
Soul Binding



6 Years
Dragon Mod
10-07-2015, 07:15 PM (This post was last modified: 10-07-2015, 07:16 PM by Sin.)

He needed some time away to think. He was fairly pissed with his pack, evidently having picked lazy creatures...he saw little of them, and it pissed him off that only he and Enigma were the only ones doing anything. His son now had an injured slave as a burden, though when she became well he would test her and see if she was worth keeping. Travelling far from the pack, he ventured into parts of the world unknown to him. It was a good change of pace, he needed something to distract him from the burning anger that flared within. Though the world was no more then a haze at the moment, he would come to find himself walking among the ruins of a land long forgotten.

Amber gaze fell upon the strange markings, they were interesting...but he knew not what they said or meant. Quietly he walked, the air still and the world void of any sound. Little did he know he was being watched, a creature stalking the blood stained demon as he walked on. So caught up in his thoughts, he wouldn't notice the beast stalking behind him, the creature using the stones as cover as it's crimson gaze watched his every move. A growl resounded in the creatures throat, quiet. Sin paused in his aimless wandering, suddenly realizing the quietness of the world. This...this was wrong. The world should never be so quiet, which was partly why he'd chosen to challenge the pack that he did, but also on the base of Arians foul mouth.

"You're a long way out, stranger." He would whip around, eyes searching for the voice that echoed throughout the area. Brows furrowed, nobody was there. "Who are you? Show yourself coward!" Laughter was heard then, steadily rising in volume as it slowly died down. "And why should I, dog?" Sin glanced about in every direction, hackles rising though his voice remained oddly cold and calm. "If you don't, I'll find you...and it won't be pretty." The voice seemed to answer almost immediately every time he spoke, the voice smooth and suave, "Is that a threat, dog? It should be you who should feel threatened...after all, I've been watching you this whole time. And yet, you've no idea where I am. I was rather enjoying this game of cat and mouse..."

"I've no time for games. Show yourself or you'll come to regret it. I'll rip your throat out when I find you." He turned around, hunting the creature that was hunting him. A twig would snap behind him, however, and he'd whip around to find a feline, canines peeking through ebony lips, red staining his fur as it stared at him with its crimson gaze. "That's rather bold of you, certainly have bloodlust, I can tell simply by looking at you. Tell me, what is your name?" He eyed the wolf coolly, frame standing as still as a statue as a malicious smile graced his lips.
"I should be the one asking you that, cat." "But it is you who trespassed in my domain...I don't like I'm sure you don't."

Sin's ears would tilt slightly forward, gaze narrowed as he took in the man. Did he know he had a pack? The lynx knew more then he let on, he was sure. "Sin." That single word would fall from bloodstained lips, waiting to sed what this curious creature would say next. "My, an interesting name...befitting of a man who has committed many throughout his life. I am Seifer. Tell me, what is it you seek in life?" that's who was behind the mystery. The lynxes question would turn the cogs in his mind, what did he seek? Power? Happiness? Perhaps a certain type of happiness..but above all..."Destruction."

And it would be the right answer. "Just as I expected. I can help you with rent asunder those who do not belong. To bring the weak to another world...what do you say? We could bring your dreams to fruition, all you have to do is accept...and not turn your back on what you truly desire." Sin thought for a moment, though his answer was clear. The weak did not belong. They deserved to suffer, to die. His gaze hardened, determination set. A wry smile lifting his own pale lips. "Let's bring destruction to the world."  low rumbling laughter would resound once more from Seifer's lips. A glint of malice in his gaze. "Then let us begin."

-Exit sin with Seifer-