
Gøran Family Adopts


Fluffy Marshmallow

13+ Years
11-06-2015, 10:55 PM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2015, 02:50 AM by Evelyn.)
Okay so just a word of caution now, I will be VERY picky with choosing members of this family/pack, because they have such an extensive history and belief system. I would also like to start a pack with them down the road, so keep that in mind. There will be no rebels, non-religious, or white wolves, as it goes against everything that this family believes in. Remember that colours are also important! I WILL turn down any designs that go against the colour beliefs. Sorry to be to strict, but these guys are really important to me. Also I ask that you only reply if you intend to keep this wolf active, I would hate to see a bunch come in and then for them to die out. Because you are designing them yourself though, if I take back the adopt because of activity and you wish to reuse the design/name you can. But there can be none of the Gøran family left in them.

Okay, so with that! A bit about their beliefs.

Their society revolves a lot around colours, a wolf often gaining their rank because of their coat colour and/or eye colour. White is seen as a blasphemous colour to his family, pups who are born white are always killed right away, as it is not only a sign of weakness, but also of a bad omen and an abomination. If a female births more than one white child, she is put on trial and sometimes killed for their mistake, as all children are gifts from their gods. Why would a female be so cursed as to have two white children?

The most common colours of the Gøran family are browns and blacks, although there are also wolves who bare many colours on their coat. A child with bright, unnatural colours such as blue or purple, are seen as a prophet, and a messenger to their gods. These wolves are highly respected and generally always become the seers and lead healers, as well as their story tellers. It is said that a wolf with a colourful coat can speak to the gods directly, and some of the lower ranking wolves fear them. They are rumored to have powers to see into the future, as well as being able to detect lies and frauds, giving their words a lot of strength during their trials.

Eye colours are said to tell a wolf's personality, and can effect their ranks if it differs greatly from their coat. Having two different coloured eyes as well and two colours in a single eye is very rare, and is seen as a great gift.
Black/white: Show that the wolf is soulless and unkind. Often pups are killed after their eyes are open if they are seen as black or white.
Reds: Red can be many different things, such as being a good warrior, quick to anger, or passionate. This is also a more rare colour, and many wolves are cautious around those with red eyes.
Greens, browns, yellows, blues: These are the most common eye colour, and can be seen as many different things. Greens and yellows are seen as dominate, healers, clear headed, focused, warriors and loyal. Blues and browns are seen as kind-hearted, go getters, lovers, hunters, and healers.
Purples, pinks, oranges: These are all very rare colours and are often only seen on colourful wolves. Purples are messengers of the gods, pinks are storytellers, and oranges are seers.

The name 'Gøran' is given to all members of the Gøran family, even though they are a huge pack of many different wolves. Once you have worked your way to becoming trusted enough to join, you will be gifted with the last name of Gøran. Because of this, it is very common for wolves to have a middle name, often coming from their parents old names, or a name that they can pass on to their children. When two wolves have pups, it is up to the children when they are given the Gøran family name on their first birthday if they wish to take their mother or fathers middle name as their own, or make one for themselves.

The Gøran family is not one to take life long mates, unless you are a seer or messenger. Breeding with siblings is uncommon, but not unheard of, as courting works a bit differently. Often a couple will stay together long enough to have children, being committed to one another during that time. But after the female falls pregnant, she is left to the rest of the woman to be cared for and they move on. Mating with the same partner is frowned upon, but will not be stopped. You may be put on trail for refusing to leave your partner after the female becomes pregnant. After the birth of the pups it is up to the father if he wants to help raise them, or leave it to the woman to do.

A trial can be held for many things. One is held if a female births more than one white pup, and trials are commonly held for any wolf who has done anything to wrong the Gøran family or their rank leader. While all wolves are expected to come to the trials and share their opinions, it is only the elders, as well as any colourful wolf, who has the final say in their fate. Colourful wolves such as the seer, storyteller and lead healers have a very strong say in trials and their words are very highly respected.

The Gøran family is led by the elders, who decide things as a group rather than be led by one or two wolves. The seers also hold a lot of respect and often aid the elders in choices.
High ranking, very respected roles: Elders, seers, head hunters, head healers, head warriors, and storytellers.
Hunting roles : Flanker (those who lay in wait and spring up on the prey), runners (in charge of keeping the herd running and cutting off the intended prey), and strikers (those who deal the death blow).
Warrior roles : Tank (meaty, beefy fighters who take a lot of damage), solider (common fighter), and elitist (font liners, the quickest thinking and strongest soldiers).
Healing roles : Caregiver (in charge of births/pups), wet nurse (a female who is to nurse any pups who's mothers are unable to), medic (common healing rank), shaman (in charge of rituals and ceremonies
Patrol role.
Den mothers. In charge of helping the other mothers raise their young. All woman at some point must be a den mother.
Unworthy. Members still trying to find a place, or those who have yet to prove their worth of the Gøran name.

In each ranking of warriors, a reward is given for each time they win a fight, which they can give as an offering or add to their collection. The tanks are often given bones and teeth of those that they have killed, often forming necklaces or even fastening them to places along their coat for added protection and damage. A solider, or common warrior, are given many things, from herbs and plants, to skulls and claws. They often give these as offerings, only the more specialty warriors showing off their rewards. The elites, or front liners, are often given flowers to wear as a banner or a wreath, said to aid in their protection. It is not until an elite has won enough battles that they can make something large enough to wear, but once they wear it they are allowed to replace the flowers once they wither and die. The number of flowers worn often represents the number of kills they have made, as they are not allowed any more flowers than lives they have taken.

Just before every change of season, a seasonal ceremony is held where they make their offerings to the god or goddess of the next season, asking for it to be easy and plentiful. These are the largest ceremonies held by the Gøran family.
At every birth and death, a ritual is held to give thanks to the new lives, or remember those who have passed. A ritual is not held for those being executed at trial or pups who are killed because of coat or eye colour.
Once a pup turns a year old, a ceremony is held where they receive the Gøran family name, as well as decide on their middle name. Here they are officially named in their rank, which the elders and seers choose.

They also have their own gods and goddesses, who are all listed on Gwenaël's profile.

Any questions, skype or PM me! I am also willing to take in outside wolves and have them trained in the ways of the Gøran family. This must all be IC though.

<b>Name:</b> If they are under a year, they will not yet have the Gøran name. Remember the middle names.
<b>Appearance:</b> Colour plays a very important role, but a wolf can have a brown coat and be a healer, its just the average. Because of their beliefs though, a wolf of a certain coat colour can feel pushed to make sure they are like that.
<b>Eye colour:</b> This can play a part of their personalities as well. Please check the colour list above to see what is rare, I have every right to turn it down or ask you to change it if there are too many rares showing up.
<b>Rank:</b> What rank did they hold back home? This will be very important as it will change how over Gøran family members react to them. Remember the specific specialties as well!
<b>Rewards/Accessories:</b> Only applies to warrior rank. Do you have rewards that you wear?
<b>Pack history:</b> Did anything major happen within the pack for them?
<b>Beliefs:</b> Some wolves follow after only a few choice gods and goddesses, some all.

<b>Personality:</b> At least 150 words.
<b>Plans:</b> Why are they in Alacritia?

<b>RP example:</b> At least 100 words.

My focus needs more focus.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
11-06-2015, 11:32 PM (This post was last modified: 03-05-2016, 04:04 PM by Avalon.)

Name: Alistair
Appearance: Colour plays a very important role, but a wolf can have a brown coat and be a healer, its just the average. Because of their beliefs though, a wolf of a certain coat colour can feel pushed to make sure they are like that.
Eye colour: This can play a part of their personalities as well. Please check the colour list above to see what is rare, I have every right to turn it down or ask you to change it if there are too many rares showing up.
Rank: What rank did they hold back home? This will be very important as it will change how over Gøran family members react to them. Remember the specific specialties as well!
Rewards/Accessories: Only applies to warrior rank. Do you have rewards that you wear?
Pack history: Did anything major happen within the pack for them?
Beliefs: Some wolves follow after only a few choice gods and goddesses, some all.

Personality: At least 150 words.
Plans: Why are they in Alacritia?

RP example: At least 100 words.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



9 Years
Athena I
11-07-2015, 12:59 AM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2015, 09:41 PM by Leo.)

Oria Guaritore Gøran

Three, born in Summer

The base color of Oria's coat is a shade lighter than inky black, making her fur the darkest shades of charcoal. Glittering, golden hues strike through the black like shooting stars. If you were to view her from the top down, the set of three stripes that curve around her sides form three 'V' shapes, pointing up her spine. These three stripes start at her scruff and make their way down along her spine. From the side, the golden markings gradually get longer as they move down her body. The shortest forms a hook at the top of her rib cage and the longest stretches all the way down her thigh.

That isn't the last forms of color on her form. This same vibrant gold color makes an appearance as a curving line reaching up from the middle of each foreleg and curving to an end at her shoulder. She also has two dashes of this color the backs of each of her ears. Each leg is covered in a stocking of a slightly lighter, more natural golden-blonde hue. Her eyes are a rich forest green, standing out against the backdrop of black and gold.

Oria also carries a bracelet with her, a token that she found on one her many journeys to find knowledge and herbs. It is a thin gold bracelet with a blue feather dangling from it, which she wears on her left foreleg.

Eye colour:
Forest green

Oria was Shaman before she left the pack, but she was in line to become a Head Healer

She has a bracelet (mentioned in her appearance), but it's not an award of anything really. Let me know if that's not allowed! I'm fine with her not having it.

Pack history
Oria's mother, Grazia, was a black, green-eyed wolf. She found the Gøran's pack only a month or so after becoming pregnant. Luckily for her she was skilled in healing and was able to befriend one of Gøran's healers and show the healer her skills. She quickly proved her worth and slowly began to earn the trust of the rest of the pack. It was only a couple of weeks before she was due to give birth that she was given the Gøran name. She soon had her litter, but as soon as the Caregiver helping her saw her first pup everything went down hill. It wasn't till then that Grazia remembered that the pup's father was a white wolf.

Grazia had four pups. Her first pup was almost completely solid white, with only a few small black markings on the pup's toes to distract from the color. The second was equally as startling and terrible, being almost completely white except for the deep brown markings on it's back. The third was black with a solid white blaze down the length of its face, chest, and stomach as well as having white stockings on all four legs and white tipped ears. By that point the Caregiver had left Grazia alone and had gone to get the Elders. Grazia had learned all of the Gøran customs in her time here, she knew what would happen to most if not all of her first three children and what could potentially happen to herself. Grazia was panicing and frantically cleaning her three pups and nudging them to her side when the contractions gripped her again and she had her fourth and last pup. She stared dumbfounded at the black and gold pup for only a moment before pulling the pup up next to her siblings.

Soon after the Elders and a Seer arrived along with the Caregiver that had gone to get them, and it was clear that they were here to follow through with their traditions. As one of the Elders came to take the first born away, since it was most obviously the whitest of the bunch, he noticed the fourth pup and its blazenly golden yellow markings. He exchanged a glance with one of the Seers and whispered something to the Caregiver. The healer nodded with a glance toward Grazia before running off. Grazia's eyes darted between the Elders and the Seer, panic and worry welling up in her, but there was little chance for her to speak. The Elders took each of her white-marked children away, but the fourth was left at her stomach. They other three pups were quickly killed, luckily out of her line of sight.

Moments later the Caregiver arrived with a Wet Nurse at her side. This Wet Nurse was named Meade and was actually the first wolf that Grazia had made friends with when she first arrived here. Meade gave Grazia a quick, apologetic glance before gently taking the black and gold pup by the scruff and carrying her away. "Meade, what's-" Grazia tried to ask her in her heavily Italian accented tones as the woman carried her last child away, but the Caregiver quickly hushed her with a sharp shake of her head. Hours later Grazia was put on on trial and sentenced to death for her three almost completely white children.

The next day the Seer that had overseen the whole ordeal with Grazia the day before came to the den where Meade was. Grazia's last surviving child, the black pup with yellow-gold markings, was drinking from her. The Seer, named Abram, settled on his stomach near Meade with a sigh, gently touching the pup with his nose. "What an unfortunate and cruel situation you have been born into, young one," he said quietly. After much thought and reflection, he decided the pup had escaped this taint that had plagued the rest of her siblings. He saw the vibrant yellow markings as a sign that she was meant for something more and was a gift from Micah herself as a sign that the most beautiful things can be brought out of the darkest places.

After the Seer's decision was made and he shared his thoughts with the Elders it was agreed that Meade would continue to nurse the pup and care for her. Meade soon adopted the pup as her own, naming her since Grazia had not been given the chance to do so. Inspired by her golden markings, Meade named her Oria, for its similarity to the word 'aura'. When Grazia had first come to their pack, she had spent a good bit of time exchanging knowledge with Meade. Meade taught her some of the finer details of healing that she had learned in exchange for a few lessons in Italian. Because of this, Meade chose to pass on this knowledge to Oria when she was young. Later, at her naming ceremony, Oria chose to take the middle name Guaritore, the Italian word for 'healer', in a silent and secret dedication to the memory of her mother.

Oria grew up knowing only vague information about her birth mother, but Meade made it very clear to her that she had been adopted. She did not want to have their relationship be living on a lie. Oria still considered Meade to be her mother, whether by adoption or not, and grew up very closely with Meade's children as her siblings.

Because of how she was raised, Oria grew up with a very independent mind set. She floated around the pack, gathering up any little bit of information she could get her paws on. At times she felt alone and distant from the others, but Meade became her foundation and more of a mother figure for her than she could have asked for. She naturally gravitated toward healing as her craft and quickly began to excel in it, to the point where she was learning from one of the Head Healers herself.

Oria also felt a deep connection to learning about each of the gods and goddesses. Because of this and because of Oria's extreme attention to details and knowledge, once she was old enough and once the Head Healer thought she was ready, she put Oria in the position of Shaman. She was well on her way to becoming Head Healer herself, but she craved more information and to see more things. She had traveled all of the lands around their home more times than she could count and couldn't see what else she could learn here. She expressed her concerns to Meade, the Head Healer who had been training her, and Abram, the Seer who had watched her grow from that helpless pup to this independent woman.

With her mentor and Meade's blessing and Abram's insistence that she go find whatever it was that her heart and the gods were telling her to find, she left her homeland.

Oria holds a deep seeded appreciation for all of the gods and goddesses, but she gravitates more strongly toward the god and goddesses of Love and Birth, Nahid, Aatos, and Micah.

Independent. Wise. Kind. Scholar. Dedicated. Hard working. High spirited.

Oria can easily be described as an old soul. Perhaps it was her unusual up bringing that made her that way or maybe it was a trait given to her by the gods, but it makes her seem much older than she actually is. She carries herself with an air of wisdom. This sense isn't completely unwarranted. Oria works day and night to learn as much as she can about anything and everything. She focuses mainly on healing, the world around her, and the gods and goddesses she grew up knowing, but she would never turn down a chance to learn something new. Even though she feels much older than she is, that does not make her arrogant or rude. In fact, Oria is quite the opposite. She is kind and benevolent to almost anyone she meets.

It can be hard to keep Oria tied to one place. She is a free spirit combined with a logical, mathematical mind. She has a hard time seeing why she has to live in one spot all the time, especially if new knowledge and training lie just around the corner. That's not to say that she doesn't feel connections to other wolves or to places, these connections just generally aren't her priority. She does like to have fun on occasion and does have a very bright, glass is half full, out look on life. She puts her trust in their gods and knows they will take care of them as long as she follows their will.

She has come to Alacritis to discover new things and hone her healing skills.

RP example:
Oria sat at the edge of a cliff, her eyes closed, the breeze ruffling her fur, the feather dangling from her bracelet flicking to and fro in the wind. She had been here for some time now, sending words up to each of the gods and goddesses in turn. She began with Micah, thanking her again for the billionth time for the golden markings that had saved her life. She prayed to Nahid to help Meade understand why she needed to leave and to help keep the bond between herself and her adoptive mother strong. She asked Arnau for easy hunting since this would be the first time she would be out on her own without the pack to help with such things. She wouldn't be able to only put her energy toward healing and learning from now on. She asked Yosef to give his understanding to Adel to help with figuring out her dream and, as she did every time she sent her words to the gods, she asked Feridun for her mother and siblings to have peace. Oria gave her thanks to each of the other gods and goddesses before she finally opened her eyes and let her green gaze look out over the cliff with a sigh.

It would be winter soon. Did she really want to leave now? Perhaps she should wait for Spring... No. If I am going to make this journey it has to be now, she thought to herself. She felt it in her bones. Now was the time. The wind picked up again and she smiled as it blew back her fur again. It felt like the gods were telling her to go and she wouldn't deny them. She rose to her paws and trotted back toward the den where her mother was sure to be waiting. She felt a little guilty as Shaman for leaving so soon before the Winter sacrifices, but it couldn't be helped. She was sure Abram would understand, she had mentioned it to him before. She hoped her teacher and Meade would understand just as well. "Meade?" she called as she got close, her gaze glancing around the area surrounding the den. "Are you here? I need to ask you about something."



5 Years
11-07-2015, 02:58 AM (This post was last modified: 11-08-2015, 04:03 PM by Caeli.)
Name: Adel Meade Gøran
[Image: Adel_zpslhojiy1j.png~original]
Adel is a thing of beauty, all sleek lines and bright. Majority of her pelt is a creamy yellow, but is broken up with lines of dark brown and cream. It seemed that she is more unbalanced then balanced as the only part of her that is mirrored on the others side is her face markings, everything else is not. Her right front leg is fully yellow while her left is broken up evenly by her dominant colors. Her left back leg is fully cream while the right has a sock of cream. Her left ear is fully cream while the right is yellow. Her tail is a fully cream thing, bleeding into the cream on her left back leg. Her face though have mirrored, a heart shape of dark brown separate the cream and yellow. Last of her major markings is the brown starting from her nose down the bridge meting both eyes then continuing on to a point high on her head.

She is a small thing and thin. Her legs are long compared to her size and her body sleek. She is so thin that her belly swoops up in a dramatic manner. She is no way shape or form starving, in fact she ate much more then others of her size. But no matter how much she eats she still keeps her thin size.
Eye colour: Green
Rank: Caregiver
Pack history: Being born with a bright color Adel was seen as a good sign to her mother, But her color was not precisely those of the prophets and healers, instead she was left on that boarder on the wrong side. But even so it was shown that her line was close to those high beings and thus Adel was raised with the mentality that she had the potential to give birth to the next great prophet.

Along those lines Adel was raised in the art of child rearing, just hoping for the chance to do the gods bidding...

But everything changed for her. A dream haunted her, not only for a night for for many nights. In her dream, she was nursing the most shockingly colored pup but the longer she basked in that knowledge the pup began to fade, seeming to die right in front of her. As the last breath left the young one the scene changed leaving her in land that she had never seen before. In front of her was the same shockingly colored pup but this time he was happy and healthy, playing along side others of his color... Her dream changed again this time she was older, and around her played many bright colored wolves, a young she pup toddled up to her saying 'Grandma! Look what daddy found!' Adel never saw what the young one was trying to show her as she woke before her son came into view.

The dream left her restless, and scared and confused. What was it trying to tell her? Why did her pup die in the very den she woke to every day, but thrived in this unknown land? What was the great Yosef telling her when he gave her these dreams? Every day after she woke with this dream she would pray to Yosef for the answer.

A month after the dreams started her adopted sister came home to seek guidance from her mother that it finally hit Adel. Her sister was planing on leaving the pack, hoping to learn about the world around them and find a path for herself. It was with that knowledge that she had to go with her sister on this great adventure and find her own future...

Beliefs: With her color Adel gave much of her homage early in life to Micah the goddess who showed Adel great favor in her gift of her bright pelt.

But after her months of dreams she started to pay closer attention to Yosef who seemed to take great interest in her for reasons unknown to her at the moment.

Personality: Adel who had been raised with the belief that she was destined to be the mother of a prophet was raised with that in mind. She is kind and soft. She has a great urge to help those in need especially the young. She has a bit of a doctors without boarders mentality about her supervises as a midwife, she does not care what side you are on or who you are if you need help she would help you. She is also very soft spoken and to some extent shy. She does not do well around those she does not know and can be found hiding behind her adopted sister, who is a whole lot more outgoing. Lastly Adel is humble, she takes no credit for her accomplishments or intellect, being born with her bright pelt but told from an early age to not take her fortunate self for granted, to praise the goods for their favor in her and do her best to please them.
Plans: To figure out the dreams gifted to her.

RP example:Adel smiled at the wolf guarding the entrance to the cave. The birth had been a long and tiring one but rewarding. Five new lives have entered the world, with her help. A longing like no other filled Adel. Dreams has plagued her ever night this month and none of her prayers have been answered on their meaning. She tiredly made her way back to the den she sheared with her mother and moved to her bed tiredly laying down. She had not be alone for long when her mother came home soon after her. She smiled at Adel, "How did it go Darling?"

Adel gave a tired but happy sigh, "It went smoothly enough just long because of all the babies in her. Five in total, all black with brown." She frown then, her voice going much softer then before. "Do you think I will ever get the chance to bear young?" She had tired all year to get the eye of a strong warrior, he was lovely, a pitch black male who eyes shown red, a grand warrior. But it seemed no matter what she did he was not interested... Not that she tried all that hard, she mostly just watched him from afar, admiring him with longing in her eyes...

Her mother hummed coming close to her. She licked Adel's forehead. "Of course my Darling, you have a bright future. The gods have shown you great fortune already so of course you are meant for more." She looked into her mothers green eyes. "I am sure its just not the right time. Now sleep baby girl, tomorrow will be a new day."

With that Adel closed her eyes, falling quickly into a exhausted sleep. Not long after she went under the dream she been having.

She glowed with happiness. For not that long ago she gave birth to the most bright and amazing little pup. He was at this moment enthusiastically feeding from her side but as time passed his draws became shallower, his mews quieter until the dreaded moment happened and he finally fell silent, unmoving... She cried like she always did, calling to her mother to help, to do something for him. Adel's green eyes would dart around the very cave she was asleep in.

Her cry of pure anguish filled the air around her and as her dream self fell to her side painful whines falling from her mouth. But soon after she closed her eyes, the pain filled sounds still lifting from her that a small nose touched her cheek. Adel would jerk her head up and looked down at the very same pup who had died just moments ago, this time he was very much alive and was in fact much older. He whined at her asking, "What wrong momma?"

She would smile at him then, her pain from just a moment ago gone. "Nothing baby... Nothing at all, why don't you go play?" He beamed at her and without another word bounded away leaving the cave and into a forest she had never seen before. With shock Adel would look around her eyes darting around the cave. She had never seen this cave before, she was left speechless as again a small nose touched her cheek, she looked down into the mismatched eyes of a different pup, this one just as brightly colored as the first.

"Grandmomma! Look what daddy found!" Her eyes darted to the forest that she had never seen before but before her son could come into view she jerked awake.

She heaved as morning light fell onto her pelt, her mind swimming with the same dream she was having for the last month, and it left her just as pained and confused as before. She left the cave soon after waking and made the same pilgrimage she started a month ago to the sacred place of the gods. She then prayed to the god of dreams hoping for the answers, and answer to her dreams...

Adel spent half a day praying to Yosef and no obvious answer came to her. Dejected she made her way back home where she was surprised by her sister. She smiled at Oria as she left and moved to her mother. "What was that about?" She nuzzled her mothers face, humming softly at her.

Her mother returned the affection saying. "Oh your sister just needed some advice, she is feeling a bit lost and expressed a need to leave, I just encouraged her that she should fallow the gods calling and go where her heart leads."

Adel gasped then, everything seeming to fall into place for her. "Oria is leaving? To a far away land?"

Her mother looked at her then, confusion in her eyes. "What is it Darling?"

Adel looked to her mother then. "I think I know what great Yosef is telling me to do, I need to go with Oria!" With that Adel raced away, chasing after her adopted sister.

Oh did you only say 100 words I thought you meant 800 words xD


11-07-2015, 09:26 PM

Name: Ayla Verde Goran (Aye-lah Vare-day)
Age: 2
Appearance: Ayla could be described as a "sunset". Her colors are vibrant, bright, a blessing. Hues of magenta coat her form, starting at a bright but vibrant shade and darkening to a near black as the furs descend towards her paws and points. Highlights of purple/magenta cuts through her fur, along her cheek, through, belly and flank. What really makes her coloration so vibrant, so rare, is the gold that accents it. On the right side of her face, a whisk of gold starts from her chin, flowing up to her eye and ending in a swished point, with another small line of gold curving just under her eye. The same gold paints both of her forepaws before swirling up in whisks of golden flames, fading in ways and sharp in others before curling up along the edge of the point where her leg meets body and ending in a flame like whisk, fading along her ribcage before ending about half way to her hind legs. In a similar way, gold would swirl around her hind knees, not quite touching flank or paw. Her eyes, themselves, are two little suns smoldering upon her face, a bright yellow-gold, warm with affection or burning with rare rage.

While Ayla is exquisite in coloration her size is...something else. She is small by her family's standards, but not any less large in personality. At full height she stands at a..."adoreable" 27" to the shoulder. Her weight hardly tops 80lbs, and it shows. She has a delicate body, small but built. She is both powerful and fragile, a whisper and a roar. Thick furs colored by the gods, her body sculpted by her hands. She is truly...blessed.

Eye colour: Orange
Rank: Seer
Accessories: One day, when Gwen wasn't being particularly "wicked" he had given her one of his pretty roses, which Ayla keeps tucked and tied behind her ear. She says she keeps it, whenever asked, because its pretty. But in truth, she secretly treasures the small red flower, knowing how hard her half brother had worked for the token.
Pack history:
Dictated by Ayla, but not read

"Ayla was blessedly born to a ranked warrior named Tytus and a medic woman who really doesn't need to have a name. She was something....spectacular! It was just fate that she was born on the most sunny and warm spring morning, probably some sort of prequel to her arrival. The day she was born was bound to go down in some sort of infamy, reguardless of how she looked. Because, really, it was Ayla! But this..oh this, this little girl was something else. When she was born the Caregiver immediately ran for the ranked Seer who, to her unnamed mother's delight, was immediately brandished with all the praise and affection someone as wonderful as that little girl deserved.

However, she had some very wicked half siblings. Well, a certain one in particular. Despite how much the pack adored her, cared about her, this one did not. Infact, he was jealous! Yeah, that's right. He was jealous. Jealous of how wonderful she was, how pretty she was, and that the gods had picked her to be this way. All 'cause his mom was clingable and he wasn't all that special, he made her life miserable! Not that she didn't throw some good zingers his way from time to time. But the unspectacular boy deserved it. She always claimed having him for a half brother would help her grow into a better, more spectacular wolf.

...If his unspectacularity didn't drag her down first. But that couldn't happen, nope!

Life went by rather nicely. She was taught how to be the best seer she could be, not that anyone had any real doubts in her abilities. She deserved to be great, that's for sure. But one day, well no. It was a long time coming, wasn't it. Life wasn't...all that great. Her pack wasn't facing as many sunny days as the one where she had been born. No. There was famine, war, disease...unhappy and ungood things. Dreadful things. So one day, word had travelled to her that a certain brother she rather didn't like had decided to go on to find better things for the pack. So in a moment of graciousness and kindlyness, the wonderful Ayla had decided to go on the journey as well. Such a selfless act for someone so important, but she had too! For the greaterness of her pack. So off she went, to see with her own eyes what might be in store for the Goran family.

What a wonderful thing indeed."

Beliefs: Ayla has been taught extensively of the gods, but her prayers are more often directed to Yosef to grant her a Seer's sight, and to Nahid, to help guide her to her quest, and through her fate.

Ayla is a creature that seems simple, but beneath her vibrant exterior lays a complicated puzzle of sorts. She was raised loved and respected, and at times feared. It is because of this very crucial, very important puzzle piece that creates the loud and exuberant Ayla you're most likely to see. By being happy, and bubbly she is less likely to be feared, and by being exuberant and kind she feels she wont lose that love and affection, that she wont have to work for her name and feel resentment like "some" Goran she knows. Her early childhood played a major role on her personality. Not only did she see the generous side of being blessed in birth, but she also knew what it was like not to be, namely what her half brother had to bear to get the things he deserved. It is this that created the fear that the love and affection may one day disappear, so she wears this smile to hold onto it, to keep as many of the pack happy and devoted to her as possible. Due to this, she can be regal, something akin to royalty. She seems to bear the weight of her position in the pack well, and hold it with a grace she knows is required. She can be kind hearted and generous, but will often do things to find herself more gain in life. By doing a good deed for a packmate, she might gain more love, more devotion, more renown. Selfish but painting it as selfless, she is the perfect politician.

Ayla is very self absorbed, falling for her own "reality". She is wonderful, spectacular, perfect, really. But she can be better as well. Despite how much is given too her, she does work for it in her own way. Maybe not with sweat and blood like some wolves she knows, but with tact, sore cheeks from smiling, and a very sharp mind. Her intelligence is not easily matched, even if she does use it for selfish reasons, or things that might seem immature or unimportant to some wolves she knows. A, a "seer", she lives for her pack, for her own gains, and for the gods. Because, really, isn't that just how she's supposed to act? But despite all this, she is not "bad". She toes the line between selfish and selfless, and while a lot of her traits and be seen in a very negative light, she can use it all effectively for good, if she chooses. Those close to her know of her kind heart, it just takes a moment to get past the giggles, the silliness, and the intense desire to be everything she was promised to be.

Plans: Ayla is following Gwen not because she wants too, but because she has too! It's her duty, her right to ensure the Goran pack are given everything they deserve, and she wants to ensure that Gwen won't mess it up. Because, really, who can do it as well as she can?

RP example:

She hopped along the rocks that bordered the free flowing river, her bright orange eyes staring deep into the depths, watching as the fish swam about. If she were hungry, she might ask him to help her get a fish, but she wasn't about to lower herself to ask such a thing. No, she was not hungry...not at all. Without her approval the point of her tongue quickly swiped across her lips. Eyes would grow a tad wider before she clicked her jaw shut and cleared her throat, hoping that little movement hadn't been noticed. "Perhaps if I chose the direction, we might be able to make a little headway, hmm?" She asked in her soft voice, turning her head around to try and find him. But there was nothing, nope. Not even a sign that he had been there. A groan pulled from her throat and her eyes fell half lidded, mouth curling up at one side. "Just leave me why don't you!" She called, hopping down from her rock and doing a little twirl. Darkness was settling, and by Feliks, it was getting dark. Swallowing slightly, her head ducked down just a bit. "G-Gwen, this isn't funny!" She said with as much strength and normalicy as she could muster before a sudden crack! snapped behind her. With a loud yelp she bolted, yellow and black paws pounding across the earth, not knowing where she was going but knowing that she was going. Damn Gwen! He would pay.


Fluffy Marshmallow

13+ Years
11-07-2015, 09:52 PM
Shelby gets Oria! The bracelet is totally okay to have, and I adore your app. Thank you so much for sticking close to the Gøran family! You are free to create Oria now. She would know about Gwen being in Alacritia as well, as not much happens in the pack without others hearing about it.

My focus needs more focus.



9 Years
Athena I
11-07-2015, 09:59 PM
-excited high pitched squeal-


Fluffy Marshmallow

13+ Years
11-08-2015, 12:41 AM (This post was last modified: 11-08-2015, 01:37 AM by Evelyn.)
Just a note, I thought that this was in here but I guess not. Gwen is coming to Ala with others to search for a new homeland, as there are many wars and a famine going on back in the pack.

Arin gets Ayla!

My focus needs more focus.


Fluffy Marshmallow

13+ Years
03-05-2016, 02:54 PM
-bumps adoption- Anyone who gets a Goran will get art now!

My focus needs more focus.



9 Years
Athena I
03-05-2016, 03:13 PM
-whispers- do current Gorans get art too? xD



5 Years
03-05-2016, 03:25 PM
Yes, it may be a WIP with all my other art projects. xD



7 Years
03-05-2016, 03:29 PM
-Debates- If I do apply for one it'll be after I bring Abisai in.
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