
Tell me whats on your mind



4 Years
09-27-2015, 06:01 PM

They had finally managed to get to Sonticus's lands and Nona had a lot on her mind. First and foremost her children were dear to her and everything had just happened and to Nona she believed it was confusing for them. The fae would stare into the lake seeing herself stare back, "What has our lives become to be so far from Abaven to here... I know Allen is looking out for us but I only know Arian here and she's family to Allen..." Nona was quiet and mumbled. Somewhere in her head Nona wasn't quite happy with Bass but also not when she didn't know Bass's side. The motherly mind set however was at play and she was upset though because it was her children who got caught in the crossfire of it all and that was the only person she thought to blame.

Her gaze shifted from the lake to behind her to see if Allen was coming. Usually Nona was staying close to her mate's side ever since they got here because she knew no one here really well but she heard of the name Holly from her daughter and that lifted Nona's thoughts a little bit. How was Noen settling in however was another question. All the fae felt like she could was help out here as much as she could and just hold in how she felt to look strong for her family so they could lean on her for support as they had leaned on Allen for so long since they've been ill.



09-27-2015, 06:26 PM

Allen had not found peace in coming to Sonticus. His mind would be on Bass until the moment he and the other man spoke again, he was sure. They had to make amends. Somehow. Someway. This wasn't fair to his wife and children. They were the true victims in this. Not he. Allen would breathe in, searching his mate out.

At least in coming here his mate and children had some sort of stability. They had a pack, herbs for Nona to use to treat them, and they seemed to be getting better. But Allen was still worried. He was not sleeping well, and he knew he had to speak with Nona. His beloved mate, his ray of light, could put his mind to rest in these dark times.

Allen would find her at Wolfpaw lake, and the man would come to Nona's side without any hesitation. He would drape his head over her shoulders, holding her close as he whispered softly. "My Nona..." The man would draw back, moving so that he was sitting beside her.

"How are you fairing in adjusting? I know this is all new... and... I'm sorry."

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



4 Years
09-27-2015, 06:57 PM (This post was last modified: 09-27-2015, 06:58 PM by Nona.)

The touch was welcoming to her as she heard the man speak, "I've not been taking this move very well Allen... I know you have been working hard to take care of us and the kids but I haven't been doing so well to this adjustment" her heart sunk as Nona hung her head low beginning to look at the ground beneath her paws. Nona didn't want to say exactly how she was adjusting to all of this but in truth the fae wasn't taking this very well. Abaven came to mind while she thought about what to say next before shifted a little to press her cheek into Allen's neck, "Allen to be honest I haven't been adjusting very well to this because I know the members of Abaven and I thought our kids would get to be there and make friends and get to know Bass and everyone... for now though maybe I shouldn't entertain the idea of myself going to give him a piece of my mind putting our kids through this they got caught in the crossfire and they're paying the price for it... how could he do this?".

Anger was starting to rise to the front of the fae's thoughts but she would simmer down as Nona would press her face even more into Allen's fur. Tears would begin to roll down her cheeks, "Why did they have to get punished I don't care if I got caught in it all but Alna and Noen didn't deserve it and if I could say what was on my mind to him it would be I don't want to see him for a long time and if I could have my way he wouldn't see Alna and Noen for a long time either". Nona realized that those words were selfish and irrational but they just came out like a faucet running and the water flowing freely without a filter to hold back everything that was going to come forth from it all.


-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-


09-28-2015, 07:44 PM

Allen would give a soft sigh as his beloved mate spoke. He figured that she would not take the move well. Abaven was her home. Their home. He would keep his gaze fixed on the ground as she spoke on. He would speak softly as she asked how Bass could do this, heaving a sigh. “Bass didn’t do anything, Nona. I did. He told me that I could fight, or I could leave. It’s my fault for not being willing to go after our enemy and now... Now I know I never can.” Allen would lift his gaze to her. “Sin saved my life.” He did not tell his beloved about his ordeal in Traveler’s pitfall.

“So the only one to blame Nona is me...” Even now the man defended Bass. “So please don’t be mad at him. If anything be angry at me... For not putting you guys first...” Allen spoke in a soft voice, keeping his gaze focused on the ground.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



4 Years
09-29-2015, 06:27 PM

Allen had explained to her what she didn't know before. How could she be mad at him though after all he was her pillar of strength in her times of weakness. Perhaps her thoughts would become clearer now to know what the fight was about, "Allen listen to me carefully... my anger wasn't from a clear and rational mind for I only knew one bit of it not the whole gist of why you two argued and I'm sorry about that but perhaps dear this move was also a bit of a good thing you know... I know this isn't what I call home yet but had the fight begun and say the war failed on our side, they might have decided to come after Abaven what then? we would be exhausted caring for the injured and some left broken by loved ones killed in the action" Nona would take in a deep breath and sigh for a moment.

Once more the fae began to speak, "Then we would be far worse off in that scenario... and somewhere I feel like you were putting us first Allen, but perhaps if you spoke to Bass about this he might understand? now before I get a earful about this I can understand why Bass would get mad but still it seemed like he gave you a ultimatum and that is still a unfair call either side catches our children in the crossfire". Nona would calm down a bit bringing her head back into the reality of what they were talking about and clearly.

This was going to sound either silly or respectable but that was up to Allen for how he would take what was about to come out her maw, "Sin saved you? its a bit difficult to believe but perhaps he sees something in you that brought that about and I don't blame you for not wanting to fight especially after that... Allen you're getting up there in age and you should be allowed to live your older years how you feel is best and if it means not fighting and staying alive and by mine and our pups side then I'm happy but I'm more happy for you if you do what you feel is best for you my love" Nona would press herself a bit more into Allen then.



10-08-2015, 01:48 PM

Allen would listen to his mate. Yes, perhaps the move could be seen as good. But for right now the man wasn’t certain. He felt so heartbroken that it appeared he had turned his back on Bass. That wasn’t what he had wanted at all. But the thought of Hellstrom striking back, should Abaven fail, scared him greatly. He would breathe in, giving a nod.

“Yes... Perhaps he might. But the question is will he be willing to listen? Nona... I don’t know if things between Bass and I can be patched up at this point. To make matters... More complicated... I’ve agreed to temporarily take over ownership of Sonticus so that I might help Arian in her time of helping us.” The calico man would give a soft whine. “It feels like I’m just digging this hole deeper and deeper... Not sure which way is up anymore.”

The brute would give a small nod to her question however. “Yes he did. It was a bit of a spur of the moment thing I believe, but all the same Sin helped in saving my life. I don’t know... I just... Is it wrong to feel that going after Hellstrom is the wrong choice? To believe that complicating things further can only lead to deeper wounds?” He would wrap around Nona, closing his eyes. “I only want what’s best for us.”

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



4 Years
10-11-2015, 05:28 PM

Nona would do her best to curl her head around Allen to hold him close. The fae would let out a gentle sigh as she listened to Allen talk carefully taking in each word he spoke before speaking herself, "Hey don't ever think you're digging a hole... you've been my pillar of strength to keep moving forward and now its my turn to be yours so listen to me" Nona would pull back a little and give Allen a lick on his cheek before returning to hold him as best she could. For a moment there was a silence from her before the voice rose from her maw, "Dear you two were the closest of friends and surely despite his quick to anger side of him... Bass is a reasonable man even if you can't repair your friendship with him at least come to a understanding for one another at least try that at least try to for me" she would quiet down a bit. No matter what she had to say hopefully Allen wouldn't think badly of her.

Perhaps she should stop speaking about that because it seemed like that it wouldn't go anywhere. Nona would just hold her mate as tightly as she could not wanting to let him go. The news about him taking over as Sonticus' alpha which didn't quite surprise her as she remembered him leading Abaven for a short time before Bass returned. This time Nona planned on helping him as best she could and not let another illness overtake her. Not again when they had to work together to be strong not just for themselves but for their family. Eventually she was going to have teach Noen what she knew about herbs and hope that Allen would take Alna out adventuring or something to teach her stuff. Nona would sigh a little, "I know you're doing everything you can my dear and that is all I could ever ask of you".


-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-


10-19-2015, 03:49 PM

Allen would give a small nod as Nona spoke. She was right. He and Bass were the closest of friends, despite their differences... So what had gone wrong? Was it Allen’s hastiness? Was it something else? He wasn’t sure. But he knew that somehow, someway, he had to make amends for what had happened. Allen would breathe in, taking comfort in the presence of his mate. His beloved Nona who had helped him throughout his time of knowing her.

“I am certainly trying, my beloved.” Allen would whisper. “I truly want things to be alright between Bass and I... But... If worse comes to worse... We have a home here in Sonticus. I know it’s not Abaven... But....” He would gently nuzzle his mate’s cheek. “I love you, Nona.”

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah