
Links Of Our Bloodline



7 Years
09-27-2015, 09:19 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Surreal sat beside the river that bordered the Estuary and the Plains, hunkered low, watching the fish that swam just below the surface. Two of the trout already lay several feet up the bank, their lives expended. She was soaked, but the fishing was surprisingly easy. And it was a task that focused her on one thing, rather than the cacophony of emotions rolling through her like a thunderstorm. Plans, options. She lunged, breath held as she went under, jaws snapping as she sought to snag the fish she’d been targeting. The scaly body thrashed between her teeth as she hauled herself back from the water, shaking the liquid from her eyes and ears as she resituated her grip and slammed the fish’s head into the ground, stunning it long enough to toss it up the bank, away from water and an easy escape.

She finished the kill quickly, adding the fish to the small pile before returning to her post, waiting for the panic to die down in the aquatic creatures. She had many plans. She wouldn’t allow Hellstrom to stay in her home much longer; thus, she would be helping Bass in any way she could should he be sieging. Her price was fair, but now she had someone who could help her sweeten the trade. That reminded her. She wanted to get to know the new addition to their small group. Kavdaya. The healer looked so similar to her mother it was uncanny; not in looks, precisely, but in the way she held herself, the way she had looked into Surreal’s eyes. The woman was a full six inches shorter than Erani had been, and while the main color of her eyes were the same deep blue, there were those ethereal amethyst flecks of color. The snowy coat was the same, even with the mark of a fully trained healer gracing the brow.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



9 Years
09-27-2015, 09:30 PM
Kavdaya Of The Nomads

Kavdaya had been caching as many plants and herbs she could gather. Listening to Surreal’s plans, and the story of what had transpired, she was quite ready to throw in her lot. Family was family. She’d even gone up to her other caches and brought a few of the plants she thought might help down to this one. Now she followed Surreal’s scent. She wanted to better know her cousin and her family. She had no doubts that she wanted to settle with the family she had found. There was a young mind willing to be taught here in Zuriel. And she wanted to know her cousin’s story, how Erani had survived all those years she had been gone; what had happened.

She found the silver timber just as the latest fish joined the pile, and waited politely until Surreal was finished with the kill before approaching the leader of the group and settling beside her. “I was hoping I’d find you. I would like to learn more about you and your family.” She slanted a glance to the silver timber before continuing. “And I have some things about myself that I want to share with you as well.”

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



7 Years
09-27-2015, 09:40 PM (This post was last modified: 09-27-2015, 09:41 PM by Surreal.)
Surreal Adravendi

It was as though thinking of the Nomad had summoned her, Surreal thought as Kavdaya’s snowy frame settled to sit beside her. She nodded warmly to the female, listening curiously as she spoke. There was an undercurrent of an offer, that Surreal could ask to hear about Kavdaya’s information first before electing to offer her own details. It helped to satisfy her that she’d made a good choice in allowing the woman to stay. She’d noticed the diligent manner in which Kavdaya had been gathering and storing plants, as though readying herself for a lot of work. Soon, Surreal would be heading east to check with Bass, and reconfirm her offer to help.

She Nodded, sitting up and turning to look at the smaller female. “I would like to know more about you. You remind me of someone very dear to me.” She couldn’t help but feel that her mother would have liked this female; healers tended to get along very well - brothers and sisters in Craft that they were - , but she felt there was something more. This woman smelled so similar to Erani, but so far apart from her that Surreal could almost think they were related. But that wasn’t possible, was it? We had Nomads in the pack before. Is it so shocking a possibility that family from the Nomads might have migrated to Alacritia as well? The thought had occurred to her, but she chose to allow Kavdaya to confirm it, if it was indeed a valid thought.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



9 Years
09-27-2015, 10:10 PM
Kavdaya Of The Nomads

Kavdaya smiled slightly as Surreal gave her her full attention, nodding at the words. She had expected Surreal to ask for her own background first. An intelligent wolf with lives on her paws was wise to avoid giving out too much information to someone unfamiliar until they knew that wolf could be trusted with the information. “Alright.” She answered easily, flicking her tail to wrap about her haunches and paws. “I will start with the fact that I’ve met your daughter, Zuriel. You have a very intelligent girl. So eager to learn more about her chosen Craft.” Kavdaya smiled at the taller female before continuing. “She helped me figure out why your scents smell like family. We are family. I’m a distant cousin through your grandfather’s line. Your mother is the connection.”

She looked up at Surreal, a lopsided grin on her jaws. “I’m glad I could find family out here. I’ve been traveling for a while.” It had been interesting, traveling alone, in search of a pack or group of wolves that would find her knowledge of use to them. But she was glad to have found a place to settle down, and family to settle down with. She’d have a pupil to teach, as well. All was well, even with the darkness looming on the horizon.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



7 Years
09-27-2015, 10:30 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Surreal listened, glad that Kavdaya didn’t withhold her story. Her head did cock slightly at the news that Zuriel had met this female before, and yet had not told her. Why not? BUt as Kavdaya continued, Surreal felt a thrill of excitement in her gut. There were no lies in this woman’s ethereal gaze. Family. And from the Nomads, no less. “I’m glad to know for sure that I have cousins out there, and sitting beside me is one of them.” She said softly when Kavdaya finished, returning the grin with warmth. “It’s good to meet you cousin, even in these times.”

To have cousins again... She missed Alsander and Cael very much. Caerul as well. Claire she hadn’t known as well, the female having vanished, though Cael had returned from a stretch of absence with the news that Claire was alive and well, with a mate and children. Would any of those children come to Alacritia someday? Had Alsander found the same happy fate? It gave her hope that someday she would see more cousins from her beloved family members that had been by their sides through so much, come to find Celestial when the standard was raised and flying proudly over the Plains.

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