
I Don't Speak Whale



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-15-2015, 01:03 PM

Sonticus was growing rather quiet as of late, she hadn't seen Arian in some time, and she wondered where she had gone off to. She was well aware of the change in leadership, so perhaps Arian had gone to take some time off for herself. Avalon herself had been working hard, keeping up with Juniper's training and keeping an eye out for trouble. Although it seemed since their move, everything had been quiet. Did Valentine decide to finally leave them alone? Or at least...whatever it was that Arian feared of him? She had met the male, and he didn't seem bad. But she also didn't know what had happened between him and Arian either.

She would sigh, pushing all of that from her mind to think about better times ahead. She had finally found her long lost love, the pair had finally found each other again, and the result of their love was growing inside of her. While she wasn't heavily pregnant yet, her sides had begun to show a baby bump, although someone could easily mistake that to be her fluffy fur. Stepping out into the Sands of the bay, she smiled and closed her eyes for a moment as the cool winds rolled over her form, tussling her fur. Her life was finally coming together. She was finally learning what happiness was all over again.

She startled then, the sound of a huge crash making her jump as her eyes snapped open. Confusion set in, brows furrowed as she looked around. Where had that sound come from? Moving closer to the water, she paused as the waves lapped at her toes, the sun sparkling over the clear water. And then, something massive would jump from the water, the large form arching as it fell with a crash again. Her mouth opened in a gasp, her attention on the breaching whale. Over a few moments, a few more would rise, tails slapping the water as they congregated off shore. She had seen whales back in soul sand cove, and she remembered her father calling these ones humpback whales. She sat then, enjoying the day and the show that nature provided.

"Talk" "You" Think


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6 Years

10-19-2015, 11:28 PM

With Threar gone and their scent quickly fading from the lands, Esarosa would explore their abandoned territory, wondering what she'd come across. Had anyone stayed behind, or had all of the wolves dispersed? She had hoped to visit this place when it was bustling with the residents of the pack, but now that was no longer a possibility. Briefly she wondered how this had happened, who had disbanded this warm-hearted pack, but even if she knew, there was nothing she could do about it and it would only make her angry. She was sure she'd catch news of it through her travels eventually. Sighing, she tilted her nose to the winds, finding little but the scent of salt water. The ocean. She supposed she would go to see the shore on her own, though she'd hoped to see the waves with Miksa. Alas, it seemed that wouldn't be happening.

The ebony she-wolf trotted in the direction of the humid, salty air, her ears soon picking up the sound of moving water. Esa left the cover of the woods, her paws carrying her nimbly over the rocks as she headed toward the bay. She could see the water, the waves relatively tame right now. As her paws reached the sands of the beach, she spotted a wolf by the water. Following the large female's gaze, Esa noticed massive, smooth shapes moving up out of the water, large flippers raising up before coming down to slap the water hard. Interested, the young woman made her way to the water, her paws touching the edges of the waves as the lapped gently against the sand. Then she looked to the other wolf, tilting her head. "What are those things?" she asked curiously, "Have you ever seen them before?" She hoped the woman knew what they were, so her curiosity would be sated. If this lady had been a part of Threar, and this place her home, surely she must know. But perhaps she was from elsewhere, just visiting.

"Speak" "Listen" Think



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
11-09-2015, 01:53 AM

It was such a beautiful sight! It wasn't everyday that whales came breaching so close to shore, let alone this species. Perhaps this Bay was one of many stops along their migratory path, and she wondered where they would go next. She wished to go out there, share in the experience of their happiness, but a wolf among whales leaping and splashing? Not a good idea. One could dream though.

As she watched on, the breeze carried a fresh scent in the air. Ears perking, she figured maybe now she wasn't alone. She turned to look in the opposite direction that the midnight female was approaching from, failing to pinpoint the incoming scent as it mixed with the scents of salty ocean air. It wasn't until she heard the voice come from the other side of her, that she startled a little.

As she looked at the midnight woman, amber gaze would find the bright green gaze. She remained relaxed as the girl asked her about the whales, a smile and wagging tail from Avalon would show. Nodding, she glanced back towards the whales as they continued their play time. "I have seen them before, my father called these particular species ' humpback whales', but he's said before that there are many other species of whale. Big and small, and most are gentle, except for the ones he called...killer whales? I've never seen one, though. So I don't know what that one might look like." Spoke too much perhaps? Oh well, she was in a good mood and excited about seeing whales again, and sharing the experience with someone else was even better!


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6 Years

11-11-2015, 11:54 PM

Esa waved her tail, slightly amused, when she saw the woman startle. It seemed that the sounds and scents all around them had made her own perfume difficult to pinpoint, and the other woman hadn't expected her to approach from this side. But she meant no harm, she was a child at heart. When the woman nodded, Esarosa perked her ears curiously, waiting to hear what the lady would say about the grand, swimming animals. She nodded with interest as the woman explained that these animals were 'whales', humpback to be precise, and there were many varieties of whales. This was fascinating to her, she'd never heard of these creatures. She was glad to hear that at least they were fairly docile, save for the ones called 'killer whales'. Such a simple name, but it got the point across. To be called such a thing, they must surely get the job done viciously. It was too bad the lady didn't know what they looked like.

"Wow, I've never seen whales before," she admitted, looking out the water where their slick hides surfaced and dived, "They're fascinating, aren't they? They may be gentle... but I'm glad they're staying in the ocean. Watching them from here is good enough for me." She chuckled a little bit. She used to be totally fearless, perhaps to the point of being a little naive, but she had learned a thing or two since her time in Alacritia. She wasn't as quick to go leaping headstrong to satisfy her every curiosity, like she used to be. Still, she loved learned as much as she could, and she would throw caution to the wind if fear threatened to hold her back.

Turning back to the other lady, she tilted her head. "So, do you live here?" she asked, wondering if this woman was from here, or just visiting, "Were you part of Threar? I had a friend who lived here... guess he'll be finding a home elsewhere now. But what about you?"

"Speak" "Listen" Think