



10 Years
10-03-2015, 06:53 PM
Novel found her way through the swamp well enough, her fur was pretty mucky by now but that was alright. It seemed they'd mostly avoided this place during their long travels, and as they made their way through she couldn't help the feeling that their journey was finally coming to a close. She'd look up at her wife, she still led them like she was born to. Despite the much, and the light drizzle that landed on their soggy pelt the elegant black and white she wolf held a smile on her features. It really didn't matter where they were, she loved Ara completely.

The smile would remain as she nudged her hip affectionately. As soon as they were through the swamp she wanted to get clean and settle down for the night. She was eager to be somewhere warm and dry with her mate.
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10 Years
10-03-2015, 10:46 PM (This post was last modified: 10-03-2015, 10:47 PM by Ara.)
Ara had been as content as Novel was to avoid the swamplands during their journey. Naturally, as healers, they weren't exactly attracted to places like this - this place was dreary and reminded her too much of death. Despite her quiet nature, she enjoyed places that were bright and full of life; to be surrounded by plants and herbs and all sorts of wildlife was ideal for her. But they had yet to come here, and it seemed that they both felt a pull to this drab swampland for some reason.

Summer was clearly on its way out, and it was more obvious when rain began to pour from the skies above. She felt the chill seep deep into her core, the light drizzle steady enough to soak her pelt to the point of discomfort. She shivered as they moved together, shaking some of the rain from her pelt though she knew her efforts to dry herself were futile. Only when they found shelter would they be able to relax and dry themselves off. A good bath would be helpful too, but she knew it might be best that they find shelter until the rain passed.

She smiled when she felt Novel nudge her. Even with the mud that caked their paws, legs, and tail, she was content so long as she was with her wife. She missed their sons badly though, and she knew their journey would have to come to an end soon, even if they didn't find the closure they were searching for.

They would move together, searching for somewhere dry to rest. Perhaps if they could find a cluster of trees, or even some sort of overhang, they could rest before continuing through this place. But suddenly, startlingly, she caught a familiar scent.

It caught her entirely off-guard. She'd been searching for.. what now, two full seasons? It'd been so long since they had been away from their sons, and she'd almost resigned herself to returning home soon. And yet suddenly she caught a whiff of Steel's scent. It was faint, but evident even still. Her pace would slacken, her eyes widening slightly as she turned to Novel. "Steel's been here," she spoke softly, stunned, her jaws unhinging slightly. A shiver would crawl up her spine and she turned to press her nose into Novel's cheek. His scent was too familiar to miss, and it was intertwined with the scent of a stranger. Not of her parents, or their other siblings. She felt her heart begin to beat wildly in her chest, beginning to turn and trail after his scent. Her pace would quickly increase to a near run as she moved through the muck, suddenly anxious at the thought of losing Steel's trail when she was the closest she had been to him in well over a year. As she moved with Novel at her side, she would lift her head to the sky and let loose a call for him, hoping desperately he was near enough to hear her.



6 Years
10-04-2015, 10:06 AM

Ria wasn't exactly sure why they had come here, it was gross, smelly, wet. Oh so very wet. They would leave no stone unturned or swamp unexplored though. Her brilliant coat was covered in mud, and she was almost unsure if she was ever going to be clean again when the rain started. What a dreary place they had come to. She wouldn't complain though, dutifully the girl would follow after her companion, wondering if his family would even have come here. At least she doubted it until she heard the howl that was most obviously intended for Steel's ears. She'd perk obviously then, lifting her head and perking her ears as she shifted towards the sound of the voice. "Is that.. your family?" She'd question, ready to follow after him.




6 Years

10-06-2015, 12:08 PM (This post was last modified: 10-06-2015, 12:08 PM by Steel.)

Steel had resigned himself to the fact that he might never see his siblings again. It wasn't something he wanted.. but it felt like it was a reality that he had come to accept. The life of a rogue was something he had become accustomed to, and felt he might always belong to. That is, until he heard his sister's call.

He hadn't seen Ara for nearly a full year. He'd been hardly a yearling then, and he'd been so much different. He was fully grown now and had filled out his large frame, though he had been living as a rogue and it was obvious in how his stomach was slightly shrunken and his ribs protruded ever so slightly. He'd been walking with little wariness, trekking through the disgusting muck of the swamp with Faria at his side, until Ara's call rang out. Instantly, he froze; his limbs seized up and he nearly stumbled face-first into the mud. How had she found him? Why was she here? He grimaced as he pulled himself forward, eyeing Faria as he felt anxiety well up in his throat.

"Yes," he managed to mumble, at a loss for words - though such a thing was not that surprising given how quiet Steel tended to be. "It's my sister Ara." Of all his siblings, it was not surprising that she was the first to have found him. She'd always seemed to care more than the others - he remembered her as being quiet, but loving and dutiful, especially when he was very young.

Feeling as though his heart had begun to whirl into overdrive, he continued forward, finally catching her scent and trailing after it. His pace would increase, though his body begged him to stay. He'd both dreaded and been excited for this day for so many seasons, and now that it was upon him, he felt like he might faint at any moment. Only when he saw Ara, walking with Novel at her side, did he calm slightly. Steel would exhale heavily as he closed the distance between them, noting they both looked as though they'd been traveling for awhile now - they were thinner than he recalled, though they didn't look unwell. He'd freeze as he stood before his sister, his head bowing slowly as he avoided eye contact to the best of his ability.

"What're you guys doing here?" he would ask plainly, ducking his head to glance sideways at Faria. Mom and dad are dead, was all he could think, his heart growing heavy as he waited for Ara to speak. They are dead, and they are never coming back, no matter what we do.



10 Years
10-07-2015, 09:40 AM
Novel too missed the boys she'd left at home, though neither could hardly be called a boy any longer. As she aged so did her little pup and they were adults now. She had a hard time thinking of them as anything but those tiny little babies she'd had two years ago. She'd smile softly into her mate's fur, thrown off slightly as she came to a halt. Her bright blue gaze would find that of Ara's as she told her what had been found. Steel was close. Novel didn't miss the tremor that ran through Ara's form, she'd lean into the touch to her cheek and push her side again Ara's own before she started off after the scent. Novel would hesitate only slightly before taking off after her wife. She wouldn't stray far, and as Ara sent to her call Novel would help. Pulling her head back to let loose a howl for the man. Again pushing into Ara's side she'd wait for their intended party.

Steel's form would appear quickly, the strange scent that had lingered with his became apparent at the sight of his companion. She was very beautiful, had he found a mate since he'd been away? The question would be buried as he came and greeted them with a question of their location. They were here to find him! And Bronze and Silent of course. She'd nuzzle Ara encouragingly, deciding to let the siblings talk.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



10 Years
10-08-2015, 08:39 PM (This post was last modified: 10-08-2015, 08:39 PM by Ara.)
It didn't take long for him to arrive. She would turn slightly and lean into Novel for support, feeling her belly begin to flutter nervously. Ara had gotten so used to her life with Novel and their sons, without her siblings or parents, and being reunited with even one of them was exhilarating and nerve-wracking at the same time. Slowly, her blue gaze would scan the horizon, searching for him as the rain continued to drizzly down. Briefly she had to shake her head, to rid her face of some of the water, when she finally saw him approaching.

He had grown a bit since she'd seen him last. Not necessarily in size, but he just looked.. older. Like a man, rather than a boy. She felt her heart sink in her chest as she studied him intently as he drew closer. He was with a girl, a lanky girl who appeared to be about his age and was admittedly quite gorgeous. Her coat was a stunning array of blues and she would stare for a moment before directing her attention on Steel. Perhaps she might be his girlfriend? Mate? Just a friend? Either way, she was happy to see that he wasn't alone.

What're you guys doing here? Steel would ask after a moment of silence. His voice was significantly deeper than she remembered. Despite her worries, she felt a smile begin to settle on her lips. It was good to see him, no matter what, and her tail began to flick behind her as she felt the full weight of his presence weigh down on her. "Novel and I left two seasons ago to look for you, and mom and dad,"  Ara would begin careful, searching his features for a reaction - for any sign that might indicate where they were, and why he wasn't with them. His face was as stony as his namesake, and she felt her joyful expression fading slightly. "I was hoping you were still with them. Where are they right now?"  Surely Steel had not wandered far from them, if at all? Ara knew that they likely were not able to travel long distances, due to their age and health, so maybe he was scouting ahead for them to find a way to cross the swamp, or even just hunting for them.. her mind begin to spin as she waited for him to say anything, and she leaned heavily into Novel for support.



6 Years
10-08-2015, 09:20 PM

Steel's answer was brief at first, and she wondered how he'd even gotten the word past his lips in the first place. She could see him tense up, even before he told her it was his sister. She'd offer a comforting touch to his hip as she drew closer to him in the muck and rain, she was there for him just like she said she'd be. Saying nothing else the brilliant colored girl would follow after her companion. This dreary day would mark the end to their journeying. Would Steel want to continue to look for his other siblings? Would he be content with returning to the Diamachi and her... friends. She'd flush slightly as the thoughts of her latest encounter with Mithras flooded her mind. She had to ignore them for now. This moment was for Steel and she would not ruin it.

The pair made their way towards the two women, one his sister Ara the other Ria was not sure. They seemed incredibly close. She'd move up to Steel's side, her head upright and her features attentive. She'd would watch the women calmly as Steel avoided their gaze. Leaning against him comfortingly she'd encourage the words that needed to be said forth. Especially as Ara asked specifically for their deceased parents.




6 Years

10-09-2015, 06:37 PM

Steel had been hurting for so long now. He was nothing at all like Faria, who seemed to take life as it was thrown at her, without dwelling on the past all the time - he tried to be, honestly he did, but it still all hurt so damn bad. He couldn't just forget it all, like it'd never happened. No. It wracked his heart every day, and now, he was going to have to share his pain with Ara and Novel and whoever else remained back in Fiori, if that was where they were still. He clenched his jaws together, grimacing as she began to spoke. It helped to have Faria at his side, though she was not his like Novel was Ara's. He had no constant in his life to lean upon, even if her presence was comforting nonetheless.

It was surprising to hear they'd been searching for him for months. Ara had always been the restless type, always out looking for herbs and flowers, but not like this. Had they left Psalm and Hymn behind? His brows pulled together. Steel wished he had gone to tell them long ago, not sent them on a wild goose chase. He would exhale sharply as he felt the weight of what he had to say tugging painfully at his heart.

"They're gone," he said finally, plainly, unsure how else to say it. It wasn't something that could be sugar-coated or said nicely. It just.. was, and it fucking hurt. "They died last summer. Not long after we left." Had it really been over a year so far? Steel grimaced, as though in physical pain, his gaze cast to his paws. He felt his eyes stinging with tears but he blinked them back, not wanting to cry like an idiot in front of not just Faria, but his sister and her mate. His face was steely, his emotions struggling to be contained as he lifted his gaze to Ara again. "I'm sorry. I didn't know what to do. I just left. I had to keep moving and I didn't know how to tell anyone, or even if I should find you."



10 Years
10-10-2015, 11:26 AM
Novel held herself close to Ara, very much aware of the comfort her wife sought from her. In every other situation the roles had been the other way around. Novel drew her courage and comfort from Ara while her strength held her together. Now the pale woman would hold tightly to her wife as she greeted her young brother. While she clung to Ara her attention would remain on Steel. Where were Bronze and Silent? Eventually he'd answer them, and she found herself not entirely surprised by the answer no matter how hard it was to hear. They'd been gone since shortly after they'd left the pack. Novel would feel tears begin to build in her eyes as she nuzzled into her mate's fur, offering all of her love, knowing how difficult this would be for her. It made her wonder about her own mother and father. Cherokee was probably dead, or he'd found a new family somewhere. Either way her emotions for her father had died long ago. Her mother she wasn't sure, it was possible that she was still living with her new mate in Ahlon. Novel had never been there herself, but she wished to go see her mother again someday. It was nice to have the option, and it hurt even more that her wife would no longer be afforded that luxury. She didn't know anything she could say, and so silently she'd offer her affections to her wife as she took in the news.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



10 Years
10-26-2015, 07:41 PM (This post was last modified: 10-26-2015, 07:46 PM by Ara.)
Ara knew the answer to the question as soon as it left her lips. It didn't take a genius to see how his expression changed; pain filled his gaze as he avoided eye contact entirely, glancing down at his paws. She felt her own eyes fill with tears, before he verbally confirmed what she had been wondering all along - their parents were dead. Both of them. She could've imagined one of them having passed on, but both of them? Ara felt her breath leave her chest in a sharp exhalation. It'd been awhile, too. This whole time they'd been wandering, and looking for them? Why hadn't Steel come back to tell him? It was easy to see the pain he held behind his gaze as he lifted it once again to her, though her brows furrowed in silent frustration.

It wasn't fair. Life wasn't fair. She'd known that since she was a small child. She knew that the world was full of pain and misery - she'd seen her parents age and grow weaker and more ill. Though she'd been preparing herself for years for this news, it hit harder than she could have imagined.   "Oh," was all she could utter, her voice small and uncertain as she shrunk back into Novel's touch, leaning her weight into her for both physical and emotional support.   "It's.. fine." It wasn't fine, but it was fine that Steel hadn't come running back to her. He'd been struggling with his own demons and she understood why he had stayed by himself. Or with the woman at his side, rather. Still, the sudden reality of it all hit her painfully. Wow.

"You.. can come back with us, if you want," Ara would offer tentatively. She didn't know how to talk about their parents.. or even if she wanted to. Hell, Steel probably didn't either. She felt a few tears roll down her cheek and she would sniffle them back, not wanting to cry. Her blue gazed fixed on Steel, shining with love; she hardly knew him now, but she didn't care. She was happy to bring him back to Fiori and convince him to live with them if he wanted to, but she had no idea what he wanted.    "We live where we used to, but we're not slaves there. Someone new took over after you guys life. It's a really nice pack." It was quiet and peaceful... perfect for her family, and a good place for Steel to retreat to if he needed to. Her posture would grow a bit more relaxed as she gazed at him, waiting for his reaction, briefly eyeing Faria again.



6 Years
10-30-2015, 09:16 PM

Faria would take in a breath as Steel began to explain himself and the situation they were in. His parents, and Ara's parents, the not white she wolf, their parents were gone. Faria could relate, though she'd voluntarily left her parents. Mithras and Caia were all the family she needed.. right? As Steel spoke though she knew that wasn't true. She'd push her nose gently into his side, reminding him that she was there as he finished his speech. His sibling knew their parents were no more. She'd watch as Ara answered, 'it's fine' that was all she had to say? Faria would eye her, and shrink back slightly as she offered Steel a place at her side. They hadn't quite come to a decision about what to do. Now Steel had two options, return with his sister, or come back to the Diamachi with her.

Cobalt ears fell to her head as she looked to his features. She didn't know if she was ready to say goodbye to her companion. Would he leave her now? Did he want time to think about it? Quietly waiting Ria didn't know what to expect of her friend.




6 Years

11-12-2015, 08:41 AM

The sudden ache of their loss hit him, again, as it had a hundred times before. It was a painful weight to bear, and seeing the sudden hurt in Ara's gaze was even more jarring. He hadn't ever gotten close to his siblings.. he'd left when he was still young, and he had changed since then. Steel didn't know how to comfort her, or if she needed comforting at all, but it seemed like Novel's presence was enough to keep her grounded despite the tears that had escaped down her pale cheeks.

She didn't elaborate on her grief. Instead, she informed him they were still living where they had been when he'd initially gone south with their parents, and he was welcome to join them. His gaze shifted, to Faria's gentle stare. Did he want to go back there? In a way, he'd built a life with Faria, though the addition of her friend Mithras was a bit disconcerting to him. But leaving her was a possibly he hadn't even considered, not unless she asked him to, and not until now. His brows pulled together in quiet thought. 'I don't know what I will do," he told them - all of them - after a long moment of silence. "I'll have to think about it. And talk to Faria." His mind swarmed with thoughts and possibilities, none of which seemed to fit the idea he'd had for his life. The man would shrug as an afterthought, before slipping forward to embrace Ara finally. He was her brother, even if he didn't know her well - and she certainly didn't know the man he had become. But he wouldn't cry, and instead would let her sniffle into his coat before pulling away again.

It felt like a dark cloud had come over him then. He didn't want to socialize now, only to brood, alone. To figure out whether he would leave Ara again, to not go back to his nephews and possibly his other siblings, or to stay with Faria and Mithras.. and whoever else they might meet along the way. "I'll find you soon," he said with a soft sigh, before moving and slipping into the dense fog - unsure if Faria would follow him.

- exit Steel -