
Wonders Above



6 Years
11-14-2015, 04:02 PM
These trees were... bizarre, to say the least. They arched above her head, and then spread out higher above... almost like a mushroom. A really, really big mushroom with leaves instead of a cap, but still mushroom-looking. It was so strange, and the woman could hardly believe that she had never been in this area before. Now, though, she could explore. It would be an interesting experience, and she would add this to yet another land she had been to, another area she had seen. It satisfied her wandering spirit, the spirit that ran in the Diamachi blood and one that she was often not struck with. This time, though, it had hit her, and she found herself wandering - there were no regrets, however; it was simply the Diamachi way to move, to wander, to explore and to see.


Any Diamachi is allowed to crash in Irie's threads!



4 Years
Dire wolf
11-18-2015, 12:59 PM

This was no place for a pack to settle.

His eyes were wide as the giant explored the cove, yellow and green eyes landing on one of the nearest trees. Strolling over to it he reached up a paw and scored the wood, only to have it seep out a red fluid that looked very much like blood. Nose wrinkling the warrior took a step back, licking the sap from his claws as he watched the strange tree bleed. This was for sure not a place for his family, but he couldn't leave just yet. No, this was far too interesting to just pass up. Humming to himself he moved away from the tree, shrugging his shoulders so that his rose wreath could settle upon him in a more comfortable position. There was no doubt that winter would soon be upon these lands, there was a certain chill in the air. He knew that it would not be as cold as some places, given that there were no really northern climates here, but the lands still had to rest at some point. It would be then that it would be far harder to replace the dying roses on his wreath, and he would have to go without it until spring came back. It would have to do for now, it was the downfall of his warriors gifts. He was not given something that did not spoil, and so he had to replace them.

The spotted male rounded a corner, and it was then that he noticed the female strolling about the cove. His gaze roved over her brown and white form, a certain approving look held in them. There were many different wolves in these lands, and they were not at all like the wolves back home. But she would be one of the first that he had run into that could very well pass for a member of his family, even though there was a touch of white on her features. It was so minimal though, that he was sure that the elders would have let her live. Perhaps Micah was trying to warn the girl of a bad omen, but he was no shaman. Maybe Ayla would know... Gwenaël gave a snort of surprise as his half sister came into mind, it wasn't often that he allowed her to crawl about freely in his head. Giving his big crown a shake, he cleared his mind before carefully approaching the stranger. He towered over the smaller female, and couldn't help but smile softly as he looked down at her. "Greetings, could you tell me the name given to this land?" he asked, his voice carrying an obviously foreign accent.

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
12-05-2015, 01:26 PM

The woman heard movement, and she would turn to face what it was, scenting quite the strange scent. Curiosity would alight her features, as well as a gentle sweetness as she dipped her head in greeting. This was certainly an interesting male in front of her; he was spotted, much like a deer - and, oh! even his tail... or rather, lack thereof. Oh, and the roses! It was quite peculiar, how he wore them draped across his shoulders like that. She'd never seen something like that before, and it made her curious; he did not seem to be a pack wolf, after all. There were no scents that lined up that way, in any case.

Quite another thing she noticed was his height - she had never seen someone, other than Mithras - as tall as this. This man easily matched Mithras in height, if not bigger - that in itself was wondrous as well. Also amusing, for the woman could easily walk under the giant male. He'd speak, and her ears would flicker, a pleasant surprise flickering in her eyes. This was not the sound of a Northern Alacritian wolf; nor was it the sound of one of Southern Alacritia. It was one that was utterly foreign, and that made her truly curious. Perhaps this was a man whom she could acclimate to the Diamachi, and teach them the Diamachi ways! First though, she would answer his question with a firm nod. "Yes, it is known as the Dragon's Blood Grove," she answered softly, her own voice with an accent of her own: different from those of Northern Alacritis, it carried the sound of the Diamachi in its depths. "My name is Irie Diamachi. What is yours?" she asked curiously, head tilting as she looked up at the stranger.

"Talk" "You" Think

Any Diamachi is allowed to crash in Irie's threads!



4 Years
Dire wolf
12-07-2015, 06:53 PM

Ah, Dragon's Blood Cove. With the trees that seemed to bleed, it was a very fitting name for such a dark place. His duel-toned eyes gazed down at the tiny female, a touch of a smile cross his black lips. She seemed like a kind woman, from her features he guessed that she was a few years older than himself. Age didn't matter too much to the giant though, it was only a number after all. He dipped his head slightly as she introduced herself, committing her name to his memory. "A pleasure, Miss Irie. My name is Gwenaël Nikifor Gøran." He said in his deep baritone, folding himself so that his rump was seated on the earth. Even then he had to fold his chin towards his chest so that he could look down at the woman, and couldn't help but smirk a bit. He was used to being taller than everyone else, but it still amused him. Plus, this woman showed no fear at the sight of him, which was always welcomed. He had had some wolves from these lands turn and flee as soon as they saw his massive form. He wasn't that scary, even though he was a strong fighter, he didn't pick fights unless he needed to. Gwen was no cruel beast, unless the situation called for it.

"Tell me, Miss Irie, are you from these parts?" he asked, his head tilting to the side slightly. He obviously wasn't from here, so her slightly different voice meant nothing to him. He was very new to these lands, and was not familiar with the different tones that the wolves here had. To him, they all sounded different. It had only been about two weeks since he had left his lands, and he was still trying to get used to everything here.

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
01-02-2016, 01:07 PM

A gentle smile was aimed at the giant. "Likewise, Gwenaël," she returned softly, seating herself before him. Her won wry smile overtook her face as she tipped her head back, noting his smirk - it must amuse him, to be so tall... and she didn't blame the man one bit. She'd be quite amused as well should she tower over one such as he did. She was used to it, though, with Mithras around - Gwenaël was probably as tall as Mithras, roundabouts. And Mithras? A sweetheart he was, all goofy and silly.

He asked if she was from these parts, and her head would tip to the side. In a way she was, though not in the typical sense of the phrase. "I am," she murmured with a decisive nod. "I am Diamachi, however; I travel and wander, as it is in my blood to do so. I know most of the lands of Southern Alacritia." Now Northern Alacritia? Not so much at all. Those were where the pack wolves were, and she generally stuck to where her family wandered.

"Talk" "You" Think

Any Diamachi is allowed to crash in Irie's threads!