
Boingy Boing Boing



2 Years
09-28-2015, 12:26 PM (This post was last modified: 09-30-2015, 08:58 PM by Ren.)
Ren was hyper. Well, sort of. As much as the calm boy could be, anyways. His eyes were sparkling, his paws dancing across the earth, and joy radiated from him with all a pup's innocence. He bounced away from the den, scooting rather quickly away, though not too far away that the boy - nearly 3 months old now - couldn't hide and run back shoudl something go wrong. That is, if he could get away in the first place.

That wasn't on his mind, though. No, something entirely different; he wanted to have fun, play, perhaps see if Glacier the Giant was around so he could clamber over the giant male. He wanted a break from his sisters, and yes he snuck away from the den. You see, strangers were fun! Fun and delightful, and he enjoyed meeting them.




3 Years
Extra large
09-28-2015, 02:33 PM

The trees were so tightly packed here, pretty much cutting off the area from the outside world. The thrill of many different bird sounded over head, with plenty of prey scuttling around the exposed roots. This would be an amazing place to settle down, there was more than enough to sustain a large beast like him. But the thing was that he wasn't looking to find a place on his own, he wanted to join a pack and let his strengths in fighting grow and become even better. He wanted to follow those who were stronger than himself, to teach him things that he could not learn on his small homestead island. Large gray paws carried him between a large gap between the trees, but it was still tight enough that his flanks bushed over the rough bark. Inside was like a whole other world, and the boy stopped and looked around in wonder. There was hardly any part of the forest that wasn't moving, the breeze made the leaves dance over head and the grasses at his feet. Small animals scurried every which way, and if he wasn't so distracted he might give chase and catch something for himself. It had been a few days since he had hunted, to intent on seeing all there was to see. Stories were no longer enough for the monotone male to live off of, he needed to see and experience it all for himself.

Mint green eyes narrowed slightly as he tried to see through the tight copse of trunks. It was hard to see very far, not from where he was. Letting out a huff of irritation he squeezed through a few more trees until he reached a clearing. Feeling a little less claustrophobic he took a deep breath of the fresh summer air, calming his erratic heart rate. Taking several deep breaths to calm himself, he took his emotions and kept them under wraps, not allowing his bipolar antics ruin his day. When he felt like he was calm enough to move on, he picked up his pace once again, dark tipped ears standing fully erect as he listened to the world around him. It was then that he heard the paw steps of another being close by. Straining forward, his muscular neck stretched forward to try and see where the stranger was. Soon the dark blue male came into view, just a pup from the looks of it. Lanky and with paws too large for his form, the gangling youth was making his way through the gully as well. Head tilted to the side, unsure if he wanted to approach another at the moment. Suddenly on edge, his gray fur stood up slightly as he paused his steps, not daring to take another one.

Cathaoir just stared at the young one, wondering if it was too late to turn around and make his way out of the trees around him. He didn't have much experience with young ones, his half siblings were a year older than himself and he was the only one in his litter. With his mother sick and growing older, he doubted that he would have much of a chance to try his luck with them. Which is why he stood rooted in place, eyes not leaving the young ones almost black pup. He was afraid that if he moved he would draw attention to himself, and prayed that his light gray coat somehow blended into his surroundings. Ever so slowly he lowered his towering frame closer to the earth, ears pulling flat against his head as he tried to just disappear. Crap. Young ones were often unpredictable, and he didn't deal well with things like that. He had to be on alert every waking moment, trying to keep a calm and level head. He wasn't sure if he could do that with the young stranger though.


Art by Acrylic



2 Years
09-30-2015, 08:57 PM
Today was his lucky day. It was not often, despite his hopes, that a stranger actually came by. It was only twice - no, three times now that it had happened; this being the third. The boy's fur felt like it was standing on end, the puppy fluff making him appear bigger than he really was - much bigger - and it was all due to excitement. He would start to make his way towards the stranger when the pale green eyes of the other male would focus on him.. and the yearling would freeze. The pup blinked; he was quite confused. Why did the stranger freeze?

It drained the hyperness out of him, leaving behind curiosity as Cathaior sank slowly to the ground, ears flattening. Was the big thing... afraid of him? What? He wasn't scary! A grumpy look, almost a pout, crossed his face and he slipped towards the grey wolf, cyan eyes smoldering. "What are you doing?" Surprisingly soft for one of his age, the voice was curious, calm even, despite the inner swirl of emotions saying Ren felt the opposite. It was quite high pitched; he would not develop the deeper voice for quite a while yet.
