



13+ Years

Treat 2019
09-27-2015, 10:01 PM

Esti was still attempting to comfort her before Shaye arrived, Deep breaths, right. How'd she forgotten that? She'd do just that as Valen came to her side. She'd break her gaze from him as Esti gave them her parting words, and they were comforting. Shaye appeared then, her voice soothing Rhythm as she appeared at her side. She'd been a miracle pup, hope was still possible. Where Rhythm had been less than helpful Shaye would ask for specific herbs, Rhythm would have been content with the cannabis that Evangeline held but Integra was suddenly off to grab some motherwort.

Not that Rhy had been paying much attention. She nuzzled Shaye as Valentine gave his order that it be only himself and her in the den. She'd turn to him, hearing the confidence in his voice would give her the added strength she needed. She'd manage to return his smile before giving her niece another nuzzle. "I'm glad you're here, I"ll call you if I need help." She'd lick Shaye's forehead before slipping into the den ahead of Valen.

She'd get comfortable, glad now that she'd made a nest so early. Her den floor was lined with prairie dog fur, it would be a perfect bed for her new little ones. She'd settle nicely, but as she did another contraction found its way through her. This one was getting bad, she'd lean back into Valentine as she cringed, not able to think about much other than pushing. She knew very well he was there, and took the comfort that he offered. She had to go through a few more contractions, each one more painful than the last. Though she hadn't made much noise as she advanced further into the birthing process she'd whine painfully as she pushed, and finally the first of their children arrived.

She was sooo tiny, with a short gasp Rhythm would turn her attention to the tiny child at her tail. As she'd thought, she wouldn't move at first arrival. All of Rhythm's attention would linger on the girl as she tore open the sac and started licking her furiously. She had to breathe on her own, she had to be able to breathe on her own.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
09-27-2015, 11:07 PM
Shaye whimpered as she was so quickly dismissed first by valentine and a gesture that was echoed by rhythm. Her auntie had said she could be there for the birthing but so quickly she went back on that. All she had ever wanted was for her hero to be her parent, her family, she wanted to move into imp and live with her auntie, a bold move she she had never known how to go about. The dismissal was a sharp reminder that all it ever was... was an empty wish. Rhythm would not only never be hers, but the family she was having now wasn't something for her to be a part of. Her children would never call her sister, and she would not be there for their arrival into this world, her scent would be would be a stranger to them.

Even the wolves here dismissed her so easily, she did not mean a thing to any of them, she was not even a name but a strangers face. Despite being the one to ask for the correct herbs, they would be given immediately to the birthing mother without so much as a question of percentage, leaving rhythm to do the work for herself. Slowly, reluctantly, shaye would slink away and back out of imps terratory, the feeling of abandonment was utterly and wholly new to her, and it was was a feeling she never wanted to hold again.

-exit shaye-


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
09-28-2015, 08:04 PM

Once Rhythm was comfortable Valentine lay down beside her. Before he too could get situate himself Integra was back, her voice ringing down the den entrance. Once more Valentine got to his paws and padded closer to pick up the herbs she'd dropped. "Thank you, Integra, I appreciate you going to grab that," he said, tone grateful. Her thoughtfulness and eagerness would most definitely be remembered.

After backing back down into the den Valentine gently placed the herbs within Rhythm's reach before once again lay down beside her, pausing only once to nuzzle Rhythm's cheek and nose the prairie dog fur in closer around her, and just in time too. He was very aware of the next contraction Rhythm felt and when she leaned into him he set about licking the space between her ears in the hopes that the gentle, rhythmic ministrations would have a soothing effect. Throughout the labor that would bring their first child into the world, Valentine would continue trying (possibly in vain, he wasn't sure) to be useful. All she had to do was ask and she would receive. If she were to decide she was tired of seeing his face and wanted him gone, he'd stand outside the den without complaint. If she were to want something outside the packlands he'd fetch it and it would be the fastest he'd ever run.

Valentine alternated between grooming her and murmuring words of encouragement until Rhythm's gasp and her suddenly diverted attention had him straining over her to see. The puppy's impossibly tiny form was very starling, especially when compared to how big and pumpkin-headed some of his other kids had been as newborns, but nonetheless Valentine was immediately enamored with her. "She's beautiful, Rhythm." The seconds ticked by without a sound from the pup which began to make him a little nervous. Every other newborn he'd ever seen had eventually protested the vigorous cleaning he or she received. "Here," he said suddenly, "let me." From past experience he knew that even if this was their only one, there was more stuff to come. If she was agreeable he'd gladly take over their daughter's care.


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
09-28-2015, 08:28 PM

The herbs that Integra had been sent to fetch were quick to arrive, Valentine would be sure she didn't have to get up again. As he moved from her side to retrieve the plants and bring them to her she'd bite off a little bit and chew the plant before swallowing and going into another contraction. She didn't know if it was quick enough to really help with the pain, and she was tempted to eat the cannabis for its other effects. Though she knew at this moment more than any other she should have a clear head. Her children's lives could be depending on her, she needed to be able to react fast.

Her body would do all of the work, when she felt the urge to push she pushed. Valentine's gentle touch and sweet words would not go unnoticed. She'd push into him as the pain tried to overwhelm her, she'd remain rooted as her mind did its best to linger on the steady beat of his tongue against her fur or the deep tenor of his powerful voice that was uttered softly and just for her. Through much effort their daughter would be brought into the world. Rhythm wanted nothing more than to put all of her attention and focus on stimulating her little girl's breathing, but she was hardly done yet. "She's beautiful, Rhythm." She'd whine happily at his words, but the worry that was rooted in her soul would not be banished from her voice. "let me." She wouldn't deny him, even if she'd wanted to. Rhythm would relinquish her fate to her father as she felt herself going into another contraction. Not done yet.

She'd return to the position she'd been in, again leaning into her mate as the pain coursed through her and she pushed with all of her might. She could feel herself growing weary already, the work from labor and the fatigue of worry would quickly take its toll. She wasn't through yet. Rhythm would push until the feeling of relief came over her and their son entered the world. She felt different as he left her, the easy part was over.

Again she'd turn her focus behind her, eagerly cutting the cord with her teeth and tearing him free of the sac. He was just as still as his sister but that would hardly make her pause. Rhythm's tongue would cover the boy in kisses, as she rubbed all over his body. His spine, his belly, he needed to breathe. Once they were breathing, she could finally take a breath.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
09-29-2015, 08:01 PM

Gently picking up his daughter, Valentine carefully laid her down on his forepaws so that her upper body hung over his toes and her lower body was supported by his paws. He then set about roughly licking down her back, starting at her rump and working towards her neck. A few brief seconds ticked by before a viscous substance began to dribble from the tiny baby's nose. Aided by the angle that he'd placed her in and the rough rubbing on her back, the newborn's lungs were soon cleared enough for her to take a deep breath...and then immediately let it out in an indignant mewl. Satisfied, Valentine gave the baby one final parting lick to smooth her fur down and then picked her up, leaned over Rhythm, and placed her at her mother's belly.

In no time at all a second puppy was born and Valentine once again craned his neck to peer over Rhythm so he could see. Same as the first, this one was also still. Rhythm set about cleaning him and Valentine, with nothing left to do, simply watched and fidgeted as he waited for the bawling that would mean everything was alright. "Want me to take him too?" he offered.


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
09-29-2015, 08:24 PM

The sound of her daughter's first cry was the most beautiful sound she'd ever heard in her life. The relief was instant, but not complete as the little boy under her tongue was still just as silent. She wanted to fawn over the suckling babe at her belly, and as she frantically licked his little body it seemed as though Valentine had read her mind. Her exhaustion was showing through, and she didn't have to do all of the work. Worry was just as evident in his voice as it was in her belly, and reluctantly she'd tear herself away from her son and nudge him towards his father. He seemed to have a magic touch, and she wasn't about to deny him. As she pushed him closer though, the little boy would find his first breath. It wasn't strong, and it was almost not even noticeable were it not for the little squeak that followed.

With an great sigh of relief she'd feel herself relax, the tension slipping from her form as both of her pups used their new lungs. Her eyes would mist up, but with tears of joy. She'd done it, and they'd made it through their birth. With a couple more eager licks before nuzzling him back towards her belly she'd move her slate blue son towards his chocolate sister. "They made it, and they're just so beautiful." She'd sniffle softly, her foggy eyes unable to leave them for a long moment. She couldn't help but glance up to Valentine though, eager to see his reaction, to celebrate the life they'd created together. She'd smile up at him, the adoration clear in her tired expression. "I love you, Valentine." She'd blink back her tears as she melted in the moment. Their babies still had a long way to go, but the hard part was over.

Rhythm would lean over to kiss him sweetly, simply amazed at the events that had transpired. She hadn't expected such a happy ending. "What should their names be?" Her voice was curious, and slightly surprised at herself. She hadn't thought about their names at all yet, but she couldn't just call them girl pup and boy pup.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



6 Years
Extra large

09-29-2015, 08:56 PM

Adding to a long list of indignities, she was suddenly hoisted into the air by Not-Mom and plopped down somewhere far less warm and pleasant that she was used to. The sudden change from Uterusville to someplace completely different had left the baby sluggish. She was slow to adapt to the new and seemingly inhospitable world and her lackluster movements and nearly nonexistent protests made that quite clear.

The Not-Mom immediately set about trying his hardest to make her unhappy and, since she was new to the world of irritants, he found success quite quickly. Emptied of the drippy liquid, her lungs filled with air for the first time, the baby drawing in as deeply as she could, and then just as quickly she let it out in the most forceful protest she could muster - a protest that continued right up until the moment she was pressed into her mother's belly.


Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
09-29-2015, 09:10 PM

He was so totally not ready for the sudden emergence into the cold world outside. The shock didn't help his underdeveloped liquid filled lungs any. He wouldn't and couldn't cough up the junk in his lungs as he was released from his birth sac. Not a wiggle or protest would leave him as his mother kissed him over and over again. As she let up the liquid slowly dripped from him and finally his first breath would slip into his lungs. It wasn't an incredible first breath, but it was certainly a first breath and he'd use it to protest just as his sister did.

Gently he'd find himself pushed against the warm furred belly of his mother, and instinctually he would not hesitate to search for his source of food. He'd latch on like an expert and start to suckle eagerly. As soon as his belly was full he'd easily slip into an easy sleep as he focused on developing and growing big and strong. Despite some pretty rough odds he'd made it. Now he had the rest of the war to go.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
10-17-2015, 11:47 AM

Rising to a crouch, Valentine leaned over Rhythm and carefully placed a paw on the other side of her as he reached down to pick up their son. Just as he was about to lift the boy up, Valentine felt the baby's ribs expand under his touch and he quickly pulled back to look at him. In seconds the little one's unhappy cries ricocheted off the den walks and Valentine, breathing a sigh of relief, settled back down at Rhythm's side.

Rhythm's voice, her emotions so easily read in it, reached his ears and the brute chuckled before leaning in to lick at her forehead. "They are," he murmured as he stole a peek over Rhythm's side. "I love you, Valentine." He scooted closer and then dropped his head, seeking to rest his chin on her side while curling around her. "I love you too, Rhythm."

Names. Oh boy, he didn't like this part. This was the part that could set these kids up for lifelong teasing OR bamf status from birth. After returning her kiss, Valentine hummed thoughtfully before replying, "I like the name Rhys, myself." Good, strong, solid name. But didn't Destructions have some kind of naming thing going on? Rhythm, Bass, Motif and whatever that other brother's music related name was. "I suppose," he ventured, "that you'll want to follow the naming conventions of your family?"


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
10-17-2015, 12:44 PM

She was a mom. She now had two beautiful little babies at her side, quite a feat considering a couple of years ago she hadn't even wanted to give birth. Life changed her a lot over the last few years. She was focused on the here and now. Valen held tightly to her as they enjoyed the first few peaceful moments with their tiny babies. They wouldn't be nameless for long though, Rhythm wouldn't disagree to the name bestowed upon their firstborn, it was strong and reminiscent of her own name. "Me too," she'd agree as he went on to mention the tradition that had so long run in their family. Her grandmother had been Novel and her great grand parents, Poem and Series. She could always do a literary throwback instead of musical like her own litter. "Well," there had been one name. "I like the name Rhyme." She'd lean into his kiss before leaning down to nuzzle the tiny slate boy.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads