
Army of Noise



6 Years

10-02-2015, 01:42 PM

A soft huff slipped past the jowls of the female and a chilly burst of smoke slowly dissipated into the crisp morning air. She couldn't help but let out a soft giggle afterwards having been thoroughly amused with herself. It wasn't the first time she'd been in a colder climate, but it certainly never ceased to put her in a good mood. With the coming of Autumn it meant that the weather would steadily get colder. This would be the second Winter in which she'd actually get to enjoy herself, and to her delight, the first Winter she'd actually be recognized as an adult. Of course she'd have to make it through Autumn first but it wasn't an issue for the girl. She thoroughly enjoyed when the leaves changed colors and then fell where she could make neat piles of leaves and then romp through them.

The only thing that dampened her mood was the strange mood swings and the weird sensations that washed over her. Little did she know that she was in her first heat cycle. Having been on her own for a good portion of her life she hadn't had her mother, or a good female figure, around to explain to her how things worked.

She wasn't going to let it hinder her adventuring though. It wasn't often that she ventured North away from Mount Volkan and Fenrir's Maw, but today would be the exception. The mountains had little to offer for amusement anymore and her wanderlust had set in. She wanted nothing more than to venture north and to see what it had to offer. So she let her paws leader her to the southern most part of the North.

It wasn't long until she came to the mouth of what looked like a save with odd bits of wood and shiny bits of wood-like stuff pushed together. The wood parts seemed to be rotting in some areas, but it didn't worry her in the slightest. Had she known anyone old enough they would have told her that it was an abandoned mine left long ago by humans. She peered inside the dimly lit opening and let out a drawn out yip. Ears flicked forward as she listened to it echo continuously throughout the "cave."

Her nose twitched inquisitively as she tried to locate any scents, but most were stale and clearly old. She couldn't smell anything that was dangerous and she was seriously contemplating going in an exploring for a bit.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



2 Years
10-02-2015, 05:00 PM
Somehow he'd lost Zola,while they said they would always be together reality was sometimes different than what your promises were. He was two years old now, a man by age alone but he sure didn't feel like it. Lian's large lion like form would tell a different tale. He'd lived in the cold climate his entire life, and the harsh world was obvious on his form. He survived, but he couldn't say he'd conquered the North yet. The summer had been good to him though, his large belly was proof of that, now if it held out through the winter he'd be a lucky man. Living here on his own would be more than difficult, but he'd manage. Somehow.

He really noticed how alone he was with out his sister near to him. They hadn't been separated this long ever, and he worried about her constantly. He was learning though, the more he focused on her the less he was able to keep his mind on the task at hand. He had to let her go if he wanted to survive, he needed to focus on his survival. Then he could worry about his litter mate.

His pace was steady as he made his way over the lands, this was the farthest south he'd been all season and he had not much intention to go any further. This was his home, and if he wanted to find his sister he'd need to stay here. If she came back looking for him she'd have to start here. Lian had no real destination in mind, he was always on the hunt though, and as he scented for prey another more pleasing aroma would take his attention with a swiftness. He knew what sex was, with a father like Lel it was no secret, but he had hardly indulged himself. With the girl's scent on the breeze though he felt an excited flare run over his body.

With renewed vigor the pale wolf made his way towards her, and the mouth of a cave. He'd never explored it himself, but as he watched her peer in curiously he couldn't deny the urge to go with her. "Going in?" He'd ask curiously as he slowed to a stop a polite distance away. Oh yes, this was most definitely the she wolf he'd been tracking. Her sickly sweet smell wanted to do so much more than just make him melt.



6 Years

10-06-2015, 09:04 PM

She was quite enamored with the idea of exploring. It hadn't been the first adventure she'd gone on and it most certainly wouldn't be the last. Bi-colored orbs gazed into the darkness as she contemplated going in as she shifted on her paws. She'd done far more dangerous things in her lifetime such as teach herself to hunt... or running off thinking she was good enough to find her missing family members on her own. She's gone swimming in places that would have been ill-advised and taken on bigger creatures just to taunt them for fun. So if one were to ask if she were scared she'd give them a toothy grin and prove just the opposite.

So it wasn't fear that kept her from going in.

It was the fact that she was alone. Sure she'd been on her own for what felt like forever, but it wasn't as fun to explore new places by yourself. She missed the companionship of her siblings. Had Regulus or Zuriel been there she knew she would have thoroughly enjoyed dashing into the darkness and seeing who could find the most interesting thing first or seeing who bashed their face into a rock before their eyes adjusted. With the lack of a companion to bring with her it didn't seem as exciting.

At least that was her thought process when she thought she was alone. The sound of paw-steps cause her ear to flick to it automatically and she turned her head in time to catch a white figure out of the corner of her eye. He was a pretty-boy sort of male with a coat as white as snow with only a few black markings to add to the white. She flashed him a toothy grin with a rather daring look in her eyes at the question he procured from his lips. Seemed she might not go in alone after all.

"Thought about it." She chirped. "Wanna join me?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]