
Star Light, Star Bright



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-19-2015, 09:48 PM

The woman emerged from her den, she had been unable to sleep, only tossing and turning at the excitement and fear of what was to come in her future. Her belly was growing from the night she spent with Newol, and she wished strongly that he was here, sleeping beside her. It pained her that he wasn't in the pack with her, but she had yet to ask him and she feared that if she did, he would not be so keen on it for whatever reason. Taking a breath, she slipped away from her den and into the night, the moon high and the stars shining brightly.

The large woman would make her way to a pool of water, settling beside it, she dipped her head to drink, disturbing the tranquility that lay upon its surface. When she finished, amber gaze lifted to the sky, wondering where Newol was tonight. She blew another sigh of discontent, brows furrowed as she thought about, well...plenty of things. Would he be around when the pups came? Would he be beside her when it was time? Would he be with her to watch them grow up in the pack? So many things crossed her mind. She was scared, unsure, but she wouldn't begin to doubt him. They couldn't have found each other for this reason alone only to disperse after that passionate night. Their feelings had been clear, so she'd try to push it away...maybe it was just the hormones.



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Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

10-19-2015, 10:43 PM
You don't know what's in your heart
Rivaxorus didn't think it would be this hard. Taking care of his stubborn mother who just wanted to take care of herself. Riv was no healer, but asking his sisters for help he had managed to finally get her herbed up and to sleep. However the boy was restless, sighing in his young age as he tried to wrap his head around things. The large pups paws would follow him, gray ears pinned to the back of his head until he perked up when he scented his aunty avalon. It had been forever since he had spoken to her, and he certainly hoped things were well. It seemed like her and her mother weren't as close as they used to be. However, the curious young boy wanted to make sure that his aunt was alright.

The lithe pup walked up to her side sheepishly, making sure he was well within her view. "Aunty Avalon." he whispered gently. "Is everything alright?" he wasn't yet aware that she was pregnant. Yet he could tell her scent was kind of funny. Mother hadn't yet explained to the pups how pups were made. All he knew was females could grow babies in their stomach and then they were birthed that way. Rivaxorus did think women were amazing for that reason though. He thought making lives was fascinating.




13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-19-2015, 11:20 PM

As the cool autumn breeze brushed her fur, she jumped slightly when she heard her nephew's voice. Turning her gaze to him, she wagged her tail a little as she shifted, inviting him to sit against her if he so wished. His question though, would catch her off guard. And for a moment, she was unsure about what to tell the young boy. "Rivaxorous, shouldn't you be sleeping?" She would hope to avoid the question for now, though she was sure he was smarter then that. These children were keen, not so naive to the world.

She knew that her God children were taking good care of their mother after her unfortunate spat with Sin. Though she knew the man had a sharp attitude and a short fuse, she only wondered what Arian had done this time to trigger such an event. She was on the fence, despite her being sisters with the adravendi now, there was always two sides to a story...focusing her attention back to her nephew, she tried to compose her worrying thoughts and push them away. "I'm fine, Riv. Don't worry about me. How's your mother?"

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Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

10-19-2015, 11:30 PM
You don't know what's in your heart
As he listened to her, his eyebrow furrowed. Making a frown as he sat down next to her. The boy was too smart for his own good, while nosy it was because his own non ambitions didn't get in the way. After all if he was an heir, he had to take care of the pack anyway right. Avalon spoke about how he should be sleeping, and he let out a small grumble. "It's hard to sleep when seeing mom like that." he shifted his eyes off to the side. He didn't even want Avalon to see her like that, but that was beyond the point. He didn't care about his own problems, he cared about hers.

"She'll be okay.... but you know her. She convinces herself of things that aren't true." the boy let out a soft sigh. Before he smiled and looked at his aunt. "But I am worried about you whether you like it or not. Does it have to do with your scent?" his head tilted to one side. Hopefully he could be of some use. If anything at all, he wanted her to be okay. The type of male who would end up tearing himself up if he felt like he wasn't able to make someone else happy.




13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-20-2015, 12:01 AM

The boy would obey, sitting next to her, and she would lean over and offer a lick to his ear. She watched him, the boy telling her why he couldn't sleep and she'd nod in understanding. It was hard, seeing Arian like that...her fur bristled slightly at the thought of Sin doing that to her, but she was sure the man had gotten punishment for it already. If not later. "I understand, you can stay with me until she's better if you wish." It was a small offer, but hopefully it would help him sleep until his mom recovered. She liked his enthusiasm on the matter, however. The woman chuckling a bit at his observation of his mother. "Yeah, that's your mother for you. Always the stubborn one, but she remains strong no matter what comes her way."

She was about to turn the conversation, until he decided he wanted to focus on her again. Her mouth opened in a small bit of shock, fumbling over her tongue for a moment as she finally closed her mouth and sighed. "There's no getting around you is there?" She laughed a little, shifting her body again, tail wrapping around her haunches as she crossed her forelegs. The ground that pressed against her growing belly felt soothing, applying a bit of pressure to her stomach helped the cramps that slowly eased in. "Well, you're going to find out sooner or later. I'm pregnant, which means you'll have new friends to play with soon." She beamed, though her eyes flickered with worry and doubt. Her thoughts returned to Newol for a moment, the doubt seemingly inescapable...she only hoped though.

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Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

10-20-2015, 12:08 AM
You don't know what's in your heart
So that's what that scent was! He would log that into his memory for later use. Becoming a bit shy when she licked his ear. Never would he get used to that sort of affection, even so it was welcome. Yes, Arian was indeed very stubborn. Maybe she was where he got that from, never changing his mind unless facts became clear in the very end. Even so though, if she was pregnant, why wasn't she happy? He could see in her eyes that she was worried about something. Excited about the pups but..... was it the father? If someone had hurt her, he would be putting the stomp on them.

"But even so, you're worried about something?" Riv narrowed his eyes leaning into her closer. She was still bigger than he was, much bigger since he was so young. Little did he know he'd be bigger than even aunty Avalon. "You can tell me Aunty. I'm young, and don't know much, but I try to wrap my head around things." he'd go to look at her stomach. "I'll do what it takes to defend these little guys, after all Sonticus will be mine when I'm older. But it belongs to all of us." and a home it would be, since it was the only home he had known his entire life.




13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-20-2015, 12:27 AM (This post was last modified: 10-20-2015, 01:52 AM by Avalon.)

"But even so, you're worried about something?" She wanted to groan so badly, but it would stick in her throat as she bit her lip. She didn't want to throw her worries on his young mind, they were things he didn't need to worry about, especially at his age. But alas, she would give in. Her emotions were all over, though she loved Newol with all her heart, the worry about what was to come in the future gnawed at her brain. She knew how he felt about Surreal and the Adravendi family, and although Arian had adopted her in, there was still a part of her missing..something that still needed to be filled, but she didn't know what it was yet. Her concern was asking him if he would join her here...but something in the back of her mind told her it wouldn't happen. But still, how could she be sure?

She nuzzled the boy when he tried so hard to explain that she could tell him, even going on to say that he would help protect her children when they came into the world. "Thank you Rivaxorous, i hope my children grow to be as good as you...and i guess that's partly where my worries lie." She felt weight sit on her shoulders again, pressing down on her chest as she sighed, gaze returning to the pool of water. "Three years ago, when I felt like I had lost myself...I met someone who would change my life forever. After that night though, I left to find my family...I never found them though. So I came back, and...recently, I found him again. Newol is his name, and he is the father of my pups as well as my mate." It was a long story short explanation, not wanting to go into detail at the moment, but she hoped he got the gist of it.

She quieted for a moment before continuing. "I'm not sure what happened in the years we were separated, but...I am almost afraid to ask him about coming with me here. He is...or rather, seems to be quite loyal to Surreal, one of your relatives. But I don't know how much of that loyalty overrides loyalty towards me..." Her head would bend down, brows furrowed as she fought back the stinging tears that threatened to take her. She was so afraid to ask him to come here, but...fate wouldn't bring them together to throw that in her face would it? He had shown that he truly loved her, but now her question much? "I...don't know what I would do if he refused...sonticus is my family, I don't think I can leave..."

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Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

10-20-2015, 12:52 AM
You don't know what's in your heart
Somehow he got the notion that his age was a huge roadblock. He wanted to know more, craved it like he did a meal when his stomach growled. However, with the sadness that it brought along he found himself surprised when Avalon spoke. He tried to tie pieces together, so this man wasn't part of Sonticus and he was close to Surreal. Wait.... didn't Surreal have a husband? So technically these pups would be related to him, they would anyway but still. He let the thought fall away. The boy felt a tiny bit of anger fill him, some mate this Newol was if he was leaving Avalon alone. His father would do anything for his mother. The way he saw it, you needed to work together. There was no talking above each other in a relationship. Though there was a roadblock as well..... Avalon seemed to really care about this man. He felt his heart breaking for his aunt. If this douchebag was going to break her heart he wasn't quiet sure what he could do himself.

Riv had to think it through, a moment of silence before he fitted pieces of this puzzle together. "I guess the question would be what do you want to do?" he started. "If sonticus is your family, then stay here." He knew that wasn't much to go off of at first but the boy would sigh, his head hanging low for a moment before he raised it back up. "It would hurt me to see this man break your heart, but pain is a part of our lives. I'm young but I've seen it over and over again with my mom. It's almost like the gods yelling in our faces that we're alive. I haven't met anyone whose changed my life, I haven't been at a lowest point. But he way I see it, you like it here. Newol made a fatal mistake by taking you for granted. He's been away for so long that maybe he's forgotten about your feelings. You may care for him deeply Avalon, I know you do, but you also need to think about your feelings as well." his eyes strained. "Surreal also has a husband so I don't know what Newol's trying to pull." Riv would press his nose into Avalon's chest, the lower portion that he could reach. "You're going to cry, and you're going to cry a lot. Be brave enough to ask him, expect the worst but hope for the best. In the end we can't control each other, just our own thoughts. But if anything. Sonticus IS your family. I wouldn't trade the world for you. If I could I'd take all of your pain away and only time can do that." Riv smiled. "If you want to stay here, then I want you here." his tail wagged back and forth. "Excuse my language but Newol can suck a stick if he's gonna hinder your happiness."




13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-20-2015, 02:22 AM

There was so much to think about now that her worries were out in the open. The silence that hung between them was almost tangible, perhaps she had said too much that he didn't understand, but she had explained in simplest form. Her own mind jumbled, and she hated that fact. She supposed it was due to her near sleepless nights, knowing that he was here and alive, but not with Her, sleeping in her den as mates should be...she felt lonely despite having found her mate. Why did life constantly throw her curve balls like this? She was tired of left a bitter taste in her mouth.

His question caused her to raise her head, looking at him with sadness and confusion almost overwhelming her gaze. She thought hard about it, but it didn't take long. "Sonticus is my family. I have no intention of leaving without good reason." It was true, since she found the pack, she had found happiness. A purpose here. Arian needed her, the pack needed her. She couldn't leave...not as long as her insecurities drowned her. She wasn't sure what to make of all this, and as she listened to little Riv, her attention did not sway from what he said. Well, he was certainly smart...and observed a lot. More then she gave them credit for, but after this, all of that would change. She was glad to have smart nieces and nephews, their insight about the world would get them far.

In a way the boy was right. She loved Newol, of that she was sure. She had to find him, and that would be no trouble. He always hung around the territory that Surreal currently resided in, and her tail twitched at the thought. She knew they were close, but how close? Surreal did have a mate, yet Newol talked about her like she was a god or something. Did loyalty to her surpass loyalty to his mate? It made her wonder. "As far as I know, they're siblings or...something like that. But still..." She didn't know Surreal that well, if at all. But again, both she and Newol had been away from each other for far too long...was it possible he was taking her for granted? Should she have waited to get to know him better? His thoughts, his dreams before rushing into something and giving in to her heart too quickly? She didn't know.

She had a lot to think about after this night. Of that she was sure. She looked down at the child when he pressed against her chest, her foreleg lifting to settle upon his shoulders like a hug, fighting back the emotions and tears that threatened to take her. She took a deep and shaky breath to settle herself as he smiled then, nodding to say she wouldn't be going anywhere and that he was right. She had to hope for the best no matter what. But when he said that her mate could suck a stick, she gave a stern look, eyes replaced by a gentle humor. "That's not nice, Riv. But...I see where you're coming from. I must do what I need to, and if it fails...then I guess my heart led me the wrong way. Although I hope that's not the case. He makes me happy, just..." She trailed off for a moment. Just what? Was she afraid he would abandon her if he thought she was trying to control him? Of course. She didn't wish to control him, she wanted to support him and in turn wanted his support too. But what would that mean? She couldn't give up her life here for something that wasn't set in stone...she wouldn't. Sonticus was her home no matter what. It would be where her children would grow, and nobody would take them from her.

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Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

10-20-2015, 02:18 PM
You don't know what's in your heart
Riv would look at Avalon, still listening carefully to his Aunt. Whatever happened, even if it broke her heart he would be there. The boy fell silent, and he knew it was hard. He heard how hard it was for her to even think about letting this Newol fellow go. While he would probably never know how she felt he would do his best by being here for her. "We'll be here waiting for you."Riv nodded his head. In the meantime he did have his mother to worry about, a boy his age shouldn't have had to worry about that but he was.

The boy stretched out on his front paws, digging his nails into the dirt. Tail stretching beyond his spine, he would get more excited about this. They would be cousins, more family. Riv loved family more then anything. Avalon was a part of that family and the boy was determined to be placed right on the direct force for their protection.




13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-23-2015, 05:36 PM

She nodded. She wouldn't be going anywhere, not anytime soon. She would lie down on her belly, body shifting slightly to the side so as not to feel discomfort with the pressure centered on her belly. It was strange, finally being pregnant. She didn't know how to feel about it, but when she thought about her new family on the way it made her smile inside. No matter what, they'd be a family. Come hell or high water. They would be together. Nobody would tear her children away from her, history would not repeat itself again. She loathed the idea of her family splitting up, and so she would ensure that her new family would remain together.

Quietly, she watched the stars twinkle above them. The night was calm, serene. Despite the goings on around them, tonight would be peaceful. Her worries and doubts washing away now that she had talked to someone. Done were the days she bottled up everything inside, to an extent of course. "Riv, what do you wish to do in the future? What do you want?" It was a broad question to ask. But perhaps such a question would get him thinking as well.

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