
Gone Fishin'


09-24-2015, 08:52 PM

It was nearly the break of dawn, perfect time for fishing he thought. The titan male loped slowly towards the large expanse of water, ready to get his paws wet and do a bit of fishing. The lands had been quiet for him, and he wondered if his appearance kept others away. Back home, he fit in perfectly...but out here, he must look like an eye sore. Sighing at his loneliness, the male would brush it off as he approached the waters.

He would stop at the shallows, tail flicking as monochromatic eyes searched the waters for signs of life. The fish would be feeding close to the shallows for breakfast at this time of day, the sun was hardly starting to rise as he slipped into the shallows. The water ran cool and cold, lapping over his paws as he shivered with its cold touch. His stomach rumbled, and fish sounded perfect for breakfast. The beast waited patiently, biding his time to strike at his unsuspecting prey. When a decent sized trout drew near his stilled paws, slowly he would lean forth before leaping at it. Teeth wrapped around the scaly creature as his muzzle plunged into the cold water. A commotion like that would surely scare off the other fish for a little while, but for now he'd gotten his prize.

Shuffling back out of the water with a firm grip on his catch, he moved a good distance away as the wriggling fish flailed helplessly between clenched teeth. The gargantuan figure settled down on his belly, dropping his catch between his paws and laid a massive paw over it to prevent it's escape. Breakfast was served.

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'



2 Years
09-25-2015, 03:08 AM

The humming in his head seemed to continue on for some time. Kaerf was a bit out of it since the battlefield. His body felt numb a bit, well his mind at least. The poor boys paws were tired from walking so much that was for certain. Then suddenly a scent filled his nose, yet when he saw the creature his blue eyes opened wider than he thought they would ever. Not only the markings but the size. His jaw nearly dropped, the tired man wandering over to the waters edge. He finally tripped into the water letting it reach his chest.

"Are you a demon?" Kaerf questioned. He felt his paws bleeding and sore soaking in the water. Oh that felt nice, as he lifted his head. He tried to remain calm again. Though it was obvious he wasn't doing too well, but his other personality wouldn't let him die so he wouldn't have to worry about that.

This character is prone to unpredictable acts of violence, he suffers from Schizophrenia and blood is a trigger to his violent fits.