
You're On Your Own Kid



6 Years
10-26-2015, 03:06 PM (This post was last modified: 10-27-2015, 11:14 PM by Bertók.)

Your obsidian feet kiss the earth in every step you place within its realm, boundless by means unknown, your once sure steps have fallen guildess in your time of fatigue. Although you have aged, your muscles are still prominent and useful, but in your tiredness, they strain and shake beneath the inky trench of your colouring. You are hungry you know, the bothersome dreadful pangs of hunger gurgling the gastronomic juices within the pit of your stomach. They are loud and only increase in volume as the scents of prey filter through pitch nostrils. The salmon muscle caged behind its ivory bars lolls forth, frothing saliva dripping in increments as you swipe it mindlessly against dark lips. The taste is driving you insane. In this estuary, you have fallen slave to its euphoria and promise of food. Like all primal beast, it is inescapable to shelve your instinct and so forth begins the hunt. Ruby irises scan the inventory with a detailed plan upon which body of choice you decide to pursue. Mulling over your options, your skills fair more with the aquatic as that has been your choice of prey since your youth -- duck is what will fulfill your needs.

Whisking from your perch, like the silent predator you are, you stalk in the wades of a pool, the tall and thick ferns providing your coverage as you slink in pursuit of the unaware. The thing you enjoyed most about the avian species were their numbers and group mentality. Where you were to find one, you were to have plenty such as the one fishing for grass seeds you spied a few feet away from you. Your body grows aware and inherently shifts itself into an awaiting stance, you can feel the tendons coil beneath your coat, your teeth drawn and prepared to accost at the given mark.


A bullet shot from the barrel of a caliber gun, you push through to the deeper levels of the water and snatch the unsuspecting prey by its neck and with a swift bite dispatch it from life. In the midst of the flurry you apprehend you must work hastily as the others come to attention and ascend toward the sky, a determinate growl resonates in your chest as you plant you hind-feet rock steady against the loose marbles and leap, your teeth grasping the fringes of another wing. Your victim did not escape soon enough, it too is dispatched like its flock mate. You are now satisfied with your findings and scoop both up in gaping draws and haul them back to the shoreline. Elbows meet the sand with the rest of your gargantuan frame as incisors tear into soft tissue, the sanguine taste of blood quenching your cravings as it slides down the abyssal chambers of your canine throat.

You are alieved.

"I am that is"



6 Years

10-29-2015, 07:51 PM (This post was last modified: 10-29-2015, 07:52 PM by Faite.)

She hadn't been home for too long and yet she already found the Estuary irritating. Opposed to her birth place this place reeked of bird crap and the creatures were beginning to fray her nerves and enrage her. She was a temperamental creature and only more so because of her heat season. She could only hope and pray that the season wouldn't last for too much longer. The sensations and mood swings it brought were far from enjoyable and it only made her wrath for the birds worse.

She'd taken to killing as many as she could when she was out on hunts. Ducks and geese, other than the feathers, were enjoyable food sources. Rabbits were always better in her opinion but there was a better abundance of the avian sort and the less she had to hear every day the happier she'd end up being in the end. Of course there was no earthly way she could wipe out all of them but at least she could kill off some. It at least made her feel a little bit better about it.

Her stomach rumbled silently as she felt the beginning pang of hunger settle into her gut. her nose wrinkled at the idea of eating geese again but she shoved the thoughts from her mind. She supposed duck would make a better alternative for today so she headed towards a small pool to hunt them. What she didn't expect to smell was the scent of a complete stranger. So Faite poised at the opposite edge of the water source as she watched him wade through it before scaring the absolute hell out of the ducks. She'd been so enthralled with the larger wolf that she realized she was about to miss her chance.

Like a rocket she sprung from her hiding place in the reeds as she chased after the tiny flock of birds. Hind legs coiled as she leaped into the air using her speed to vault her upwards. Jaws were agape as her teeth sought out the tail feathers of the nearest duck. Success! Her jaws clamped shut over the flying pest's tail and she crashed to the earth with it as it honked at her with wings beating at her face. The stranger was forgotten as she wrestled with the creature with a frightening growl escaping from her jowls. She raised a paw to flatten the creature to the ground and once she had it secured her maw snaked forward to its neck. With a swift jerk of her head she snapped its neck in a clean motion.

Satisfied that it was now dead she realized that she still had company. She raised her head from her kill and eyed the darkened figure that was now a bit away from her as her chase after the bird had taken her a good bit away from the pond. She'd been lucky with the bird as it hadn't been able to gain enough altitude to escape her prying jaws. She wasn't interested in her bird though. Instead she focused on the dark loner that she hadn't ever seen before.

"I haven't seen you around before. Who are you?"
While she'd been blunt she didn't ask the question rudely. Her curiosity certainly had gotten the better of her though.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



6 Years
11-12-2015, 07:45 PM
Your solo dinning you would note always seemed to be interrupted, not only by this unseen face, but once before ages ago by a pretty lady you've known but never kept in your life for very long. It was a femme by scent and quite odorous due to the season, this peeked your curiosity but did not have such a pull to separate you from your catch. The sensations that you feel in your stomach is unsettling, an odd itch burns between your thighs -- animal nature is your worst enemy. The fact that a single scent and changing of the months can command you in a way you'd rather be void of puts you in a sour mood. Damn her, and damn her witchy female sorcerery to have your head in a cloud. Ebony auds perked in response to what appeared to be the splashing of water down the riverbank, a commotion to right and the delayed flapping of wings and loose feathers. You grumble audibly as the dawning realization that you have to be civil and practice proper introduction irritates you to a high extreme.

And as you dreaded, the echoes of padding feet only get closer.

This unknown she-wolf was really trying her luck this day, she did something so stupid it baffles you. She speaks to you why? "I haven't seen you around before. Who are you?" her question did not come off as rude or intrusive, pure and complete curiosity. And that was her issue, you guessed she was young, an older wolf would have been indifferent approaching a feasting beast... especially one of his size and posture. You warred with the thoughts of which action to proceed with, part of you wanted to snarl and send her off, or at least that would have been your typical response... however, this intoxicating aroma your company wore forced your mind to think otherwise, bait her it shrilled, invite her, please make her stay... you are defeated and you accept this in the worst manner possible for deep inside you, you truly wished her company, if only for the day and night if allotted.

"Presumably, your dinner date, I suppose." deep, accented tones ooze like honey from your pitch lips, only then do you offer a glance to the female in your presence. She is a pretty think with colors of red wine and rust, douses of storm and a dab of ebony like yourself. She captivates you with mismatched hues of azure and canary, how extraordinary. "Bertok," you are to extend, "will you join me?"



6 Years

11-23-2015, 11:28 PM (This post was last modified: 11-23-2015, 11:31 PM by Faite.)

Faite was an easily confused creature. Her time alone in the mountain ranges of the East made sure that she didn't quite always know how to to react around company. Despite her lack of social etiquette she still was a rather intuitive girl and more times than not she could read emotions rather well. Strong ones like fear, anger, and happiness could easily be read ranging from body language and even scent of the wolf had strong feelings. As she waited for a response from the man she studied his face for his reactions.

At first she thought she could detect a hint of irritation in his gaze. Even if it was only a flicker she felt that she saw it but she questioned herself on it. She brushed it off as a figment of her imagination and instead she pricked her ears forward attentively as he spoke. His voice was gruff yet not in a displeasing way. She was a bit surprised by his choice of words. Her dinner date? The thought amused her and a smirk splayed across her face which then turned into a grin. The thought of having company to dine with was a pleasing one.

If she'd been older she may have been put off by the large male with his own food. She wasn't the wisest being that walked the earth and she should have known better than the approach a wolf with a meal. She wasn't older though and she wasn't a different wiser wolf so she was content with remaining ignorant. She felt safe and that's all that mattered within her mind.

"I'm Faite." she greeted warmly. "And I'd love to join you."

With the invitation set she swiftly trotted over to her bird and snatched it up before heading over to her date and laying down a little over a foot across from him. She decided to let the silence remain (assuming he didn't interrupt it instead) as she took the next minute to start plucking the annoying feathers from her bird instead of talking his ears off. Her nose crinkled as she realized how much she hated these creatures. They almost seemed too much of a pain to deal with but there was an abundance of them and weren't too awfully hard to catch so she'd deal with it. She'd just have to pick her teeth out later.

"Can I assume you've come seeking out my mother? Or are you just here by chance?" She asked with the same curious tone as before. She was nosy, perhaps a bit too much, but she was impulsive and couldn't help it.

Walk, "Talk"

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]