
Old Friends Stick Together



7 Years
10-01-2015, 03:34 PM (This post was last modified: 10-02-2015, 04:09 PM by Surreal.)
Surreal Adravendi

Surreal padded away from her conversation with Kavdaya feeling reassured, even relaxed. Not only was the snowy Nomad a fully trained healer, she was also family. A distant cousin. Distance didn’t matter when it came to family, especially from that branch. Kavdaya had offered her own services as a healer should Bass need help in any way, and would be following Surreal to the east when she set off. Kavdaya had taken the fish to the others, and Surreal now meandered through the Estuary, thinking. She would be going east soon. But she would wait for the others to come to her to either offer their own services, or merely to speak to her.

She paused at one of the two seaward edges of the Estuary, paws sinking into the sand as she gazed out to sea, the wind buffeting her face and fur rich with salty air. And in that air, there were the beginnings of fall; of fallen leaves and cooling temperatures. Her children would no longer be pups, not even her youngest. Still, she didn’t feel old, precisely. She was in her prime of life, a perfect age to begin her pack and still have plenty of years to reign and complete Regulus’ training. The Mud Trial would start as soon as the Plains were cleared of the invaders. That trial was an integral part of a future ruler’s training; it prepared them for the event in which they might find themselves blinded. It made them more aware of the land, both where they ruled, and elsewhere.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



9 Years
10-12-2015, 09:26 PM

Creed had left the meeting rather silently after pledging his services to Surreal. He knew that the gray female would call upon him should the need arise so he'd left to go familiarize himself with the new terrain and to muse over what had been discussed at the meeting. He himself could empathize with Surreal and her family over the loss of their homeland, as Glaciem had been ripped from them when he was young, yet he did not feel the same sting. The plains had never been his home therefore he did not feel the same attachment to it. Regardless he knew it was difficult to watch someone you hated live where you'd once slept.

So as he walked he ran the thoughts over and over in his head. He could only hope that everything went well with Abaven when Surreal went to speak to their leader. He didn't know the man who led the pack, but judging from Surreal's reaction he could only imagine that he'd feel strong emotions of hatred towards the usurper just as Surreal and the rest of them did.

He shook his head aiming to clear his head of the thoughts. Whatever was to come would come and he'd be there for whatever happened. Until then, he decided, it was no use stressing over it. Instead he took off towards the beach having caught Surreal's scent of the breeze. He'd originally decided to save talking to her for another time, but now was as good as any. So he headed off towards the seaside area of the estuary and it wasn't long before he found the other wolf enjoying the breeze that held signs of the coming autumn. He offered her a soft smile before coming to sit down beside her.

"Tell me lass, what can ah do to help." He wanted to be of service to her. It was all he'd ever wanted, was to be useful to someone, for without it, what did his life mean?

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



7 Years
10-12-2015, 10:37 PM (This post was last modified: 10-12-2015, 10:40 PM by Surreal.)
Surreal Adravendi

The soft shiff of paws in sand behind her alerted Surreal to Creed’s presence, and as he approached, she turned her head to look at the fluffy male as he smiled and took a seat beside her. “Creed..” She greeted easily, a warm smile blooming on her face. He dispensed with the usual greeting, instead asking her what she needed of him. She hummed faintly, eyes turning back to the sea as she thought, lowering her haunches to the sand and tucking her tail around her hips. What could he do? There were many options available, both in the present, and if he chose to remain when Celestial was well and truly off to a start, there were many options available to the monochrome male.

Finally she gave a slight click of her tongue, something her father had been prone to doing, not that she liked to recall that little detail. “Anything you can think of when I don’t have an actual task for you. Helping with hunts, guarding the family… The obvious things. Perhaps you could act as an ambassador of sorts? Spread our name to ears far and wide. I intend to offer any former Threar members a home in Celestial if they haven’t scattered to other lands completely or found their way to Abaven or other packs. Perhaps, if you run into any, you can spread my offer. Make it clear, however, that we expect them to work hard and make themselves useful.” It was the seed of an idea that was forming in her head in regard to her old puphood playmate. She needed someone able at her side when it came to the diplomatic things like inter pack politics. Creed was friendly, but not without his fire. Her ears swiveled absently, a sign of deep thought, though she was aware of the surroundings, alert for danger. Old habits died hard.

Her gaze turned back to Creed’s brow points lifting slightly as she voiced a question. “What are your thoughts on all of the recent events? What would you suggest we do that I haven’t considered?” As a member of their little group, Creed’s insight was important to Surreal, especially with their friendship adding to that bond. And he might have some good points to make in all of this mess. And she wanted to make it abundantly clear that his opinion was not only welcomed, but sought after.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



9 Years
10-25-2015, 09:42 PM

Surreal's soft smile in return to him was comforting to the male and his tail waved softly. He seemed to have surprised her with a question instead of a greeting. It made him wonder if he should have said hello first. Regardless it was too late now to take it back now so instead he waited eagerly for her verdict. Of course he knew there were simple things he could be doing. Hunting and patrolling were the obvious things. He highly doubted Hellstrom would be a big threat to them at the moment with their numbers consisting of mainly pups but he knew, should the need arise, that he would protect Surreal's family should it come to that. Falk and her youngest children were the main worry though he knew there were other capable wolves other than himself that could help out with that.

No it was the not so obvious things that he wanted to know. So when he finally clicked her tongue his ears perked up to listen. She mentioned the main things he already knew but she made sure not to dwell on them and instead focused on the other important things. He hadn't really thought of the members of Threar and how they would now be homeless so he nodded at her suggestion already trying to figure out what route he could take to look for them. He knew what it was like to be dispelled from your home so he could perhaps use that relation to sway them to come here.

He wasn't expect her to ask his advice on the recent events with Hellstrom and having to move. It made him pause for a moment as he thought hard about it. If his opinion was to be worthwhile he wanted to make sure what he had to say was well thought out and actually made sense. If she were to actually use it he wasn't going to give her some half-assed answer that would get her or others into a mess of trouble.

"Well if Imperium an' Abaven are gonna help than that would be th' safest course of action. Ah say yer idea of either helpin' them lay siege to Hellstrom or helpin' their wounded would be best. Though if they decide not to then Ah would jest go and challenge Sin himself in one on one combat. Ye'd get th' plains back as well as kick him an' his family Out. Ye could do wha' ye wanted wi' em."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



7 Years
11-02-2015, 08:17 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Creed's answer was taken in with interest, her mismatched blue and gold gaze turning to lock with his blue-green eyes as he spoke. His answer was satisfactory to her; she had been thinking along those lines. "And what if the siege, if it comes, is successful, I get Celestial running, and Sin tries to revive Hellstrom?" Unless the Hellstrom, formerly Armadan, alpha made any fresh mistakes, she had little reason to siege against him if he did revive his ill fated pack. The Plains would be under her control, hopefully by that time. And if he were to try to take the same route he had taken by challenging for a pack instead of putting true effort into putting it all together and bringing it to life as she was doing, and he turned his eyes to her, she would meet him on the field of battle without hesitation.

But that was all in the future, and things could change. So for the time being, she would seek Creed's voice among those of the others in suggestions for what they felt should be done. "What path are you considering in Celestial, once the dream is a reality, by the way?" It was a question she had been meaning to ask, now that she knew he was staying for sure. Warrior, she though, or hunter. Maybe even a messenger. Or, perhaps he would want a higher calling. So she looked into his eyes, waiting to see what he thought.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think