
Swamp princess



3 Years
Extra large
10-16-2015, 11:54 PM
navigation - corpseghoul swamplands

Venturing far from the den was indeed a crime in the puppy world, though being the fearless child she was, it was the least of her worries. Besides, she had done it before, and got away with it as well, so it wouldn't hurt to do it again. Already, the Gulley was becoming a bit boring, for the adventurous girl desired to see more. It seemed she was never satisfied with her surroundings, taking the shapes and colours that some will never see for granted. She just couldn't get enough of exploring, hence her plan to travel across the entire continent over the course of her life, and if she was to be successful, she had to start young. However, she couldn't run away. As much as she wanted to, there was something that was holding her back - an emotion or force inside of her. What was it? Why didn't it want her to leave? If only she could find out what it was, and stop it from stopping her. Anyway, she didn't have the energy to travel as far as she would have liked to, though at least she could see the Gulley gradually thinning ahead. Her green paws ached as she held back a wail for her mother. The trusted woman wasn't with her, of course, and would probably ground the pup if she found out she had wandered so far from the den. Besides, she wanted to get away from her family, so here she was, away from them. Glancing around with positivity alighting her features, she bounded towards the swamplands, having never seen such an area before. At this rate, it was enough to keep her busy over the remaining season before she would have to venture in another direction or see what was beyond the bog.

Paws slowly squelched in the warm muck as she made her way through the marsh. The stinking air was damp and stuffy, making her nose wrinkle in disgust. "Ewww!" she groaned as she lifted a limb to inspect the slop slipping from her paw. "What is this stuff?" Trudging at a disappointing pace, she began to doubt her decision of exploring in the first place. She couldn't get anywhere, especially when she started sinking and had to waste all of her energy to scramble higher through the muck. Occasionally, she lost her balance and slipped, thus splashing her face into the water. What a mess she had become; her mother would definitely suspect her of going in forbidden places. Maybe she could find a clean stream or creek to rinse off afterwards, but as of the current moment, she continued to frolic through the swamp while getting covered in reeking slop.




6 Years

10-26-2015, 02:34 PM (This post was last modified: 10-29-2015, 12:03 PM by Faite.)

Faite was beyond happy to be home. Ever since running into her uncle, Castiel, her life had took a drastic turn for the better. All that searching for her family had finally come to and end. She could be at home with her siblings and her parents and everything was downright peachy. Now, without the added hassle of looking for them, she had absolutely nothing to do. Sure she could catch up with her siblings and laze about the estuary but that didn't sound like her idea of fun at all.

Of course she wasn't happy about the idea of being trapped in the estuary. First of all it wasn't the same as where she'd been born and two... well the birds were rather annoying to her. Their incessant cries had already begun to get on her nerves. Perhaps it was because she was irritated there were intruders in her home that made her irritable with the estuary but regardless she knew she had to get away from it. She wouldn't be gone long.

This was probably the farthest south she'd been in a long time. At first it had been kind of nice to be away. That was before the scenery started changing towards something more foul and disgusting. The terrain she now found herself in was rather wet and mucky and it wasn't long before her paws started sticking in the mud and her progress slowed. Her nose wrinkled at the idea of the bath she'd have to take later to get all of this out of her fur. The sound of a voice caught her attention and her ears pricked forward towards the noise as she tried to determine where it came from. Bi-colored gaze searched the area till she spotted where it had come from. There she saw a green and black kid floundering in the muck

So she lifted her legs up high and did her best to get to the other wolf as quickly as possible (which honestly wasn't very fast) but she eventually made it over to her. Her tail waved softly at the younger girl and she offered a warm smile. Faite had always liked kids. It reminded her of when she and her siblings had been younger.

"Whatcha doing all the way out here by yourself? It's a bit gross here."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



3 Years
Extra large
10-29-2015, 01:53 AM

Oh great - another adult here to nag her over the importance of following rules and being within parent supervision. What was so wrong about it anyway? Wandering alone seemed to be a dangerous matter, though her little brain couldn't work out why. It had to be a grown-up thing - they were always overreacting. To her advantage, she was pretty big for her age, half the height of her mother and certainly a giant compared to her siblings, especially the smaller ones. They'd probably get lost or make an easy snack for swamp monsters, but she wouldn't. With every adventure she embarked on away from the den, she grew more confident and independent while physically stronger. What beast would want to eat a green pup anyway? She was bound to displease the monster's tastebuds, and wouldn't go down without a fight.

The girl's head turned to the female as she held her chin high assertively and puffed her broad chest out smugly. "For your information," she pouted with a narrowed gaze, trying to act as adult-like as possible. "I'm busy exploring." And with that, she rotated her skull away from the woman, attempting to step through the sludge and show what an independent adult she truly was. She didn't have time to explain herself, or to find a long-lost relatives that were sure to report her naughty behaviour to her mother. So before that could happen, she would try to walk away, only to lose her footing and disrupt her balance as a result of it. A yelp of surprise escaped from her throat as she face-planted into the moist filth. Ugh, not again. Lifting her face out of the slime, she could feel the warm substance slowly creep down her complexion. Annoyance was scribbled all over her features as she stood there in stunned silence. A graceful adult she was indeed.




6 Years

10-29-2015, 12:27 PM

In the pup's defense she was pretty large for her age. Faite wasn't exactly the tallest thing ever but she wasn't necessarily short either. Though as she studied the oddly colored pup she realized that the girl was obviously going to be much larger than her when she was older. She recognized it in Regulus too when he'd grown like a weed compared to she and Zuriel.

She didn't dwell on the appearances of the strange pup for long. Instead she watched as she girl turned her head towards her. Faite waited with anticipation expecting an excited voice to reach her ears. Though the answer she received was far less friendly than she'd anticipated but nonetheless Faite took it in stride. In fact it'd been almost humorous the way the younger girl puffed out her chest and tried to act as mature as possible. The girl chuckled softly and grinned at the green and black wolf.

"I see." She mused softly.

She'd been about to say something else when the girl turned her head once more and attempted to walk away. Faite stood and watched her silently with a curious gaze. She watched as the pup took her step, lost her footing, and then fell rather ungracefully with a cry to top it all off. Faite could barely hold in her laughter as she gazed at her. Trying not to make the pup feel bad though she instead regained her composure and moved closer. Faite peered down at her offering her an apologetic smile. It hadn't been her fault that she'd fallen into the muck, but she did feel bad for laughing.

"Well you definitely chose a great place to explore... though it is a bit of a mess. You'll definitely have to take a bath before you get home. Wouldn't want your mother knowing about your explorations after all." She said with a wink. If the other wolf was worried Faite was going to be like every one else and tattle then she was sorely mistaken. "Need help up?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



3 Years
Extra large
11-01-2015, 02:07 AM

The child only grunted in response to the woman, trying to hold back the anger-mixed embarrassment welling inside of her. It wasn't her fault the swamp had to be where it was - she didn't decide its location. Who would put such a murky place next to her home anyway? Well, she was the one who ventured through it, and unfortunately got herself covered with muck as a result of her careless actions. As for the bath, she'd have to find a stream to rinse herself off before going anywhere near her mother. Being dirty was one thing, but wandering alone was another, probably much more worse. It was noticeable too; had it not been for the filth she might have gotten away with her disobedience.

When help was offered, the girl rejected it with a shake of her head, continuing to act stuck-up. "I can do it myself," she quietly spat with a conceited expression, narrowing her gaze at the woman. Desperate to prove her independence, she hauled herself to her paws, feeling the warm sludge drip from her soaked limbs. Not only did she have to wash it off, she also had to eliminate the putrid odour - it clung to her fur and made her nostrils burn from inhaling its strength. Throughout this, her scarlet eyes never left the female. What was she? A pup? She could look after herself just fine; her clumsiness happened to be one of those random moments.
