
straight into the mouth of the unknown


11-18-2015, 01:39 PM
For Quake!

The first snows had fallen on the ground, a familiarity and a feeling of serenity accompanying the cold. He found he rather liked the cold, no matter how strange that might be, and he often found himself playing games with it, knocking it around to see what he could do with it. It was one of his favorite activities, besides looking for hidey holes and other alcoves to find solitude in of course. There was that lingering idea in his head that he should find someone else to play with him. He could always ask one of his siblings, maybe Sandpiper, but still, even playing started to get old after a while.

Part of him considered what the members of the pack did. He learned a little bit about the ranking systems, just not a lot. He knew there were hunters and healers and guardians and leaders and tiers, he just didn’t know how it all tied together and related, thus he didn’t look further into it, though he made a note to ask Lark or maybe his parents about it. There was a small shining in his bi-colored eyes as he knocked snow around with his nose, thinking and wondering as he had always done.