
Anywhere But Here

Rune I


5 Years
08-24-2014, 09:29 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Dark paws carried the grey male slowly across the landscape of the Battlefield, his posture and stern gaze reflecting the authority and power he now possessed. As Guardian of Secretua, Rune had plenty of it, especially considering it was his family that he protected there. It was a lot of responsibility, and though he had been trying his best to shoulder most of it, to lighten the loads for his mate and kids, he knew they were going to need help sooner or later. They were not going to make it keeping their numbers as small as they were. They needed help, trustworthy wolves who would remain loyal to the pack and mix well with his family. The hardest part was allowing himself to let his own guards down to be able to judge another on their compatibility with the pack, and so far his work was proving to be cut out for him.

Which was why he was still here. He had been here before, seeking spars back when he had still considered trying to stake a claim on the pack that had at the time been known as Tortuga. In a way, he was glad those plans had never been fulfilled; surely his future would have been nothing like it is today. But there was no need for spars today, not when there were more important matters directly related to the safety of his pack that needed his attention first. His pale eyes, such a light shade of blue, scanned the Battlefield around him through a narrowed stare, seeking out those who appeared lost or searching. Calls for battle partners were ignored and those who made them skirted around as he walked through the rough terrain. Rune was here solely to find possible recruits that he could offer a home within his pack, Secretua, and had no intention of being deterred from his course.



08-24-2014, 04:40 PM

He wasn't quite sure what was going on with his sister, one moment their were together and the next he barely saw her around. Perhaps she wasn't over him leaving the lands when the family pretty much fell apart, but who else would if they had been in his paws? Frustration riddled his body, and sick of aimlessly wandering around, waiting for the girl to re-show, the boy had decided to scope out the battlefield for a goal. He needed something to do, needed to know the skills he had learned would not be wasted.

And so he would stand near the outer edge of the lands, aqua colored gaze scanning over the individuals locked in battle. Blood splattered the ground, the air filled with both the aroma of blood and sweat, as well as the sound of snarls, barks, and growls. It was enough to get his heart racing, blood rushing through his veins and muscles itching for a fight.

With much control Australis would push the urge away, keeping his goal in mind. He remained standing there, demeanor calm, waiting to find someone that could use his help or at least make him useful.

Awesome image by Aislyn <3

Rune I


5 Years
08-26-2014, 12:46 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

His search took a little longer than he thought it would. More often than not though rogue scents he found were really just wolves out spoiling for a fight, seeking a partner against which they could train and since Rune had no intention of entertaining anyone with a battle he continued to wander about, growing more irritable the longer he traveled. Were there really so few loners seeking homes nowadays? Was he going about this wrong? Sitting still and calling for those who might be interested seemed like a horrible idea - anyone and everyone would likely show up - and considering he was determined to be picky about those he allowed within Secretua it was doubtful to work.

Before he could fully give up home, though not before he had already begun to alter his course toward the outer edge of the Battlefield, Rune spotted someone seated quietly alone. The boy could not have been any older than his own son, nor any larger, and the brightness within his aqua eyes was encouraging. A youth who sought a home, perhaps? Just a little the pale grey Guardian felt a twinge of irritation. Was his pack going to be made up of kids then, his own included? Trying not to be entirely negative - kids did grow, and caught young they could be taught proper skills for the pack - he approached the youth and released a quiet chuff to get his attention before he was close enough to talk.

"Not looking for a fight, are you?" he asked when he drew to a stop, his deep voice rather flat and guarded despite his intention. Some habits were hard to break.



08-26-2014, 01:03 PM

Still as a statue the boy remained where he sat, not moving a single limb. Ears sat upon his head, forward yet angled slightly to the sides, catching a large field of sound around him without having to move his whole head. While ears did that his eyes would scan over the battlefield, watching, waiting for something that would catch his interest. Fights were either starting or nearly ending, blood blotching the ground, battered bodies struggling to stay off the ground. His gaze would narrow, watching a particular wolf go down once, twice, then finally his body just giving out and going limp into the ground. The victor, he kicked dirt into the loser's face before crawling away, slinking back into the darkness of the land.

Movement nearby. An ear readjusted, moving to face the direction a stranger was approaching from while keeping his gaze on the wolves before him. Second by second the figure grew closer, and for a moment the boy figured they would simply walk by since Australis didn't really have the look that he was ready for a fight. Nope, a chuff and a few words directed towards him would say he was here for the brown colored boy.

"Not today." He answered simply, aqua hued eyes moving onto a starting battle between a large and a rather small wolf. Interesting, did the small think they stood a chance against such a large opponent? Casually he'd turn his head to glance at the grey and black male, older but not by many years, his built also not much larger than his own. "You looking?" Not exactly curious about whether the man was here to look for a fight, he just needed a few answers. "Despite its reputation, looking for something else here." He added, glancing back at the land with narrowed eyes.

Awesome image by Aislyn <3

Rune I


5 Years
08-27-2014, 12:38 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The grey Guardian received not even a glance at first as the boy answered his question with simple ease, his attention still mostly focused on those fights that were taking place in close proximity to where they both sat and stood. The coolness of the answer, the apparent comfortable indifference, were things Rune had not expected to be greeted with, and strangely they were somewhat comforting. No tricks, no half truths, here was someone who was plainly at ease and knew what he was after. It was rather refreshing. Allowing his own gaze to follow that of the boy's Rune glanced at the pair of wolves as they squared off, watching the awkward dance with his own case of indifference. He knew he was out of practice, but for the moment fighting was the last thing on his mind.

"No." Just as simply as the brown wolf had answered, Rune answered in kind, voicing his own intent with the single word. It should have been obvious then, and in a way it was. There were really only two purposes behind anyone coming here to the Battlefield: to prove yourself in battle or to ally yourself with a pack. And since the boy had denied the first...

Rune's assumption was confirmed in his casual remark, an ear turning as understanding settled in. "So am I," he informed the boy, finally drawing his pale blue eyes away from the fighting pair to look squarely at the brown wolf. "I'm Rune, Guardian of Secretua." He was still getting used to saying his new title, but it was beginning to roll off the tongue rather well. And considering everything he stood for as a leader, he was glad that it felt like a suitable fit. He only hoped he could prove it the same to those under his care.



08-27-2014, 01:08 AM

So, the man was not here for battle either. A prick of interest would form in the boy, beginning to wonder if this fellow would have the answer he was looking for, be the gate he needed to pass through to rise and succeed. Australis had a feeling it was him however, though he spoke one word, it held his intentions. As for the boy's comment on looking for something else, the man also agreed. This would prompt the boy to peel his gaze away from the fighting wolves below and focus on the stranger, aqua hued eyes searching the man's blue orbs. Introducing himself as Rune, Guardian of Secretua. Was that a pack he was in, and if so, what kind of rank was Guardian?

Australis would raise a brow, ever so slightly, barely even noticeable. "Australis, Rogue." He would then speak, head lifting, questions forming. He was feeling something twist and turn within his gut, and unseen connection, like a magnet trying to pull the boy into this man. Similar, they were, at least he would think that and in no way voice such a thing. "Looking for...?" He questioned, wondering if the man was looking for somebody for assistance, mentoring, get something done or something else. Australis was willing to do work as he got what he wanted which wasn't too much to ask for.

Awesome image by Aislyn <3

Rune I


5 Years
08-27-2014, 01:25 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

He seemed to have the boy's attention now, met his aqua-colored eyes straight on as he finally looked his way. Did he understand now? Were they on the same page, each looking for what the other offered? Rune never would have expected to find a possible candidate for his pack in someone so young - even his own son was still learning those ropes and understanding his place - but each individual was different he supposed. At the boy's age, he knew he had already dedicated himself to reacquiring Tortuga and had begun training on it as well, putting most of his efforts into learning what he needed to learn for that fight when others his age were still learning about themselves. Was it possible circumstance had thrown someone similar at him now when he needed them most?

A name was given, as curious as its cryptic owner, and after a short pause another open-ended statement, obvious fishing for the answer that they both knew would come. Finding no need in tiptoeing around it any longer, Rune answered bluntly, "The right kind of individuals to recruit into my pack." It was important in his mind that he make it clear his offer was not something that was handed out to everyone; no, he was far too paranoid for it. Each member was likely to be hand-picked by either himself or one of his family, and he hoped their assessments would hold out well in the long run. "And you're looking to join one." It was less a question than it was a statement. Rune doubted he was incorrect, but remained quiet nonetheless, giving the wolf named Australis adequate time to prove him wrong or tell him otherwise.



08-27-2014, 01:50 AM

So he was the leader of this Secrtua, interesting. What were the odds that Australis would find someone like this the day he was ready to take on the path that would lead to his goal? Especially one who was looking for specific individuals, people that would fit into the pack. The boy felt pride in it, that there was something in him that this guy seemed to find good enough to bring up that he was recruiting. ?Yes.? He answered finally, not exactly eager, but was interested nonetheless.

"Might be young, but not lazy." Yes, many would think that younger wolves would not be the most productive, preferring to play games or going out adventuring. Unlike those young wolves Australis actually worked, everyday, survived. To be lazy was disgusting, allowing yourself to waste away when you could be up and moving, improving your skills whether it be strength in fighting, agility in hunting, or knowledge in healing or politics. It all got something working within your body. "I can work." I need to work, will get it done properly and quickly. No disappointments.

Awesome image by Aislyn <3

Rune I


5 Years
08-29-2014, 01:07 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The boy answered simply, mildly curious though overall still retaining his outward calm. Rune admired it, how well he could keep himself composed, how sure in himself and purpose he appeared. He almost thought he saw a bit of himself in the youth, more direction in him than he saw in his own son no matter Eirik's good intentions most of the time. If he was right, if this Australis could prove to be like himself, could he possibly have found a perfect addition to the pack? Would the youth prove his assumption correct?

It took nothing at all for the large brown youth to begin selling himself, listing off what he thought might appeal to Rune and his pack. Admittedly, he did a rather good job of it. He assured he was drive, in need of a purpose, that any task given to him would be completed and properly, no lazy half jobs. Considering he was so pressured to gather a few extra followers, to bolster the numbers of Secretua so that they might feel a little more secure and not spread so thin, he was willing to bypass most of his typical distrust and make the offer right there.

And, after a quiet moment of internal deliberation, it was exactly what he did. "We could use someone like that in Secretua," Rune stated, lifting his chin a little as he spoke of his home and family. "We are currently small, mostly family. We need others who will be as dedicated as us, and who will make an effort to better the pack." Would he be put off by the challenge, intimidated by the pressure, or would he embrace it, the chance to prove himself and gain a purpose for which he could be proud of? Hoping his assumption that Australis might prove to be the second, Rune waited, curious, his gaze upon the fight to allow no further pressure on the boy but his own thoughts.



08-29-2014, 01:51 PM

Ears flicked when he spoke again, the man said how Secretua could use someone like that. Young, willing to work, get it done properly without becoming distracted. Good, somebody could see he would be useful, a good addition to any group especially since he wasn't tied down to a particular set of ideals, forced into believing something he didn't care much for. Next Rune went to talk about how his pack was small and mainly made up of family, needing people who would be dedicated, make an effort to better the pack. Australis could be dedicated, that was for sure, the thing he wasn't too sure about was the bettering the pack. Sure, he could do what he wanted to achieve his goals, work to help the pack out, but would that be bettering it? He'd just have to wait and see.

During the little conversation the boy would remain silent, demeanor still calm, relaxed. His attention completely on Rune, listening to every word that left his mouth, taking it in and thinking about it. If the pack was like this man, at least at this moment while with Australis, then he figured it would be a decent place he could hangout in for now. It's not like anyone had approached him nor him approach anyone else that looked good enough to take him on.

Finally with a breath the boy would turn away from the fighting wolves to glance at the man, head held a bit higher than before, corners of his lips cranked upward in the smallest of smirks. ?Can do them, no disappointments.? He finally spoke, giving a small nod of his head. It was then, finally, that he would stand up. Limbs moved carefully, smoothly beneath his body, lifting the boy from the ground. With a small shake to clear is rump of dirt and grass he would look back to the man, ready for anything that was given to him. "What are you seeking?" He asked, seeking something the man would give him to begin with.

Australis would be up to anything, having dabbled in three main areas that he thought he should know the basics of. Fighting, healing, hunting. All three he could do alright, but soon would be improving on, as well as defensive strategies. Manual labor, having to deal with anything the man needed assistance with, he would do. Need a meal for his family, he could do that. Anything else, as long as the boy was capable of the task, he would get it done.

Awesome image by Aislyn <3

Rune I


5 Years
09-04-2014, 11:17 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The subtle confidence about the boy was reassuring, reaffirming everything that Austalis had said and further convincing Rune that he would not be disappointed in offering him a place within Secretua. It was a relief, really, to feel that way, to have a prospective member already lined out who was so attentive to everything he said, who actually looked rather eager at the chance to prove himself. Assuming he actually kept his word, which Rune had nothing so far that gave him any sense of doubt, he thought the match very well made. And he hoped the way the conversation had been going was enough to hint that the brown wolf was actually thinking along the same lines.

He stood, shook himself lightly, and glanced Rune's way, the pale grey wolf meeting the youth's teal gaze squarely as he saw the question within them. It took just a moment for Rune to collect his thoughts enough to have a ready answer for Australis, feeling it was far too broad for how small and lacking Secretua actually was. "Just about everything," he began, following suit and rising to his own paws as he spoke. "Like I said, we're a small group. We're scattered thinly as it is, so any help is welcome." He paused briefly, taking a moment to study the boy's face, trying to gauge his feelings about the situation and whether he might have convinced him to seriously consider his pack. "Would you be interested?"



09-06-2014, 01:38 PM

Rune would answer his question, stating that they were seeking just about everything. That would make the boy think, begin to wonder what he could start off as before making his way up, whether it was in ranks or what Australis saw as improvement. An ear twitched when he caught the man's voice once again, focusing in once more and putting his thoughts on the side for the moment. The man reminded the boy that his pack was small, they were scattered and any help was welcomed. He gave a small nod of his head, then would casually turn it to the side, eyes narrowing the slightest in thought.

If Secretua was small, then something that would be needed, at least to the boy, would be either a healer or somebody that could protect them should anything happen. At the same time he mentioned thy were mostly family, but how old were they all? Youngsters, Aus wouldn't mind becoming the pack's hunter to help supply meals for the group.

"Would you be interested?" His voice would draw the boys attention back, head sweeping back towards Rune, teal gaze meet his blue orbs. ?Yes, or I would leave already.? He smirked, it was pretty much a dead give away by now that he was definitely interested in joining Secretua. Who else would sit through all this just to decide nope and walk off, Aus wouldn't waste someone's time like that. "Alright hunter, fighter, and healer. Choose what needed, I can do." He would add with a small nod of his head. He would get working immediately, of course, after he knew what was given and where this Secretua resided.

Awesome image by Aislyn <3

Rune I


5 Years
09-06-2014, 03:39 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Almost, almost, Rune smirked back. What had started off as a stressful search on a mission that he had convinced himself would be fruitless had become a rather pleasant conversation with a young stranger who he was beginning to like and respect more by the second. And what was more, he was actually wishing to take this young stranger back home with him to give him a place within Secretua, to give him a purpose there amidst his own family with the hopes that he might not only assist them but also learn to feel a part of them too. His good fortune was enough to lift the burly grey male's spirits, to just nearly let him lose his hold on the mostly stoic and serious look he seemed to carry more often than not, and just a little he wished he had to let the kid know he appreciated his straightforward honesty. It really was refreshing.

And just like that, everything was basically settled. The yearling was on his feet, staring his way, seeking not only direction in a physical means but in the task he would find himself labeled as once he arrived back in Secretua. He really meant it then, when he said he would do whatever was needed of him without question and in a satisfactory manner. But where did they need the most help? Warja had already made her preference apparent in learning about the plants that covered the Gulley, Eirik was patient enough with Keiki to assist her on patrols, and though Maia seemed capable he knew her two children were the focus of her attention, just as his own were at their age.

It was all clear then, and with a decisive nod he answered Australis, "Hunter. That's what we're lacking right now. If you're okay with that I can lead you there?" He moved slightly in the direction Secretua awaited them in, offering with the gesture to lead if the boy was ready to follow. He doubted there would be any hesitation from the way Australis had so far shown his desire for a task and purpose, but he waited all the same, letting it sink in for both of them that Secretua now had a new resident, a new hunter, to help them and join the family that waited there.



09-09-2014, 08:17 PM

He would become a hunter in this pack. The boy gave a single, small nod of his head to this and as an answer to Rune's question to leading him to his new home. From this point on Australis would be given the rank of hunter within Secretua, having the duty of bringing down prey and dragging it back into the heart of the claimed territory. He saw no issues with his, it would benefit both the pack and himself in more than one way. And so, he would work hard, scouting out the land for animals, then carefully plan out how the hunt would go down before finally attacking. This would work.

Glancing towards the battling wolves around them, the boy would swing is tail before turning towards Rune, ready to be lead to the place he would call home.

-exit australis, unless you wanna rp them arriving to secretua lands xD-

Awesome image by Aislyn <3

Rune I


5 Years
09-11-2014, 12:49 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The boy nodded his head in affirmation, and for the first time during their conversation Rune allowed the edges of his lips to draw upward into the small impression of a smile. This was a good new addition, he could feel the certainty of it settle deep within himself. With Australis assisting with the hunts, and his own children taking up the mantle for the other tasks, it meant there was no single aspect about the pack that remained empty save for the positions of influence and leadership. But those, with time, he knew would fill, and possibly even with these youths once their skill exceeded his expectations. He could hardly wait to return home and tell the wonderful news to Alamea and assure her yet again that everything was going to be alright.

With a nod of his own, Rune resumed the turn he had partially made and stepped away, not bothering to glance behind him as if to make sure that his new recruit would be following; he had already proven himself in that regard as far as the Guardian was concerned. But after a while, when the silence seemed to feel a little heavy, he did begin to speak and offered further details about the pack, his family, and what would be in store for the boy there once he arrived. It was better to make him prepared rather than simply throwing him into the midst of things to fend for himself. And he hoped it might further help him in finding his own place amongst them so that he could eventually not only think of Secretua as his pack but also as his home.

-Exit Rune-

OOC: Nah, this works for me! ^^