
Snap my fingers



7 Years
Dire wolf
11-20-2015, 08:50 PM (This post was last modified: 11-20-2015, 09:10 PM by Angelus.)

Angelus was looking for his slave. She'd been rather quiet since her capture; not that he blamed her. Although it had never happened to him and he couldn't begin to understand what she was going through, at the very least he could imagine that it was a lot to take in. On top of that she had wounds to deal with. She probably didn't wish to see anybody, but she was Servus so what did it matter what she wanted? He wanted to make sure she was alright; that her wounds were healing and that she wasn't doing something stupid like starving herself. Maybe if she was doing better he'd start having her accompany him places.

The brute paused beside the tractor to look around. Imperium was a big place, but he knew it well. It was only a matter of time before he found wherever she'd decided to make her den. In his mouth he carried a rabbit. He didn't really want anyone to see him with it; it felt kind of odd to be taking care of a Servus instead of being served by one, but this one was different. She was his and she was hurt; in order for her to be well she needed to eat and take care of her wounds. He wasn't a healer like his sister, but he could hunt. For now the brute would feed her and make sure her wounds were tended to by those who specialized in such things, and when she was well the roles would be reversed.



4 Years
11-20-2015, 10:06 PM (This post was last modified: 11-20-2015, 10:06 PM by Takira.)

Shock had been the first thing she had, after waking up after her blackout Takira had not be able to move around much. Both shoulders have been bruised and that had made even the shortest walk unbearable, and not only that the large gash in her neck had trouble healing and then the leg that was already broken from before, all together it left her pretty immobile, and even moving a bit left her in such pain that she never wanted to get up again. And after that shock of pain humiliation of becoming a true slave. She had hidden away licking her wounds as much as her pride would allow her to. She had found a small hole, hardly big enough for her to curl up in but safe, oh so safe. The confined space reminded her of her mother, where Taska made her den far to the south...

Takira woke with a start, the dream she been having since she woke in her new pack. Not that this was the first time she had this dream, no it was the very nightmare she started having after her mother's murder. But for a short time they had gone away, in fact they went away soon after she met Enigma... But now that she had seen bloodshed, had seen a slaughter again they came to the forefront, her dreams had started again and with a sadistic twist... Added to her mothers twisted face as she was mauled she sad Enigma's own mauling, she saw her dreams of a family get swiped away with teeth again and again and again.

She bolted upright and out of her den, coming out into the fresh air, her eyes panicked and watchful as she surveyed the flowing field of wild corn. She was breathing heavy and willing calm to over take her battered mind and body. Not that her body was that battered, most of her injuries have healed, even the limp she had from her broken back leg wasn't bothering her. Her mouth was the only thing that still hurt her, and frankly it made hunting hell, the few times she had worked up the urge to go and kill a rabbit or two the moment she snapped her jaw around the poor things neck she yelped in pain, releasing her hoped to have dinner with its life...

Now she was going hungry... Well not really every so often she would find food waiting for her, she was not sure who was leaving them or why... She was only a slave after all, she knew what that means she was property, she belonged to someone... And why did they care if she was well or not? Takira shock her head then, banishing the dark thoughts, she had heard though that she could earn her freedom by doing the thing she been doing since she was alone at the age of one. She would get her freedom and then she was going to leave this place and this pack behind. She missed Enigma, she missed him like a eagle missed the sky...

Takira sighed, getting to her paws, her stomach was growling at her, telling her, again, that she was still hungry. She moved her jaw and resisted the jerk that was still present... But besides that she had to go out and hunt... She had to try at least. She scanned the area looking for the slightest movement and stopped cold. That very large form was unmistakable, panic filled her as her fight and flight instinct filled her, and it wasn't fight that she felt like doing. But no mattered how much she wanted to run for the hills and never look back her pride kept her in place. What more could be done to her? What more could any one do to her than what was already done? She was torn open and her pride striped to almost nothing. For her that was almost death... She waited for him then, not even seeing the offering in his mouth, she waited for him to strip her of the last of her pride...

[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]



7 Years
Dire wolf
11-23-2015, 09:04 PM

Ah ha! There she was. After readjusting his grip on the rabbit Angelus then ambled closer. The old farmyard was filled to the brim with odds, ends and wonky plants so he couldn't just make a beeline towards her. He had to wind his way around all that junk and try not to get tangled in any of the vines. The ground was rutted and pitted, and the dips in it were occasionally hidden by weeds which made traversing with grace a little tricky. Mind you, tricky, but not impossible.

A chilly wind howled across the Range and easily knifed through his coat and chilled him. Winter had to be his least favorite season. He liked snow well enough, but being cold all the time sucked. It made him wish he still shared a den with his family. That's the one thing he remembered vividly from his first winter. Being snuggled up with everybody and pleasantly warm despite the snow and ice blanket just a few feet above their heads.

Finally he stood before her. Casually he dropped the rabbit on the ground and then licked at his lips to clear them of blood and fluff. She was looking a lot better; her wounds healing nicely. "This is for you," he said simply.



4 Years
11-24-2015, 04:56 AM

Takira held perfectly still as the male spotted her and came right up to her dropping the carcass that was in his mouth. Not that she looked at it at all, no she never looked away from the male standing in front of her. When he spoke she had to again fight the instinct to run. "Thank you..." Was the only thing she said as she watched him with amber eyes. She did not move one inch in that time, instead of devouring the offering.

But as time passed and nothing else was done, she felt the tightness and panic leave her. "What now?" She asked aloud, more to herself then to the male. That was the question, she was almost at full health again, displaying nothing more than a small limp when the weather was at it coldest and then her jaw being sore, but other than that she was fine. So now that the prize was able what would this male do? What was expected of her? And that was what scared her.

Her belly growled at her then, she looked at away from the male for the first time down at the rabbit that was dropped at his feet. She stifled the urge to lick her chops and then glanced back at the male. She was not going to stick her neck out, not to this guy who efficiently pounded her into submission. Frankly she was not going to give him more than what she had too, and her pride was not going to be the price of her freedom.

She did not move her gaze back to the rabbit even though she wished it was down into her stomach and not laying on the ground. But again she was not going to stick her neck out to be pounded again just because she made a mistake of thinking that he was giving her a olive branch. Through all of this Takira's face had not changed one inch. But as she came to a decision, she still would not put her neck out but maybe she would see just what he wanted with her, what he came to her for instead of letting her suffer in her dark hole alone. "Who are you and what do you expect from me?"

[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]



7 Years
Dire wolf
11-29-2015, 12:47 AM

After dropping the rabbit Angelus stood still as he waited for her to start eating it or at least claim it by drawing it closer to herself. Neither of which she did. After a moment of nothingness his eyebrows rose and drew together in a silent question. All she did was stare at him. Was she broken? Maybe he'd hit her hard enough to jar something loose.

"What now?" At last - life! He shrugged, his eyes narrowing briefly in a scrutinizing squint. "You eat the rabbit," he coached. Her fear did little to diminish his pep. They'd work through it. While she was right to fear him if she was going to be this rabbit-still all the time they'd never get anything done. They needed to find a balance, a level of healthy fear that would keep her in her place but not quite paralyze her in place.

An audible grumble from the woman's stomach finally managed to break their locked gaze. No more than a few seconds passed before she was looking up at him again. Angelus resisted the urge to sigh with disappointment. "My name is Angelus," he said simply before explaining, "For starters I expect you to eat that rabbit."



4 Years
11-29-2015, 04:42 AM

And still Takira did not move, her face was still blank, almost cold in her emotionless state. Not that she wasn't feeling, because she was feeling a bit of panic, a little fear, and lastly a bit prideful. But all that did not move her frozen face, or cause her body to move in the least. Even when he spoke, telling her to eat did her frozen mask fall. But at his exasperated expression, and yes that was what she would call it, her eyes sharpened. Who was he to get irritated at her?

It is not like she came with a army to deliver a smack down to a small family. It was not like she charged him while he was bleeding to death and capture and enslave him. No she had only wanted to help Enigma and his family and maybe prove herself, maybe get the approval from the charming male's family... No she had only wanted to live a quite life, find a new family...

But she did not act on the raging anger... No she was much to smart for that, she knew that she would dig herself into a much deeper hole, and if Takira was anything she was patient, she could work her way out of this place... But again she was back to where she started with this male, she did not know what he wanted from her, did not know what one captured by another was expected to do for that wolf... So again she asked, "And after I eat the rabbit?" Her tone was soft, hiding both her new found anger and her own exasperation. "What will you have me do?"

She needed to know, needing to know if she was going to get into more trouble for refusing. For their was a few lines that she was not willing to cross, even if she did get beat for doing so... Moons she missed the days where it was only she and Enigma looking for her mother's killer.

[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]



7 Years
Dire wolf
11-29-2015, 01:41 PM

That was a good question. Angelus hadn't really decided on what all he was going to do with his Servus. He liked the idea of her accompanying him places and relaying messages or whatever he needed, maybe hunting for him or with him if he wanted bigger prey, but those were all loose ideas. He'd never been so thoroughly in charge of someone before. It was very different than bossing his siblings around and he couldn't quite compare that responsibility to this one.

He shrugged. "In addition to hunting for the pack you'll do...basically whatever I tell you to," he said lightly. What exactly all that entailed he hadn't decided. "You're looking a lot better," he commented. "You can come with me on my patrol." That was as good a place to start as any.



4 Years
11-29-2015, 09:33 PM

He seemed a bit out of his depth as well as she, but the difference being that she had not asked for this, that she was forced into servitude while he looked for a servant. He took on the responsibility without even knowing himself what that entailed, and then it hit her... He was young, had the smell of a male not yet in his prime. First shame hit her, for she lost to someone two years younger than she... Never mind the fact that she was not a trained warrior and he was much larger than she was... She quickly shrugged off that feeling, she was not one to wallow in self pity.

Then another realization hit her, in his naivety she was saved from some of the more horrible thoughts that had ran through her head when she first woke to this place. She settled then, her body visually becoming less tense. It was only then she let her eyes wander to the rabbit, her stomach growling much louder this time. She moved forward then, slowly, much like a puppy would when taking something from one of its family when it wasn't sure if it could. When the meat was in her teeth she moved back quickly and situating her body so she could still watch him she dug into the meat. She kept her bite clam not giving away her feelings.

It did not take her long to devour the kill and when she was done she looked at the male, Angelus. She had pondered what he said, knowing that nothing so far was against her morals, she relaxed even further. She was less cold in her expression but still mostly blank, tilting her head Takira watched him, her amber eyes curious but she kept her thoughts to herself for now, maybe when she knew him a bit better she would be open to let him know her thoughts, maybe even after this rocky start they could be friends. But again that was up in the air, it all depended on if he could earn her trust especially since it was so low on his list of priorities. "I am better, and even willing to go with you on your rounds."

She was tempted to leave it at that but knew if she did not set her boundaries now she may regret it, no she had to be up front with this guy, "I am a agreeable wolf, I will accept being your slave and even will do anything I can that I am expected to do. But know that I fallow a moral code and if anything you ask goes against that code I will refuse." She locked eyes with the purple male, showing him that yes she may be his slave, but she was no cowered, she had a will or iron, forged in the fire of brutality and loss. She may only be three but she had lost everything once before and that had strengthened her spirit against such things. No but she was not cruel, she would not cross into the line even though she once danced on the other side for a while. "I will hunt, defend, or anything else that comes to your mind, but I will not hurt those that are innocent in my eyes, even if you beat me half to death," again, "I will not cross that line, not again..."

[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]



7 Years
Dire wolf
12-03-2015, 09:41 PM

Unaware of her inner struggle Angelus simply waited. He had yet to consider just how much power he had over his captive; for the most part he was taking it moment by moment and trying to figure out the basics of what he was supposed to do and expect as a slave owner. He expected his slave to comply to any command he directed her way, but he had yet to consider what all that entailed. There was a lot to consider.

Finally she began to eat. In silence he waited for her to finish; his gaze and thoughts drifting away from her presently to fix on her near future. Before he could really map out their agenda for the day she was done and speaking to him. Her choice of words amused him, but he kept his amusement to himself. She didn't have to be willing to come with him, although he was glad that she was. Maybe it would be best if he put her in her place early on, but he didn't feel like getting into another fight and having to wait for her to heal up again.

Once done she looked up at him with an expression he knew meant trouble. The woman then parted with a mini speech about morals and refusing to do what he said if it she didn't like it. Angelus frowned. The brute knew exactly what he was going to have to do if she disobeyed him. He didn't like the idea, but he'd take her obedience from her skin if he had to. That was the thing to do. To do anything else would be to show weakness and showing even the smallest amount of weakness, the tiniest chink in his armor, would allow wolves would walk all over him.

His expression grave, he replied, "If you disobey me there will be consequences." But really, if all she was concerned about was him siccing her on an "innocent" then she didn't have much to worry about. He was a little offended that she thought she'd be doing any of his fighting for him as if he wasn't man enough to handle himself. "Rest assured, I do my own fighting."



4 Years
12-03-2015, 10:54 PM

Takira was not shocked by Angelus's words. She expected to be punished for any sort of refusal, but she would take that, her pride demanded it of her. As her blunt nature had demanded her to tell him up front that she would refuse. She also did not expect her to fight his battles, she knew from experience how well he could toss his bulk around, but she did not know what kind of male he was, and knowing how others where she was not going to take the chance of him thinking that she would amuse him by killing the weak for him... She nodded her head slightly at him, her amber eyes weary. "I will accept any sort of punishment if a situation like that arises..." And she hoped that it would not, she rather liked her hide.

She again tilted her head at him, wondering if he realized how willful his servant was? Did he realize that even if he pounded her into the ground day after day that she would not break from her will alone? She was a survivor like her mother before her who walked out of a volcano eruption with her young life, and her grandmother who was a Alpha of her own pack before a earthquake brought her to the world her dependent now lived in. Hardship made them strong as it would make Takira strong...

"I am ready to start whenever you are," She simply said after a moment of contemplation. And she was, the rumors had to be true and frankly she was going to show this pack that she had a will of steel fired in her dark past and the anger that had once filled her soul but now simmered deep down. That she had more pride then many wolves put together, that that pride was the only thing that drove her from her darkness and brought her back to the light.

Well if Angelus did not know it now after their brief encounter then he will learn it very soon.

I think this is a good place to stop this thread, if you desire, Laz, you can make a last post or leave it as is and make a new thread for whatever Angle has planed xD
[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]