
Ghosts of the Past



7 Years

11-02-2015, 10:05 PM

He had ignored the howl last time it had sounded at his border.

It had been too soon, the wounds still far too fresh for him to answer Allen's call. He had chosen to ignore it, cuts still deep. Back then he didn't want anything to do with the man, and feared that his anger would get the better of him if he had gone to his borders that day. But now, now that the siege had come and gone, his pups had been born, and Abaven was expanding once more, he missed him. He hated that he had been gone for so long, and that he had no idea if Nona and the kids had ever recovered. It was time to push passed everything and be the bigger wolf -- or at least he could have been if he didn't ignore the summons like a child. With a heavy heart and even heavier paws, Bass practically dragged himself to Sonticus' borders, having picked up his old friends scent near the allied pack. Ears were flat against his skull, fear that this time his call would go unanswered weighing him down. But it was time now, and he couldn't ignore this any longer.

It took him awhile to find Sonticus, they had moved since the last time he had been around. Having walked in the wrong direction more than once, at last he picked up faint traces of their border. Heading in its direction, he was quite surprised to smell that Allen's scent was very prominant along the territory lines. Confusion made him pause, a brow rising as he stared at the invisible line like it could tell him something. Thinking long and hard, his brows pushing together, he finally tipped back his head and called out for Allen. He was very respectful of the borders, standing on the loner side, but was still studying it like it held all the answers. What in the world had happened since the older man had taken his family away from Abaven? He was sure that there was more to this tale.



11-03-2015, 08:24 PM

It had not been easy knowing that he had been wrong. It had been a rough road from Abaven to where he was now. The old man felt so many conflicting feelings. Guilt was at the forefront of those feelings, however. Guilt at being wrong. Guilt at snapping at Bass. Hell, even guilt for Arian’s maim. Had he just listened to Bass... Could this have all been prevented? These feelings... Arian’s maim?

It was after his brief talk with Cypress that Allen started towards the borders where Bass would be waiting. His heart was heavy, his mind felt foggy. It was as if rocks had suddenly filled the muscles in his legs, making it harder and harder to press on until he saw the man. That pale man he had called friend for so long.

“Bass,” Allen would greet in a low tone. No time had been spared to shape up his appearance -- he was still the mess that Cypress had discovered. “I’m so sorry... You were right... About Sin... I... I’ve been the fool.” Allen would stop a few feet from the other, not daring to meet his eyes.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



7 Years

11-09-2015, 12:40 PM

The man who showed up was not Allen Walker, but merely a shell of the strong man he once knew. He looked broken and torn apart, coat matted and dirty, looking like he hadn't slept in weeks. He was stunned into silence, any anger that he was still carrying with him slipped away in an instant. His old friend spoke, saying that he was right and that he should have listened to him. Ears were flat against his head as he shuffled on his paws, everything that he was going to say just melting away. He didn't know what to do, and felt awkward standing here now. Allen didn't even look up to meet his gaze. And then Bass didn't care about the borders. He stepped across slowly, timidly closing the gap between the two men. His nose stretched out to touch Allen's cheek, before he pushed himself forward all the way, trying to curl his neck around his. "We both made a mistake." He said softly, before falling silent. Nothing else left his mouth as he just stood there, seeking to comfort one of his oldest and dearest friends.



11-15-2015, 11:02 AM

Allen didn’t care that Bass crossed the borders. No, all that mattered was that his friend had come for him. He would cross over to the calico gentleman, curling his neck around Allen’s, and the man would gently touch Bass’ shoulder, feeling a slight weight lifted. The male would keep his eyes closed, breathing in and out in slow, shaky breaths. He had missed Bass so much... And there was so much to tell him.

“Gods above I’ve missed you...” He would whimper, his voice soft. “Bass... I... I want to tell you some things. So if you could please just listen first... I’d appreciate it greatly.” Allen would draw back, looking upon his old friend. His expression was somber, and he’d breathe out a slow breath.

“...So much has happened...”

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



7 Years

11-15-2015, 08:57 PM

At Allen's words he pulled back with him, a look of concern on his pale face. He had known that Nona and the kids had been sick before they left Abaven, and his stomach clenched painfully. He started to dread the worse, his own breath hitching in his throat as he studied the older man. There was nothing more that he wanted to do than to curl up and share stories with his dear friend, but this wasn't the time and place. There was obviously something way bigger than all of that going on, and right now he needed to be with Allen, like he has always done with him. Allen had been there when he needed someone to watch Abaven, or just when he needed to get away. Bass had been there with his worries about his son, and now it was his turn to share his shoulder even more. So he just nodded his head, pulling himself down to his rump as he sat still, that look of worry plastered all over his face. But he didn't dare speak, he didn't think that his words would hold up against the blockage of emotions that clogged his throat.



11-23-2015, 01:51 AM

There was concern written on Bass’ face, that much was clear. Allen would be quick to reassure the other that it was not the worst possible thing. “Nona and the kids are doing better, so don’t fret about them.” The man would close his eyes. “But Bass... I had an accident not long after we left Abaven. I nearly was sucked up by the ground... It was thanks to several wolves that I was saved. One of them being Sin himself... Lillie and Arian as well.” The man would open his eyes again.

“I thought at first I was right about him... That he was just another man like you or I...” He would shake his head. “You know Arian and I are related, yes?” He would pause for but a moment before continuing. “Sin.. He... He maimed her other leg. She can barely walk now.”

The man would shudder. “I agreed to take Abaven for a time... So that she could pass it on to her son when the time came... But Bass... I felt so guilty. It felt so wrong. Sonticus isn’t my home... Abaven is my home...” The brute would whine loudly. “I gave the pack to Cypress, Arian’s mate... Bass... I... I want to come home... With Nona and the kids...” He would press his nose into Bass’s shoulder. “I’m so sorry...”

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



7 Years

12-04-2015, 04:44 PM

A big breath was pushed out of his lungs when Allen said that the kids and Nona were okay, a bit of the weight lifting off of his shoulders. That had been his biggest fear, when he saw that look on the older man's face. He wished that he could see them right now, but it wasn't the time or place to ask for that. But he spoke of an accident and his ears pulled forward, his mouth opening up into a silent o shape. Sin had helped him? Pale auds flickered slightly, he was unsure what to say about that. He knew that Sin was not a good man, and he didn't want to argue with Allen about it right now. There was more that he needed to say though, so Bass thankfully stayed silent as he spoke on. He was surprised that Lillie had been there and didn't say anything to him about that, but he pushed it away. He just nodded as he went on about thinking that he had been right about him, not liking the turn of the conversation. But then he mentioned Sin maiming Arian and his eyes shot open wide. He knew that there was a feud between the two of them but he didn't know that it was that bad, or that Sin would go that far. Well, he had a hunch but... Bass sighed as his head lowered, he knew where this was going now.

Apparently he agreed to take Sonticus for Arian, and he shuffled on his paws, unsure of how to feel about that. He had watched Abaven for him, and then he left and took over another pack? He cleared his throat uncomfortably, but Allen went on. Oh, he had only held it for a bit? When he spoke of coming home Bass sighed and leaned into his nuzzle, pushing his nose into Allen's cheek for a moment before he pulled back. Ears were pressed flat against his head, shifting his weight once more between his paws. "I don't know Allen... it hurt so much when you left like that. When you tore yourself away from me when I needed you so badly. I am tired of wolves coming and leaving as they please." He admitted with a frown, feeling very torn up about what he was saying. "Quelt and Limno vanished, and that's the third time that Quelt has left. Hansel has reappeared, Vali is back and I just..." He shook his head, taking a step back from Allen. He wanted his old friend back in Abaven, he really did. "I'm just tired of being hurt. It doesn't mean that I don't care about you any less Allen I just... How do I know that you won't get up and go again?"



12-04-2015, 06:03 PM

Allen would flick his ears back as Bass began to speak Allen would advert his gaze. “...Did you hear me when I called for you, Bass? In Abaven? I tried to remedy this sooner... We all make mistakes... Things we’re not proud of.” He would sigh softly. “I didn’t want this to drag out. You were angry and hurt... I was angry and hurt...” Allen would squeeze his eyes closed. “The only reason I came to Sonticus was for the sake of my wife and children. They were sick... Did you expect me to stay out there while they died for my mistake?” Allen would open his eyes again, tears stinging them.

“I can not speak for Quelt. It makes me wonder where his loyalties lie... But I know where my loyalties lie. I wouldn’t ask to come back if I didn’t care Bass. I wouldn’t be in this state if I didn’t care. I’ve missed you. I’ve missed our home. Even if you can’t forgive me... At least let Nona and the kids go back. They weren’t part of this... They... They weren’t the ones who screwed up.” The man would look Bass in the eyes.

“...You can’t guarantee what anyone will do when it comes down to it Bass. But... If it makes you makes you feel better you could always break my legs to make sure I didn’t go anywhere.” His voice was serious. “...The choice is yours alone Bass. No one can make it for you. I’ve said my piece, spoke my heart. If you can’t see us back in Abaven then that is all there is to it.”

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



7 Years

12-11-2015, 08:30 PM

He listened to the mans word, taking each and every one to heart. He did miss his friend, with all of his heart. "I did hear your call, but the pain was still too fresh. I... I couldn't see you yet." He said softly, looking down at his paws. A deep breath left his lungs and he shifted his weight across all four limbs, not really knowing what to say. His words had hurt Allen, but they had both stabbed each other a time or two. It was just... time. He needed more time to think all of this over. He knew Allen's reasoning, and he knew that his request was not a hard one. But to him, it just sat too heavy on his chest. The thought of being screwed over again was still fresh on his mind, and rather hard to ignore. "I... I need time to think, Allen. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He said, the amount of emotion in his voice almost making him choke on the words. Without even looking up the man spun around and started to walk away, not daring to look back. He just needed to weigh this out, maybe talk to someone else about it. Time, just a little more time.

-exit Bass unless stopped-



12-14-2015, 08:47 PM

Allen would feel as though his world was crashing around him again. He would just gaze at Bass with sorrow in his eyes, pain gripping at every fibber of his being. He wanted to go home. To his friend’s side. He would give a soft whine as Bass spoke again. “Bass... Bass please...” Allen would rise, watching his friend’s retreating form. His ears were against his skull, tail lowered against his legs. He would close his eyes, fighting back the tears. Fighting back the surge of emotion that covered him. “Just tell me what I need to do to earn your loyalty again... My friend...” Allen would raise his voice so that Bass might still here him. “I’ll be waiting... I’ll... I’ll always be waiting.”

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah