
regrets collect like old friends


08-24-2014, 10:32 PM

It was a beautiful day in Abaven. It truly was. The sun was hot against earth and it baked the land in absolute heat-...but a soft, cool breeze also occupied the land. A perfect day. Clouds rolled across the beautiful blue sky and nearly colored it completely white. Even the sun was partially covered. But Wren doubted it'd be covered long. Half of the woman's body was stuck inside her den, and her head and shoulders were stuck out into the morning air within the Monument Rapids. She was close enough to those rapids to hear the peaceful humming and soft roaring the water caused.
It was music. And the girl would really rather sink back into her den and sleep. But she didn't want to sleep in on a day like this. Time to get out and meet some of the other members of Abaven. Lately, she's only seen Bass. Not that she didn't love to speak with him and see him. It was just was awkward to constantly see Bass and no others. Couldn't she have other friends? Friends that were girls? Eh. Maybe she'd find out if she was good with other girls today.
Finally, her back legs moved her out of the comfortable warmth of her den, her maw allowing a soft moan to leave her inky lips. Almost instantly her small body was enveloped in warmth. But just as she began to grow uncomfortable, that soft breeze she had been relying on wafted past her and danced around her. Perfect. Her upper body moved downward and she stretched her sore joints, jaws splitting into a deep yawn. Ears would flick forward to the rapids, then to the direction of the plains. As always the girl would take in that beautiful noise coming from the water...before setting off.
Her paws carried her along the rapids until she moved over the border of the plains. The nasty, icky aroma of snake filled her nostrils, and stubbornly would she throw her muzzle downward and growl. If any snake were to try and underestimate her...she'd make them sorry. But the thought seemed to ease, for she had approached a large boulder at the center of a patch of tall grass. She moved her way up and stood at the edge, huffing and flopping her rear down. Now it was just a matter a time. Would someone approach her, or would she be stuck here staring off into space? "Speech"



3 Years
08-25-2014, 12:24 PM

It was indeed a beautiful day. The sun was out and shining; the clouds were white and fluffy. There was even a slight breeze to ruffle her fur and cool her off. It was surprisingly nice, since most days of this summer so far were constantly rainy. She enjoyed a break from consistently sopping wet fur.

The female trotted out onto the Serpent Plains, enjoying the feel of soft vegetation brushing against her. It cooled her further, making the heat bearable. The cloying d scent of snake clung to her nostrils, but that too was bearable. By now she was used to it, and her thoughts were also s not preoccupied. By Xae, the Vor.

She had seen the healer not long before; she parted from him with mixed feelings. On one paw, confusion. And the other? She was pleased, happy, with a smile on her face. It was truly conflicting; she didn't know how to react. It didn't help Bass was still injured, making her worried and stressed.

Her paws continued to carry her forward, even while she was lost in thought. And she remained lost in thought until a familiar and unwelcome scent intruded. And that scent belonged to Wren. Joy. When she glanced around, the she-wolf was already in view, perched primly on a rock emerging from the tall grasses. Mira growled silently to herself. She couldn't leave, not now. Not when Wren has most likely seen her. She had no choice to be polite and approach.

Forcing her paws forward and making herself wear a cheerful but neutral expression, she did just that. Her tail washed slightly as she nodded to Wren. "Hope you don't mind the rat returning, little bird," the Bjundi said lightly, ears pricked and tail even with her spine. She wasn't threatening, but her dominance was clear. A smile played on the edges of her Kaw.

[Image: cq7LziB.jpg]


08-25-2014, 05:33 PM

Minutes after she settled down onto the massive boulder that stuck out of the tall grass, a faintly familiar aroma wafted through her nose. It took her a slight moment to register who it was. But once she realized it, a growl spilled from her lips and her minty green eyes narrowed. Mirabelle was definitely on the woman's bad side. After the disrespectful action she pulled toward Bass, Wren decided to ignore her presence within Abaven all she could. But now the woman was here- probably to pretend she was friendly perhaps? Yeah, sure. The dame knew exactly how she was. And even though she was ranked higher than her...Wren wouldn't let her push her around.
"Hope you don't mind the rat returning, little bird," The Mruni cringed, allowing a louder growl to erupt from the depths of her throat. Dominance laced in with the tone of the russet-hued dame...and Wren hated it. She thought she was higher than her. No, not even close. Bass made a mistake by allowing her back into the pack after she ran off without a word of explanation. Wren, sucking in an easy breath, turned her head toward Mirabelle with a snort.
"Unfortunately, I do mind. Now if your going to stick around- I'd love if you would just swallow your shitty attitude toward me." The dame didn't care if she was acting disrespectful, or rude. Wren really would care less with this woman. As long as no violence was involved...the girl didn't care. Growling, the woman lowered onto her stomach and huffed, resting her chin onto her ankles and tucking her tail around her. Yeah, she could report her attitude to Motif or Bass. Why did it matter? "Speech"



3 Years
08-26-2014, 11:24 PM

That smile widened as Wren responded - aggressively. Her tail swished back and forth, slowly, as the Bjundi stared up at the little bird. "Little bird has a temper too big for her," she murmured to herself, quietly enough so Wren shouldn't hear. Mira hoped that Wren didn't think herself scary; little tiny birds that chirp more than they think could never be scary. Her grin widened for a split second as Wren made her retort, and the red woman tossed her head before taking a seat. This little bird truly is amusing. She wondered idly how long it would take to make the bird snap; unfortunately, Bass wouldn't see her goading Wren in the same light. So she would have to behave.

As it was, her gaze hardened as the wolf curled into a ball. "I would, but I'm afraid you'd have to get rid of yours first. After all, growling before I even do anything is not a proper attitude, little bird." Mira truly hated how Wren spoke to her, but she sure as hell wasn't going to show that it upset her. No; it would be weakness. It was one thing to to speak with a true friend about - which she didn't have any, so that was out of the option - but another to show weakness in front of a subordinate. Even if that subordinate was soon to be an equal. She wasn't going to do it. She wasn't going to open herself up - again - allowing others to tear her apart from the inside. She handled it before; she didn't think she could now. So she had to stay calm on the outside - impassable. She had to remain dominant, otherwise she would be weak. And she could not afford to be weak.


[Image: cq7LziB.jpg]


08-26-2014, 11:54 PM

Mirabelle was shaping up to be a nice piece of shit that happened to look like a living soul. And every time she spoke...every second the woman would grow even more pissed. Even more frustrated. Especially this new nickname Mirabelle had come up with. "Little bird." Her mother, who was currently deceased, had given her that name. And whenever it was used as an insult...Wren got overly aggressive. To the point in which violence was included. But she'd hold back this time. She knew Bass wouldn't be happy if she left a scar on this woman's face.
Pupils would dilate as she slowly turned to Mirabelle, sitting up and feeling the angry shutters that ran up her legs. Her eyes turned to the throat of the russet dame...and she swallowed firmly. The new name was getting annoying. And even if Mirabelle thought she was the pretty little peacemaker...she came here only to stir Wren up. The babe knew it.
"Proper attitude? Why the hell would you care? Proper would be the last thing you'd ever be." Her lips slowly curled back, ears pining back against her skull as she snarled aggressively. Suddenly, the woman stood up and moved herself over to Mirabelle, lifting her chin slowly and raising her hackles in order to look larger than the dame. She narrowed her minty eyes. "I don't think you should push my buttons, Mirabelle. You're already ugly as it is. Don't make it worse." A threat. Okay, maybe Wren was pushing this whole thing a bit too far...?



3 Years
08-27-2014, 10:23 AM

Well this was becoming interesting. Mira watched with her head tilted as Wren attempted to control her anger. The wolf may have been getting more angry and frustrated, but Mira was just getting more and more amused. She wasn't even trying to piss her off. Her words were nothing bad, even her tone was mild. She had to resist laughing. It was quite surprising Wren had lived this long, with a temper as short as it appeared. Were she in... Mira cut off the thought. Wren had not been there. So there was no use thinking about it.

She refocuses in as Wren started speaking again, and she laughed. "Little bird, you are correct. I am far from proper!" The red woman laughed again, tail swinging from side to side. "And I care because you demand of me to be polite towards you; I will not be polite to one who is aggressive towards me for no apparent reason. For threatening me for no apparent reason. Even you, little bird, has to admit that were the situation you would be completely pissed. It makes no sense for you to be so threatening towards me when I've literally done nothing." She paused, thinking, head tilting a bit. "Besides, we're packmates. We're supposed to get along. Packmates are not supposed to threaten each other, let alone threaten a maim." Even in her birth pack they didn't do that, which was saying something. Her father would rip off the face of any wolf who threatened another in his presence.

At this point, Mirabelle didn't even care. She was of higher rank, and Wren's packmate, and she had done nothing wrong. Not pushed her own rank, not be rude, nothing that could be turned against Were there to be a challenge of some sort, it could easily be denied - you only challenge when there's a reason, and if it's a challenge issued for no reason then there's no reason for Mira to accept it.

[Image: cq7LziB.jpg]