
Attempt to Flee



09-02-2015, 05:06 PM (This post was last modified: 09-02-2015, 05:12 PM by Evelyn.)
This has been brought to our attention a few times, and we are finally doing something about it! So, you will now have an option to attempt to flee a fight, however this will not be allowed on pack challenges or death matches. Also, an alpha cannot attempt to flee from a claim or freedom challenge for a pack member. This is also just a chance to flee, there will be no guarantee to escape a fight. This is going to tie in with our skills, and of course there are going to be a few rules.

1. You can only attempt to leave a fight every OOC month. (If you are a master in the skills listed below, you get two flees a month.) To attempt to flee, you must fill out a form in the judging request before you reply. A tier one judge or staff member will then roll the dice to see if you are successful in your flee. If you are, you must post a reply to the fight with you leaving it. If you are not, you must fight. The three day default time will start from the time your flee results are posted.

2. When a request for a flee is posted, the timer for the fight is paused. It will resume as soon as the results of the flee are posted. However, if a flee request is not posted within the normal default time, it will not count.

3. There is a new gemstone store item, an extra die. You can only buy one per flee, but this will give you two chances to get the number you need to be successful. This item will only be 100 gems, and you must post a link in your request for a roll.

4. There will be no pestering judges or staff for another roll, or for your request to be put through. If you do, your request will be denied and still count as that flee for that month.

How this works:

Once your form is filled out, a tier one judge or a staff will roll the die, or dice if you purchase an extra one. The number(s) that you need to get to be successful in a flee depends on your skill level in either fighting, hunting, or navigation. (The more physical skills.) Your highest skill is the one that will determine what number(s) you have to roll.

If your characters skills are both healing and intellect, you get the beginner roll. You must roll a one to escape, but you can still purchase an extra die to aid your luck.

Beginner : Must roll a one to escape.
Novice : Must roll a one or two to escape.
Intermediate : Must roll a one, two, or three to escape.
Advanced : Must roll a 1-4 to escape.
Expert : Must roll a 1-5 to escape.
Master : Must roll a 1-5 to escape, but get two free rolls a month.

Just on another note, this is a new system and staff may want to add a few changes to it. Check back for any changes at all.