
Drives you insane



4 Years
10-21-2015, 05:09 PM

Arian sat at the border between the mongrove and Sonticus. It felt nice to be so close to Fiori again, but at the same time with her state of mind there was no telling what would happen. Her shoulders still burned, barely being able to walk on her left it was actually suggested she didn't even try to move until it was healed. Gods know how many times she tripped and fell into trees and other things since she got back. Her kids tried their best to take care of her, but most days she was off by herself. Because she did think she needed time to think. She was now utterly useless.

Arian has wounds on both her shoulders, her right it was a long bite mark reaching from the top to the chest. Her back was torn just below the scruff, and her elbow tendon on the left front leg torn. However she had treated them the best she could.... sometimes it was hard to apply herbs to yourself. So for now they had been cleaned and she was trying to relax the best she could. Head laying against her paws. If she was lead healer of Sonticus, why couldn't she just heal herself just fine.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



7 Years
10-21-2015, 09:58 PM

She wove her way across the border, short stubbed tail wiggling behind her as she rubbed herself against a tree or two. Marking the line with her smell, her deep blue eyes spotted her adopted sister sitting on their shared border. Her red ears pulled forward as she picked up to a trot, a wide smile on her face. She hadn't seen Arian for awhile, not since she had left Fiori to start her own pack. And now, they shared a border! But as she neared her sister, her steps slowed, her smile slowly fading as she saw how beat up her sister looked. Fresh wounds covered her multi coloured coat, and her eyes grew wide. Oh dear, what had happened to her? A whine slipped out of her mouth as she came to Arian's side, pressing her nose to her cheek. "Oh Arian, what in the world happened to you?" she asked softly, another whisper of a whine leaving her maw. She would tell that her sister had tried her best to heal herself, the smell of herbs and poultice clinging to her form. "Should I go grab some things? My den isn't to far from here, I will be back before you know it." Amalia offered, pressing herself gently against the woman. Tears made her eyes damp as she sniffled, she hated seeing anyone beat up like this, even more so a member of her family. Arian had done nothing to deserve something like this, she knew that for a fact.




4 Years
10-22-2015, 12:33 AM

Donut Hole

"Oh Arian, what in the world happened to you?", the words stuck in her head so easily as Ama pressed into her. It was a complicated question, she hadn't spoken to her sister in a while. Never had they been close, not as close as she had been to Leo but family regardless was important like Amalia. Considering Arian was thinking about how she was when she was little, Arian was a little distraught in her own right. She obviously dabbled in some things she shouldn't have. "I'm fine." Arian would lie, her pride getting the best of her about the herbs at least.

"Sin Hellstrom maimed me, I fought back but he was obviously stronger. I retired as alpha and well, just been concentrating on healing I suppose." She wouldn't dare shrug her shoulders not with the pain involved with both her legs killing her at the moment. "I won't lie... I can barely walk... and it make it even harder putting herbs on." she narrowed her eyes. Where did she have to always step wrong. She said and did things she shouldn't have but it was her own stupidity getting the best of her.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



7 Years
10-22-2015, 12:48 AM

The tiny woman clicked her tongue when Arian said that she was fine, but moved her smaller frame to the earth as she gently curled herself around her sister. Sure, they were never close, but that didn't make her heart break any less at the sight of her now. Amalia listened with a spinning head as she explained what had happened. Letting out another small whine she cuddled into her form closer, licking at the woman's coat as she cleaned up a bit of blood that still matted to her coat. She would remember that name, Sin Hellstrom. Her heart burned with a flash of rare anger, a huff leaving her mouth. "I could kick his butt!" she threatened, although in her soft sing-song voice it sounded far more humorous than threatening. "At least let me grab something for you Arian, or help you re-learn things. I could... help train you to hunt again, to move about with more ease." she offered, her tiny rabbit tail making her rump wiggle along with it. She had to do something to help, she wasn't just going to sit around and leave her sister like this. Her dark blue eyes looked around Arian, and she wished that she could just hand her the world. She would do anything for her family, anything at all.




4 Years
10-23-2015, 12:31 PM

Papercut - Troye Sivan

Arian looked at her sister a little perplexed. It was hard to imagine her standing up to anything, though she wouldn't under estimate her of course. The lady would let out a heavy sigh, Ama didn't know about her children either yet did she? "No, I don't think I'll be doing hunting anytime soon not even after recovered. I can barely walk, learning out to run would be like a bird with two broken wings trying to fly." her crystal blue pools reflected off of her sisters image though. Matching eye colors as she tried to calm down her racing heart beat.

"Maybe you could repatch up my wounds then. We're both lead healers besides maybe.... we should talk." Arian let out a pained smile. As hard as it was to smile, she was doing it. The love her family astounded her, despite where she came from. Somehow she found herself missing her biological father, and her thoughts on her adopted father. Somehow she couldn't bring herself to forgive him in that instant. Her ears flicked lowering her snout with the thoughts in mind.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



7 Years
10-25-2015, 12:20 AM

Amalia's ears would hug her skull at her sisters quick dismissal of relearning things, her heart pounding hard in her chest. She wanted to do everything in her power to help Arian, to quite literally get her back to her paws, but she wasn't about to force anything on to her. That is why she remained curled up around her, or at least as best she could for her tiny frame. "But wings can be mended Arian, and I will always be here for you, okay? You just have to call me and I will come running, no matter what time." With her children all but gone she had little to do anyways, and was constantly looking for things to keep her occupied. The busier she kept her mind the better, the less she could linger on the fact that her family was falling apart. But as soon as she saw that small smile on her face Amalia's heart soared, and she matched it with a beaming grin at her adopted sister. Oh goodie, she was allowed to help! "Of course! I would love to talk to you. Its a shame that we haven't been as close growing up, with me vanishing and your own disappearance. But now that we are neighbours we can have all the time to chat!" She practically squeed before rising to her paws, shaking off her pale coat as she trotted off. Before she left, she placed a quick lick on Arian's head. With a wag of her tiny rabbit tail she bounded towards her den of herbs, a definite spring in her step.

Ama nosed around at her herb stock, grabbing a large bay leaf and placing it on the ground. Grabbing a bit of boneset, making sure to grab only a few of the tiny white flowers. That would help with the muscle pains, but boneset was very dangerous in high dosages. The woman added some dandilion roots to the leaf as well, she could crush those and put them on any inflamed wound as well as any joint pain she may be feeling. She eyed her small pile of lamb's ear, but desided to leave it out. All of Arian's smaller wounds seemed to be mostly healed, it was just the larger ones that were proving to be an issue. Her stock of trillium was far too low to spare any at all except for major cases, and she sighed as she nosed the few precious flowers into a tighter pile. She would need to go hunting for some before the worst of the cold set in. She had some dried kava leaves as well, and with a bit of thought she tore the wide leaf in half, and then in half again. Placing the smaller portion in her bundle she carefully grabbed it in her jaws. Kava leaves were very good to ease stress and help with relaxation, and she just thought that she could offer the ailing woman a little bit of relief. It was quite rare, but Amalia had found a large plant not too far off from her packs territory.

Quickly backing out of the den Amalia made her way back to Arian, dropping the bundle at her sisters paws for her inspection. She cast her blue gaze around the other woman's form, looking for the worst of the injuries. "When was the last time you took boneset, if any? And I expect that the wounds on your shoulders are the hardest for you to reach, should I start there?" She asked in her singsong voice, more cheerful now that she was helping.




4 Years
10-25-2015, 12:41 PM

Papercut - Troye Sivan

Arian didn't have wings that could be mended. Maybe she should have used the wings had been torn from their body reference instead. She didn't want to learn how to hunt, she was basically done... moving. However she had a duty to fulfill to others so that's what she would do as a healer. Waiting patiently for her sister to return, Arian needed to admit she loved being so close to her family. It was easy to talk to them, and if either of them needed help at any time they weren't so far away that anyone would be in immediate danger. Arian watched as Ama returned, hadn't moved from the same spot besides for a shuffle or two. Watching her sister work with the herbs, her ears flicked to her speaking.

"I haven't been able to get a hold of any. Most of my supplies are poppy seeds and mint. Yeah, shoulder, and the ripped tendon behind my left one." Arian attempted to lift the limb painfully to show her just where behind the elbow. The woman would have to think of something to talk about. "So... how are Athena and her kids.... everything going well with them?" Arian would start there. Though thinking about Athena, it urked her a bit since of the fight her and Vereux had.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



7 Years
10-26-2015, 01:04 PM

Ah, no boneset yet? A tiny bit would be good, help with the muscles and relax her sister even more. Pushing a few of the tiny white pedals towards Arian, she grabbed the dandelion root and began to chew on it. The bitter flavor swelled in her mouth, making her ears pull back slightly as her nose wrinkled up. Moving her head behind her head, she spat out some of the chewed up root onto the shoulder wound. Lifting her grey paw she rubbed it in lightly, careful not to put too much pressure on it. Grabbing and chewing up more of the root she moved on to the left limb. It was obvious that it caused her sister a lot of pain, which brought a touch of sadness to her deep blue eyes. Working the root into the sore limb, Amalia took a few steps away to sip out the left over root, tongue smacking at her lips to try and get rid of the bitter taste from her maw. When she came back she pushed the kava leaf towards Arian, a single brow rising in question. "Have you heard of the kava leaf before?" she asked timidly, not liking to assume that a well trained healer didn't know anything. "I thought that a little bit would help relax you, but don't eat the whole leaf unless you want to have some vivid visions!" She said with a soft giggle.

Sitting down on the ground in front of the darker pelted woman, rubbing her paw on the grass to get rid of the chewed up pulp on it. When Arian asked her question, her coloured ears laid flat against her skull, gaze casting away from the woman. "Well..." she started, snuffling on her tiny paws as her head lowered slightly. "Most of the kids are gone, there is only one who I see at all anymore. And so I have been focusing more and more on my work, putting a rut between me and Athena." Amalia's voice was hardly above a whisper, a whole new level of sadness touching her vocals. She shook her head slowly, sniffling before she lifted herself up again, flashing a small smile. "But its been better I think. Trying to think bigger, right?"




4 Years
10-27-2015, 02:29 AM

Room To breath.

Somehow, Arian almost felt like she had dealt her adopted family a disservice. Maybe with all the trouble she caused, she was better off gone. It crossed her mind that Athena was an Armada, did that mean maybe she could speak with her? What was with her head, the things it did to her. Useless and worthless she couldn't even heal herself right. On top of that, whenever she was hurt, she hurt her mother, her brother, hell her sister whom she wasn't close to. The gazes of their worried eyes, sometimes it burned more than the scars and the feeling that she had been left behind so many time before. Why.... had she ever left home in the first place. "I've heard the name before... but I've never used it so the use has slipped my mind." Arian explained as she looked at the leaf. She would do as instructed, only taking a small bite considering the fact it was also new to her. It tasted bitter as per usual, however maybe it would have a better affect then her mint supplies.

Vereux had crossed her mind though.... she supposed she thought about him often. After their fight even more so whenever she spoke of Athena or maybe even seeing Ama. Rut..... it felt that way with her and Cypress sometimes. Then again though, that was also her fault. "I think that's the first time I've seen you hang your head like that Amalia." Arian would give out a weak smile. "It certainly doesn't suit you, but.... I'm sorry I can't take your sorrow away." her tail flicked. "When we were younger I always thought about calling you Raionhāto. It means Lion Heart. Whether anyone see's it or not, you're much stronger than what meets the eye. I've broken underneath the pressure, and I don't know if I can stand up again like you always seem to do. Athena and you have a beautiful relationship and every day I struggle with temptation when I have Cypress....I've been tainted. It's almost like I shouldn't be wearing the adravendi name in the first place." her eyes moved to the ground. She shouldn't have been making this about her.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



7 Years
10-30-2015, 10:04 PM

She was glad that Arian was such a willing patient, she had had her share that refused herbs until the tiny girl had to practically stuff them down their maw. It was something that she disliked doing, but if it was for their own good it needed to happen! But her adoptive sister just took them without question, making a small comment about the kava. She just smiled and watched as she took them, making sure that they were all gone before she nosed the bay leave away. She would re add it to her supplies later, as well as the rest of the kava leaf.

When Arian made the comment about her head hanging she let out a small laugh, picking herself up to meet the similar coloured gaze of her sibling. Even though they weren't related by blood, their eyes were almost the exact shade of blue, which is why she never questions Arian's place in the family. But as her sister spoke on, she felt the dampness of tears begin to form in her eyes, a very strong mix of happy and sad emotions overwhelming her. "Oh Arian..." she said softly, very carefully pushing her red face into the girls scruff. "You are stronger than you let on, trust me. I... I just keep myself busy and try not to let all my sorrows get me down, but believe me it has happened. I have put a huge rut between be and Athena that took us seasons to get over. But every life is not without its struggles. Sometimes it seems unfair the amount of beatings we get, but I really do believe that they only happen to the strongest of us. Life isn't out there to get us, even if it feels like it often... I don't think that we are tested beyond our limits." came her soft words, voice so soft and sweet. She wanted nothing more than to take away all of this pain from Arian, both physically and mentally. It was the mental wounds that stung the worst, and left the nastiest scars.




4 Years
11-09-2015, 01:56 AM


Arian was almost positive, her family was where she belonged and didn't belong at the same time. Princess - and Queen, all titles she craved. Then once received at that cost, were thrown away almost every single time. It wasn't until now she was finally realizing what Valentine meant, and how his pet peeve made so much sense. Arian's head could spin in circles right now, hearing what was happening with Amalia and Athena. Other names always were popping within her head. "Amalia...." Arian breathed gently. "I know I never wanted to say this around you - actually I don't think I will say it." she shut her jaw. What was in the past was in the past. "Eventually... I want to speak with Athena."

That was enough for her. To have a chance to speak with Athena. Maybe they'd connect who knew, Arian wasn't very well off as it was. "You know... my daughter Holly really likes herbs. Maybe sometimes the two of you can meet up for a lesson." She smiled, trying to change the subject somehow. It would be better off she let her mind come off of it. Arian was thinking too far into all of her mistakes. Hell, she was even wishing things the gods wouldn't approve of really. Her tail twitched a little, her wounds were starting to feel a little better in the least.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.