



2 Years
10-29-2015, 09:51 AM (This post was last modified: 10-29-2015, 09:52 AM by Ren.)
Where... was he? He had wandered away from home, and now.. he was here? He had gotten lost, after wandering from home, didn't know where he was and just pressed forward. He was so hungry. There had at least been water; he had encountered a river and fell in it and it swept him even further and he just kept walking and now he was... here.

He didn't like it here. Not at all. It was harsh under his paws, and thre was a weird scent in the air and so many wolf scents who were these people and - the pup sank to his belly, a whine coming from his maw. Where was he? Where was Momma? Where was Glacier? Zephy, Kait? Uncle Spencer? They weren't there and he was terrified.




6 Years

10-29-2015, 12:01 PM

It felt nice to be home again. Just like that she'd fallen back into a daily routine with her family. She and her mother had had their joyous reunion and everything felt right with the world. Well.... almost everything. She wasn't too fond of the Estuary. The birds were noisy and obnoxious and the only time there was solace was at night and even then that was questionable. Despite the fact she was glad to be home, she missed the solace of Mount Volkan. Other than a few wanderers here and there and the familiar (albeit quieter) chatter of prey here and there it'd been wonderful. Of course it hadn't contained her family so it was lonely but she was almost beginning to think she'd be better off anywhere else other than the Estuary.

Realizing she was going to probably lose her mind if she had to hear one more bird squawk. Killing all of them certainly wasn't possible so she'd stalked off on her own. She really had no destination in mind. She just let her paws do all the work as she trotted nowhere in particular. Why her feet brought her to the battlefield, she had no idea, but now that she was here she figured she might as well explore a bit.

The place would have been rather beautiful originally. So far she'd seen a pond and if it hadn't been for Autumn coming the grass would have been lovely as well. The only thing that marred it was the varying stench of blood. It made her nose wrinkle as it invaded her scent glands. At least they weren't stinking up the rest of Alacritia with their silly battles.

It wasn't long before something new caught the young woman's attention and her ears pricked attentively as she picked up a whine from nearby. Browns knit together in confusion as she pondered the sound. What on earth was a kid doing here of all places? Faite had a fondness towards children so her pace quickened as she bounded towards the location.

When she did find him she was surprised to see a dark blue pelt opposed to the natural colors. Her own brother was red so she wasn't too surprised, but it was a nice shade on him. To put it short he was adorable. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she padded over to him stopping only a little bit away to give him space. She didn't want to smother him quite yet. Her tail waved furiously behind her though as she was pretty excited.

"Hey!" She said smiling warmly hoping her exuberant nature would leak out towards the younger wolf. "Why are you all the way out here?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-29-2015, 12:36 PM

She'd been growing restless in Sonticus, Arian's kids were all heavily engrossed in their own tasks when they weren't training, and Avalon had taken pregnancy leave until after the Pups were born. Her legs itched to move, to go beyond the borders again before she got stuck in her den for who knew how long. Not that she saw it as a bad thing, but she was used to being active. With alot of thought and some hesitation, she would find herself deciding to go to the battlefield. Even though she was nearly the size of a whale, she figured perhaps she could practice defensive maneuvers should she need it in the future.

Waddling her way to the fields, she kept eyes and ears open in case some rabid rogue decided she might be am easy target. But they would be pretty wrong, and they'd lose something if they tried. She thought about too, how Newol might be upset with her for coming here alone, so she chose to go while he was away with Surreal and her brood. If she got any noticeable damage, she would be honest with him. Right now, she didn't want him worrying too much. As she traversed the field, she could hear the cries of others as they tangled in their own fights. And she would steer clear of them, preferring to find a more quieter place to find someone who might not be so keen on trying to rip her guts out.

As she went about looking for a potential brawl, she froze when she caught the scent of something familiar, yet unfamiliar. Confusion set in, brows furrowed as she looked around. "Castiel?" No. Not Castiel, but it...kind of smelled like him. Redirecting herself, she followed the scent trail, and soon she would find the culprit. And...something else. Amber gaze fell to the pup, what was he doing out here? With a bit of hesitation, she decided she would close the distance. She was worried for the pup, it was dangerous out here for one so young. "Excuse me!"

She stopped a couple of feet from them, worry etched in her gaze. The woman didn't seem like she would hurt the child, her tail was wagging after all. Did she perhaps know the young boy? "It's not safe here for a young pup. How did you get way out here?" was he kidnapped? Abandoned? Lost? There were so many possibilities.
"Talk" "You" Think


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



2 Years
11-14-2015, 11:00 PM (This post was last modified: 11-14-2015, 11:00 PM by Ren.)
Ears would flatten as movement caught his eye, and he would jerk his head up to stare at the woman. Girl. Thing. She was red, red and black, and she saw him, and was coming towards him and he whined, crouching closer to the ground, tail tucking between his legs. He'd love to meet her, if he wasn't so afraid and so far from home. He loved meeting others, but... he was away from Nixie, and Zephy, and Daddy, and Mommy. He didn't like being so far from home at all.

Then, more movement, and the nearly 9 month old pup would whine again. Another woman, who was super big. What was wrong with her? She was kinda scary, really big. He shrank away from both women, ears flattening to his head wordlessly as he looked from one to the other without saying a word.


Marina I


7 Years
11-14-2015, 11:09 PM

She was a mother on a mission, and hell if anyone was going to stop her. The femme had noticed, as she got ready to lay to rest, that one of her children was unaccounted for. Her girls were all present, near the den, but her son was not. Marina had called for him... but he did not answer. Ren was gone.

Like a bat out of hell Marina charged through the lands, stepping on twigs and fallen leaves with little care. They crunched underpaw, and her steps, quick and heated, would lead her on. It was only once she found Ren's scent that she felt any sort of relief... but it was short lived. The further it drew her away from their home the more fervent her own movements became. Find her baby. She needed to find her baby.

...and the battlefield was no place for a youngling. Her eyes would narrow as she first stepped into the area, breathing hard as she kept up her pace. She wouldn't stop until she found him, and god help whomever dared approach her son. Not that she knew her children had already begun interacting with strangers... but the protective urge of the mother would keep her from letting too many of them pass. If one of her babies got hurt... oh that would be it...!

The femme's bi-colored pink and red eyes would fall upon them. Two females and her son, crouched to the ground. She could only assume the worst, with the state her mind was in, and flying forward with a snarl she leaped before the babe, landing on the ground hard as she snarled at the two females.

"GET AWAY!" Spittle flew from her mouth, and the dame surely had to look as though she was mad.

Table by:: Tea

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]



6 Years

11-23-2015, 11:05 PM


Ears flicked at the name of her uncle being thrown out. She recognized his name, of course, but she didn't recognize the voice who'd spoken it. Confusion set in and the boy was almost forgotten as she tried to figure out who would know her uncle. She couldn't smell Castiel nearby. Surely the wolf couldn't have mistaken her for him? She wasn't aware they smelled alike... or looked alike for that matter. So as her brows knit together as she tried to figure it out she almost missed the large woman as she approached.

Excuse me!"

Her gaze went to the woman who held similar markings to the gray male, Creed, who hung around her mother. She cocked her head to the side but offered the woman the same friendly tail wag that she'd offered the young boy. She could see the worry etched into the woman's face and Faite didn't feel concerned at all about the other female. She knew the battlefield was no place for the kid, or herself, but with the anxiety that the woman let off she knew that she at least wouldn't be hurting the kid. She even asked him the same question that she'd asked only a few minutes prior. She turned her gaze to look at him to hear his answer. He really didn't belong out here all by himself after all and if he had a family to get back to then she was all for helping him get to it.

But from the way the boy was acting since she'd arrived she had the inkling feeling that he wasn't going to be answering their questions any time soon. He reeked of fear and between the lowered body, the flattened ears, and the tucked tail she didn't need to smell him to be able to tell that he was terrified. The concerned and worried look worked its way back over her face as she looked at him and pondered how to make him feel better. She didn't feel as though she was scary. Sure maybe the other woman was scary because of how big she was, but she wasn't scary looking or acting either in all reality. Still the kid shied away from both of them and Faite couldn't help but feel sorry for him. She hadn't meant to frighten him more.

She'd just opened her mouth to speak softly to him to try and reassure him that everything was okay and that they wouldn't hurt him when the sound of another wolf caught her attention. This one was moving fast though and she stepped away from the boy quickly as a blur of black, white, and rainbow came rushing to the boy's aid. From the snarling Faite could only assume it was the boy's mother and she was in no hurry to get in between that. Ears flattened against her skull and her tail tucked automatically in between her legs as she crouched and shuffled away from the mother and son in an attempt to sway her anger. She hadn't meant any harm to him. She glanced quickly at Avalon wondering how the other would react before she looked back at the mother as she screamed at them. Anger flickered within chest igniting like a match the gasoline and she forced back the wrinkle of her muzzle. She wanted to be angry with this woman for assuming the worst of her. She didn't like the fact that, despite her good intentions for this child, that she was considered a threat still. Regardless Faite didn't voice her opinions and instead glanced between the group once more before turning tail and trotting back towards the West. She was content that the boy was safe and that's all that mattered. It was best she headed home anyways.

-exit Faite-

Walk, "Talk"

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]