
Hold on Darlin'



13+ Years

Treat 2019
09-28-2015, 08:05 PM

She found that it was hard to keep her eyes off of them. Rhyme and Rhys were perfect. They had been so very tiny when they'd been born, smaller than any pu she'd ever seen before. For a few days she'd wondered if the last minute was going to be the last she got to spend with them. Being so touch and go, being so uncertain about their future, had done absolutely no help to the new mother. She worried constantly and it felt like she hadn't had a wink of sleep in the past week. But they were putting on weight. She could see very well now that the both of them, though small at first, had insatiable appetites and it didn't take long to realize that they were fighters. She wouldn't let go of hope, of knowing that they could pull through this.

She tried to only leave the den at the hottest part of the day, so even in her absence they would not chill in the cave under the boulder. Not that she often left them with out Valentine being there to watch over them. She didn't really ever want to leave them, but nature called and she needed to get water as well as retrieve the gifts that were left for her outside. He seemed to be with her more often than not, it seemed like he felt the same anxiety she did, that terrible little voice inside her head that wouldn't let her forget how fragile her two tiny children were.

It was later in the day now, the sun was setting and Rhythm was waking from a restless nap. Both pups were out cold, snuggled together against her warm belly. For now they mostly slept, but soon their eyes would open and their first words would be spoken. She'd sigh contentedly as she enjoyed the intimate moment with her little ones as she wondered what life had in store for them.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



5 Years
09-29-2015, 08:11 PM (This post was last modified: 09-29-2015, 08:33 PM by Nagendra.)
Wrote this assuming Valentine would be rapping Sluttypaws with a ruler

Oh for shame. He really did lament the fact that Valentine had staked his claim to the fullest on Rhythm (not the children, so much, but the possession). She was so pretty, and so pleasant to be around. But, he supposed, you snooze (or disappear, in this case), you lose. Of course, he hadn’t quite come to terms with it. It was in his nature to want.

He wasn’t sure where to go from there. He hadn’t seen Rhythm yet, although no doubt she was busy with the children, if they’d been born yet. Knowing Nagendra’s… inclination towards Rhythm, would Valentine be upset to see him speaking with her? He hoped not. That would truly be a shame. He figured that he’d try his luck; Rhythm had been his first friend here, and he very much wanted to see how she was doing. So it was with mild uncertainty that he sought out Rhythm’s scent. It led him to her den [Buffalo Knolls], which was saturated with the smell of new life.

He waited for a while several yards from it, debating. What if she was asleep, and he woke her up? Oh, he wouldn’t want that. More so, what if he woke sleeping babies? That would be even more of a crime. Or what if he surprised her, in a bad way? A soft “hm” left his lips as he sat down and frowned, pondering with indecision gnawing at his thoughts.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
09-29-2015, 08:48 PM

Slowly she'd find herself more fully awake, though it took her a long few moments to stir. She tried to get as much sleep as she could, and even now she seriously contemplated going back to sleep. The babies were and she knew very well she should follow suit. She might have too, had the familiar scent not made its way into her den. At first she thought she was going a little crazy, she hadn't heard from, seen, or smelled Nagendra in moons and moons. However the more awake she became the more real it was, and she couldn't help the excitement that built in her gut. She'd known Nagendra for a long time, his presence had been one that had helped considerably when she'd been banished from Abaven, realizing he was here would bring her fully from sleep.

Lifting her head from her paws the Destruction girl would look towards the entrance of the den and pack towards the pups at her side. Maybe if she wiggled just so.. She'd be released from them, barely disturbing them as she lifted her form from the earth. Quietly the chocolate she wolf would slip through the entrance of her den, her eyes scanning the hill as she searched for her friend's presence. Bright eyes would eventually find him, a smile instantly coming to her lips. "Nagendra?" The excitement was obvious as she drew more near to him, eager to offer him an affectionate embrace. "Have you been well?," where had been been? What kind of adventures had his paws taken him through? "I've missed you, I was so worried you'd been hurt." Just like the new mom she'd become she couldn't help but worry over him.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



5 Years
09-30-2015, 01:00 PM (This post was last modified: 09-30-2015, 01:01 PM by Nagendra.)

The frown remained on his slender muzzle, looking out of place and invasive where only smiles truly belonged. His brow was knit, the frustration giving decent enough explanation for his frown. The frustration was its temporary permit. He glanced back towards the mouth of the den, and then back to the grassy horizon, tilting his head some as if it might help shake a decision out. Then he heard his name, gliding across the warm air on a gentle voice that was welcomed by his ears. He turned suddenly, his lips parting slightly and his eyes widening. ”Rhythm!” came his soft exclamation.

He rose as she approached, pressing swiftly against him in a surprising embrace. ”Hello,” he said, an uneven grin stretching across his face as a laugh bubbled from his mouth. ”Yes, yes,” he answered to her question. When she told him how she had worried, he felt bad, just like he had with Valentine. He made no exaggerated repentance though, did not hang his head in shame. His guilt was something delicate, that graced his features with all the softness of a flower. ”I’m sorry about that,” he said quietly. ”It was very rude of me… I like to think of myself as… a leaf on the wind. But it is no excuse for trying to be a part of something and then disappearing like so,” he said, his voice firm.

”I am back now. Although I should think that this is not the only reason we have to celebrate,” he grinned with a sliver of simulated egotism, ”I heard that someone has been messing around with boys in the late hours of the night.” His grin stretched farther, taking on a teasing angle as he leaned forward. ”How are your children?” a gentle smile fell across his face as his voice grew warm. He always cleaned up his banters well with compassion – and such palpable sincerity.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
09-30-2015, 02:09 PM

He had been facing away from her, and was seated rather far away, like he hadn't been able to decide to come up or not. Good thing she made the decision for him. He'd return her name, standing as she made hey near and not denying her the hug she'd aimed for. With a gentle chuckle he'd greet her and answer her questions quickly, he was indeed quite fine and she'd had no reason to worry. She'd pull away and take a seat, eager to hear all he had to say as his first words were of apology. It had indeed been rude of him to leave, "You're already forgiven." She'd smile sweetly as he went on.

Nagendra assured her that he was back to stay, but the conversation wouldn't linger on him for very long. Swiftly his attentions would be turned to her and what it was she'd been ding since his leave. Of course, her cheeks would rosy up in traditional Rhythm fashion, but she had found sex easier to talk about since she'd actually done it. Luckily she didn't have to, and instead of quickly recover to tell him about her tiny children. "They're both fighters. Rhys and Rhyme were born early, and I'm incredibly lucky to have them right now. Do you want to meet them?" She'd look from the den back to Nagendra, they would need to be eating soon, so the disturbance would be nothing out of the ordinary if they were not crying for her already.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads