
like a complete unknown, like a rolling stone



5 Years
09-28-2015, 01:29 PM

The Buffalo Knolls pressed stationary curves, perfect and numerous, against a gentle blue sky. The afternoon was warm and kind. Birds sang in the distance and insects hummed in the grass. It was a wonderful day to be filled with wonderful things. At the crest of one hill, a slender figure timidly disrupted the quiet unity of the scene. He was but one variance upon the flowing curves, and stood so still that he could’ve been a part of the ground anyways.

At the top of the hill, Nagendra Bahri grinned. His grin was big and pure and overflowing. Had there been anyone there to catch it, it might’ve been described as contagious too. It served as a vessel through which he could pour all his joy out into the world, so that he himself would not explode. He glanced from hill to hill, and then laughed aloud. He was so glad to be back here!

With a deep inhale and sigh, the wolf would drop down to the ground and roll over onto his back in the grass. It was soft and lush. Comfortable. He smiled and looked up at the sky. There were thick, puffy, white clouds. Their beauty sustained his joy. Not planning on leaving his comfortable position or feeling even able to look away from the pretty sight above, Nagendra fell still again. How many times, he wondered, had he passed through the day without having a good long look at the sky? No matter the weather, it always held something stunning in one way or another. Did the clouds have depth, like an ocean? Shadows traced here and their along the abstract formations made it look like they did, made him wish he could sink into a cloud.


10-08-2015, 02:31 PM

The child was wandering through the lands of Imperium. He hadn’t spoken much to anyone, but he knew that he was not supposed to leave the lands that Valentine, the leader’s leader, had marked as the pack territory. The young boy, a year old now, was still as clueless to his situation as he had been when he first joined the pack. He didn’t know what a Servus was, but he knew that he was here with his friend Ash.

Hearing a nearby noise he would look up to see a wolf settling into the grass. He was of earthy tones, just like Mieu, though the younger brute’s coat was even lighter. He would approach the stranger, wondering if he might be willing to talk. Mieu didn’t have any friends other than Ash here. He would give a soft whine, trying to get the other man’s attention.

“Hello sir. What’cha doing?”
