
Fishing in the Fog



1 Year
Extra large
11-09-2015, 10:31 PM

Falx slogged through the chilly water. A pre-dawn fog was drifting over it's calm surface, the pale light barely making it through. Everything was a different shade of gray and she was hungry. Tiny minnows would nibble at the ends of the fur on her legs when she stood still but those didn't hold a lick of interest for her. She 'harrumped' and kept moving.

There had to be a decent fishing spot here somewhere, right? A sand bank or inlet or dam or something she could use to her advantage. She was hoping that fishing would be an easy way out of this nutrition predicament she'd found herself in but... So far that had not been the case. At least in this blasted fog she felt somewhat safe, felt like she had the space and privacy to think. Really that meant time to space out that wouldn't get her jumped by some assholes or mauled by a bear, but such was life, right? She rolled her eyes, even if it was at her own thoughts. Her stomach growled and she sighed too, thinking to herself, Focus, dumbass. Finding something on land would just take way too much effort, and she was not on that level today. Winter was almost upon them and she was dreading the colder months ahead.

"Talk" "You" Think

Absinthe 1

11-09-2015, 11:10 PM

Her second winter was rapidly approaching, and she was a little disappointed. Her trip with Bacc hadn't gone nearly as wonderfully as she'd wanted. It was supposed to have been super fun, and her and Bacchus were going to have explored their old homes. What had happened? Well, she'd encountered a major issue in the form of someone blatantly robbing her of her childhood abode. The injustice! Violet hackles rose at the mere recollection, and she growled into the still night air. Dawn was fast approaching, but she'd been wandering aimlessly for long enough that the cold had ceased to bother her. Somehow, she'd ended up in the delta. She didn't come here often, the sand clung so aggressively to her pelt that is was more trouble than it was worth. She liked the volcano better, despite the.. not so pleasant memories associated with the locale. The lavender hues of her slender limbs had deepened with age, as she approached her second year. Her ivory mottling had not disappeared, as she'd hoped so desperately. If anything, it became more stark against her features. Alabaster toes skimmed delicately across the damp terrain, watching the trickling water slowly grow in volume and noise. She was getting to the heart of the delta.

The soft mist that had clung so desperately to the flora in the last few hours was under threat as the sky lightened imperceptibly. Droplets of moisture coated her fine derma, and the femme felt the aqua try and invade her pelt. Mismatched optics sought something worth her attention in the wee hours, and found nothing. Splashing water away from her in an arc, she tried to see what animals she could annoy in a single move. The verdict? Two minnows and a small crab. Lame. She muttered internally, sashaying her way deeper into the rushing currents. She was a fairly strong swimmer, so the currents weren't a concern to her, despite her diminutive size. As the ocean reared up in front of her, and the water lapped at her elbows, she decided the cool waters would make for a pleasant passtime. A swim actually didn't sound half bad right about now. Bounding deeper into the water, she let the current drag her into the sea. As she lazily paddled to keep her head above water, she noted the presence of someone else. A trim figure was prowling the shallower water. Looks like someone else had the same idea. She mused, sinking below the salty ocean water to avoid being struck head on by a breaching wave. Striking at the water with her forepaws, she pulled herself onwards. The salt water stung her eyes at first, but she got used to it quickly enough.

The moonlight that managed to penetrate the fog lit the undersea landscape in shades of silver and grey. Paddling up to the surface, the lilac damsel sucked in a breath. She was right, the water was refreshing! She settled for floating in the briny water, enjoying the lack of energy required to stay afloat. Air trapped in the underhairs of her coat, as well as what was flowing in and out of her lungs kept her buoyed. It was a much better morning now, for sure. She wasn't too troubled by whoever was lurking in the delta. They were probably just wandering around, like her. This was a good place to get lost, if you thought about it.
