sensation of her scent being so close to him. Toes splayed out into the sand as he let his lifted leg come back in contact with the ground, his narrowed eyes would make note of her movements so that he could react to them just as quickly. As she lunged at his left shoulder with the center of her chest, the L shape becoming at a slight angle he would welcome it. Spreading his right forelimb and back right leg outwards to help with the impact. Severe bruising sprouting up on his shoulder as he tucked his chin, his scruff rolled forward and hackles raised.

All the while Liar would push forward into her, rolling his shoulders inward he felt her jaws slip just below his scruff. As his left foreleg came out from underneath him, his other three paws already compensated. Grabbing hold of fatty tissue just on the edge of his rolled up scruff. The exotic male felt the bleeding began furiously, a half inch wound sprouting from her teeth. The male then opened his jaws tilting his head to his own left as his head reached to the left. Aiming them to Surreal’s own left ribcage. His upper jaw seeking for the portion near her back, the lower near where her elbow started.

Liar kept all of his defenses set at that moment, his abdomen muscles tightened eyes narrowed and locked on her. His ears pinned to the back of his head, hackles raised and scruff scrunched. His tail moved slightly to the right to help with his balance as most of his weight rested on his right side to avoid being knocked over. Using his left forelimb that she knocked out earlier he would bring it back in one attempt to kick at her right forelimb near her ankle in the hopes of dis-balancing her.

2/3 for Spar

ooc: feel free to skype me for anything ^w^

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.



7 Years
09-09-2015, 02:23 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Her slam to Liar’s left shoulder failed to shake his balance as much as she would have hoped. Moderate bruising flared in her chest, and she could only hope that she had managed to inflict at least the same amount of injury to her opponent. She was successful in pulling Liar’s leg ot from under him, but due to his already distributed weight being in the other three limbs, she was successful in only that. She could roll with this, no problem. She was far more successful in her attempt to catch Liar’s scruff in her jaws, her teeth clamping down on the fatty folds of flesh. She sought to tighten her hold while simultaneously seeking lift herself upward, vying to snap her right foreleg up and over Liar’s back, her hind legs squaring under her pelvis as her tail swept out behind her for balance as she shifted the majority of her weight into her hind legs as she sought to pull the male toward herself while he pushed into her, wishing to topple him to the ground via his left front side, where his balance might be the least viable, and to use his own pressure against him. Due to her movements, Liar’s later attempt at a kick for her right foreleg was negated, his paw only finding air and empty earth.

Liar was in motion, seeking to aim a bite at her left side. She sought to counter his attack with a thrust of her left shoulder towards the left side of his face as he came in for the bite. Thus, his bite landed instead on her shoulder as she sought to drive the point of her shoulder at him with a forceful ram, striving to drive from behind with her hind legs. Her hind toes were splayed for better balance, her claws digging into the ground to provide traction. Moderate lacerations drew blood at last on her upper and lower forward left shoulder as his canines bit into her fur and flesh, along with some moderate bruising that would likely escalate into severe by the time she was home getting them tended. Still, she refused to make a sound, instead focusing on her opponent and the fight.

Her hind legs were squared, her tail out for balance, abdomen tensed as an added balancing act, while her ears were flat to her skull, her hackles were raised from the base of her skull to the base of her tail, and her shoulders remained rolled forward to guard her lower neck from attack. Her chin was as tucked as it could be under the circumstances of the fight, eyes narrowed to protective, determined slits. Her scruff was rolled into a protective layer of fur, fat, and flesh to guard her vertebrae, while her neck was scrunched back into her shoulders.

-:: Surreal vs Liar for Spar ::-
Round 3/3




Extra Notes: Pretty crappy last post for this par. I did enjoy myself sparring you Riv, but this morning has been... rather trying. (Nothing Ala related, don't worry.) I would like to be the one who puts in the judging requests, please <3



6 Years
09-15-2015, 12:38 AM

Liar quickly would protect himself, as she pulled upwards just below his scruff there wasn’t much to hold. He barely lifted above the ground but she took bits of flesh and fur with her as he painfully let out a growl. Her right forearm aiming to hang over his back the male would use his back right leg to take one step to his right and pull them into more of a right angle or close to one so she could not get the grip she wished for. Trying to topple him over he quickly slammed his lifted right leg onto the ground and redistributed his weight evenly toes spreading and claws digging into the dirt. His teeth digging into her left shoulder the top of his muzzle beginning to sprout pain from bruising but a bite was good as any bite could be. Liar let go immediately and dropped into a play bow position simultaneously attempting to ram up both his shoulders into his chest from underneath her, aiming to get her to back up or completely topple over.

Liar would then tilt his head to the left, aiming his jaws for her soft underbelly just after the ribcage. Keeping his ears pinned to the back of his head, his shoulders rolled inward and paws spread into the ground after his attempt to slam up to her aiming to make himself a solid statue. His tail leveling with his spine and abdomen muscles tightened, the male’s eyes stayed narrowed and his scruff rolled forward. Back knees slightly bent to keep him grounded.

3/3 for Spar

ooc: Bri agree'd to let me have until midnight tonight to post ^w^ so here it is. It was definitely an interesting fight Bri may the best win this might be the hardest I've ever tried next to my rank challenge with Bass :,D

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.

The Judge


10-17-2015, 09:26 AM



9 for clarity:

  • -1 “...she sought to duck slightly to Liar’s left...” How far is “slightly”? Assuming they were face to face to begin with, how much does this change their positioning?
8 for powerplaying.
  • -2 “At the last possible moment...” You must give your opponent time to react
10 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen to max of 10
6 for attack.
  • +2 for shoulder slam
  • +3 for bite
  • +1 for paw swipe
10 for injuries.
  • First round.

Surreal's round one total: 43/50

2 for clarity:

  • -2 “Dipping to his own left...” What do you mean by “dipping”? This is a very vague statement and it tells me almost nothing about what he's doing
  • -2 “...her shoulder would miss his chest and collide with his shoulder.” Which shoulder and where on it?
  • -1 “Aiming to let the lock happen, however to grasp his own left around hers and trip her.” What exactly ss he doing? Resisting her pull? Pulling back? Are they just holding hands?
  • -1 “Body aiming to tilt to the left he’d start his attack.” Tilt how? Is he leaning? What does this accomplish and why is he doing it? More information is needed here!
  • -1 “...thrusting his body forward his upper jaw aimed for just the top of her mid back.” I feel this is too vague. Right behind her shoulder blades? Further back? How much further?
  • -1 “The male’s lower jaw aiming for just where the ribcage was on her body.” The wording here could be a bit better and it's more than a little confusing.
8 for powerplaying.
  • -2 What kind of damage did he take from Surreal's shoulder throw?
10 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen to max of 10
4 for attack.
  • +1 for paw counter
  • +3 for bite
10 for injuries.
  • First round.

Liar's round one total: 34/50


9 for clarity:

  • -1 “though his counter attempt to trip her was ultimately unsuccessful due to none of her weight being in that leg.” So what happened to it then? Did he pull it towards him? Are they just holding hands?
9 for powerplaying.
  • -1 “ she sought to drag his left foreleg toward herself...” Since this isn't a counter you need to attempt to keep a hold before you can try to use it in an attack.
10 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen to max of 10
7 for attack.
  • +2 for chest slam
  • +1 for paw swipe
  • +3 for bite
    +1 for grip
8 for injuries.
  • -2 for severe bruising
  • 0 for pulled hair
Surreal's round two total: 43/50

9 for clarity:  
  • -1 “...he felt her jaws slip just below his scruff.” How far below his scruff? Is she biting into the skin over his shoulder blades?
5 for powerplaying.
  • -2 “All the while Liar would push forward into her...” This should have been attempted
  • -2 “...he felt her jaws slip just below his scruff...” Surreal was aiming for the top of his scruff. If Liar moved in a way that would justify taking damage anywhere other than where your opponent intended you need to say so.
  • -1 “As his left foreleg came out from underneath him...” Did he take any damage from this? If not, why not? Because this is an attack you need to say whether or not damage was taken even if, like in this case, not taking damage is perfectly acceptable.
7 for defenses.
  • +1 “His ears still pinned to the back of his head...”
  • +1 “Toes splayed out...”
  • +1 “...his narrowed eyes...”
  • +1 “...he tucked his chin...”
  • +1 “...his scruff rolled forward...”
  • +1 “...hackles raised...”
  • +1 “...his abdomen muscles tightened...”
  • 0 “His tail moved slightly to the right...” Is it still held out level with his spine or is it by his leg?
4 for attack.
  • +3 for bite
  • +1 for kick
6 for injuries.
  • -2 for severe bruising
  • -2 for moderate punctures wounds to base of scruff

Liar's round two total: 31/50


9 for clarity:

  • -1 “...vying to snap her right foreleg up and over Liar’s back...” Where exactly is she hoping to place it on his back?
7 for powerplaying.
  • -3 “She sought to counter his attack with a thrust of her left shoulder towards the left side of his face...” By taking damage from this you're giving your opponent no choice but to accept your counter attack
10 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen to max of 10
6 for attack.
  • +3 for bite
    +1 for grip
  • +2 for shoulder throw
  • 0 for hook/pulling
5 for injuries.
  • -1 for moderate bruising to chest
  • -2 for moderate lacerations
  • -2 for severe bruising
Surreal's round three total: 37/50

2 for clarity:  
  • -1 “He barely lifted above the ground but she took bits of flesh and fur with her...” I'm not sure what is happening here. Is Liar being lifted off the ground? Is Surreal's bite pulling free instead of gripping?
  • -1 “Trying to topple him over he quickly slammed his lifted right leg onto the ground and...” Did you mean to say her?
  • -2 “ she could not get the grip she wished for.” Did her paw land at all? If so, where? Did it do any damage?
  • -1 “His teeth digging into her left shoulder the top of his muzzle beginning to sprout pain from bruising...” How severe is that bruising?
  • -2 “...attempting to ram up both his shoulders into his chest from underneath her...” Do you mean her chest? Where on her chest is Liar trying to strike?
  • -1 “Liar would then tilt his head to the left, aiming his jaws for her soft underbelly just after the ribcage.” Where after her ribcage? At the end of her sternum? Along either side of her ribs?
8 for powerplaying.
  • -1 “...his back the male would use his back right leg to take one step to his right and pull them into more of a right angle...” You can say that Liar took a step to the side, but you can't say the positioning he's hoping for is successful, you can only attempt it.
  • -1 “...after his attempt to slam up to her...” Try not to say things like this. You have to give your opponent time to react; who knows, she might do something to prevent Liar from making this move.
10 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen to max of 10
5 for attack.
  • +2 for ramming
  • +3 for bite
5 for injuries.
  • -4 for severe bite wound to scruff (worsened injury from previous round)
  • -1 for moderate bruising to muzzle (damage assigned by judge)

Liar's round three total: 30/50


SURREAL: 123/150
LIAR: 95/150

And the winner is...

SURREAL! Liar must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


  • Severe bruising will take 1 ooc week to heal
  • Moderate bruising will take 3 ooc days to heal
  • Moderate lacerations will take 1 ooc week to heal
  • Severe bruising will take 1 ooc week to heal
  • Moderate bruising will take 3 ooc days to heal
  • Severe bite wound will take 2 ooc weeks to heal

Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

For Bri: Very good fight! I have nothing to note, you did very well and I can see a huge difference between the first fight of yours I judged and this one!

For Riv: In the future, please include the names of the participants alongside the rounds and reason for the fight. Not including this information is enough of a reason to default a fight, but because you had two out of three each round you only get a warning this time.

I found your posts to be very difficult to read to the point where I considered making a general, overall deduction for clarity. Instead of putting two or more different things together in one sentence like this “He barely lifted above the ground but she took bits of flesh and fur with her as he painfully let out a growl.” I suggest you separate each individual thought or action into separate sentences or even paragraphs. Describe what is happening in detail, don't try to whittle it all down to as few sentences as possible. State what is happening clearly and simply, and I bet you'll see an improvement in your fight scores.

- By [Lazuli]