
Finding Nemo



10 Years
Dragon Mod
10-08-2015, 05:31 PM
Things were being set into motion, but for Paradox, she had bigger plans up her sleeve. Training would really begin, intensify with each passing week. Power, she needed to gain it both physically and within the pack. But she was growing bored with the usual tactics, sparring with others was getting old and was an annoying process. You had to deal with poor sportsmanship, or with someone with the experience of a pup. It was upsetting.

So in search of a new method, the young woman headed towards the east, making her way through the moor and directly west for where she knew of a running river that would be the ideal spot. The oasis was a no go, the water was too small both in size and depth. The lake towards the east was too calm, sure it was deep enough but the woman was looking for a challenge, not a place to rest.

Paws brought her towards the water's edge, dark eyes following the waters as they headed southward towards the ocean. Nostrils flared, taking in the various scents of prey and wolves that frequently passed the area. Some in particular would make her brow arch in interest, able to pick out some that had weaved the plains when they first came down to mark territory for Hellstrom. It was a good thing she didn't linger around them for more than a few minutes, keeping her coat clean and devoid of their scents. Paradox liked doing things her own way.

Whatever, the woman flicked her tail before moving down the bank. She was on a training exercise, this was no time for petty trouble. Slowly her toned frame slid into a calmer section, sighing heavily as the cold water wrapped around her body, bringing a sense of relief. She would remain there a few moments, head held high and eyes closed, the water just touching her chest. Oh how good it felt.



7 Years
11-29-2015, 06:51 PM
Whoops didn’t realize you meant swim lessons for the intellect thing until after I wrote this xD Since Cesar’s horribly afraid of water… maybe Paradox can “teach” him by talking/example? ;w;

It was getting colder. The little monster didn’t like it one bit. He knew it was inevitable – it would be cold for a while, and then it would be warm again – but each time was torturous. Maybe this year he would find someplace warm to stay, a warm body to burrow in or a fine den to steal. It would be truly wonderful if he could find someone to feed him! He needed that most of all. It was a miracle he’d survived as long as he had with such shabby hunting skills. The winters made it worse. Soon, he figured, it would be good to find someone to follow around. Someone who wouldn’t mind him picking at the scraps. He could make himself meek and maybe tolerable.

So, it was with his head filled with an unusual amount of thought and purpose that he went about wandering. He’d have to try and find someone, yes, yes. And maybe have a little fun while he was at it. The farther along he went, the wetter the ground got. Tall grasses sprung up, and the various calls of birds peppered the air. Great swarms of the creatures took to the grey skies, preparing to move south for the cold season. The imp wished he could do that… Maybe he could. Before he could give the thought more consideration, he was distracted again. Grasses rattled and he perked his shredded ears, then bounded deeper into the marsh.

The ground was getting suspiciously mushier, and he could see now that a thin film of water sat on top of the mud. Already he was ankle deep. He was starting to feel… afraid. He didn’t like it much, and paused to scout the area apprehensively. There! A log! He quickly scrambled over and up, shivering once and flicking some mud off of one foot. He’d then focus again, and scan what he could now see. Horrible! Up ahead there was deeper water, glassy surfaces shining under a white light. If he had gone too much farther, he would’ve been in trouble. And then he spotted someone out in the water, some ten yards or so away. Swimming? Probably dying! ”Hey! Hey!” he screeched. ”Drownin’?!” Best way to find out was to ask. If they were, he wasn’t gonna help.

*Cesar's antics can quickly turn from innocent to hostile.