
I Shoot Lightning Out Of Me Eyes!



3 Years
10-03-2015, 12:17 PM (This post was last modified: 10-03-2015, 12:17 PM by Lyndvarr.)
ooc:  default time is extended to a week.  Spectors are welcome, come on by and make a few bets!  lol

Trying to get home...  

Frost clung to the ground as the morning rose crisp and cool.  Lyndvar stirred in his den, storm blue eyes peering out at the pastel sky that was blocked by the massive staccato of the red wood trunks.  Yfir had been quiet of late.  The raid's success bringing bounty and a sense of peaceful contentment over the vikings.  However, with winter on the way they'd have to look to their stores to help make it through and there was the lingering question if another raid would be necessary or not.  

Lyndvarr climbed from his den and shook out his thickening coat. Regardless he'd been spending the spring and summer months honing his healing skills and it was time to get back to fighting.  He planned to make a few more herb runs to finish stocking his stores but this morning he sought battle.  He didn't want his aunt to think he was resting on his laurels.  With a howl Lyndvarr let the other wolves of Yfir know he was ready to practice.



4 Years
10-04-2015, 02:42 PM

Oooooo! What was that she heard filtering through the trees? A call for a spar? YES PLEASE. Warja was off like a shot, darting around trees and over snowy rocks with the single-minded goal of reaching the howler before anyone else could claim his fight. In a matter of minutes he came into view and Warja, in her excitement, aimed to nonchalantly prance within speaking distance if he'd let her. She wanted to approach him on his right side and place approximately nine feet between them with the center of the left side of her chest lined up with the outside of his right elbow - positioning that may have seemed coincidental but was anything but. Already she was scheming. "Hey," she called with a grin, "you and me, eh?" Not that she was going to give him a chance to object. If he didn't want to fight her then he was going to have to submit.

Slipping into a low crouch, Warja wiggled her eyebrows at the brute and then opened her mouth as if she were going to say more...and then she charged, hoping to close the distance between them as quickly as she could. And maybe, just maybe, her little fake out would surprise him enough to delay his reaction. In an instant Warja's demeanor lost its playfully edge and she became all business. Her ears slicked back and her eyes narrowed as her lips curled to bunch the skin around her eyes. Running the length and width of her back, Warja's hackles rose to stand in a protective line down her spine.

Standing straight and tall Warja was still quite a bit shorter than her opponent, but with her lowered stance her head barely managed to come up to his elbow, which meant that the center of her chest was just about the same height as the center of his foreleg. Which was perfect for what she wanted. Warja wanted to use this giant's height against him and to do that she aimed to slam the center of the left side of her chest into the outside of her opponent's right foreleg halfway between his ankle and his elbow. She wanted to straighten her front end to her full height (while keeping her knees bent loosely so that her rump was a tad lower) as she did so, hoping that such a move (starting low and pushing up) would encourage his leg to not only slide towards his left, but also force him to fall in her direction. Warja had a plan.

Shifting her weight to her right foreleg and hind legs (and distributing it equally among each grounded limb), Warja then lifted her left forefoot and "punched" out, hoping to sneak it in behind the brute's right foreleg and slam her paw pad into the middle of the inside of his left foreleg. This move wasn't a particularly strong one, but it went hand in hand with her chest slam and would hopefully help sweep the brute off his paws. It might seem crazy to want a giant to fall on you (and it was) but what she was wanting wasn't so simple or thoughtless. She wanted him to fall in her direction, sure, and kind of on top of her, BUT in theory her straightening to her full height would force her opponent to fall and then roll down her back and land on the ground behind her. It would take an awful lot of strength to support (however briefly) such a hefty looking brute, but Warja was up to the challenge. She tensed all over, her back held rigidly and her three grounded legs held stiffly with only a small amount of give in her knees. Her stance was just a little wider than hip and shoulder width, her toes were splayed and her claws pointed down to dig into the grit beneath them. Knowing that she was inviting a heavy giant to possibly squash her tail, she tucked it in the hopes of removing it completely from harm.

Lastly, Warja's jaws parted and her crown tipped to her left as she zeroed in on the back of her opponent's right elbow. Seeking to entrap the bony, thin-skinned joint, Warja aimed to slide her top jaw between the inside of his elbow and his armpit while digging the teeth of her lower jaw into the outside of his elbow directly across from where her upper teeth might find purchase. She wanted a solid, pain causing grip, one she hoped she might be able to use to further her goals. Maybe, just maybe, if it hurt enough and caused him to take weight off of the limb, it would help encourage him to go with the flow and roll over her back.

Round ONE of TWO



3 Years
10-25-2015, 03:13 PM

Trying to get home...  

At the sound of approaching pawsteps through the autumn foilage Lyndvarr began to set his defenses, all to aware that his sister Lærke might relish the opportunity to jump him.  Sisters could be such a pain.  He hoped for a new opponent, someone who fought in unexpected ways, who could keep him on his toes so that maybe the next time he fought Lærke he could really surprise her!  And heck… maybe even Maeva.  OH how he'd love to put her in the dirt!  Lynd's eyes narrowed, his ears pinning tight to his head as his jaws parted slightly in preparation to attack or defend.  His toes splayed and claws dug into the earth, hackles raising as a voice a greeted him.  Lyndvarr turned his head to see a small woman approach his right side, stopping 9 feet away.  Warja!  He'd heard quite a few stories of this woman's fire in battle…. and he swiftly tucked his tail between his legs and across his undersides.  He knew he was vulnerable to smaller opponents and with this woman about a foot shorter than he was she'd barely have to stoop for the Finnvi family jewels!  Yikes!

" Hey," she called with a grin, "you and me, eh?"

Lyndvarr nodded.  "Sure, you're on!"  He started to turn to face her but paused as she slipped into a crouch and wiggled her eyebrows at him, opening her mouth as if to speak.  His brow furrowed.  What was she-?  And then she sprang.  Hey!  Lyndvarr quickly kicked his hind-end behind him so that he might bring them facing each other head on.  The rest of his defenses flying up as his head moved to align with his spine, his neck scrunching back and his shoulders rolling forward, his stance widening slightly the limbs spread equidistant and bent to lower his center of gravity as his weight weight would shift evenly across his hind legs and left front leg as he sought to lift his right forelimb and throw it out at Warja, seeking to wrap it behind her tilting head just behind her right ear and across her right-sided jawline with the intention of shifting his weight suddenly forward and onto her neck to force her down as well as preventing her from easily getting away from his simultaneous jaw attack as he sought to twist his head to his own right and down seeking to catch her bottom jaw in a powerful grip [counter].  Lyndvarr hoped to land his upper jaw across the middle of  the top of her lower jaw, laying his upper fangs across her tongue as his lower fangs would seek to dig into the middle of the underside of her lower jaw.

Due to the motion of lifting his front right limb, and his shift to straighten them out, Warja's left forepaw would miss it's slam for his left foreleg.  Warja's chest slam was also displaced and failed to land with the target, his right foreleg, trying to wrap around her head.  In addition to his jaws and right foreleg attacks he would seek to coil his back legs further, his weight shifting evenly across them as he sought to raise his left forepaw and slam it down on the toes of her right forepaw in sync with rocking his weight forward with the intent of spraining the toes.  He needed to do something to slow her down or she'd be all over him like stink on a skunk.

Lyndvarr vs Warja for Spar Rd. 1/2



4 Years
11-03-2015, 08:05 PM

Things did not go as planned. Nope, not even a little. As soon as her opponent started to move Warja knew she was going to have to abandon the attacks she had planned. That was alright, she'd get a second chance. As her opponent moved to place them head on, Warja also moved. She sidestepped once to her left in an attempt to put the pair slightly off center. Warja then kicked it up a notch, small paws flying as she sought to arc around the right side of her opponent as fast as her paws could carry her. Her eyes narrowed further as determination set her jaw and if they hadn't been slicked back already, her ears would have pinned. If she made it, she was just going to barely make it. Given just how small a window of time she was dealing with before contact was inevitably made, Warja figured she would be breezing pass his right shoulder and down his right side with scant inches between them. If successful in her attempts they'd be nearly parallel and while this move brought all kinds of dangers with it, Warja had a plan.

Her opponent's right forepaw pushed down on the right side of her back approximately four inches behind her shoulders and two inches down from her spine on the right side. Warja offered no resistance, but she didn't stop and allow herself to be pushed to the ground either. Instead she slunk under the weight as it fell, allowing the paw to slide down her sloping back (think of a cat squeezing out from under something). To keep it from getting mashed behind her Warja kept her tail tucked. Her joints were bent, her stance slightly wider than hip and shoulder width, and because of this her center of gravity was low to the ground. She kept her toes splayed and with each step her nails dug into the ground for added traction – the last thing she needed right now was to skid. Because the purpose of the paw was simply to grip and push downwards, Warja suffered no injuries from Lyndvarr's right forepaw making contact.

A split second after she felt her opponent's paw land a searing pain shot up her spine as her opponent's teeth tore at her back. The stinging caused her skin to prickle and her hackles to bristle instinctively. Starting at the middle of her back and skidding towards the base of her tail, Lyndvarr's teeth gouged out shallow trenches of skin whose severity ran the gamut from welts on unbroken skin to mild lacerations. The marks began six inches behind her shoulder blades and three inches below her spine on her right side. They traveled down  the rest of the length of her back and terminated at the top of the front of her right hip. Because of the length of it the wound could best be described as moderate.

Straightening (but keeping her joints loose) as she came out from under her opponent's paw and jaws, Warja continued to try to run down the length of Lyndvarr's right side. She was still in a bit of an arc, her body ever so slightly curved in a very loose 'c' as her eyes settled on a new target. Oh, what was this? The man was lowering his rump? Perfect! That might help her overcome the massive height difference. Because of Warja's movements Lyndvarr's paw stomp missed entirely and Warja was blissfully unaware of the attempt. She had her sights set on a new target and nothing was going to keep her from it! Jutting the bony front of her right shoulder forward, Warja sought to drive it into the front right side of Lyndvarr's right kneecap. She wanted to hit the kneecap hard enough to push it in and back towards her opponent's tailbone. The intent wasn't to cause permanent harm, but instead to temporarily disable by straining the fibers that held the patella in place.

As she rolled her right shoulder forward Warja also lifted her right forepaw. She sought to slam it down on top of the outermost toe of her opponent's right hindpaw. Warja didn't think she had enough weight to do any measurable amount of damage to his whole foot, but maybe, just maybe, she had enough weight and momentum to mangle a single one of his toesies. To make this move possible without compromising her balance too much, Warja shifted her weight to her other three paws and distributed it among them equally.  

Exhaling swiftly, Warja tensed as she prepared for another attack. Given the proximity between all parts involved, Warja hoped the whole of the right side of her chest would also strike the meaty outside of Lyndarr's right thigh directly behind his kneecap. She was hoping to buckle the leg and push it inwards. If she were attacking the thigh alone she didn't think she'd have a prayer, but Warja was hoping her attempt at his kneecap (and the pain it could potentially cause) would force the brute to lessen the weight on that leg and enable her to trip him up.

Dropping her head so that it was level with her spine, Warja then rolled her crown to her left so that her jaws rose to her right. Her teeth parted as she sought to bite into the back and side of her opponent's right thigh directly above his hock. She was hoping her upper teeth would sink into the back of his thigh (technically his butt) and her lower teeth directly across from them, approximately four inches back into the meaty exterior of the thigh. Warja was hoping to take advantage of the thin skin on the back of the leg and achieve a solid grip.

Round TWO of TWO




3 Years
11-21-2015, 08:53 PM

Trying to get home...  

As he closed in Warja would slip to his right and his attacks would fail to reach their intended targets and the male silently cursed to himself. Zippy little twerp!  His right forepaw would push into the right side of her back, four inches behind her shoulders and two inches down from her spine.  Lyndvarr swiftly brought his right forepaw back to the ground.  Despite his larger size he knew he wasn't going to pin her with one leg and wouldn't bother to try.  Seeking instead to stabilize himself so he could follow his target.  Do to her movement Lynd's left forepaw would also miss it's target and land swiftly back on the ground.  He'd quickly widen his stance, redistributing his weight evenly across his four limbs and coiling his front legs, his hinds still coiled from earlier, to lower his center of gravity and bring him closer to his opponents level.  His jaws would miss her head and instead tear into the middle of her back leaving moderate lacerations as they dragged down her back.  Lynd's skull would align with his spine, his tail still tucked between his legs to help guard his undersides from his smaller opponent.  His neck scrunched back, shoulders rolled forward and his hackles were raised.  His toes splayed, claws digging into the earth.  His ears were still pinned, eyes narrowed.

Lyndvarr had no intention of just standing still while she tried to slip past him.  He was going to follow his moving target.  With his hind legs already coiled he kicked off powerfully seeking to push his hind legs to his own left his upper body curving in to his right with the goal of arcing in towards her outer right thigh, almost like he was becoming the second part of a yin-yang sign.  He didn't care to be on this end of her with her fangs so near to his delicates but he'd take what he could get.  The suddenly movement of his hind end away from the woman would spare him from the brunt of her attacks.  Her right shoulder, the right side of her chest and her right forepaw would meet only empty air as Lyndvarr kicked off, his right hind leg recoiling swiftly out of reach.  However, where as her shoulder and chest didn't have significant reach her jaws were another story as they snipped into his right thigh directly above his hock, her lower fangs tearing mild lacerations across the outside of the thigh, four inches back from the main exterior.  Her upper fangs would nip through flesh but only just break the skin that was well covered in fur, shredding through Lyndvarr's impressively fluffy rearend.

Lyndvarr would not pause to reflect on her assualt, as soon as his hind legs had kicked off he was in motion to attack again.  His fangs darted forward and down as he attempted to grasp her back just in front of her hips with her spine between his hungry molars.  His upper fangs sought to land on her upper left side, his lower fangs on her upper right side.  He wanted to squeeze her spine painfully between his crushing jaws, to build painful pressure that would send crippling pain and pins and needles through her hind legs.  He had to slow her down though he didn't want to actually break any of the spinal vertebrae, only debilitate her hind legs temporarily.

In conjunction with his fangs Lyndvarr sought to throw himself fully into his opponent, back legs seeking to pulse powerfully forward as he sought to come in low and attempted to launch the center front of both his shoulders forward into the girl.  He hoped to lance his left shoulder forward into the center of the muscle that draped over her right hip from her spine to where her hip connected to the thigh bone*  He hoped to forcibly bruise the muscle and make it painful for her to move her right hind limb away from her body.  His right shoulder aimed to slam into her upper right side about four inches below her spine and an inch back from where her ribcage ended again with the goal of causing bruising.  Simultaneously with his shoulder attacks Lyndvarr would also seek to throw the lower center of his chest forward hoping to collide it with her mid, slightly upper, right side where her right thigh connected to her side.  Again seeking to bruise her tiny frame but all three attacks launching at the same time had another goal, he hoped all three attacks would slam into her simultaneously and push her over onto her side where he could get at her tender belly and bring this match to an end.

Lyndvarr vs Warja for Spar Rd. 2 of 2

*gluteus medius -  [I totes have some ewwy vet stuff to]  *sits in her little nerd corner*

The Judge


02-29-2016, 02:12 PM




- 0
Total: 10

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (ears) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (lips) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (knees) + 1 (weight) + 1 (toes) + 1 (claws) + 1 (tail) + 1 (stance)
Total: 10

+ 2 full body shove
+ 1 kick
+ 3 bite
+ 1 Grip
Total: 7

- Rnd 1
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 47 / 50


- 0
Total: 10

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 ( ears) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (jaws) + 1 (toes) + 1 (claws) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (tail) + 1 (neck) + 1 (shoulders) + 1 (knees)
Total: 10

+ 2 body/weight push
+ 3 bite to lower jaw
+ 1 grip
+ 1 paw stomp
Total: 7

- Rnd 1
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 47 / 50



- 1 "The man was lowering his rump" I didn't read anything in his previous post that he was.
Total: 9

- 2 "Going to have to abandon the attacks she planned" You have already commited to the moves listed in the previous round and Lyndvar has responded and reacted to them. You cannot just erase your moveset because they have been countered or avoided. I'm not 100% sure if this was your intent, or if this was a counter, but the wording and the fact that you make no mentions of your pecious attacks do paint that picture.
Total: 8

+ 1 (eyes) + 1 (ears) + 1 (tail) + 1 (stance) + 1 (toes) + 1 (nails) + 1 (weight) + 1 (head) + 1 (jaws) + 1 (knees)
Total: 10

+ 2 shoulder to knee
+ 1 paw stomp
+ 2 chest to knee
+ 3 bite
+ 1 grip attempt
Total: 9

-  2 Mild Lacerations to back towards tail
Total: 8

Total for Round Two: 44 / 50


- 0
Total: 10

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (stance) + 1 (weight) + 1 (eye) + 1 (skull) + 1 (tail) + 1 (shoulders) + 1 (toes) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (claws) + 1 (ears)
Total: 10

+ 3 bite to spine
+ 1 grip
+ 2 Shoulders to leg
+ 2 chest hit
Total: 8

- 2 moderate laceration to right thigh
Total: 10

Total for Round Two: 46 / 50


47 + 44 = 91

47 + 46 = 93

And the winner is...

Warja must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.


- Mild laceration to back near tail - 1.5 OOC weeks

- Moderate Lacerations on Right Thigh - 2 OOC weeks


Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

Any notes I had were included above. EXCELLENT fight guys. I always love reading the spars you two are in <3

- By [Arin]