
Found You



5 Years
10-01-2015, 01:27 AM (This post was last modified: 10-01-2015, 01:29 AM by Callisto.)
Walk | Talk | Think

Alone within the quiet darkness of her den, Callisto was restless. The effects of autumn had quietly snuck in and started to change the scenery of the Gulley, but she had felt it almost instantly. Fall meant heat, and not the sunny warmth that summer brought. No, it was a hormonal rage that threatened to consume her body, made her so much more irritable than she was on any given day, and currently sent her thoughts down difficult, tempting paths. More often than she liked to admit, those promiscuous musings led her back to Jakart, the kind and timid wolf that had been her source of relief seasons before. He might have been originally singled out because of his meek demeanor, but it was far more than that that drew her back to him. After being forced upon two years ago, his eye opening tenderness was like a balm, soothing her anxiety as well as her need, and currently it made her long for his touch again.

She resisted, of course. It became easier to recognize now that they had spent some time apart that she had begun to count on him too much. She wished more than anything to feel nothing because of his absence, but, perhaps it was her season spurring things along, she wanted things to be right between them, wanted to still be able to count on him to be there when she needed him. It was a physical want, she was sure of it – especially when just thinking about him stirred her seasonal longing like a kindled fire – but could it also have been emotional? Ever since he had run away from her den, Callisto had felt a sense of worry and loss, feelings that could be suppressed but never truly smothered. So much had been shared between them and he had selflessly shouldered so much of her pain to ease her troubles that being without him was…odd. And as much as she resisted, there was still a nagging voice in the back of her mind that demanded he be found.

As she restlessly shifted about inside of her den, the healer tried to make excuses. She had no idea where to find him. He had disappeared rather well after leaving her den, and though Callisto had been able to catch his scent through the territory she had not seen him anywhere. Nor did she know where his den was located. Considering his numerous siblings, there was a chance he may have chosen to bunk with one of them rather than find a new one for himself, and getting the rest of his family in on what was going on between them was not something Calli was keen on doing. Especially not when she was in her current state. It would have been stupid to go looking for him with the evidence of the past few days clearly indicating she would not find him, but…

Oh, what the hell.

Heaving a heavy sigh, she dragged herself to her paws and purposefully stepped from her den out into the Fern Gulley. As she moved, her alert, silvery-blue gaze glanced left and right around her, searching in vain since she knew he would not be anywhere close by. That would have been stupid on his part, and Callisto doubted he was as inclined to do stupid things as she appeared to be. There was a frantic quality to her movements as she traveled further and further away from her den, convinced that her best bet of finding him would actually be on the opposite end of the territory. There were too many others who called this place home for her to risk calling out for him and having it answered by someone else. Instead, she was going to have to find him the hard way; she would need to track him. With a determined sniff, she set about using her keen healer’s nose to find Jak’s scent so that she could track him down.  



5 Years
10-01-2015, 07:04 PM
Jakart nosed the red plant bulb laying between his paws and let out a sigh. Ever since he had left Callisto the way he did the only thing on his mind had been the plants he had given her. He returned to where the herb had been, such a tiny thing at the end of the dried stem to cause such conflicting emotions. Callisto had eagerly grabbed up the plants, and such he took from it that her season would be a very.... promiscuous venture for her. Knowing the healer had need of him almost a year ago was flattering to their strange friendship. Queer events to bind one another to be in each other's lives again ever since he left Ebony. But the way she had behaved upon telling of the plants nature made several things clear to him. One, she still held some fear of him given a trigger, no doubt that being related to her rape. And two, she was still somewhat dependent on him. And so by taking the herbs could only mean that she intended to use them. The lack of any other partners was obvious and so could only mean one thing. She would have need of him come the change in season.

With some reluctance the male had prepared himself upon realizing this the day after leaving her den. He gorged upon a deer and had drank plenty of water throughout the past few days, even trying to recall advice from his father. One idea spoke to him particularly. A tale that had made him blush when told and one his mother certainly wouldn't have approved of. With a sudden movement Jakart would come down from the ridge. He assumed Callisto would seek him out, the grey wolf having no real desire to be the one to initiate such activities. Already down in the gulley he could smell her in the wind, the scent of heat. With a dry sniff he approached the creek and nosed about the edge of a reed cluster. It only took a moment to find his prize, Jakart looking up with an iris gently held between his fangs and gave a sniff. The bloom smelled appealing, but behind it Callisto's scent was intensifying. With a dull thump the wolf would sit and eye the bend in the river. Ears and eyes were alert the moment before Callisto stepped into view. Jakart could only dip his head, emotions and instinct all jumbling together by her scent as he felt his cheeks begin to warm.



5 Years
10-02-2015, 12:55 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

With a one track mind, Callisto’s only thoughts were whether to take this path or that, whether she should double back or keep progressing forward. The scents of Jakart and his brothers were prevalent, clearly defining their constant occupation of this place, but they were not the threads of scent that she was after. None were recent enough to catch and hold her interest, not fresh enough to hint that he was close, but she continued to trail along in their wake, hoping for some bit of luck to come her way and bring her to him. The Fern Gulley might not have been the largest territory out there, but with its densely packed interior travel posed its own set of challenges and added its own difficulties to her mission. If he was moving right now, she may never find him and their paths could cross a dozen different times without either of them being aware of it. Stupid, stupid, her thoughts warned, berated, but though she huffed at her own foolishness she did not give up her pursuit.

Perhaps by chance – she was still convinced her cursed luck was the lowest it could possibly be for anyone – she caught a fresh whiff of the scent that she so ardently followed. For a second she paused, taking a moment to inspect it and be sure, before she aligned her course with it. A new urgency sped her step and caused her grey legs to eat up the ground that separated them faster than she typically traveled, even with a destination in mind. He was close; she did not want to lose his trail before he could be found.

Almost by accident, the healer stepped suddenly clear of the otherwise thick vegetation and halted with a start, surprised to see the grey wolf she had been tracking seated almost expectantly beside a river. Was he waiting for her? As she stood across from him, Calli felt her longing stir yet again, but nowhere during her headlong trek to find him had she given thought to what she would say when she reached him. Faced with him now, she felt entirely at a loss, confused and conflicted and the rapid pace of her hormones did nothing to aid her in thinking her way through. So instead of thinking, she acted. The look on her face was composed though her eyes betrayed her energy and uncertainty. Slowly, searching his expression the entire way, she strode forward, silently and cautiously closing the gap between them. Whether because of her season or not, Callisto did not feel the same sense of anxiety that she had expressed during their last meeting. She could only recall how gentle, considerate, and enjoyable it had been the last time she had succumbed to a desire to be with him, and the temptation to do the same again only continued to strengthen.

She felt her heart speed even just at the close proximity of him as she forewent the boundaries that she typically clung to so stubbornly, slowing as she got closer but not stopping until she was close enough to touch. On a moment of uncontrollable desire, she reached out and nuzzled her cheek against his, her pale gaze closing indulgently as she turned her muzzle into his fur to take in his scent. Was he tolerant? Had she confused him because of the way they had parted ways last? Needing to know, unsure what he might need in order to be okay with her again, Calli drew back slightly, enough to peer searchingly into his face and try to read what she could in his timid expression. She might have wanted more, but she did not want to push her horrible, terrible luck.



5 Years
10-02-2015, 05:13 PM (This post was last modified: 10-12-2015, 07:13 PM by Jakart.)
As Callisto made her appearance Jakart felt a flood of hormones dizzy his thoughts as instinct warred with self control. The male's breath hitched as she ventured closer. Oh gods, would she want him here? This place along the river was a bit exposed for the upcoming performance. What if his brothers came along mid coitus? Or worse, during the tie? He almost dropped the water iris at the thought. The shiver that went through him wasn't entirely of anxiety now. How his hormones raged at the proximity of Callisto's scent before she had even stopped before him. Would it be reduced to the primal motions of their first before even beginning? Would she be as standoffish and aggressive?

Callisto was right upon him now. There was a moment when she stood before him, when he prepared for anything but what she gave him. The nuzzle caught him off guard, raw need being felt as she rubbed her cheek against his. "Not here." Jakart mumbled though his fangs as her touch just left his muzzle. The evening light still shown down upon the exposed pair, and he knew they couldn't do this here. With a nervous step around her Jakart took the lead around her, pausing for a second as he passed her hips, before coming along her side with a brush of his pelt. The scent was almost unbearable in that moment but he continue his lead back the way he had came towards where the herbs had been found. Paw-steps offset from his own assured him that she stuck behind his lead, and he ventured up towards the base of the ridge. Through the brush his anxious paws turned into the cut in the earth where the herb grew, sitting with a heavy breath. He hoped whatever the herbs did they did well enough for the two of them to not have any regrets tonight or the season that followed. The iris in his jaws was twisted by the stem idly as he waited for Callisto.



5 Years
10-02-2015, 06:31 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Not here. Not a no, not rejection. The simple response sent a thrill racing down her spine and filled her with an unexpected relief. He was not mad at her. He was not upset over what had happened during their last talk, nor did it appear he would hold it against her. She had been more afraid that he would than she had let herself believe, and it was not until she heard him delay what she wished to initiate that she realized it. Only a delay, no denial. Though it fed her desire to know that he would accommodate her, Callisto made herself be patient, stopping herself from making any further advances on him. Her gaze never once left him, however, as he rose to his dark paws and took those first few steps away from her, turning her head to follow his movement before she followed after him. If not here, then where?

Sticking close to his heels, she traveled in his wake as he led them away from the river and up along the other side of the Gulley, quickly navigating through the vegetation to some location that he had found significant. Just vaguely she wondered if he had not planned this out. For starters, he had been sitting, waiting, for her to show up at the river. He looked just a little too expectant of her sudden appearance to make her think she had happened upon him by complete accident. And now they seemed to be headed toward a particular location and not simply someplace out of immediate sight. Be patient, she warned. He did not have to do anything for her if he wished to walk away instead. For the first time, she felt like she needed to be on her best behavior, or else risk driving him away.

The trek felt like it took ages though likely it was only a product of her desire, and as Jakart took a seat Calli let her gaze absently take in their new surroundings. The ridge he had chosen was a secluded location, offering privacy and distance from others that might be wandering through. It almost made her smile amusedly to think that he was so modest, but at the same time she could not say she would have been comfortable with either of her siblings traipsing in to witness them either. Thankfully that was not a problem she needed to worry about. All she needed to concern herself with was the grey wolf seated before her, strangely facing away from her as if lost in deep thought. Was he nervous? Second guessing what they were about to do? She desperately hoped not.

Slowly, quietly, reminding herself of patience, she crept up behind him along his right side. Whatever shadowy thoughts had so suddenly consumed him, the healer felt the strong need to draw him out of them, and she thought she knew how. She reached out gently to touch him with her nose, exploring the contours of the back of his shoulder as the gesture became a soft nuzzle. Inching in closer to him, she placed a soft, tender lick there, and then inclined her head to leave another against the side of his neck. She pressed against him with her shoulder as she nuzzled beneath his jawline, adding a couple soft, teasing nips because she could. There was no more hesitation in her movements, nothing to indicate she was nervous or unsure or scared. She had nothing to fear, nothing to worry, and only so much to look forward to.

So close to the little prize that he held within his jaws, Calli caught the sweet, flowery fragrance and turned her silvery-blue eyes on the bloom curiously. What was the flower for? It was just a single, solitary iris, and almost without thought he twisted it between his teeth. Well, if nothing had worked to get his attention thus far, she figured taking that would. Trying to hide her intent, she reached out first to place another soft kiss below his muzzle, hoping she was distracting enough, before discreetly lifting her muzzle as her jaws parted to try and grab it before he realized what she was doing.



5 Years
10-02-2015, 10:18 PM (This post was last modified: 10-12-2015, 07:14 PM by Jakart.)
Jakart heard Callisto approach behind him, her scent carrying up with the wind. His gaze was still forward even as the she wolf nosed his shoulder, however turning to look at her once he felt the side of her muzzle press against him. His shoulder gently lifted at the touch. That felt good, even beginning to feel more relaxed as Callisto licked him. She had indeed changed with the coming of her heat, no longer such a reserved and quiet wolf but a female in need, receptive and wanting his help. Still showering him with affection, a non-aggressive growl bubbling up in his throat as she brought her head underneath his chin to give a few tugs of fur on his jaw. He almost dropped the flower, the quickening of his breath as hormones ravaged through his veins. Callisto hadn't made any moves to lay on her back like the previous times, and so that left only...

Jakart shifted away as her jaws came up by his nose. That was it. The tipping point. They were safe and hidden for prying eyes and wandering paws. Callisto could finally have him. A muted growl left him as he turned and sprang away. All four of his limbs ached in their need, mind now a cloudy mess of instinct driven desire. Gently he spread his forelegs to clutch around her stomach, paws tucking along the dip of her waist to hook under her hind legs, feeling the way her trapped tail was pressed between them. For a moment his hips searched for her, muzzle planting the water iris in the ear of the smaller she wolf to distract her. A muted growl left him, Jakart settling his head alongside her neck as he found a tempo to guide the two once mates to release.

-Fade to Black-



5 Years
10-03-2015, 11:51 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

Apparently her grab for the flower had not been made sneakily enough. Her jaws shut with an audible little click and nothing to show for her efforts as Jakart turned his head out of the way, drawing his flower just out of her reach. Staring at him more pointedly, Callistio could not help but wonder why it was so important. It was just a river flower with a pretty scent. It was no rare herb that could cure practically anything or possessed one specific purpose that was hard to come by. But it seemed important enough for him to shelter it from her reach, important enough for him to quickly rise to his feet and practically leaped away with that soft growl that she was ready to take as a challenge. Was that what would happen now, a game of keeping away the flower from her? Her tail swayed and a daring glint entered her typically demure gaze, ready to fall into pursuit if it came to it.

But she had misread the grey wolf’s reaction. Perhaps he had only been restraining himself so he did not act too soon, but her attempted grab for the flower seemed to unleash his pent up action and at last allowed her to get a decent reaction out of him. Still gently carrying the silly flower between his teeth, he approached her, and her eyes followed his purposeful stride as he came around behind her. Against her will, Calli felt a little nervous twist in her stomach. She knew her scent had to be fairly strong at this point, but they had a way about things that had already been established. He had tried that more traditional route once before, she recalled, with no success, and just the thought of the repeated events made her uneasy. Her smooth brow puckered slightly at its center as she glanced over one shoulder and shifted slightly in place, half tempted to step away but still unsure if she was only misreading him again.

She realized soon enough she had read right. With his forepaws reaching for her, rising onto his hind legs, Callisto felt his weight settle in across her back and his paws draw her backwards a step until she fit nicely under the curve of his abdomen. Her own breath hitched as she was pulled back into place and her legs went anxiously rigid. Only absently did her ear twitch as the flower was placed behind it, and they both pinned out of nervousness and a need to hear him more closely. The majority of her attention was currently panicking over the position she now found herself in, the suddenness and unexpectedness of it as well as the dreaded memory it was attached to. "Jak?" His name was spoken with breathless worry, quickly trying to wrap her mind around what was happening. She must have stirred his desire too far, however, because there was no pause, only another soft growl as he began.




5 Years
10-08-2015, 07:16 PM (This post was last modified: 10-08-2015, 08:59 PM by Jakart.)
Jakart lay beside Callisto, sides heaving with the exertion of him and his once mate's activities and the more active role he played. The whisper of worry Callisto had given at the beginning had be needless, and it was with but a tender and consideration filled passing of time being intimate between the two wolves. His eyes skewed to look at her, the healer’s heat scent suppressed for now. How long until she was with need again? A murmur left him, a lick ventured on the female's cheek as he eventually calmed himself. Had she taken anything like last season? Would there be offspring? Pups to bring to his sisters in Donostrea. Anais would certainly be excited at the prospect of more babies to play with like Nako's litter. Jakart shifted a bit so that the fur of his side mingled with Callisto's, waiting for his once mate to speak when she deemed the pair to be no longer swallowed by the silence.



5 Years
10-09-2015, 01:11 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

Callisto lay still, eyes closed as each breath was eased slowly into her lungs and exhaled with the same methodical calm as the one before. She felt wholly content, more so than she recalled being the last time she had succumbed to her body's desires during her season. Then she had been a nervous wreck, fearful of the demands her body made as well as her warped thoughts regarding how that all played out. Her perceptions had been changed then too, if only slightly, but now they were altered completely. She no longer feared her season, no longer feared the act it begged for. There might have been lingering worries because of Jakart's sudden inclination toward something more traditional, but it had only proven to her the same thing that their first time had: the right partner made all the difference.

Though she did not say it, she counted herself uncharacteristically lucky to have made such a connection with the timid, compliant wolf. He asked for nothing, but gave himself freely to her without question, always close no matter whether she consciously wanted him to be or not. His patience and selflessness had won out in the end, and even if she had not fully realized it yet she did count him as a friend of sorts, someone she trusted and could count on in a time of need - whatever that need may be. It was an odd relationship, one very much unlike the one she had once shared with her mentor and one she had no name for. Not that she needed one; its complexity was perfect enough without molding it to fit into a box with a label.

She felt him shift against her side, the grey of his fur intermingling with the dark of her own, and the black and grey healer scooted slightly closer to lean more heavily against his entire side, her body stretched out comfortably beside his own. Absently, as she rested her grey-marked cheek - still warm from his kiss - against him, Calli offered small licks to his jawline, lacking much of the heated passion that had been infused in her earlier ones but no less tender. Just as she was uncharacteristically sweet, she noticed he seemed to be unnaturally...quiet. "What, no awkward questions?" she asked gently with a teasing undercurrent that did not quite touch the contented quality of her voice. "You always have awkward questions." Her half-lidded, silvery blue eyes studied him with a modest sort of mischief, wishing for a visible reaction more so than any literal answer.



5 Years
10-12-2015, 07:07 PM
Jakart lay at Callisto's side and gave a stretch of his toes, a lazy smile plastered over his muzzle as he scooted closer. The two wolves lay besides one another, seasonal needs not requiring any sort of treatment at the current moment. He felt it, it was as if the very air had become still as they basked in the afterglow of the time shared together. Jakart boldly ventured a kiss on her cheek, Callisto licking the side of his muzzle. This was new. But a good sign. More and more she was loosing up, and times such as these seemed to progress her healing in leaps and bounds. For her sake he would keep doing this when she asked.

The bloom planted right before the act still sat behind her ear though was minus a petal or two and perhaps didn't sit as straight. With a lick that removed another petal the iris was more secured. A muted rumble left him at the healers teasing. It was true, Jak wasn't afraid to ask questions, even the hard ones, but they helped him learn. He remained silent and shifted onto his side and shifted closer to Calli, a foreleg drew his oncemate back against his chest and let out a content sigh. If her gaze was anything to go by when making that comment she was also feeling the effects of sleep from their union. Or going with a more sensual stare. To be honest he wasn't up for another quite yet. However, teasing her in his own way by getting in her personal space for a little while long with less intimacy. Yes. And so the grey wolf lay his head beside hers to drift off to sleep.

-Exit Jakart via sleep-



5 Years
10-12-2015, 09:39 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

He did not answer with any awkward questions - which Callisto could not tell was more relieving or disappointing - but only another of his silly growls, soft and somewhat teasing in its own right. Was that his way of warning her away from picking on him? If she was feeling a little more adventurous, a little more awake, she might have tested it, to see if there was any repercussions attached to the half-hearted threat, but that was definitely getting herself in over her head. There would be plenty of time enough to push his buttons later on.

The paw he had draped around her cinched tighter around her frame and drew her closer to him, pressing her back into his chest so that she lay within the curve of his body, secured their by his grasp. As retraining as it was, Callisto felt only a mild sense of discomfort. If she really wanted to, she was sure she could push his foreleg away and get herself free, to leave him here alone on the forest floor if she wanted to truly prove her point of independence. But there was something to be said about the sense of quiet protection and acceptance that embrace meant to her, and how often the wolf who created it showed concern only for her well being. The black and grey healer sighed quietly, relenting and accepting her temporary fate, as she shifted comfortably within his embrace and stretched her head out beside his with closing eyes to rest with him.

-Exit Callisto-