
Do You Have An Appointment?



10 Years
Dragon Mod
10-11-2015, 01:41 AM (This post was last modified: 10-11-2015, 01:50 AM by Enigma.)
**Set same day Takira wakes up**

He would trail outside of pack lands, Takira following stubbornly with his support despite his advice to remain behind and not strain her leg. Of course, she wouldn't listen. He wasn't sure whether to admire her for it or call her foolish, but he would opt for the former. Her determination brought a small grin to his face, something not brought on by the usual culprits of lying and violence. It was odd, but whatever it was, it worked.

"We're not going far from pack lands, I'd rather you not strain your leg too much." Dammit! Why did it sound like he cared!? Since when did he care about anyone asides from his own family? No, he didn't care. No way no how. He was just...trying to help her get better because his dad said so. But then, why did he stop him from killing her? Because she was someone who happened to catch his interest before? Maybe. Because he was bored and wanted to do something out of the norm? Nah. He let loose a rushed breath of air, irritated at his thoughts on why.

Speech Thought Others


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4 Years
10-24-2015, 02:03 AM

Takira, the always stubborn one refused to lay in the cave and wait for a healer to be found. She had insisted that she go with him! She was a strong female more than capable to drag herself to a healer so that she could get her leg fixed! Dammit she could! and she would even if it was the last thing she did! Moons! Her leg felt like a thousands sharp stones dug into her very muscle, and her side wasn't much better! She moved just a inch wrong and the cursed gashes would pull and start bleeding again. Most of the time it was a slow sluggish thing that did not take long to stop but it still stung like a bear had just carved her open again.

As she trudged after N, who was still insisting she should have stayed at his dens, she finally asked herself, why was she pulling her sorry ass across this cursed pit!? She should have stayed, who was she trying to impress by pushing her battered body across this place? She peeked at the male in front of her, ah yes, that was who. She wanted him to think her strong and capable even though she was not... Even though her muscles were burning and her lungs could not seem to get enough oxygen, she was here for him... This... Attraction to this very charming, very dangerous male still puzzled her. Its not like she was drawn to the darkness that she could even see, no she was drawn to his charm and wit and charismatic nature. She wanted to match her wits to his and feel wanted and even liked; he made her feel like that, even with his outlandish play boy behavior she still got the impression that he would be faithful to his last breath... That he would protect her... and dare she hope love her... Was she a fool for that very thought? Yes! Yes, she was the biggest fool of them all. But every time she thought that she should leave and never look back something her mother told her came back to her. Takira's mother had insisted that she never let go of the chance to love and be loved, no matter the situation, that the chance may come and go before you even had time to wonder why they where gone...

He made her want things she never wanted before, But as she said, he was dangerous. Was capable and willing to harm others for his enjoyment... When she had meet him, they matched, she was so dark and was looking for blood but now? Now all she wanted was to be happy... She was not dark but nor was she light... She was a loyal being who did not betray those she holds close, N had proven himself to her, had made it clear that he was willing to care for her... And to protect her. Was she willing to give him the time of day to do more than those two things? Yes, she was, she would ride this out, for better or worse she would see where this thing that took her, and live with the outcome...

She looked at him then, her amber eyes focusing and becoming sharper, the pain was a distant thought from her tirade in her mind. "I am fine N. I am a fighter and I will fight for my wants and needs, and I need to make this journey on my own power. To prove to you and to myself that I could. But it would be nice if we found the healer sooner rather than later." Because now that she was done musing over that knot that had formed in her chest the day she walked away from him she felt the blistering pain in both her leg and side.

[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]



7 Years
10-25-2015, 12:53 AM (This post was last modified: 10-25-2015, 09:55 PM by Evelyn.)

Her tiny form wove it's way into the West, her quest for herbs sending her further and further from home. She was, as always, coated in mud up to her elbows, a bunch of herbs clutched delicately in her jaws. Tiny rabbit tail wagged her entire rump as she made her way through the unfamiliar lands, not at all deterred by its seemingly hostile environment. This was warmer and dyer than her home in the East, there was a whole different assortment of herbs that grew here. Already she had collected so much more than she had planned on! Seeing some more plant life ahead of her, she picked up her pace to a trot, unaware of the two wolves coming at her from down wind. Her deep blue eyes were far too focused on the sprig of catnip, something that she didn't expect to see here. Letting out a happy bark she set down her other herbs, digging with already earth covered paws, trying to get as many of the stock as she could. This.would be great to have in the winter to ward off all those nasty coughs and colds. Rump wiggling as her tail moved to and fro she pulled up the plant, adding it to her pile before collecting her bundle once more. Her mouth watered at the sweet scent of the plant, but she didn't dare consume the precious herb. Quickly she moved on, still having not noticed the two wolves that joined her.



10 Years
Dragon Mod
12-03-2015, 11:14 PM
N...she still called him that. For a moment he wondered why, then remembered he had never given her his true name. Only his alias. His lips quirked into a frown as she spoke, ears flicked in irritation. Yup, maybe he decided it was foolishness after all. He should have made her stay in the den and somehow coaxed someone in to help her there. But knowing him, and knowing his dad...not a good idea. "Yeah well...we'll find one soon.." He was going to say something else. That she didn't need to keep fighting the way she was, but maybe it was all she knew.

And then it was as if by some weird miracle, he caught the scent of someone else nearby. Mingled with the scent of...another pack wolf? Were herbs, and lots of them. Motioning for Takira to follow, he trailed the scent and he didn't have to go far. Only a few yards, his piercing amber gaze found an itty-bitty woman with herbs clutched in her mouth, and as he watched her for a moment, he figured she must have been a healer with the way she was collecting the plants like that. Coming in from behind, he offered a rough bark to announce their presence, an equally rough voice following suit "Hey you! Are you a healer?“


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4 Years
12-06-2015, 05:25 PM

Takira ignored him, knowing that he was just worried for her, yeah she may be making it worse and that he may have found the healer quicker without her but her stubborn pride would not let her lay about while he searched the country side for a healer. She watched as he lifted his nose into the air and scented the wind. Takira fallowed suit and seemed to catch the same scent as him. She nodded when he motioned for her to fallowed keeping close to his heels.

When he advanced on the woman Takira stay close behind him and when he barked at her the ebony girl chuckled. "Come N, no need to frighten her." Takira moved next to him and nuzzled his neck to calm him. "Do not mind him, hes been a little on edge with me hurt." She limped past N and close to the girl.

"I am Takira, I had a bad run in with a bear a few days ago, N has helped as much as he could by he is not able to set my leg, are you willing to help me?"

[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]



7 Years
12-06-2015, 05:42 PM (This post was last modified: 12-07-2015, 04:29 PM by Evelyn.)

Amalia was about to move on to find more herbs when someone barked behind her. The tiny woman jumped, hackles standing on end as she whipped around and eyed the taller pale male that had questioned her. Her deep blue eyes narrowed as her tongue tsked, she was about to say something to him when a woman slowly made her way around him, apologizing for his behaviour. "Well now! At least one of you has manors." She said in a very motherly voice, tones still ever so sweet. "But yes, I am a healer, and I would love to help you out darling." With a smile she moved to walk around her, easily catching the broken leg that hung almost uselessly from its socket. Her blue eyes grew wide, her smile vanishing as she frowned. Poor dear! "Oh my, it's indeed not set properly. You must have been in so much pain!" she exclaimed sadly. Stepping away she looked around, sniffing for the herbs she would need. She was away from her stores and didn't have everything that she needed, sadly shaking her head. "I don't have anything for pain with me, but I can go and find some for you before I set the leg. It could be quite sore, and I don't want to cause you any more stress than you probably have been under. If you give me a moment I can go find something to give you, as well as a nice sturdy stick and something to wrap you all up in so that it heals properly." She turned and eyed the pale white male, a brow rose as a trickster smile rose on her maw. "Does that suite your fancy, mister?" She teased, laughing softly. "My name is Amalia by the way, a pleasure to meet you both."




10 Years
Dragon Mod
01-05-2016, 06:48 PM
Okay, maybe he could have been a little less...rude about his approach, but he wasn't that frightening was he? He didn't say anything when Takira nosed his neck and spoke the little sprite, he simply watched as the other woman seemed surprised and then her comment made him roll his eyes. Girls...he'd never understand these types. He would remain quiet for the most part, until the smaller woman took a look at Takira's leg and exclaimed about how much pain she might be in. He cleared his throat for a second, glancing at her with a frown. "I gave her some poppy seeds before we left, but I'm not sure how effective they are with that kind of injury.." So, he wanted to be a he didn't know much about the plants...yet. So he would learn. Perhaps watching this girl would give him a bit of insight.

He would shut his mouth promptly after he spoke. Dammit, he didn't want her to know he cared! was probably inevitable at this point. With an inward sigh, the male listened to the woman, and then he quickly stepped forward. "I can go find those things if you want. Just tell me what you need." He glanced at Takira, wondering what she must be thinking of him right now. Huh, so much for impressions...but all that mattered right now was that her leg got better. He slightly rolled his eyes at the woman's teasing note, but women would be women. He wasn't going to get mad when he was trying to find someone to help his friend, and...secretly, learn a little bit about how to fix a broken leg. Soon after, she introduced herself as Amalia. It was a cute name, he would admit. "I'm En--uh...N. Just call me N, and this is Takira."


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!