
Stars of the Past



5 Years
10-01-2015, 11:57 PM

Nostalgia. That was how she felt as she climbed the volcano. This was where she first seen all her siblings in one place for the first time. That was where she slept everyday. The higher up the volcano she went the more memories assaulted her, and as she crested the rise at the very top of her old home one of her most treasured memories came to her. It was not long after her and her litter mates settled down Voltage found her on one of her star gazing ventures. They had talked about nothing and everything. It had been a defining moment in her life, it helped shape her to who she was today... Just like the new of her parents murder... Just like this journey of self was, whether it was for good or not was still to be seen.

Astrea hummed, It felt like so long ago that she looked up into the sky at this very spot, but it had only been a year... She had been a lost little child, so unsure of herself asking her older brother for advice and guidance. Instead she was the one expected to guide, upon creating the pack voltage had told her that she was going to be the guiding lite of the family, to help the current generation and guide the next. But how was she going to do that when nothing had changed in her? She was still lost, still unsure of herself. She still did not know herself. So unsure of her worth or skills. Yeah she could hunt to keep herself feed, and was athletic enough not to hurt herself but was she the guide that her family needed or deserved?

She had to admit to herself that she had been a child in that year that she lived with her family. She had been a brat who ran away whenever things did not go her way, leaving others to find and comfort her instead of being mature about it, instead of being the rock that her family needed, Voltage had been her rock at that moment and Astrea wanted to be the rock for her family and the only way to do that was to get confidence in herself and mature, something she could no do if she was leaning on the rock that was Voltage.

Astrea closed her eyes and hummed as if a weight lifted from her chest at that moment, knowing what you needed was a step forward to getting it. Zori cheeped, "You are feeling better, that is good."

The star child smiled at her companion and responded, "Yes, I finally realized why I felt so compelled to make this journey, I knew I needed to figure things out on my own but had not known why." Astrea nodded her pale eyes closing.

Zori protested the movement and flapped into the air. "Are we going back to Donostrea now?

"No, I know what I need but have not accomplished it yet." She may not be ready to go back for a while yet, but that was a thought for another time, now she wanted to watch the stars, feel connected to the past just for a moment; back when things seemed simpler. "I will be staying for a while, you can go hunt if you want."

Zori nodded and took off into the night sky, leaving Astrea to gaze up at the bright stars, the call as loud and the pull as strong as she remembered that night so long ago.



6 Years

10-26-2015, 02:34 PM

The nights were coming quicker and quicker now that the temperature was changing and Faite herself relishing in the idea of the snow that would eventually come with the seasons changing. Up on the mountain the trees had already begun to change into brilliant shades of red, orange, and yellow. She watched the gradual difference with patient eyes and when they had begun to fall she'd made sure to maker herself a very large pile to romp in. Over all it hadn't made her days any more productive (other than hunting to feed herself) but it made her happy and she couldn't complain.

With the nights coming earlier though Faite had already found herself going to bed earlier and earlier than before. It was okay by her though. She had no reason to stay up late and she felt like she'd seen the stars a million times and more so she had no reason to stargaze. So at the top of the mountain that particular night Faite found herself asleep unaware of the visitor that came to watch the sky that night.

Well she was almost unaware of the visitor. She hadn't woken up until the sound of two voices caught her attention. Eyelids slowly uncovered both her gold and blue eyes as she blinked tiredly. She was still somewhat groggy so she couldn't understand what was said, but he was quickly waking up as she realized she had company. She doubted they'd smelled her yet but she couldn't tell for sure. She was in her small makeshift den surrounded by stony walls and a soft bed of moss. She almost didn't want to move.

Curiosity got the better of her and she stood up slowly stretching her lanky legs out and letting out a large yawn. Feeling at least a little more awake she exited her den and scanned the area for the owner of the voice. It didn't take her long before she spotted the woman in the dark. She'd almost missed it but she caught the glimmer of purple which wasn't exactly a common color. Without fear the girl trotted over to the girl intent on finding who came to Mount Volkan at this time at night.

"Who are you?" She asked curiously. Perhaps it was a bit rude, but she certainly wasn't trying to be. She was just mostly curious.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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