
A Time Before


08-23-2014, 10:42 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
For the wayward heart, there was but the choice of wandering. Yet the wandering felt empty. She was searching for some destination, some goal, without any idea of what it was, where it was, nor any idea of just how close she loomed to it. Paws would lead the woman on as night fell, her teal-green eyes searching. Her heart was beating, and she was breathing, but she didn't feel fully alive. Things were missing. Vital pieces of her. Even if she couldn't remember what they were the fact that so much of her memory was foggy, broken, made Ellis wonder what was all real and what was false.

The wind called to her, coaxing the healer to walk on through the summer evening. The song of insects were in the air, the heat warming her mixed coat of earthy tones, white, and silver. She would lift her nose to the sky, scenting the air. There were wolves here, though it was not pack territory. Something about those scents sent a shiver down the woman's spine. She would pause, a single paw lifted in the air as she scented the air again. Those scents... she felt like she should know them. Ellis would set her paw down, head tilting to the side before letting out a short, questioning howl. Would someone answer her?

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.